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A discussion is presented of five Rorschach protocols that appear to meet the criteria proposed by Exner and Weiner (1982, p. 31) for "brief and barren" Rorschach protocols. The protocols were obtained from a social service agency treating abused, neglected, disturbed, and delinquent youths. An attempt is made to bring to bear a conceptual approach to these Rorschachs, so that they may be seen as clinically valuable and revealing, hence not "invalid" diagnostic protocols. Emphasis is placed on the subjects' approach to the task, the subject-examiner interaction, and the meaning of the subjects' ostensibly peripheral comments. Recommendations are offered regarding ways to maximize the clinical utility of such protocols.  相似文献   

Color vision deficits occur in 10% of the American white male population. Thus, color blindness may invalidate diagnostic hypotheses generated from Rorschach data. The Rorschach protocols of 43 white, college male color-blind subjects were compared to the protocols of normally sighted controls. The color-blind group manifested fewer pure "C" responses. No significant between group differences emerged for any of the other primary Rorschach color variables. Pure "C" responses rarely figure prominently in Rorschach evaluations, and the apparent lowered frequency of these responses by the color-blind is insufficient to warrant modification of current Rorschach practice. The data suggest that color blindness is unlikely to confound Rorschach assessment.  相似文献   

A method of scoring the form level of Rorschach responses developed by Mayman (1962) was employed in a study of 100 twins and 95 of their parents. A method of training is described that led to generally adequate inter-scorer reliabilities. The relationship of mean form level to age, sex, and intellectual abilities is discussed, as are results relevant to the “heritability” of mean form level. It is concluded that mean form level is of complex determination and should be interpreted cautiously in developmental studies. It is argued that Mayman's highly differentiated approach to form level has unique value for qualitative analyses of Rorschach protocols.  相似文献   

The central purpose of this work is to examine to what extent Form Quality (FQ) scoring of Rorschach responses, using Exner's (2003) Table A, is the reason for lower FQ to often be found in normative data outside the United States. The Rorschach protocols of 180 Portuguese boys and girls between 6 and 10 years of age were codified with respect to Form Quality in accordance with Exner's table of objects classified as ordinary, unusual, and minus, based on frequencies seen among U.S. adults and on an analogous Portuguese table (Table P) constructed from the protocols of 400 nonpatient children. Mean differences between the various FQ variables of the 2 tables were found to be insignificant. However, use of Janson's (2003) iota coefficient to evaluate agreement between the 2 approaches to scoring on the same protocols revealed that the more striking differences occurred in the FQu variable when agreement was assessed on the basis of each individual response. In view of these results, the authors recognize the possibility of Rorschach normative data to be universally applied, but still consider the possible advantage of each country or culture to build its own FQ table that will permit preservation of its particularities.  相似文献   

Roy Schafer 's Psychoanalytic Interpretation in Rorschach Testing has, for nearly 40 years, represented a hallmark of psychodynamically informed psychological assessment. In this article, Schafer's contribution is reviewed in light of recent contributions to the Rorschach literature. Following a summary of the main sections of the work, Schafer's approach to the Rorschach is critically re-examined from the perspective of modem assessment practice. Differences between the epistemological bases of psychoanalytic and empirical methods of Rorschach interpretation are highlighted, and the prospects for an integration of these two approaches are considered. It is concluded that Schafer's contribution remains as fresh today as when written 40 years ago.  相似文献   

传统观念认为罗夏测验具有投射测验的性质,因此受测者无法在其测验中故意“装好”和诈病。但相关研究发现,受测者的“装好”反应对于罗夏测验结果没有产生实质性的影响,不能改变罗夏测验的基本数据特征和结构汇总性量表;而诈病反应的研究结论不尽相同,受测者有可能造成罗夏测验变量得分的改变,伪装成相应精神病理症状。如果联合使用MMPI和罗夏测验,则可以精确地评估受测者的伪装反应。目前已有的研究存在被试取样单一、研究数量偏少、无法确定临界值等问题。罗夏测验“装好”和诈病反应研究还处于初步阶段,需要继续深入研究并建立专门的“装好”和诈病量表。  相似文献   

