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Plagiarism by students is a common and worldwide phenomenon with a significant impact on our society. Numerous studies on the pervasive nature of plagiarism among students have focused on the behavioral aspects of plagiarism and how to prevent it. Based on an empirical study of a sample of 463 eighth graders in Hong Kong, this article offers an analytical model to understand the ethical decision-making process in plagiarism among students. Using this model, students' plagiaristic behavior can be analyzed in terms of their moral judgment, moral intensity, and perceived risks.  相似文献   

Because shifts in the world's ethnic and racial demographics mean that the majority of the world's population is non‐White (M. D'Andrea & P. Arredondo, 1997), it is imperative that counselors develop a means for working ethically with a diverse clientele. In this article, the authors argue that the current Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the American Counseling Association (1995) does not adequately address the demands of working with non‐White, non‐Western clients. Using a universalist philosophy, an ethic of care (C. Gilligan, 1982; R. M. Kidder, 1995; J. G. Ponterotto & J. M. Casas, 1991), the context of power (M. Hill, K. Glaser, & J. Harden, 1995), and the process of acculturation, the authors offer a model for ethical decision making from a multicultural perspective.  相似文献   

Social constructivism is defined as an intellectual movement in the mental health field that directs a social consensual interpretation of reality. A social constructivism approach redefines the ethical decision‐making process as an interactive rather than an individual or intrapsychic process. The process involves negotiating, consensualizing, and, when necessary, arbitrating. Counselors are guided by social and cultural factors in defining what is acceptable ethical practice.  相似文献   

企业中的道德决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业道德决策研究主要关注个体如何进行道德决策,以及哪些因素影响企业中的道德决策这两个基本问题。首先介绍企业道德决策的主要理论模型;然后简要总结实证研究的研究方法和基本结论;最后分析以往研究中存在的问题,并展望我国的企业道德决策研究  相似文献   

The Transcultural Integrative Ethical Decision‐Making Model in counseling addresses the need for including cultural factors in the process of ethical dilemma resolution. This transcultural model incorporates state‐of‐the‐art concepts from multicultural theory into an ethical decision‐making model that is adapted primarily from the Integrative Model developed by V. M. Tarvydas (1998). When appropriate, this transcultural model includes aspects of other ethical resolution models, such as R. R. Cottone's (2001) Social Constructivist Model and A. H. Davis's (1997) Collaborative Model. The proposed model is presented in a step‐by‐step, linear format that can be used by counselors facing ethical dilemmas in a variety of settings and with different cultural groups.  相似文献   

Morals are foundational to professional and ethical counseling practice. Moral orientation may play an integral role in ethical decision making. The authors review the literature regarding moral orientation and discuss the connection to ethical decision making. Implications for counselor preparation and practice are addressed.  相似文献   

Many issues in ethics arise in relation to the contexts in which psychologists work. However, most ethical decision-making models reproduce the way in which psychologists tend to approach ethics by focusing on ethical dilemmas and proposing a step-by-step response to deal with them. Although these models might be useful, their emphasis on reactive approaches and their lack of contextualization constitute significant limitations on their applicability. In this article, an approach to ethical decision making that highlights the importance of the context in developing proactive strategies to solve ethical issues is proposed. This approach is further explained through its application to medical and rural settings. The implications of these suggestions to the training in ethics are finally discussed.  相似文献   

The role of school counselors has expanded and deepened over the past few decades, just as the K–12 student population has become more diversified. Professional school counselors regularly encounter ethical dilemmas related to the intersection of their transformed role and students' needs. School counselors, therefore, need assistance and support to develop the skills and problem‐solving strategies to effectively, ethically, and respectfully negotiate these dilemmas. The authors propose the Intercultural Model of Ethical Decision Making as a practical, user‐friendly tool to help school counselors meet these complex challenges.  相似文献   

Hospital-based professionals who manage cases of family violence are often unclear about the benefits and costs of particular interventions to their clients. Operating under conditions of potential lethality, both to them and family members, clinicians often experience conflict between legal and ethical recommendations or between strategies intended to provide safety to victims of domestic (spousal) violence and those meant to protect children from abuse. This article presents a situation of family violence and the dilemmas of decision-making confronting both social worker and lawyer. It discusses such issues as professional role, reporting requirements, and duties to warn, emphasizing the difficulty of implementing a plan and of predicting its consequences. It recommends substantive and procedural guidelines that may help protect victims while allowing professionals to emotionally sustain themselves during the management ordeal.  相似文献   

Ethical decision-making research has centered on Rest’s (1986) framework that represents a rational, nonaffective model for ethical decision making. However, research in human cognition suggesting a “dual-processing” framework, composed of both rational and affective components, has been relatively ignored in the ethical decision-making literature. Examining dual-processing literature, it seems affect might be an important factor in decision making when a person’s mood is congruent with the task or situational context frame. Given that ethical decisions are serious and complex tasks, it is proposed here that inducing a negative affective state might produce mood congruence, reinforce the salience of emotion for ethical decision makers, and lead to differences in decision processing. Evidence is presented documenting differences in the decisions made by ethical decision makers in a negative affective state as compared to those in either a positive or neutral affective state.  相似文献   

One recent priority of the U.S. government is developing autonomous robotic systems. The U.S. Army has funded research to design a metric of evil to support military commanders with ethical decision-making and, in the future, allow robotic military systems to make autonomous ethical judgments. We use this particular project as a case study for efforts that seek to frame morality in quantitative terms. We report preliminary results from this research, describing the assumptions and limitations of a program that assesses the relative evil of two courses of action. We compare this program to other attempts to simulate ethical decision-making, assess possibilities for overcoming the trade-off between input simplification and output reliability, and discuss the responsibilities of users and designers in implementing such programs. We conclude by discussing the implications that this project highlights for the successes and challenges of developing automated mechanisms for ethical decision making.  相似文献   

