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亲缘利他的不对称性:进化视角的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内含适应性理论是进化生物学和进化心理学中最重要的理论之一。该理论假设, 个体的亲属是其适应性的载体, 但亲属们的价值有所不同。大量研究发现, 亲属的利他行为表现出不对称性, 即遗传相关系数相同的亲属表现出不同的利他倾向。如祖父母对孙辈的投资中, 外祖母往往投入最多, 外祖父和祖母次之, 祖父投入最少。研究者用内含适应性理论来解释这种亲缘利他差异, 进而提出了“父亲身份不确定性”等具体的进化假设。未来研究中, 国内研究者应在正确理解内含适应性理论的基础上, 更多关注亲缘利他的不对称性, 采用多种数据采集方法和统一的评定指标。  相似文献   

The psychology of motherhood during the daughter's adolescence is described in this article. Drawing on psychoanalytic and Jungian theoretical works as well as on research in adult development, the author describes (a) normal maternal development with an emphasis on the synergistic, maturational tasks of the mother and adolescent offspring; (b) maternal conflicts; and (c) counseling approaches that promote the mother's individuation and appropriate responses to her child.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss recent advances in relational psychoanalytic thinking, and demonstrate how an assimilative approach to integration can be based on this theoretical and clinical model. We describe 3 instances in which active interventions may be used to enhance relationally oriented, psychoanalytic work: by impacting on relationships outside of therapy that maintain pathological patterns, by filling in intrapsychic deficits, and by supporting the patient's active efforts at change. We provide clinical examples to illustrate each of these points.  相似文献   

Quality of Life (QoL) is a multi-dimensional concept that includes: a) the long-term sustainability of the earth; b) good health, education, welfare; and c) the psychological state of wellbeing. This article, which introduces a special issue on QoL from an evolutionary perspective, shows how modern evolutionary science provides a “toolkit” for studying all aspects of QoL.  相似文献   

Social psychological theories tend to be primarily concerned with the immediate causes of altruism, whereas evolutionary explanations focus more on the origins and ultimate functions of altruistic behavior. Recent developments in the evolutionary psychology of altruism promise an even richer understanding of this important category of social behaviors. Specifically, new perspectives offered by multilevel-selection theory and costly-signaling theory may help to shed light on some of the more problematic issues in the study of altruism.  相似文献   

The negotiation of prejudice among immigrant women has largely been unaddressed in the psychotherapy literature. In an increasingly pluralistic society, such as the United States, it is especially important to address needs of specific subgroups of women who experience racial and ethnic prejudice. Immigrant women are in a unique position to simultaneously encounter prejudice related to multiple aspects of social identity, such as gender, race, and ethnicity, contributing to feelings of marginalization. This article addresses the role of attachment related conflicts in immigrant women's negotiation of racial and ethnic stereotyping and discrimination, from a psychodynamic perspective. Implications of these conflicts for women's identity development are discussed. A clinical case vignette illustrates the complexity of addressing attachment and prejudice within and outside the therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

进化心理学观点认为两性冲突是一个性别达到最佳适应的过程被另一个性别所阻碍,其根本原因是两性繁衍成功的根本进化利益存在冲突。从进化心理学的角度,根据两性敌对性选择理论,两性冲突可以分为基因座内的两性冲突与基因座间的两性冲突,前者可由性选择理论解释,后者涉及到两性的适应与反适应以及在军备竞赛中的协同进化。而两性冲突缓和则可以由费舍尔模型与基因复制理论、性别二态性和一夫一妻制度解释。两性冲突及缓和也分别具有进化心理学的相关实证依据支持。未来两性冲突领域的研究需要提升研究方法的客观性及两性冲突特质的多样性,并关注两性冲突缓和的现实有效途径以及婚配制度与评估方式对繁衍成功的交互作用。  相似文献   

A good working alliance in marital therapy is one in which the partners are actively collaborating with their therapist to work through conflicts. The therapist begins to develop the alliance by setting the frame of therapy and helping the couple understand the guidelines of treatment. The partners gradually identify with and emulate the therapist's working style and use of self as a reflective instrument. The working alliance can be weakened by empathic failures and strengthened by increased feelings of trust in the therapist and the process of treatment This paper looks at the development of the working alliance in marital therapy from a psychodynamic perspective. A clinical illustration is included.  相似文献   

Coining the term theistic dissonance to capture conflicted attitudes and feelings toward God, this article examines faith-based reactions to the Holocaust. The theological weltanschauung of religious Jewish Holocaust survivors is analyzed, with a particular focus on their attempts to reconcile the notion of a benevolent and caring God with their harrowing experience. Basic religious sources and contemporary literature are presented to elucidate the realm of resolutions of theistic dissonance. It is suggested that elements of defense mechanisms are adapted from the emotional into the cognitive realm, and are used by survivors to facilitate respective interpretations of God’s role during the Holocaust. Dissonance resolution is seen as being informed theologically and experientially for these victims who confronted stark challenges to their religious integrity.  相似文献   

The relational framing perspective on taboo exchanges addresses a number of issues that have also been the subjects of considerable interpretive research and theorizing. This commentary highlights interpretive work on gift giving, love, sacredness, purity, and boundaries as it pertains to exchange taboos. It suggests that there is a ritual and moral substrate that underlies exchange behaviors. It concludes that the interpretive perspective may deepen relational framing by revealing an ideal moral template that guides behavior and leads to polite ruses in order to reframe behaviors that violate these norms. It further suggests that there is much to be gained by integrating insights from consumer psychology with those of consumer sociology and consumer anthropology.  相似文献   

