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This paper examines the ethicality of internal consumption in multilevel marketing. Internal consumption occurs when distributors in a multilevel marketing organization purchase and personally consume the products and services of their multilevel marketing firm. The paper documents that internal consumption is a common, widespread phenomenon found in all types of firms and that criticism of this aspect of multilevel marketing as being unethical and fraudulent is misplaced.  相似文献   

临床胜任能力既包括与医疗实践相关的专业知识和技能,又包括人际交往能力、终身学习能力、人格特征等.运用知识和技能处理实际工作中遇到的问题,并最终使患者获得好的健康状态才是评价临床胜任能力的金标准.因此,医学教育应以培养医学生的临床胜任能力为目标,医学生考评也应与此目标相一致.  相似文献   

李爽  陈国鹏  李超平  姜月  孟慧 《心理科学》2006,29(1):146-147,129
为了方便企业甄选所需要的高级管理人才,本文就“高级职业经理人胜任特质评定量表”的编制过程及其量表的结构分析做一报告。该量表分为认知基质、组织协调、领导力、个性倾向和自我调节五个纬度和一个测谎的分量表。本研究立足于中国本土文化,采用小组中心访谈和多种统计分析技术对中国的高级职业经理人的胜任特质进行测评,结果显示总量表和各纬度上的项目具有较高的同质性信度和结构效度,具有较好的鉴别力。  相似文献   

Fifty-one percent (N = 80) of directors of doctoral PhD and PsyD programs in clinical psychology, accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA), responded to a survey on assessment training. The study was a replication of an earlier survey by Piotrowski and Keller (1984b) on instruction, practices, and attitudes on testing. Our findings indicated that training emphasis in assessment coursework has changed very little over the past decade. Intelligence testing was emphasized in most programs, followed by objective and projective personality assessment. However, training in behavioral assessment techniques was required in only half of the responding programs. There were no significant differences between PhD and PsyD programs concerning required coursework in assessment. Factors that influence the perennial importance of testing in the clinical core curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   

Outcome assessment of student competence is an increasingly important area of direct relevance to special services. With the growing attention being given to this challenging task has come recognition by practitioners of the need to more fully understand what constitutes the area. As a response to this need, a conceptualization of outcome assessment of student competence is provided in this article, while pertinent issues and implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics - The case of May Redwing, an American Indian woman assessed for competence is examined in detail. The case highlights the interconnections between the cultures...  相似文献   

Zapf PA  Skeem JL  Golding SL 《心理评价》2005,17(4):433-445
Examination of the available literature regarding the development of the MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool-Criminal Adjudication (MacCAT-CA) reveals 2 theoretical factor structures on which the MacCAT-CA was based: one in which 3 lower-order constructs are proposed (understanding, reasoning, appreciation) and one in which 2 higher-order constructs are proposed (competence to assist counsel and decisional competence). Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted with the MacCAT-CA's original normative sample (N = 729) to test both the relative fit of these 2 theoretical factor structures and models that combine the 2 factor structures. Analyses were also completed to examine the convergent and discriminant validity of the MacCAT-CA. Results are discussed in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of the nomothetic nature of the MacCAT-CA.  相似文献   

To test the salience of age and people's attitudes toward aging in situations of norm violation, 104 male and female undergraduates read an account of an actual psychological research study which was deemed to be unethical and thought to have been conducted by Es of different ages (student, junior faculty, senior faculty, control) and rated it in terms of its ethicality, their willingness to participate in it, and cost-benefit factors. Results showed that S s judged the study less ethical and were less willing to participate in it when it was conducted by an older researcher. S s with negative attitudes toward old people were also less willing to participate. S s in the senior-researcher condition and those with negative attitudes toward old people were oblivious to cost-benefit factors. Results suggest that age was salient in cases of norm violation, that attitudes toward old people reflected themselves in behavioral intentions, and that cost-benefit measures provided an index of prejudicial thought.  相似文献   

采用Stunkard等人编制的9点女性体形评定图片,使用排序法、评分法、评估法以及选美和选搭档的情景题目,对女性体形、吸引力与能力之间的关系进行了探索.各种方法一致发现吸引力与能力均和体形之间存在倒U形关系,但最具能力的体形和最具吸引力的体形并不一致,人们倾向认为偏瘦体形人物最具吸引力,但中等体形人物能力最强,存在分离现象.此外,女性虽不能正确知觉男性眼中最有吸引力的体形,但能正确知觉男性眼中最有能力的体形.本研究进一步发现,男性的分配观念可为女性不惜牺牲能力评价而热衷减肥的行为提供一定的解释.本研究的结果有助于人们认清体形吸引力与体形所展现出来的能力的分离关系,帮助女性更加理性地认识自己的体形.同时,该研究结果还可为有效减少女性盲目减肥提供科学依据.  相似文献   

