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探讨了空间焦虑与导航方式对寻路行为的影响并分析了该效应的性别差异。实验被试96名,实验结果显示:在VR迷宫场景中寻路,对女性而言,空间焦虑与导航方式对寻路绩效影响显著。对空间焦虑较低的女性而言,标志导航最佳,标志与YAH地图并存时次之,YAH地图导航最差;对空间焦虑较高的女性而言,标志与YAH地图并存时效率最高,标志导航次之,YAH地图导航最差。对女性而言,YAH地图导航显著劣于其它两种导航方式。而对男性而言,空间焦虑与导航方式对寻路绩效的影响差异不显著。该研究结果可为导航支持系统的界面设计提供依据。  相似文献   

Two studies examined children's map construction skills when drawing demands were removed from the task and scenes were highly simplified. Study 1 compared the performance of first graders and third graders on their ability to preserve configuration during transformation of pictured arrays from eye-level to aerial views. For children with difficulties, Study 2 exposed groups to enhanced vantage points, either pictured from an elevated view or displayed with actual blocks, to investigate effects of support on performance. Results on eye-level to aerial transformations showed that children's ability to map spatial relations developed significantly between the first and third grades, basic configuration skills were gender-neutral, and specificity of details was better for boys by third grade. Enhanced vantage points significantly improved configuration accuracy for both grades (favoring first graders) and both genders (favoring girls). Enhancements eliminated depth errors that were common in arrays with occlusions. In sum, improvement in map construction skills between first grade and third grade demonstrated increased understanding of alternative spatial perspectives, and enhanced vantage points promoted use of projective spatial concepts that were already active in younger children.  相似文献   

可旋转地图和固定地图的定位效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用两个分实验,分别比较了在空白背景与复杂背景上地图旋转与地图固定两种导航方式下被试的方位判断反应时之间的差异,然后考察两种背景在两种导航方式差异上的一致性问题。结果发现,在运动点的运动方向为朝上、朝左和朝右时,对于空白背景,地图旋转方式下的反应时显著低于地图固定方式;而对于复杂背景,两种导航方式下的反应时之间不存在显著差异。在运动点的运动方向为朝下时,对于两种背景,地图旋转方式的反应时均显著低于地图固定方式。这一结果基本证实了本研究的假设,即被试利用地图进行空间定向的认知过程包括心理旋转与目标搜索两个阶段。  相似文献   

通过回顾文献对生前预嘱、预立医疗指示、预立医疗照护计划三个概念产生的背景、定义、内容组成和法律实践等问题进行梳理与澄清,进一步指出概念之间的关系。生前预嘱与预立医疗指示属于归属关系。预立医疗照护计划是继预立医疗指示产生和应用后,为促进其签署而提出的概念,二者在内容、实施的侧重点及实施效果方面存在差异。通过概念辨析,旨在减少医务人员和公众对以上概念的混淆和误解,为后续研究和临床实践开展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Science and Engineering Ethics - Over the past few years, there has been a proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) strategies, released by governments around the world, that seek to maximise...  相似文献   


Sensitivity to the attributes of a stimulus (form or motion) and accuracy when detecting rapidly presented stimulus information were measured in older (N?=?36) and younger (N?=?37) groups. Before and after practice, the older group was significantly less sensitive to global motion (but not to form) and less accurate on a rapid sequencing task when detecting the individual elements presented in long but not short sequences. These effect sizes produced power for the different analyses that ranged between 0.5 and 1.00. The reduced sensitivity found among older individuals to temporal but not spatial stimuli, adds support to previous findings of a selective age-related deficit in temporal processing. Older women were significantly less sensitive than older men, younger men and younger women on the global motion task. Gender effects were evident when, in response to global motion stimuli, complex extraction and integration processes needed to be undertaken rapidly. Significant moderate correlations were found between age, global motion sensitivity and reports of perceptions of other vehicles and road signs when driving. These associations suggest that reduced motion sensitivity may produce functional difficulties for the older adults when judging speeds or estimating gaps in traffic while driving.  相似文献   

本研究追踪了139名儿童在7岁、8岁和9岁时在计划和注意任务上的表现,通过交叉滞后分析考察了此期间计划能力与注意能力不同成分(持续性注意,抑制控制和选择性注意)在发展上的关系。结果发现抑制控制和选择性注意与计划能力在7岁-8岁期间存在着正向的双向作用关系,而7岁时的持续性注意和抑制控制正向预测8岁时的计划能力,7岁时的计划能力正向预测8岁时的选择性注意。这些结果表明计划能力和注意能力的不同成分之间存在着发展上的双向作用关系。  相似文献   

In a previous study, Mix et al. (2016) reported that spatial skill and mathematics were composed of 2 highly correlated, domain-specific factors, with a few cross-domain loadings. The overall structure was consistent across grade (kindergarten, 3rd grade, 6th grade), but the cross-domain loadings varied with age. The present study sought to replicate these patterns. Using the data from Wave 1 (n = 854) and data collected from a 2nd sample of kindergarten (n = 251), 3rd-grade (n = 247), and 6th-grade students (n = 241) with the same measures as in Wave 1, we carried out a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis to compare the 2 waves. We also completed several analyses of the Wave 2 data alone. The overall pattern obtained in Wave 1—2 highly correlated domain-specific factors—was clearly replicated in Wave 2. However, more subtle effects involving cross-domain loading were only partially replicated and generally appear fragile and context-specific. In Wave 2, we also included 2 new measures (i.e., proportion matching and fraction identification) that were analyzed in a separate model. Including these new measures did not change the overall pattern of factors and domain-specific factor loadings but did alter some of the cross-domain loadings.  相似文献   