Social progress and the evolution of civilizations have traditionally been predominant fields of study for sociology and important topics on political action for modern states as part of the concept of the Welfare State. The study, assessment, and design of social policies related to welfare have always focused on material indicators. However, some recent studies (Pfau-Effinger and Geissler 2005; Gauthier 1996; Held 2006; Daly and Lewis 2000) argue for the inclusion of subjective indicators to cater for aspects traditionally relegated to families’ private lives such as care or the perception of happiness. This article deals with the need to go beyond welfare to well-being from an evolutionary perspective. To do this, we propose a comparative study of different variables used by the European Social Survey (2010) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) family policy database (2013b) to analyze (a) possible variations in family policy in European countries, (b) links between well-being and the family policies being implemented, (c) the extent to which traditional indicators can measure the development of families’ needs, and (d) ways in which these indicators could be improved.  相似文献   

The authors discuss how Adler's Individual Psychology model offers professional counselors, especially school counselors, valuable insights in the counseling of ethnic children and youths. An overview of Adlerian concepts is presented, and the relevance is discussed. Applicable strategies and interventions are presented with pertinent examples.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - The foundation of modern behavior science is the selection of behavior by its consequences. So, behavior that benefits an organism should be maintained (through...  相似文献   

The professions of psychiatry and psychotherapy are both complementary and competitive. This paper examines the dialectic tension between the two. It observes the complexity in having psychiatric evaluation and treatment in the context of ongoing psychotherapy. A referral to a psychiatrist is a meaningful, and a charged intrapsychic and interpsychic event for the patient as well as for the two therapists involved. The nature of the triangle is affected by the inner worlds of the three participants; therefore, the more awareness to the shared work, the better the communication between the three sides of this triangle. The referral to a psychiatrist by a psychotherapist is described as a specific type of an enactment in which the therapeutic dyad is becoming a tirade with all the implications attached. As opposed to the dichotomous perception of the psychiatric intervention as a temporary interruption and reduction of the therapy, this paper offers a model of cooperation between professions that will create a wider and deeper therapeutic space.  相似文献   

Four replications of Rodrigues' (1995) study on genotypical similarities of Raven's (1965) power taxonomy are reported. Rodrigues found that compliance induced by reward, informational, and referent power is perceived as more internal and controllable than compliant behavior induced by expert, legitimate, and coercive power. The replications included 4 new aspects: (a) subjects are highly ego-involved in the hypothetical situation presented; (b) subjects are actors rather than observers; (c) subjects are from another culture; and (d) subjects are asked to play the role of a supervisor and apply sanctions to the person who complied as a result of the influence attempt, thus affording an empirical testing of Weiner's (1995) thought-affect-action sequence when responsibility judgments are made. The results of all 5 studies, with a total of 570 subjects, support Rodrigues' (1995) findings and confirm Weiner's (1995) hypothesis  相似文献   

进化观点下的幸福研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李宏利  张雷 《心理科学进展》2010,18(7):1046-1051
人类社会生活的一项重要目标是追求幸福(happiness), 影响幸福体验的因素有食物、财富、婚姻及友谊等。寻求幸福与避免痛苦能让人们的幸福需求得到满足。幸福和痛苦不是人类通过进化获得的一种最终机能, 然而幸福和痛苦对人类远古祖先的影响在于调节行为活动以增加生存与繁衍可能。为什么有些环境刺激比其他刺激更能让人体验幸福?为什么回避痛苦与追求幸福同样重要?为什么幸福体验有相对性、过度性与目标性的特点?这些问题可以在进化观点中得到较好回答。人们的幸福感可以在认识基因与环境关系的基础上得到加强, 如加强亲属联系、强化社会合作、重视婚姻承诺以及满足本能欲望等。  相似文献   

通过文献回顾的方法,从隐喻的视角来研究精神分析理论及其临床实践的问题,介绍了目前精神分析理论中有关隐喻研究的三方面前沿领域:具体化隐喻、与身体自我相关的隐喻、隐喻作为理解潜意识的途径,指出精神分析学的建立依赖于隐喻理论;在临床实践中,对梦的解析和对移情现象的处理均依赖于隐喻的思维方式,通过隐喻的视角,精神分析师可更加容易地帮助患者实现潜意识内容的意识化。最后指出了精神分析学中隐喻的价值与意义。  相似文献   

The notion of development has been permeated by concepts and methods from positivistic science. As a result, many development initiatives are reductionistic, myopic, and with little or impact on the improvement of the quality of life and the sustainability of communities and societies. This article marks the beginning of a transdisciplinary inquiry among the authors, motivated by direct interest in the issue of development, per se, and in particular, Mexico's development. Our inquiry departs from and weaves together our various areas of expertise and experience, including: systems theory, general evolution theory, economic development, technology transfer, social innovation, sustainable development, environmental behavior, social systems design, and education. The article reviews the concept of development from an evolutionary and systemic perspective. It outlines the foundations of evolutionary development in terms of theory, philosophy, and methodology and provides a conceptual framework for future research aimed at the articulation of a practical model for evolutionary development.  相似文献   

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