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Neuropsychology Review - Digital drawing tests have been proposed for cognitive screening over the past decade. However, the diagnostic performance is still to clarify. The objective of this study...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM–IV: Parent Version (ADIS–P) is a valid diagnostic tool for the assessment of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) in youth. Although there is considerable evidence that the ADIS–P is effective in diagnosing anxiety disorders in youth, no studies have yet examined its validity in assessing ODD. In contrast, a number of studies support the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children–Version IV (DISC–IV) as a reliable and valid tool in the assessment of ODD. In the present study, the ADIS–P and DISC–IV ODD modules were administered in a counterbalanced order to the parents of a clinical sample of 106 children between 7 and 14?years of age referred for the treatment of ODD. It was hypothesized that the ODD module of the ADIS–P would be valid as determined by its concurrent and convergent validity with the DISC–IV, the Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC) Aggression and Conduct Problems scales, and the Disruptive Behavior Disorders rating scale (DBD). Results demonstrated that ADIS–P ODD diagnoses had moderate agreement with DISC–IV ODD diagnoses (κ?=?.46, p?<?.001) and that Pearson correlations of ADIS symptom counts with questionnaire scales were similar in magnitude with correlations of DISC–IV symptom counts with the same questionnaires. Overall, findings suggest that clinicians and researchers can use the ADIS–P as an empirically-supported diagnostic interview for assessing children’s oppositional problems.  相似文献   

Traditional testing procedures typically utilize unidimensional item response theory (IRT) models to provide a single, continuous estimate of a student’s overall ability. Advances in psychometrics have focused on measuring multiple dimensions of ability to provide more detailed feedback for students, teachers, and other stakeholders. Diagnostic classification models (DCMs) provide multidimensional feedback by using categorical latent variables that represent distinct skills underlying a test that students may or may not have mastered. The Scaling Individuals and Classifying Misconceptions (SICM) model is presented as a combination of a unidimensional IRT model and a DCM where the categorical latent variables represent misconceptions instead of skills. In addition to an estimate of ability along a latent continuum, the SICM model provides multidimensional, diagnostic feedback in the form of statistical estimates of probabilities that students have certain misconceptions. Through an empirical data analysis, we show how this additional feedback can be used by stakeholders to tailor instruction for students’ needs. We also provide results from a simulation study that demonstrate that the SICM MCMC estimation algorithm yields reasonably accurate estimates under large-scale testing conditions.  相似文献   

This article presents a critical review of traditional testing practices and offers the unificationist perspective as the next logical step in the evolution of psychological and educational measurement. Building on the notion that any activity involving testing should be unified under the rubric of the scientific method, the unificationist view is defined and contrasted to traditional test validation strategies. Implications for test development and for the use of tests and measures in counseling (e.g., interest inventories, personality measures) are delineated from the unificationist perspective.  相似文献   

The BUN and FASTER studies, two prospective multicenter trials in the United States, validated the accuracy and detection rates of first and second trimester screening previously reported abroad. These studies, coupled with the 2007 release of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Practice Bulletin that endorsed first trimester screening as an alternative to traditional second trimester multiple marker screening, led to an explosion of screening options available to pregnant women. ACOG also recommended that invasive diagnostic testing for chromosome aneuploidy be made available to all women regardless of maternal age. More recently, another option known as Non-invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) became available to screen for chromosome aneuploidy. While screening and testing options may be limited due to a variety of factors, healthcare providers need to be aware of the options in their area in order to provide their patients with accurate and reliable information. If not presented clearly, patients may feel overwhelmed at the number of choices available. The following guideline includes recommendations for healthcare providers regarding which screening or diagnostic test should be offered based on availability, insurance coverage, and timing of a patient’s entry into prenatal care, as well as a triage assessment so that a general process can be adapted to unique situations.  相似文献   

