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This study examines the question: Why would an employee engage in work that enhances organizational performance but is not necessarily recognized or rewarded by his or her employer? This study suggests that this question can be answered in part by the degree to which an employee endorses the Protestant work ethic (PWE). The relationship between the PWE and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) is analyzed using two separate survey data samples. Findings support a positive and significant relationship between OCB and two dimensions of the PWE, hard work and independence.  相似文献   

组织中心理契约违背理论的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
1 什么是心理契约  在企业的发展过程中 ,雇主和员工之间的关系并不是一纸契约就能完全包含的 ,而且由于环境、组织和个体的动态变化 ,雇佣关系也不可能全部通过契约加以明确规范。然而企业和员工却常常能找到决策的依据 ,并且各自行为常常具有相互可预测的特点 ,如同有一纸契约在加以规范 ,这就是心理契约。早在二十世纪六十年代 ,Argyris、Schein、Kotter等都对心理契约下了定义。如美国著名的管理学家E H Schein对心理契约下的定义是企业能清楚每个员工的发展期望 ,并满足之 ;而每个员工也为企业的发展做出全力奉献 ,因为他们相信…  相似文献   

李明  荣莹  李锐 《心理科学》2019,(3):715-721
变革担当是指员工自愿付出建设性努力来发起组织功能性变革,以便在自己的岗位、部门或组织情境中更加有效地开展工作。文章介绍了变革担当的概念、测量以及前因后效。其中前因包括个体因素(如前瞻性人格、组织支持感、积极情绪等)和情境因素(如工作自主性、管理开放性、创新氛围等)两大类,后效主要有工作绩效评价、工作态度和变革型领导知觉等。未来的研究需要进一步完善测量工具、考察组织外部因素的影响、检验影响后效的其他调节因素以及探讨领导者的变革担当行为。  相似文献   

李明  荣莹  李锐 《心理科学》2005,(3):715-721
变革担当是指员工自愿付出建设性努力来发起组织功能性变革,以便在自己的岗位、部门或组织情境中更加有效地开展工作。文章介绍了变革担当的概念、测量以及前因后效。其中前因包括个体因素(如前瞻性人格、组织支持感、积极情绪等)和情境因素(如工作自主性、管理开放性、创新氛围等)两大类,后效主要有工作绩效评价、工作态度和变革型领导知觉等。未来的研究需要进一步完善测量工具、考察组织外部因素的影响、检验影响后效的其他调节因素以及探讨领导者的变革担当行为。  相似文献   

One common suggestion for reducing the gap between research and practice is for academics to conduct more of their research in real organizational settings. However, there is considerable skepticism among academics about the willingness of organizations to open their doors to researchers, and among both academics and practitioners about the potential value of doing so. The present study examines how 141 successful academic research projects in real organizations proceeded from start to finish. Our results suggest that organizations may be more open to academic research than is commonly believed, and that most researchers experience few problems with participating organizations. On the other hand, most of the examined projects were not heavily collaborative, and only half of the researchers maintained organizational contact after the research was completed. Based on our findings, we offer suggestions for researchers wishing to do organizational research as well as for their organizational partners.  相似文献   

Psychologists are directed by ethical guidelines in most areas of their practice. However, there are very few guidelines for conducting data analysis in research. The aim of this article is to address the need for more extensive ethical guidelines for researchers who are post–data collection and beginning their data analyses. Improper data analysis is an ethical issue because it can result in publishing false or misleading conclusions. This article includes a review of ethical implications of improper data analysis and potential causes of unethical practices. In addition, current guidelines in psychology and other areas (e.g., American Psychological Association and American Statistical Association Ethics Codes) were used to inspire a list of recommendations for ethical conduct in data analysis that is appropriate for researchers in psychology.  相似文献   

组织公正感研究进展   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
章先介绍了公正及公正感的概念,进而分析了组织公正感的概念。国外组织公正感的研究可分成3个阶段,首先由Adams提出分配公平,之后Thibaut、Leventhal等提出程序公正,最后Bies等提出相互作用公正。尽管国外对组织公正感研究比较广泛,但对公正感的结构及测量方法还存在分歧,有单因素理论、双因素理论、三因素理论和四因素理论。  相似文献   

Although energy is a concept that is implied in many motivational theories, is hardly ever explicitly mentioned or researched. The current article first relates theories and research findings that were thus far not explicitly related to energy. We describe theories such as flow, subjective well-being, engagement and burn-out, and make the link with energy more explicit. Also, we make a first link between personality characteristics and energy, and describe the role of leadership in unleashing followers’ energy. Following, we identify how the topic of energy management can be profitably incorporated in research from a scientific as well as a practitioner viewpoint. Finally, we describe several interventions to enhance energy in individuals and organizations.  相似文献   