The Nuremberg trials focused worldwide attention on 22 Nazi war criminals. Rorschach Inkblot tests were administered to these Nazi leaders in an attempt to understand the Nazi personality. Past studies which have described and interpreted these Rorschach records have made at least two types of errors in their analyses. One is that of overinterpretation and excessive inference. A second common error has been the failure to detect meaningful distinctions between protocols that represent significant differences in personality style. This latter error is shown in repeated attempts to group all Nazi protocols into one distinct "Nazi personality." This investigation attempted to quantify the analysis of these Nazi Rorschach records, specifically those Nazi leaders who were sentenced to life imprisonment or execution for their war crimes against humanity, by utilizing Exner's (1985a) standardized Comprehensive Scoring System as well as computerized objective interpretation software based on the Exner system (1986). This modern analysis of the Rorschach records demonstrates that the Nazi war criminals cannot be grouped together into one specific mental disorder that would adequately characterize these diverse individuals. The varying degrees of psychopathology of the Nazi leaders are illustrated by analyses of individual Rorschach protocols.  相似文献   

The Rorschach human movement (M) response has recently been debated (Exner, 1991a, Kramer, 1991a, 1991b) with additional wider implications for Rorschach psychology. The objective of this discourse is twofold: (a) to elaborate on the contributions of perceptanalysis (Piotrowski, 1957) to this debate and (b) to develop the thesis that diversity is desirable for the long-term advancement of the field of Rorschach psychology and personality assessment. These motifs are illustrated with an interpretation of a clinical case example and with rationale from the theoretical literature and implications for interpreting short Rorschach protocols. The conclusion is proffered that some degree of diversification is more beneficial than requiring the adoption of a single Rorschach approach (i.e., monotheism).  相似文献   

The Rorschach human movement (M) response has recently been debated (Exner, 1991a, Kramer, 1991a, 1991b) with additional wider implications for Rorschach psychology. The objective of this discourse is twofold: (a) to elaborate on the contributions of perceptanalysis (Piotrowski, 1957) to this debate and (b) to develop the thesis that diversity is desirable for the long-term advancement of the field of Rorschach psychology and personality assessment. These motifs are illustrated with an interpretation of a clinical case example and with rationale from the theoretical literature and implications for interpreting short Rorschach protocols. The conclusion is proffered that some degree of diversification is more beneficial than requiring the adoption of a single Rorschach approach (i.e., monotheism).  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that content analysis of the Rorschach may be a useful tool in diagnosing homosexuality. The present study selected three groups of 15 Ss as: Heterosexual, sex-role disturbed, and homosexuals. A content analysis of the Rorschach protocols using Schafer's signs was performed. The results indicated that the signs were highly successful in differentiating the three groups. Implications for further research were discussed.  相似文献   

Pairs of Rorschach protocols for each of 25 neurologically impaired patients were obtained from two different testings spanning an average of three years apart to study the Rorschach's test-retest reliability under specific conditions. Significant correlations were obtained for all but a few major summary scores. An additional analysis revealed no strong relationship between the varying test-retest interval lengths and the stability of various Rorschach scores.  相似文献   

Aronow, Reznikoff, and Moreland (this issue) have written a thoughtful contribution to the debate on the status of nomothetic and idiographic approaches to the Rorschach test. One of the interesting and attractive features of the current Rorschach er a is—as the Rorschach has experienced a resurgence of interest—the continuing interest in the foundations of the test and the historic antecedents to contemporary thought about the Rorschach (cf. Handler, 1994). One cannot consider Rorschach's seminal insights or those of the first and second generation and not deepen one's contemporary understanding and practice. In other words, the more you know about the test, the better "Rorschacher" you will be. This is witness to the test's utility and profundity. For this we may be grateful for the thought-provoking contribution of Aronow and his colleagues.  相似文献   

The appearance of depressive features, as reflected by responses to the Rorschach test, were explored in two groups of children from divorced and nondivorced families (referred to here as divorce and nondivorce children). The relationships between the depression scores and the children's hostility, aggression, and anxiety levels were also studied. The Rorschach Inkblot Test was individually administered to a nonclinical sample of 108 Swedish school children between 10 and 12 years old. The subjects constituted two groups,, a divorce group (27 girls, 27 boys) and a nondivorce group (27 girls, 27 boys). Divorce children scored significantly higher on Exner's (1986) Depression Index than their nondivorce peers. Furthermore, divorce children with depressive features in their Rorschach responses were found to have a high level of hostility and aggression (as manifested in their Rorschach protocols), whereas no such associations were found among nondivorce children.  相似文献   

