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The study was directed to the need to structure in a few variables the domain measured by personality and interest measures commonly employed in educational counseling: Strong, Kuder, EPPS and the Study of Values. Despite initial uncertainty regarding number of factors to be employed, effects of ipsative scores and of mixing test formats, both an oblique and orthogonal rotation yielded nearly identical results. Of the twenty factors identified by both the biquartimin and varimax solutions, Seven linked vocational interest clusters with personality. Two of the remaining factors had only interest loadings, while of the eleven personality factors, only four were scale specific. Definition of the 16 common factors required that extraction proceed beyond the unit latent root criterion. The results offer evidence that over- extracting factors does not confuse the results of rotation. Further, psycho- metric differences between tests had essentially no effect on the factors found. Of three oblimin rotations attempted, only the biquartimin was successful, yielding results essentially like those of the varimax solution. Because of the vast difference in computation time for these two solutions (computer time 20 times greater for biquartimin), however, the orthogonal varimax remains the method of choice.  相似文献   

The Analysis of Consistency in Personality Assessment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
ABSTRACT In recent years psychologists have treated not only the mean (or sum) but also the variability of a person's item scores on multi-item scales as significant individual attributes Variability measures and comparable statistics, interpreted as indicators of (in)consistency, have been used as a basis for rejecting test results or trait constructs In cognitive assessment the concern has been with test results, in personality assessment the emphasis has been primarily on traits and "traitedness" Some of the assessment procedures are described and discussed For personality assessment the main conclusions are ( a ) the use of intra-individual variability measures for identifying invalid test data could be explored and exploited more, ( b ) intra-individual variability is for many reasons to be considered a poor indicator of low traitedness rather than its hallmark, and ( c ) traitedness itself is a promising concept and certain alternative approaches to traitedness assessment seem promising and integrative  相似文献   

Stolz  Michael 《Synthese》2002,133(1-2):43-57
Choosing the history of statistics and operations research as a casestudy, several ways of setting the development of 20th century appliedmathematics into a social context are discussed. It is shown that there isample common ground between these contextualizations and several recent research programs in general contemporary history. It is argued that a closer cooperation between general historians and historians ofmathematics might further the integration of the internalist andexternalist approaches within the historiography of mathematics.  相似文献   

董志勇 《现代哲学》2006,1(6):112-120
人的所有制是被用来从总体上表明一个人类共同体内部各成员之间占有关系的一种社会制度或社会关系;人的所有制是人类社会最基本的经济制度,它是区别和划分人类历史上各种不同经济形态的根本标志,是一个比生产资料所有制更为重要和更为基本的社会所有制的存在形式;人权概念是一个先后为在相关人类共同体中分别建立和维持人的公民所有制、劳动力的公民所有制、公民所有制的劳动者人身所有制、人格的公民平等、人的个人所有制、劳动力的个人所有制、个人所有制的劳动者人身所有制、婚权的个人所有制和使包括所有成年女性在内的所有社会成年成员享有人格的人类平等、劳动力的部分社会所有制等社会制度而被提出来的哲学概念、法律概念和政治概念。  相似文献   

周易人格模型与麦氏人格模型的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
该文介绍了基于中国传统文化建立起来的本土化人格类型理论———周易人格模型;分析了该模型与麦氏人格模型在理论建构的指导思想、人格要素、人格类型的测定方法以及人格模型的演变规则等方面的区别和联系;指出了两者在方法上同源同根,在内容上各有特色。  相似文献   

Genic selectionism holds that all selection can be understood as operating on particular genes. Critics (and conventional biological wisdom) insist that this misrepresents the actual causal structure of selective phenomena at higher levels of biological organization, but cannot convincingly defend this intuition. I argue that the real failing of genic selectionism is pragmatic – it prevents us from adopting the most efficient corpus of causal laws for predicting and intervening in the course of affairs – and I offer a Pragmatic account of causation itself which ultimately bears out the claim that genic selectionism misrepresents the causal structure of selective contexts.  相似文献   

This study explored the feasibility of discriminating among subtypes of mental retardation on the basis of observable behavior. The major focus was on discrimination between Ss whose low I.Q. could be attributed to normal chromosomal or single locus genetic defects. Concurrently the study sought t o distinguish among diagnostic subgroups of the second category. Three groups of institutionalized subjects were used: Undifferentiated (presumed polygenic segregants), PKU, and Down's Syndrome.  相似文献   