Institutional review boards (IRBs) are responsible for regulating and safeguarding research with human participants in academic institutions in the United States. The authors explore (a) the historical impetus for IRBs, (b) the ethical values and principles as core components of the review process, and (c) the American Counseling Association's (2005) standards for ethical research. In many ways, IRB review and counseling research are complementary, yet some challenges and obstacles unique to counseling research also exist and are elaborated in the article. Implications for counselors initiating research projects and suggestions for implementation are provided.  相似文献   

心理资本研究评述与展望   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
在当前企业内外环境发生深刻变化的背景下,系统研究员工的心理资本是全面认识和掌握企业人力资源的特点、内涵和相应管理对策的重要手段。首先,文章回顾了有关心理资本的定义、构成要素等方面的研究。然后,分析了心理资本对领导和员工的影响,说明了心理资本开发与管理的一些基本方法。最后,分析和指出了心理资本研究的未来趋势  相似文献   

The present study examined the moderating impact of psychological climate on the relationship between perceived organizational politics and both commitment and turnover intent. Data were gathered from 131 restaurant employees who completed surveys at work. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that a 6-factor conceptualization (supportive management, role clarity, contribution, recognition, self-expression, and challenge) provided the most adequate model representation of the psychological climate construct. Results indicate that politics perceptions interacted with each climate factor (with the exception of challenge) in predicting commitment. Conversely, politics perceptions interacted only with supportive management and self-expression to predict turnover intent. Implications for theoretical development and empirical research in this domain are provided.  相似文献   

员工组织社会化研究的概况   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
组织社会化是指个体为了适应其所在组织的价值体系、组织目标和行为规范而调整自己态度、行为的学习过程。文章在对组织社会化含义阐释的基础上,从组织社会化策略、组织社会化过程、组织社会化中员工信息寻求、组织社会化内容等4个方面,对当前组织社会化的研究现状进行介绍。文章最后指出了组织社会化的未来研究趋势  相似文献   

陈谢平  谢倩  张进辅 《心理科学》2012,35(3):677-682
影响策略是指个体采取的旨在使他人态度和行为产生预期改变的行为方式。组织情境下的影响策略受动机、场控制和自我监控等因素的影响,对工作绩效、薪酬、晋升和一些积极组织行为有显著的预测作用。本文侧重介绍了影响策略的结构、测量、前因后果变量以及跨文化研究等方面内容,总结了已有研究为管理实践提供的有价值参考,并指出研究方法的有效互补、对基层职员影响策略的关注和基于中国人行为观念的本土化研究是今后探讨的主要方向。  相似文献   

组织公正研究:回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要回顾了组织公正40多年来的研究成果与进展,包括组织公正的概念和理论发展。并从组织公正概念的整合、机会公正、第三方公正、群体公正、跨文化研究、方法论等几个方面提出了进一步研究的思考和展望。  相似文献   

In recent decades, the evidence on psychological treatments for children and adolescents has increased considerably. Several organizations have proposed different criteria to evaluate the evidence of psychological treatment in this age group. The aim of this study was to analyze evidence-based treatments drawn from RCTs, reviews, meta-analyses, guides and lists provided by four leading international organizations. The institutions reviewed were the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (Division 53) of the American Psychological Association, Cochrane Collaboration and the Australian Psychological Society in relation to mental disorders in children and adolescents. A total of 137 treatments were analyzed for 17 mental disorders and compared to determine the level of agreement among the organizations. The results indicate that, in most cases, there is little agreement among organizations and that there are several discrepancies within certain disorders. These results require reflection on the meaning attributed to evidence-based treatments with regard to psychological treatments in children and adolescents. The possible reasons for these differences could be explained by a combination of different issues: the procedures or committees may be biased, different studies were reviewed, different criteria are used by the organizations or the reviews of existing evidence were conducted in different time periods.  相似文献   

基于网络的心理学研究(简称网基研究)即用网络进行的心理学研究,包括非反应性网基研究、网基调查、网基心理测验以及网基实验四种类型,具有样本大并且多样、外部/生态效度较高等优点,但同时也面临实验控制不足、自我选择、中途退出等问题。本文对网基研究的历史、类型、优缺点及发展状况等相关内容进行了阐述,并特别对我国的网基研究历史、现状和发展进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

The two objectives of the research reported in this article were to investigate the relationship between organizational creativity and innovation and psychological well-being of employees, as well as the relationship between organizational factors and organizational creativity and innovation. Ninety-five employees working in a high-tech field of industry participated in the study. The relationships were tested in a LISREL model and the result showed a significant relationship between perceived organizational creativity and innovation and individual psychological well-being. Of the organizational factors included in the model, organizational climate and work resources were found to be significantly related to perceived creativity and innovation in the organization. Taken together, the results suggest that enhancing the conditions for creativity and innovation is beneficial for the individual in terms of better psychological well-being.  相似文献   

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