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The ability of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI; Myers & McCaulley, 1985) to predict performance on social cognitive tasks tapping information processing effort was assessed. Judgment and intuition interacted to predict amount of attributional adjustment on a dispositional attribution task. The MBTI scales predicted processing above and beyond measures of the five factors, rational-experiential preferences, and causal uncertainty. The relevance of these results for interpretation of the MBTI indexes is discussed.  相似文献   

庄锦英  徐璟  张森  余菲 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1672-1678
择偶复制是一种择偶策略.在阐明择偶复制概念及研究范式的基础上,以阐述择偶复制影响因素的形式,介绍了择偶复制的研究成果、发展脉络.例如,性别影响择偶复制:相对于男性,女性被试更容易产生择偶复制;身体吸引力、性策略、年龄及性经验等影响择偶复制.在此基础上,进一步指出择偶复制的一般化是导致择偶偏好群体内一致性和群体间差异性的原因之一.最后,点明择偶复制的性质:基于社会学习的、适应性的性选择策略.  相似文献   

通过两位数乘法算式答案判别任务研究无意识元认知调控下策略转换的的认知加工特征。整个算式答案判别任务分为两种策略使用情境:一种为只可以使用尾数策略的任务情境;另一种为既可以使用尾数策略,又可以使用奇偶策略的任务情境。实验结果表明:1)无意识元认知具有高选择性、高效性和高潜力,能在策略使用情境转变之后,快速察觉并选择使用更为简单、高效的奇偶策略;2)尾数策略使用的强大思维定势阻止奇偶策略的意识化,致使绝大多数被试未能发现任务情境的变化而在内隐状态下使用了奇偶策略;3)策略在内隐或外显状态下使用具有同等效力,策略内隐使用具有高效性和高潜力。  相似文献   

One hundred fifty-one children and 43 adults judged which of 2 cartoon birds would be the first to arrive at a common finish line. Objects moved unidirectionally along parallel trajectories, either at the same or different speeds, and disappeared at different distances from the goal. Overall, 9–10-year-old children performed as well as adults, but 4–5- and 6–8-year-olds erred significantly more often. On trials for which distance to goal at disappearance was a valid cue, 4–5-year-olds scored 80% correct, and no differences were seen between 6–10-year-olds and adults. On the opposite type of trials, where the trailing bird would win the race, only adults retained their level of performance, and all age groups differed markedly. Findings suggest a gradual developmental transition from a distance-based to a time-based understanding of the task.  相似文献   

心算的策略选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从策略选择的角度来研究心算是当前心算研究的一个重要领域。有关心算活动中问题大小效应、距离效应、奇偶效应等的行为与认知神经科学研究揭示了心算活动中不同的策略选择, 进一步加深了我们对心算加工特点的了解。未来研究在注重具体问题解决的同时, 还应注重实验设计的严密性、研究的深入性与综合性相兼顾等问题。  相似文献   

韩迎春  莫雷 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1188-1191
本研究采用扇效应技术来进一步探讨空间信息在情境模型建构过程当中的作用。共分为两个分实验。实验1通过在材料中使用同样具有可“移动性”的物体概念(例如快餐车)来探讨“可移动性”是否是“[人]在[大场所]”材料范式下观察不到信息整合的根本原因。实验2将材料中的“大场所”地点替换为“中场所”地点,来进一步探讨空间信息在情境模型建构过程中的作用特点。结果表明“人的可移动性”不是“[人]在[大场所]”材料范式下观察不到信息整合的原因并且在不受个体背景知识衰减的情况下.空间信息对情境模型建构的影响作用强于主人公信息的影响作用。  相似文献   

The authors describe the selection process implemented by a counselor education department for screening doctoral applicants. This 2-day selection process is designed to assess each applicant in four areas: counseling skills, interpersonal effectiveness, level of professional knowledge, and credentials.  相似文献   

以纳西族和汉族大学生为被试,采用摸箭头任务和动物排列任务等,考察纳西族大学生和汉族大学生习惯的空间术语是否不同,及其对空间参考框架的选择.结果表明,纳西族大学生比汉族大学生在判断物体空间位置时更多地使用绝对参考框架,云南的汉族大学生在判断物体空间位置时使用绝对和相对参考框架差异不显著,这与他们描述空间关系时习惯使用的术语一致.这一结果支持语言相对论.  相似文献   

William Harms 《Erkenntnis》1997,46(3):335-363
Information about the environment is captured in human biological systems on a variety of interacting levels – in distributions of genes, linguistic particulars, concepts, methods, theories, preferences, and overt behaviors. I investigate some of the basic principles which govern such a hierarchy by constructing a comparatively simple three-level selection model of bee foraging preferences and behaviors. The information-theoretic notion of 'mutual information' is employed as a measure of efficiency in tracking a changing environment, and its appropriateness in epistemological applications is discussed at some length. In particular, information accumulated in mid-level preference distributions exhibits suggestive properties for the purposes of naturalistic epistemology. It also appears that the novelty of scientific objects and representations and the rapidity of scientific change relative to genetic change need present no obstacle to the use of such models in explanations of scientific progress and the reliability of scientific judgement.  相似文献   