马克思和罗尔斯似乎有着十分不同的正义观。马克思主张,正义概念的功能,在意识形态上表现为以主导生产模式所要求的操行,作为具有普遍约束性的律令。罗尔斯则主张,正义是社会制度的第一美德,它的法则可能被所有这样的人所认可:他们公正、合理地商讨的问题,是如何公平划分彼此之间在社会合作中的负担和利益。尽管体现在马克思和罗尔斯立场之间的种种重要不同仍然存在,但笔者认为,这两种正义观上显然不同的立场,是能够调和的。尽管受到黑格尔和康德的不同影响,马克思和罗尔斯的观点还是能显示出一致之处。在提出明确的正义政治概念时,罗尔斯认为,可以接受的正义原则,必须是在社会体制中能够实行的。这导致他的“康德式构成主义”,向黑格尔的观点靠近,在这一点上,马克思奠定了他对普遍的、社会先验的正义原则的拒斥。笔者认为,马克思和罗尔斯两人所追问的,都可以被看作是何种社会制度能够实现作为公平的正义原则。不过,其间仍有两点重要不同。首先,马克思憧憬的,似乎是一种超越休谟和罗尔斯所谓“正义环境”的社会,而对罗尔斯(2001,P177)来说,超越正义环境的社会则是乌托邦。其次,马克思认为,作为社会基础的市场关系应该被超越,因为这些市场关系天然地包含着生产者与生产的社会过程以及社会劳动产品的异化。虽然在超越正义环境的社会里,市场的消亡也许可能,罗尔斯却宣称,在要求必须公正解决竞争的任何社会里,市场消亡均不可能。笔者认为,如果将马克思对市场的拒绝,看作是从根本上拒绝“商品拜物教”,那么马克思和罗尔斯的立场就能调和。笔者的结论是,除了马克思关于未来无阶级社会概念中含有理想成分外,在资本主义及市场的正义观上,马克思和罗尔斯的立场相当接近。  相似文献   

This paper discusses a frequency based, nonparametric measure of internal test consistency, referred to herein as coefficient alphaτ, which allows facile measurement of the significance of differences in internal consistency between tests, administrations, or scoring methods. It also permits analysis of psychological tests containing items with discrete categories of response, yielding nominal scale data. Use of alphaτ encourages flexibility in test construction, since multiple dimensions can be incorporated into individual test items.  相似文献   

The year of Thorndike's dissertation on animal intelligence, 1898, may mark the beginning of the field that eventually became known as the experimental analysis of behavior. The dissertation began a major shift in thinking about animal and human learning, provided important methodological innovations, and carried the seeds of later research and theory, particularly by B. F. Skinner. Although Thorndike was an associationist in 1898, the dissertation began the systematic search for fundamental behavioral processes, and laid the foundation for an empirical science of behavior.  相似文献   

CALLERGÅRD  ROBERT 《Synthese》1999,120(1):19-26
My object is to question a recurrent claim made to the point that Thomas Reid (1710–1796) was hostile to ether theories and that this hostility had its source in his distinctive interpretation of the first of Newton's regulæ philosophandi. Against this view I will argue that Reid did not have any quarrel at all with unobservable or theoretical entities as such, and that his objections against actual theories concerning ether were scientific rather than philosophical, even when based on Newton's first rule. I argue further that Reid's insistence on Newton's rule concerns, not direct observation, but rather the notion of explanation itself.  相似文献   

In A World of States of Affairs(Cambridge University Press, 1997) David Armstrong offers acomprehensive metaphysics based on the thesis that the world consistsof states of affairs. Among the entities postulated by Armstrong's theory are relations, including non-symmetrical relations, and whileArmstrong does not agree with Russell that all relations have adirection or definite order among their places, he does explicitlyacknowledge that the slots of a non-symmetrical relation have adefinite order or direction. I first show that non-symmetricalrelations pose a problem for Armstrong's theory by raising TheProblem of Converse Relations. I then argue that the bestresolution of this problem in the context of Armstrong's theoryinvolves adopting an analysis of the order or direction of a relationthat differs from the analysis that Russell assumes. I conclude bydiscussing a further problem facing Armstrong's ontology: TheProblem of Converse Relational Properties.  相似文献   

In this article, we present an analysis of defeasible generalizations – generalizations which are essentially exception-laden, yet genuinely explanatory – in terms of various notions of privileged conditions. We argue that any plausible epistemology must make essential use of defeasible generalizations so understood. We also consider the epistemic significance of the sort of understanding of context that is required for understanding of explanatory defeasible generalizations on any topic.  相似文献   

Pérez Laraudogoitia  Jon 《Synthese》2002,131(2):157-171
Bridger and Alper (1999) maintain that the nonphysical featuresof the supertasks described by Pérez Laraudogoitia (1996) involving a system containing an infinite number of particles may be avoided by introducing, in a specific way, Hilbert space in classical dynamics. I argue that it is possible to interpret their proposal in two ways, neither of which is acceptable for the purpose for which it was introduced.  相似文献   

Journal of Philosophical Logic - This paper pursues a thorough-going instrumentalist, or means-ends, approach to the theory of inductive inference. I consider three epistemic aims: convergence to a...  相似文献   

Chater  Nick  Oaksford  Mike 《Synthese》2000,122(1-2):93-131
Rational analysis (Anderson 1990, 1991a) is an empiricalprogram of attempting to explain why the cognitive system isadaptive, with respect to its goals and the structure of itsenvironment. We argue that rational analysis has two importantimplications for philosophical debate concerning rationality. First,rational analysis provides a model for the relationship betweenformal principles of rationality (such as probability or decisiontheory) and everyday rationality, in the sense of successfulthought and action in daily life. Second, applying the program ofrational analysis to research on human reasoning leads to a radicalreinterpretation of empirical results which are typically viewed asdemonstrating human irrationality.  相似文献   

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