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近年来,计算机自动化项目生成作为应对测验项目曝光问题的很具前景的一项技术,逐渐得到越来越多研究者的重视。这种技术是以认知心理学和心理测量学为基础,在测试过程中借助计算机自动生成目标难度水平的项目。该文首先简要介绍了这种技术的理论基础和两种具体方法,然后以项目设计系统法为例说明自动化项目生成研究的具体步骤与优点,最后评述了这种技术的局限性及未来的发展趋势 相似文献
Although pictures are often added to text in items of educational tests, little is known about their influence on item solving. Therefore, we conducted an experiment in which we examined how pictures affected item solving. A total of N = 158 fourth‐grade students completed a physics knowledge test under one of six experimental conditions. The experimental conditions varied according to whether or not pictures were presented in the stem and in the answer options of the test items. The results showed that pictures in the stem and in the answer options increased the correctness with which students responded to the test items. This was particularly true for test items that required the application of relationships. In addition, response time was reduced when pictures were added to the answer options of the test items. Hence, pictures are an important feature of test items that produce changes in item processing. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Individuals are known to categorize others into social groups based on cues like race and gender and to experience relative discomfort when interacting with “outgroup” members. Two experimental studies were used to examine whether actor demographic cues in situational judgment assessment items completed by test takers in a simulated employee selection context may lead to differences in their performance and reactions to the hiring organization. In both studies, test takers assumed the perspective of actors shown in video-based scenarios and indicated how they would respond to interaction partners (IPs) to whom they were racially similar or dissimilar. In Study 1, a given test taker responded to IPs of a constant gender; in Study 2, IPs’ gender varied across scenarios within each condition. In Study 1, Black test takers spent more time and scored better on two of the four scenarios when responding to racially similar IPs. These effects were not found in Study 2, but demographic cues showed new interactive effects on performance and reactions. We discuss the implications of different findings across the two studies. 相似文献
本研究从提高社会公众认知度出发,通过对中外相关文献研究,结合帮教专职干部、宗教学专家、心理学者、大学生访谈结果,编制了邪教团体检测项目,通过3次条目筛查后制定了62项初始项目;又通过214名大学生探索性因素分析,形成了由5个维度、32个条目组成的正式项目;再通过497名大学生的测查,考察各项测量学指标,结果显示量表区分度、信度、效度指标均较高,结论是邪教团体检测项目具有较高的可靠性和有效性,可作为邪教团体检测的评估工具。 相似文献
Summary The purpose of this study was to provide a large sample validation of the Family Attitude Measure (FAM) developed by Delhees et al. (7). The FAM was given to the parents of 250 junior high school children, and the items factored. The results of the analyses on two of the subtests were found to be interpretable and are described in detail. Few of the factors identified were as interpretable in the sense of the Delhees et al. factors, but this could be due to the fact that this study involved the factoring of items rather than the “packages” which served as variables in the Delhees article. 相似文献
The effect of line orientation and line configuration on the induction of orientation-specific negatively colored aftereffects was investigated in three separate studies. In the first study, subjects viewed magenta-and-black vertical gratings with one eye, alternating with green-and-black vertical gratings to the other. Monocular tests revealed complementary aftereffects in each eye which disappeared when the test patterns were viewed with both eyes together. In Study 2, imposing a single colored bar against a black background induced negatively colored aftereffects in a white bar against a black background and in a black-and-white grating, while imposing a single black bar against a colored background was ineffective. In Study 3, presenting a magenta square outline elicited green aftereffects in vertical and horizontal bars and gratings as well as in outlines of squares and diamonds, while pairing the magenta square with a green cross had no effect. It was concluded that the induction mechanism responsible for the McCollough effect is sensitive to line orientation but not to shape. This specificity appears incompatible with a simple conditioning model. 相似文献
知识与发散思维之间存在密切的关系.研究抽取小学四年级到高三397名学生,采用言语和图形任务探讨知识经验对发散思维的影响.以及两类任务条件下发散思维的年级和性别差异.结果显示:学生的知识水平对两类任务条件下发散思维产生不同的影响作用,知识经验与发散思维呈现倒U型变化关系;研究只在言语任务条件下发现小学四年级创造力低谷;两类任务条件下发散思维警现出不同的发展趋势,言语任务条件下,发散思维随着年级的升高呈现出曲线上升的趋势,而在图形任务条件下,发散思维呈现随年级升高先上升后下降的趋势;两类任务条件下都发现发散思维存在性别差异,但是不同任务条件下性别差异存在维度上差异性;女生在发散思维某些方面好于男生. 相似文献