This study focused on the influence of American and Chinese cultures on consequentialism orientation in decision-making within the broader context of psychologists’ academic roles and responsibilities. In addition, this study hypothesized that educational level would affect culturally influenced ethical decision making in both cultures. Based on the American Psychological Association Ethics Code, 20 ethical scenarios in 5 domains in psychology were created and used to examine the influence of culturally ethical beliefs on psychologists’ decision making among 181 participants. The results indicated that significant cultural differences in consequentialism orientation differentiated Chinese and American participants and influenced their resolution of ethical issues.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the usefulness of Q methodology to locate and describe shared subjective influences on clinical decision making among participant physicians using hypothetical cases containing common ethical issues.

Design: Qualitative study using by-person factor analysis of subjective Q sort data matrix.

Setting: University medical center.

Participants: Convenience sample of internal medicine attending physicians and house staff (n = 35) at one midwestern academic health sciences center.

Interventions: Presented with four hypothetical cases involving urgent decision making near the end of life, participants selected one of three specific clinical actions offered for each case. Immediately afterward and while considering their decision, each respondent sorted twenty-five subjective self-referent items in terms of the influence of each statement on their decision-making process. By-person factor analysis, where participants are defined as variates, yielded information about the attitudinal background the physicians brought to their consideration of each hypothetical case. We performed a second-order factor analysis on all of the subjective viewpoints to determine if a smaller core of shared attitudes existed across some or all of the four case vignettes. Factor scores for each item and post-sort comments from interviews conducted individually with each respondent guided the interpretation of ethical perspective used by these respondents in making clinical decisions about the cases.

Measurements and Main Results: Second-order factor analysis on seventeen viewpoints used by physicians in the four hypothetical urgent decision cases revealed three moderately correlated (r 2 < 40%) subjective core attitudinal guides used broadly among all the cases and among sixteen of the seventeen original factors. Across all the cases, our participants were guided in general by: (1) patient-focused beneficence, (2) a patient- and surrogate-focused perspective that includes risk avoidance, and (3) best interest of the patient guided by ethical values. Economic impact on the physician, expediency in resolution of the situation, and the expense of medical treatment were not found to be influential determinants in this study.

Conclusions: Q sorting and by-person factor analysis are useful qualitative methodological tools to study the complex structure of subjective attitudes that influence physicians in making medical decisions. This study revealed the subjective viewpoints used by our physician participants as they made ethically challenging treatment decisions. The three second-order factors identified here are grounded in current bioethical values as well as the personal traits of physicians. The participants' decision methods appear to resemble casuistry more than principle-based decision making. Generalizability of results will require further studies.  相似文献   

多维视野下的临床决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临床决策是临床实践的重要组成部分之一,随着时代和科学技术的发展,临床决策的内涵和方法也发生了深刻的变化。有许多的因素影响或决定临床决策的质量,如何正确处理好循证医学证据与经验、传统方法和现代技术、创新与人文主义精神、技术与费用等关系是一个十分复杂的课题,需要从临床、经济、社会和法律等多方面加以研究和探索。  相似文献   

临床决策是临床实践的重要组成部分之一,随着时代和科学技术的发展,临床决策的内涵和方法也发生了深刻的变化.有许多的因素影响或决定临床决策的质量,如何正确处理好循证医学证据与经验、传统方法和现代技术、创新与人文主义精神、技术与费用等关系是一个十分复杂的课题,需要从临床、经济、社会和法律等多方面加以研究和探索.  相似文献   

In the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease the occupational therapy goal is to enable persons to function as optimally as possible. Maximizing the patient's functioning in daily life necessitates a framework for clinical reasoning. Clinical reasoning currently emphasizes what persons can do but may fail to recognize the complex factors involved in what a person actually will do. A framework to guide clinical decision making for persons with Alzheimer's disease based on the model of human occupation was developed. The use of this framework is illustrated through a case application.  相似文献   

This special series addresses the often ignored problem that many clients seen by practicing clinicians do not benefit from empirically-based practices as neatly as research may suggest. The authors in this series have considered the process of decision making in evidence-based practice, looking from differing viewpoints, and considering treatment setting and ethical issues. They present suggestions for clinicians to adapt treatment to the needs of clients while adhering to the robust research on psychotherapy processes and cognitive behavioral therapy.  相似文献   


基于人工智能技术的临床决策支持系统(clinical decision support system, CDSS)是可以辅助临床医护人员进行医疗决策的交互式系统。基于知识库和非知识库的两种形式和临床应用情况逐步被熟知。CDSS意在通过解决目前医疗资源不足、配置不合理和标准化治疗不规范等问题提高医疗质量,但也面临着医疗信任、诊断准确性、诊断标准、责任归属等潜在挑战。在CDSS研发与应用中,只有秉持以患者为中心的理念,提高CDSS安全性、明确其诊断标准,才能提升信任基础,从而真正回归临床并提高患者福利。


ABSTRACT— This article considers the contribution of functional neuroimaging toward understanding the computational underpinnings of human decision making. We outline the main processes likely underlying the capacity to make simple choices and describe their associated neural substrates. Relevant processes include the ability to encode a representation of the expected value or utility associated with each option in a decision problem, to learn such expectations through experience, and to modify action selection in order to choose those actions leading to the greatest reward. We provide several examples of how functional neuroimaging data have helped to shape and inform theories of decision making over and above results available from traditional behavioral measures.  相似文献   

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