成人后期日常能力自评与操作水平的横断比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自我评估与纸笔操作相结合的方法 ,对 2 3 3名 55至 74岁的成人后期被试完成七项日常活动的能力进行横断比较。结果表明 :自评能力与操作能力既存在一定的一致性 ,也存在相当大的差异性 ,各活动项目上的自评水平比操作水平要高 ;操作水平表现出随年龄增长而下降的趋势 ,从 70岁开始下降最为明显 ,而自评水平未呈现出这种变化特点 ;不同活动领域上的操作水平存在不同的发展轨迹 ;在少数活动领域具有显著的性别差异  相似文献   

Ethical leadership encompasses the personal conduct of the leader and the leader’s expectations that followers behave ethically. Building on social learning and social exchange theory, we propose that ethical leadership interacts with coworker ethicality to predict personnel’s ethical intentions and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Using data collected from a large organizational sample, we use moderated regression analysis to test the main and interactive effects of ethical leadership and coworker ethicality on ethical intentions and OCB as it relates to conscientiousness, civic virtue, and altruism. Study 1 examines how ethical leadership and coworker ethicality interact to predict ethical intentions using a sample of 1,551 military personnel. Study 2 extends the results of Study 1 by examining how ethical leadership and coworker ethicality interact to predict OCB using a combined sample of 3,363 military and civilian personnel. Consistent with social learning theory, we found positive relationships between ethical leadership and coworker ethicality with ethical outcomes (i.e., intentions and OCB). Consistent with social exchange theory, we found that perceptions of ethical leadership strengthened the relationship between coworker ethicality and ethical intentions and OCB, highlighting the importance of leaders in shaping the behavior of organizational members.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to adapt the Multisource Assessment of Social Competence Scale to the Greek language. The validity and reliability of the scale were examined in three studies with 209, 192, and 147 sixth-grade students, respectively. The subscale structure of the Multisource Assessment of Social Competence Scale was supported through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The hypothesized two main dimensions, Prosocial and Antisocial behavior, were divided into two factors, Cooperating skills and Empathy for Prosocial behavior and Quick-temperedness and Disruptiveness for Antisocial behavior. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability were high. Additionally, correlations between each factor and social desirability scores were nonsignificant. The resultant model of the present study is a behavior rating scale that should be considered a reliable choice for assessing Greek middle school students' social skills.  相似文献   

A recent report by Hilsenroth and Handier (1995) surveyed graduate students impressions of their predoctoral-level training on the Rorschach method. My commentary underscores two central points from their article: (a) the problem of program specialization, in a crowded curriculum, and (b) students indication of a need for more secure grounding in personality theory and clinical diagnosis. The focus of these remarks concerns current trends in clinical psychology education, their implications for training in psychological assessment, establishing a reasonable upper limit of solid competence, for achieving a journeyman level of ability, and some considerations about a suitable role for continuing education workshops. A sharp distinction between filling in gaps in knowledge and compensating for fundamental deficiencies is emphasized in this context.  相似文献   

Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein’s Nudge advances a theory of how designers can improve decision-making in various situations where people have to make choices. We claim that the moral acceptability of nudges hinges in part on whether they can provide an account of the competence required to offer nudges, an account that would serve to warrant our general trust in choice architects. What needs to be considered, on a methodological level, is whether they have clarified the competence required for choice architects to prompt subtly our behaviour toward making choices that are in our best interest from our own perspectives. We argue that, among other features, an account of the competence required to offer nudges would have to clarify why it is reasonable to expect that choice architects can understand the constraints imposed by semantic variance. Semantic variance refers to the diverse perceptions of meaning, tied to differences in identity and context, that influence how users interpret nudges. We conclude by suggesting that choice architects can grasp semantic variance if Thaler and Sunstein’s approach to design is compatible with insights about meaning expressed in science and technology studies and the philosophy of technology.  相似文献   


Mill is often the object of schizophrenic interpretation: he is either interpreted as a fierce proponent of negative freedom, i.e. a prototypical liberal who professes neutrality with regard to different conceptions of the good, or as a concealed moralist whose ultimate goal is to construct society on the basis of a particular and thick conception of the good. In this paper I will argue that Mill employs a tacit concept of competence in On Liberty, which allows us to account for these different interpretations. I will do so by focussing on the role of truth and individuality in On Liberty. Competence is a precondition for individuality, and as such, it is a threshold concept: those above the threshold are sensitive to rational argument and should be free to pursue happiness in their own way (because they are guided by the truth), whereas those who fail to meet this threshold should be educated and paternalistically be kept out of harm's way until they are able to find the truth for and by themselves.  相似文献   

A motion picture test of counselor perceptions of counseling interview segments was developed in order to analyze change in trainee perceptions during a practicum, and to explore the relationship between counselor perceptions of others and counseling competence. Cross-validation results from a group of 30 NDEA Counseling and Guidance Institute trainees demonstrated a significant relationship between post-practicum counseling competence and both pre-practicum and post-practicum test scores. The test appears to be relatively independent of other commonly used selection criteria.  相似文献   

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