The role of figural characteristics in the development of pictorial inferences was examined. Two versions of 10 three-picture story sequences were presented to kindergarten and third-grade children. One version maximized while the other minimized figural similarity among pictures. After viewing the sequences, the children were asked to discriminate old study pictures and inferentially consistent new pictures from distractors. While the kindergarteners identified significantly fewer inference pictures than the third graders in all conditions, there was less difference between the grades in the figurally similar conditions. Overall, the kindergarteners identified the fewest inference pictures in the presence of distractors that figurally matched the study pictures. These results indicate that although the pictorial inferences drawn by kindergarteners are heavily influenced by figural representations, such figural dependency cannot account for all of the observed developmental differences. 相似文献
Current modeling of response times on test items has been strongly influenced by the paradigm of experimental reaction-time
research in psychology. For instance, some of the models have a parameter structure that was chosen to represent a speed-accuracy
tradeoff, while others equate speed directly with response time. Also, several response-time models seem to be unclear as
to the level of parametrization they represent. A hierarchical framework for modeling speed and accuracy on test items is
presented as an alternative to these models. The framework allows a “plug-and-play approach” with alternative choices of models
for the response and response-time distributions as well as the distributions of their parameters. Bayesian treatment of the
framework with Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) computation facilitates the approach. Use of the framework is illustrated for
the choice of a normal-ogive response model, a lognormal model for the response times, and multivariate normal models for
their parameters with Gibbs sampling from the joint posterior distribution.
This study received funding from the Law School Admission Council (LSAC). The opinions and conclusions contained in this paper
are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy and position of LSAC. The author is indebted to the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants for the data set in the empirical example and to Rinke H. Klein Entink for his computational
assistance 相似文献
Although faking has been identified as a potential problem in situational judgment tests (SJTs), no studies have investigated proactive approaches for controlling faking in SJTs. Therefore, this study examined the impact of elaboration on responding to SJT items. Elaboration was operationalized as reason‐giving. Two hundred and forty‐seven master students were assigned to either an honest or a fake condition, and to a non‐elaboration or an elaboration condition. Results showed that elaboration decreased the effect of faking for items with high familiarity. Elaboration on familiar items also decreased the percentage of fakers in the top of the distribution. Next, participants in the elaboration condition rated the SJT significantly higher in terms of allowing them to present themselves more realistically and to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Finally, there were no significant differences in participants' satisfaction with the SJT across the elaboration and non‐elaboration condition. 相似文献
利用fMRI脑成像技术探讨图形型归纳推理的神经机制。设计了一种由图形形状和条纹方向描述的简单几何图形组成的归纳推理任务,这种图形型任务与以往研究中常用的语句型归纳推理任务是同质的。根据两个图形共享特征数量的不同设计了两种实验任务:共享两个特征(2T)和共享一个特征(1T),以休息基线(Rest)作为控制任务。2T和1T任务均为归纳推理任务,但2T任务包含知觉特征整合成分,而1T任务不包括。结果发现:与控制任务相比,归纳推理任务在前额区(BA6、9、11、46、47)、尾状核、壳核和丘脑等脑区有显著激活,反映了"前额皮层-纹状体-丘脑"通路在图形型归纳推理中的重要作用;图形型归纳推理中的知觉信息整合与右侧额下回(BA47)、双侧尾状核头部、壳核等脑区有关。 相似文献
All 126 patterns composed of five dots distributed over the cells of a 3 by 3 matrix were examined for the predictability of their elements. The predictability of a given dot in a given pattern was measured as the percentage of Ss who indicated that dot as one “implied or suggested” by the subpattern composed of the remaining four dots of the pattern. The dots comprising a figurally good five-dot pattern were generally more predictable, one from the others, than the dots comprising a poor pattern. This finding accords with the Gestaltist conception of a good figure as one whose elements are well organized, and it is the state of affairs required by Garner’s hypothesis that better figures are perceived to have fewer alternatives than poorer figures. A mechanism mediating the prediction of an element of a pattern from the other elements was suggested. 相似文献
