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双性化大学生人格特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对北京市某所大学826名大学生的调查,探讨性别、性别角色类型和新性别角色类型对大学生人格特征的影响。结果表明:1)双性化性别角色类型大学生约占1/4;2)用贝姆的分类方法,双性化大学生在开放性、宜人性、责任感、和谐性、人情、灵活性人格特征上均高于其他性别角色类型的大学生,可见,双性化性别角色大学生具有较积极的人格特征。按照Brenda Mae Woodhill和CurtisA.Samuels的分类方法,在外向性、开放性、宜人性、责任感、和谐性人格特征上,正性双性化性别角色类型的大学生均高于负性双性化大学生和其他性别角色类型的大学生。  相似文献   

Using an index of aerobic conditioning 27 adult female joggers and 25 nonexercisers were identified. During individual interviews with each subject basic demographic data were obtained and blood pressure, vital capacity, resting pulse rate, and body fat were meaSured. All subjects completed Form A of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF). Statistically significant differences occurred on two primary factors, and one secondary dimension of the 16PF. The probability of three marginally significant differences out of 24 comparisons is well within the range of expected chance fluctuation. Thus, the study provided no evidence that personality characteristics are predisposing factors in the adoption of an aerobic jogging program by young adult females. The only statistically significant training effect was lower pulse rate; blood pressure, vital Capacity, and body fat were similar for the two groups. Finally, the results of this study of females were compared to those of a previous investigation of male joggers.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the role of individual differences in combination with contextual factors hypothesized to moderate the level of hostility toward females evident in male participants' responses. In Study I, we manipulated survey context and examined the influence of participants' levels of rape myth acceptance (RMA) on self-reported rape likelihood. In Study 2, we examined the interactive role of target gender and participants' levels of sex guilt (SG) on aggression toward the target after exposure to an erotic film. Study 3 results suggested that high SG males have particularly negative responses to women (but not men) who enjoy erotic presentations, consistent with a "Jack-the-Ripper" interpretation of the Study 2 findings.  相似文献   

Forty hemophiliacs showed some differences in personality from normals and many resemblances to other chronically ill persons on the Rorschach, Draw-A-Person, and stories made up to verbal cues. A single hemophilic personality, however, was not evidenced; though hemophiliacs suffer common physical problems, reactions to and modes of dealing with difficulties were unique.  相似文献   

Two measures of sex-role preference were administered to 32 male and 32 female preschool children. Each group of children was divided according to sex-role preference scores, assigned to a male experimenter or a female experimenter, and performed two sorting tasks after being instructed that one task was masculine and the other feminine. One analysis was based on the sex preference of subjects as measured by the IT Scale for Children and the other was based on subject assignment from Toy Preference Test scores. The hypothesis that sex-role preference would predict performance on sex-labeled tasks was partially confirmed. All subjects performed better on the female task than on the male task and more accurately on all tasks with a male experimenter than with a female experimenter.This report is based on a master's thesis submitted to the University of Guelph by the first author. Acknowledgments are due to MacDonald, Aladdin, Jack and Jill, Wee Y'rs, Cambridge, and Christopher House preschools in Guelph and Cambridge, Ontario, for their cooperation.  相似文献   

Personality characteristics of 132 males and 94 females of the Hare Krishna movement were assessed using the Comrey Personality Scales (CPS). Subjects were sampled from eight U.S. sites. Their age averaged about 30 years, and their time in the movement averaged 8.6 years. The most prominent and surprising finding is the hallmark characteristic of the Hare Krishna personality, a strong compulsivity trait common to both genders, which is slightly stronger in males. Reduced trust in society was exhibited by both gender averages, with slightly less trust among females. Both these averages, however, were within the normal range for individuals. With the exception of compulsivity, average male CPS scores were within the normal psychological range but differed significantly from the normative male group indicating idiosyncratic traits. Average female CPS scores did not differ significantly from the normative female group except for compulsivity and trust. Study of CPS score distributions about group means supported these findings.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Forty-one male skydivers from the southeastern United States, with a mean of 531 sport-parachute jumps (freefalls), were administered: (a) a skydiver questionnaire, designed to gather personal, sociological, and skydiving data; (b) the Shipley Vocabulary Test; and (c) the MMPI. Shipley data indicated that skydivers are of superior verbal intelligence, with a mean I.Q. of 122. Analysis of MMPI items revealed that, as compared to the MMPI Adult Male Normative Group, skydivers are significantly more free from anxiety, phobia, and depression; open and lacking in defensiveness; socially deviant and anticonventional; inclined to reject traditional religious beliefs; self-confident and positive; impulsive and oriented toward physical action; hedonistic and thrill seeking; sociable and extroverted; and free from health worries. The mean MMPI profile had high peaks on the Pd and Ma scales, with a low point on the Si scale.  相似文献   