Kelly  Dominic P.  Beltz  Adriene M. 《Sex roles》2022,87(5-6):251-266
Sex Roles - The sex-role mediation hypothesis suggests that a masculine self-concept promotes male-typed cognition, including spatial skills. Support for the hypothesis is mixed, limited by small...  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - The importance of child-friendly spaces is well captured in literature. Despite this, child-friendly spaces are a scare commodity in modern environments,...  相似文献   

The Mathematics Problem Solving (MRS) and Mathematics Concepts (MC) subtests of the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills were investigated for content and psychometric item bias at grades 3, 6, and 8. A small proportion of items were identified in each subtest which significantly favored either males or females. No skill classification, item content or location trends could be found for the mathematics subtests at each grade level. Across the grade levels, items in the MC subtest favored males for grades 3 and 6, but females were favored at grade 8. The procedure used in the study is generalizable to other groups (minority or grade levels). Test consumers have the right to know whether the test they use is fair for selected groups of students. Results from empirical investigations should appear in the Test Manual that accompanies the test battery.  相似文献   

This study describes the implementation and effects of a 32-week teacher-led spatial reasoning intervention in K–2 classrooms. The intervention targeted spatial visualization skills as an integrated feature of regular mathematics instruction. Compared to an active control group, children in the spatial intervention demonstrated gains in spatial language, visual-spatial reasoning, 2D mental rotation, and symbolic number comparison. Overall, the findings highlight the potential significance of attending to and developing young children's spatial thinking as part of early mathematics instruction.  相似文献   

Many therapists attend 1- or 2-day workshops as part of their continuing professional development. Recent literature has suggested that workshops are largely ineffective unless followed up by consultation or supervision. However, not all therapists have this option, and the question remains whether there are ways to potentiate workshop learning in the absence of follow-up consultation. This study tested the hypothesis that creating opportunities to reflect in the weeks following a workshop would enhance learning and utilization of skills. Two groups of practitioners, who attended the same 2-day CBT skills workshop in successive years, were compared: a training-as-usual group and a reflection group. The reflection group completed reflection worksheets at the end of each workshop day and were instructed to complete follow-up reflection worksheets at 1, 4 and 8 weeks post-workshop. Ten weeks after the workshop, the reflection group reported enhanced use of new skills with clients and a trend towards increased awareness of workshop learning. Further analysis revealed that group differences were almost entirely linked to use of follow-up reflection worksheets. Those participants in the reflection group who used follow-up reflection worksheets reported far greater awareness and use of skills than those who did not. Reminder emails had the predicted effect of increasing the use of the reflection worksheets; twice as many participants in the email reminder group used the reflection sheets compared with the nonreminder group. The results suggest that the relatively simple strategy of introducing reflection worksheets to workshop handouts, and sending reminder emails may significantly enhanced learning and utilization of workshop skills.  相似文献   




压后皮质在大脑中紧邻胼胝体压部,在空间导航中起到重要作用,但其具体功能尚未明确。目前存在空间更新、地标领航和参照系转换三种观点。本文通过梳理上述观点,认为压后皮质的功能为对认知地图与环境布局进行映射,这种映射功能有助于解释压后皮质在基于认知地图进行导航过程中的激活。未来研究应该关注对压后皮质的功能分区,也要关注压后皮质与不同脑区的连接,这将对进一步理解其功能有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This study investigated the use of block-building interventions to develop spatial-reasoning skills in kindergartners. Two intervention conditions and a control condition were included to determine, first, whether the block building activities themselves benefited children's spatial skills, and secondly, whether a story context further improved learning. Spatial measures included: spatial visualization, mental rotation, and block building. Results showed: for block building, interventions within a story context improved performance compared to the other two conditions. For spatial visualization, both types of block-building interventions improved performance compared to the control condition. Findings suggest: (1) storytelling provides an effective context for teaching spatial content, (2) teaching block building develops wider spatial skills, and (3) 3-dimensional mental rotation tasks show a male advantage in kindergartners.  相似文献   

This is the second of two articles that describe the development and evaluation of three component-specific instructional systems for improving critical reading skills. The skill components that were the focus of training have been shown in prior research to represent particular sources of processing difficulty for young adult, poor readers and, based on a model of component interaction, were predicted to have a potentially strong impact on the performance of other component processes. Part 1 presented the evaluation of SPEED, a system designed to develop automaticity in the ability to perceptually encode multiletter units that appear in words. Part 2 describes the evaluation of the RACER and SKI JUMP systems, which focus respectively on developing automaticity in phonological decoding of orthographic information in words and the use of context frames in retrieving and integrating word meanings. In both the RACER and SKI JUMP training studies, all subjects achieved highly accurate and efficient levels of performance in the skill that was the focus of training. Furthermore, SKI JUMP training had an impact on word analysis components and on a measure of inferential comprehension. An analysis of the patterns of transfer of skills acquired in training is presented, and conditions for optimizing skill integration are discussed.  相似文献   

A primary goal of occupational therapy is to improve psychiatric patients' social interaction skills. The role of the therapist, in this effort, is to provide opportunities for patients to practice and learn more effective ways of relating with others. Theorists in the profession have encouraged occupational therapists to consider the use of group games to accomplish this objective. Although the use of games has been reported by occupational therapists who work with menlally retarded children and adults, the use of games with psychiatric populations has received little attention in the literature. This article describes the use of The Social Skills Game to facilitate social interaction and the devcloprnenl of social skills in a psychiatric population.  相似文献   

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