In a passive task participants recall material in the format in which it was presented, whereas in an active task they transform or manipulate the material. Experiment 1 describes an active visuo-spatial task that is vulnerable to the effects of ageing, and Experiment 2 shows that it is more sensitive to the effects of ageing than a passive task carried out concurrently using the same material. In Experiment 3, similar results were obtained using active and passive verbal tasks carried out concurrently using the same material. Finally, these findings were replicated in Experiment 4 using active and passive verbal and visuo-spatial tasks that were carried out in separate experimental conditions. It is concluded that effects of ageing show an earlier onset in tasks requiring active processing than in tasks requiring the passive storage of information. 相似文献
Summary Anagrams and semantic differential (S-D) test responses of Ss for whom words were “loaded” on a free association test were compared with those of Ss for whom the words were neutral. No differences in rate of word building or mean productivity of the two groups on the anagrams test were found. Mean S-D scale values similarly failed to differentiate between the two groups. However, when numbers of neutral (0) and extreme (+3 and ?3) responses were compared, “loaded” Ss were found on the whole to rate words more neutrally or more positively. The conclusion was that the stimulus value of the words in the associative condition could not be directly determined from responses in other conditions. The strategy of studying stimulus value of projective test items by using those items as stimuli on tests eliciting different levels of response was, therefore, questioned. Several other related experimental strategies which may mix response levels were also discussed and more appropriate techniques were suggested. 相似文献
Nested logit models have been presented as an alternative to multinomial logistic models for multiple-choice test items (Suh
and Bolt in Psychometrika 75:454–473, 2010) and possess a mathematical structure that naturally lends itself to evaluating the incremental information provided by attending
to distractor selection in scoring. One potential concern in attending to distractors is the possibility that distractor selection
reflects a different trait/ability than that underlying the correct response. This paper illustrates a multidimensional extension
of a nested logit item response model that can be used to evaluate such distinctions and also defines a new framework for
incorporating collateral information from distractor selection when differences exist. The approach is demonstrated in application
to questions faced by a university testing center over whether to incorporate distractor selection into the scoring of its
multiple-choice tests. Several empirical examples are presented. 相似文献
本文旨在以“锚题代表性”这一研究命题切入,探索在非等组锚测验设计下,作为实现测验链接的重要载体,锚题和相关的测验试卷/水平之间究竟应该有什么关系。本文首先指出锚题代表性这一概念在等值和垂直量尺化领域中具有不同的含义,并给出其在垂直量尺化中的含义。通过考察测验链接中有关锚题代表性的既有研究,系统总结相关研究成果,本文概括出了当前锚题构建实践的可能优化方案,分析了锚题代表性研究的未来方向。 相似文献
Despite the widespread belief that the use of vividness in persuasive communications is effective, many laboratory studies have failed to find vividness effects. A possible explanation for this discrepancy is that many laboratory tests have not vivified solely the central thesis of the message but have vivified irrelevant portions of the message as well or instead. Two experiments examined the effect of vivifying the central ("figure") or noncentral ("ground") features of a message on persuasion. In both experiments, the formerly "elusive vividness effect" of superior persuasion was found, but only in vivid-figure communications. A mediation analysis revealed the salutary role of supportive cognitive elaborations, rather than memory for the communication, in mediating the vividness effect. The findings caution against attempts to persuade by increasing overall message vividness because off-thesis vividness has the unintended and undercutting consequence of distracting recipients from the point of the communication. 相似文献