利用三个实验探讨了左右、前后(实验1,2)具身化空间四卡问题解决的内容效应,同时探讨了条件推理后件类型(二分变量与连续性变量)对具身化内容效应的影响(实验3)。结果发现:(1)三个实验均表现出在自我参照空间四卡问题解决中,肯定前件和否定后件同时被选择的比率(P-Q)显著高于在经典四卡问题或环境参照空间四卡问题中P-Q卡被选择的比率,从而表现出四卡问题解决存在具身化内容效应;(2)具身化内容效应仅限于后件类型是二分变量的四卡问题;(3)在三个实验中被试均表现出"证真偏向"。具身化空间四卡问题解决的内容效应支持了条件推理领域特异性理论。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a videotape study of particular aspects of the two-part interview developed by Selvini-Palazzoli et al. ( 8 , 9 ). The first segment is a “search for information,” the second part the application of an intervention based on the information gathered in the first part. The study focused on the strategies of information retrieval on the premise that they are significant for the quality of information gathered and for the criteria implicitly conveyed by the therapist that in turn have their own substantial impact on the system. We have employed theories of communication, particularly conversational analysis, that are a departure from the epistemological premises of systems theory and communication pragmatics proposed by Selvini-Palazzoli et al. as the theoretical underpinning of their interview technique.  相似文献   

元认知指个体对自我认知过程的认知。元认知与策略选择的研究自上世纪80年代兴起, 并在随后的30年里取得了丰硕成果, 近年来, 涌现出了不少新的相关研究。基于近10年的国内外研究, 从学习与记忆、问题解决、策略干预三个方面就当今元认知与策略选择的研究新进展进行了分析。基于梳理, 认为元认知在高水平调节、基本记忆策略与策略干预、深层次运作机制及创新研究技术手段方面尚需突破。  相似文献   

微环境以自然选择的方式对肿瘤细胞亚群进行选择,使某些亚克隆更加倾向于向某些位置转移.微环境的自然选择是肿瘤转移的前提条件,始终贯穿于肿瘤发生发展的全过程,从自然选择的角度看肿瘤的转移,研究肿瘤转移需要的微环境,通过破坏转移前微环境,达到预防和治疗肿瘤转移的目的,将为肿瘤转移的治疗开创一条新路.  相似文献   

英语单词记忆过程中策略的选用和评价的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
问卷结果表明 :普通大学生和 GRE考生在有关记忆过程的知识方面没有差异 ;绝大多数 GRE考生有选用“较多的”策略趋势 ,且在规定单词记忆量和精细加工策略方面差异显著 ;两类被试在对策略的评价的总体上具有一致性 ,但两类被试在选择比较有效和值得推荐的策略时 ,在一些自我监控策略上的选取比率表现出差异 ,在选择效果不佳和基本无效策略时 ,在某些一般记忆加工策略上选取比率也存在差异 ;绝大多数被试推荐策略是基于经验 ,判定策略无效是源于直觉判断。本文结合前人的研究成果 ,探讨了知识、情景因素与策略的选择和运用的关系 ;提出了实际学习情景下策略有效性意识形成的两个因素及可能途径。  相似文献   

自然选择与肿瘤转移治疗新策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微环境以自然选择的方式对肿瘤细胞亚群进行选择,使某些亚克隆更加倾向于向某些位置转移。微环境的自然选择是肿瘤转移的前提条件,始终贯穿于肿瘤发生发展的全过程,从自然选择的角度看肿瘤的转移,研究肿瘤转移需要的微环境,通过破坏转移前微环境,达到预防和治疗肿瘤转移的目的,将为肿瘤转移的治疗开创一条新路。  相似文献   

儿童计算的元认知监测及其对策略选择的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴灵丹  刘电芝 《心理科学》2006,29(2):354-357
为了考察儿童在计算中的元认知监测及其对策略选择的影响,选用两种实验材料,对五种元认知监测判断的特点及监测判断对策略选择的影响进行考察,发现:儿童的元认知监测判断等级值总体上具有较高的一致性,元认知监测判断大多与策略选择高度相关,具有较好的预测力,但受材料、指导语等因素影响,又呈现出复杂的关系。本研究从一个侧面证实了元认知监控的基本假说和元认知监测判断的状态说。  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the influence of socially conveyed emotions and speech on infants' choices among food. After watching films in which two unfamiliar actresses each spoke while eating a different kind of food, 12-month-old infants were allowed to choose between the two foods. In Experiment 1, infants selected a food endorsed by a speaker of their native language who displayed positive affect over a food endorsed by a foreign-language speaker who displayed negative affect. In Experiment 2, both actresses displayed positive affect, but they spoke in different languages, and infants again selected the food associated with the speaker of their native language. The findings contrast with previous research in which infants and toddlers have shown little selectivity when presented with foods that differ in their intrinsic properties such as color, texture, and familiarity. Although infants may lack capacities for evaluating foods on their own, they do look to other people for guidance in food selection.  相似文献   

阮昆良  黄希庭 《心理科学》2013,36(3):739-742
时间是个高度抽象的概念,必须依靠具体的、易感知的事物进行表征。时间表征本质上是隐喻性的,而时间的空间隐喻是时间隐喻表征的原型。受到数字空间表征研究的启示,发现时序表征同样具有空间特性。时序表征具有空间特性具有一定的普遍性,但是在具体的水平或垂直空间维度、“左-右”或“右-左”空间方向上存在一定的灵活性;此外时序能够导致空间注意的转移。  相似文献   

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