BASE jumping is an extreme sport, which is associated with significant risk of injury and death. We aimed to determine whether BASE jumpers have different personality characteristics to an age-matched, normal control population. An international population of BASE jumpers was examined using the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI). Mean age was thirty-four years; fifty-nine (87%) jumpers were male; twenty-eight (41%) jumpers had sustained a significant injury. A substantial proportion of the BASE jumpers presented extremely low scores in the temperament measure of Harm Avoidance (p < 0.001); the extent of which has not been reported in any other population.  相似文献   

Eight hundred and sixty-three women psychologists, scientists, artists and writers, and politicians were compared on the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire through a multiple discriminant analysis. The four groups were set apart by personality characteristics adaptive to their professional role expectations. Politicians were more sociable, conscientious, self-controlled, and group-dependent; artists and writers were more affected by their feelings, spontaneous and natural, and inclined to follow their own urges; scientists were the more reserved, serious, and tough-minded; and psychologists were more flexible, liberal, and accepting. When contrasted with women in the general population, the four groups of career women were all found to be brighter, more assertive, more adventurous, and less conservative.  相似文献   

The debate whether Bipolar Affective Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder fall under the same spectrum or they represent separate categories has received much research attention. However, the question of their underlying psychological aetiology as well as their personality correlates has remained largely un-explored. The present study aims at gaining knowledge about and insights into these questions. The sample studied consists of 10 Bipolar I patients and 10 patients with Borderline Personality Disorder. Following a cross-sectional design, after determining the remitted phase of Bipolar I patients using Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and Young’s Mania Rating Scale, the Temperament and Character Inventory, Attachment Style Questionnaire, Defense Style Questionnaire and Rorschach Inkblot Test were administered individually by the researcher. Both group of patients showed features of immaturity and instability. A correlational analysis indicated the probable pathway of development of psychopathology. The parallels of the findings to Kernberg’s concept of borderline personality organization have been discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Innovative physics teachers scored higher on theoretical and aesthetic values than other male high school teachers, but lower on economic, religious, and political values. The innovative teachers scored much higher on a physics achievement test than physics teachers in three summer institutes. While they are close to the norm for male secondary school teachers on teaching attitudes, they have a lower need for affiliation than this group. Compared with other male high-school science teachers, they are less abasing and affiliative, but more autonomous and heterosexual. Because of their relatively high intellectual and artistic values, and needs for autonomy and social independence, their profiles resemble those of creative scientists. Two personality variables suggesting a “warm, outgoing teaching attitude factor” are significantly correlated with the teachers' knowledge of physics. The teachers who have a firm grasp of their subject not only have more positive attitudes toward teaching, but appear to be less intraceptive.  相似文献   

We tested role congruity theory, which states that prejudice arises from an incongruity between group stereotypes and role characteristics, by assessing prejudice toward men and women with a masculine or feminine mental illness. Across two studies, participants acting as a vocational counselor rated the suitability of each target individual in each role. Men and individuals with a masculine sex-typed illness were more suitable for agentic roles, whereas women and individuals with a feminine sex-typed illness were more suitable for communal roles. In addition, sex and mental illness sex-type were better predictors of prejudice than evaluations of the group.  相似文献   

The relationship between sensitive maternal behavior and mother-infant vocalization during feedings was examined in an effort to determine this situational meaning of Ainsworth's concept of sensitivity. Ss were 28 white, middle-class mothers and their infants. Excerpts of home feedings videotaped at 6 and 9 months were coded for frequency of contingent vocal interaction and quality of vocal affect. Sensitive mothers were distinguished from insensitive mothers at each age period by differing vocal patterns. At 6 months, infants of sensitive mothers vocalized significantly less than did infants of insensitive mothers. Mothers in both groups responded to their infants' vocalizations equally as often. At 9 months, infants in both groups vocalized the same amount, while sensitive mothers vocalized more often in response to their infants than did insensitive mothers. The only significant difference in vocal affect was found in the greater positive affect among sensitive mothers at 9 months.  相似文献   

中国人的人格特点与中国人人格量表(QZPS与QZPS-SF)的常模   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:27  
该研究的目的是确定中国人人格量表(QZm与QZPS-SF)的常模,明确每一个因素的含义,为QZPS的应用做好准备。5000余名年龄在16∽55岁之间的被试构成了常模群体。将被试分为青年组(16∽25岁)、青壮年组(26∽40岁)和中年组(41∽55岁)后,比较了不同年龄、性别被试的人格特点。  相似文献   

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