A group of 27 male subjects were administered the Rorschach at ages 14 and 24. The protocols were scored for the main categories of the Holt Primary Process scoring system. A comparison of the two age groups indicates that at age 24 there is a decrease in the percentage of primary process responses and an increase in “adaptive regression.” Individual differences for all the primary process scoring categories remained highly consistent for the 10-year period spanned by the data. Adaptive regression was found to be significantly correlated with IQ, field independence (RFT), and Rorschach ratings of intellectualization at both ages. The results were viewed as suggesting that primary process manifestations on the Rorschach seem to be mediated by stable aspects of an individual's cognitive abilities and cognitive style.  相似文献   

Experiencing sexual abuse increases the risk that children will report or otherwise demonstrate problems with emotion, behavior, and health. This longitudinal study of 44 children who experienced sexual abuse examined whether information processing as assessed via the Rorschach Inkblot Test was associated with child-reported depression symptoms assessed via the Children's Depression Inventory (Kovacs, 1992) concurrently and an average of 15 months later. Children whose Rorschach protocols were relatively free of scores suggesting intense distress, complex processing, and sexual content were more likely to experience remission of depression symptoms at follow-up. Findings provide incremental validity for certain Rorschach indexes to inform prognosis regarding depression symptoms and perhaps their treatment.  相似文献   

Thinking disturbance and disorder of affects may be different in two subtypes of schizophrenia, the "florid" and the "withdrawal" syndromes. In Exner's approach to the Rorschach system, the diagnostic indicators of disordered thinking may point out large differences not only between schizophrenic and control subjects but also between different types of schizophrenics. The Rorschach protocols of 45 subjects (15 "florid" schizophrenics, 15 "withdrawn" schizophrenics, and 15 controls of the same age and education, matched by sex) were examined on several Exner indices. Compared with the control group, both schizophrenic types confirmed an impairment of perceptual accuracy and of reality testing as well as a reduced emotional control. Compared with the "withdrawn" group, the "florid" schizophrenic subjects showed significantly higher indices of poor perceptual functioning, of an inadequate organizational activity (more Whole and Z responses characterized by negative Form Quality) and greater disordered ideational production.  相似文献   

In interpreting children's Rorschachs, it is often difficult to discriminate between a severe disturbance and an adaptive reaction to a trauma. To explore this difficult differential diagnostic issue, a child was tested three times. It was suggested that complexity, references to the trauma, and evidence of psychological disturbance are associated with an attempt to master the trauma. Rorschach data were presented and were found to be consistent with these speculations. The author concluded that such "openness" to an environmental stress may allow an adaptive reaction and that understanding Rorschach data in context helps to reduce ambiguity and to recognize the test's limitations.  相似文献   

In an attempt to cross-validate the Wheeler and Schafer signs of homosexuality in the Rorschach, the present study made use of 60 male adult convicts of a Calcutta jail, divided into four equal groups: active homosexual, passive homosexual, sex-role disturbed and heterosexual normals. The protocols of the individually administered Rorschach were examined for both Wheeler and Schafer signs of homosexuality. Statistical analyses revealed that while Wheeler's signs could differentiate only homosexuals (active and passive) and sex-disturbed convicts at .05 level of significance, Schafer's signs were able to differentiate most of the studied groups at level of significance varying between .01 and .05. Failure of the Schafer signs to distinguish between active and passive homosexuals as well as between sex-disturbed and heterosexuals is discussed with reference to the characteristics of prison subculture.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the hypothesis, implicit in several areas of previous research, that high tolerance for ambiguity is a cognitive style which reflects high levels of underlying psychological health. Using Self-Actualization scores on the Tennessee Self Concept Scale, 36 adult subjects were defined as relatively high or low in self-actualization with equal numbers of males and females in each group. All subjects then performed individually on the Rorschach test and the Rorschach protocols were rated reliably for degree of tolerance for ambiguity. It was found that regardless of sex the high self-actualization group exhibited a significantly higher level of tolerance for ambiguity than the low self-actualization group. The finding was interpreted as confirmation of the study's hypothesis.  相似文献   

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