The writing portions of the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Educational Achievement-Revised and the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test are often administered when establishing eligibility for special education services due to learning disabilities. The scores on these measures are typically regarded as equivalent although little is known about how scores on the two measures differ for the same students. Differences of only a few points, however, may affect eligibility for special education services. These tests were administered to 25 sixth grade students previously diagnosed with learning disabilities in written expression only. Students' Wechsler scores were consistently higher on the overall writing composite, while there was no difference in the mean scores on the language mechanics subtests. The WIAT Written Expression subtest mean, however, was significantly higher than the Woodcock-Johnson Writing Samples subtest mean. Use of the Wechsler test would be less likely to identify children for special education services in written expression when point discrepancy criteria are utilized for eligibility. Clinicians should be cognizant of the effect of the specific test chosen on eligibility outcome.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the discriminant validity of scores from the Adolescent Behavior Checklist (ABC), a self-report measure of ADHD symptomatology for adolescents ages 11–17 years. Validity was assessed through correlational, univariate, and discriminant function analyses using three groups: (1) adolescents diagnosed with ADHD, (2) adolescents currently experiencing a mood and/or anxiety disorder, and (3) adolescents with no major psychological disorder. Convergent and divergent validity of the ABC factor scores was demonstrated through correlational results with (1) parent and adolescent report of ADHD symptoms during structured psychiatric interviews and (2) scores on questionnaires measuring related and nonrelated constructs. Univariate analyses indicated that the ADHD group obtained significantly higher scores than did the nonclinical adolescents across all ABC factors. Additionally, the ADHD group scored significantly higher than did the psychiatric controls on the following ABC factors: Conduct Problems, Impulsivity/Hyperactivity, and Social Problems. Results from discriminant analyses supported the reliability of ABC scores in correctly classifying participants into groups. Compared to the Youth Self-Report, the ABC was found to be somewhat better at classifying when used in a multiinformant discriminant analysis. Therefore, overall results from the current study suggest that the ABC is a valid and useful self-report screening measure for ADHD symptoms and related difficulties.  相似文献   

Five knowledge tests and one implicit-reasoning task were developed to be: (1) exceptionally short, (2) correlated with general cognitive aptitude, (3) unobtrusive, i.e., appear similar to attitudinal survey items as opposed to maximal performance measures, and (4) without formally “correct” answers. The intent was to design scales that could be administered in non-proctored environments to directly measure general cognitive aptitude while avoiding the possibility that participants could use references to provide “good” answers. The five knowledge tests used a Likert format to assess knowledge in verbal and practical domains, and were scored by computing distances between examinee and reference ratings. The implicit-reasoning task appeared to be a series completion “game” that required a dichotomous response. The scales were administered to 288 Air Force recruits and were validated against the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). Individual unobtrusive knowledge scales and ASVAB tests were substantially correlated with sample correlations ranging to .39 and population correlation estimates to .66 after correcting for range restriction. Two sets of factor scores, which were separately derived from the unobtrusive test battery and the ASVAB, were highly correlated in our sample, .54, yielding a population correlation of .80 after correcting for range restriction. This technology is important because few paper- or Internet-based surveys, and virtually no mail-based surveys accurately measure general cognitive aptitude, while many of these surveys address important social issues and commercial questions that could be better understood given an unobtrusive but accurate estimate of general cognitive aptitude.  相似文献   

In examining the performance of screening scales, a distinction should be made between principal and additional diagnoses. The Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire (PDSQ) is a brief, psychometrically strong self-report scale designed to screen for the most common Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed; DSM-IV) Axis I disorders encountered in outpatient mental health settings. In the present report, the authors compared the performance of the PDSQ in identifying principal and comorbid disorders. Seven hundred ninety-nine psychiatric outpatients completed the PDSQ and were interviewed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. The sensitivity and negative predictive values of the PDSQ subscales were similar for principal and additional diagnoses.  相似文献   

编制选项具有诊断信息的多选题是提高多选题认知诊断测验诊断效果的有效方法.研究从认知诊断的目标出发,根据认知诊断测验质量的评价标准,结合多选题的特点,探讨选项具有诊断信息的多选题认知诊断测验编制的原则.同时,结合多选题的特点和多选题采用称名计分方式的需要,对编制选项具有诊断信息的多选题提出两点要求.根据多选题认知诊断测验编制的原则和要求,给出具有可操作性的多选题认知诊断测验编制的步骤.模拟研究结果表明:根据所提出的原则和要求编制的多选题认知诊断测验具有较好的诊断效果,说明这些原则和要求合理、可行.由于这些原则、要求和步骤具有较强的可操作性,因此它对于编制多选题认知诊断测验具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

西方(以美国为代表)逐步形成了一套符合自身特点的成人学习不良筛查与诊断模式。文章讨论了筛查与诊断的关系,介绍了成人学习不良筛查与诊断的基本环节,以及筛查与诊断工具的选择与评估标准,并在对西方成人学习不良筛查与诊断模式特点的分析基础上,对建立我国成人学习不良测评体系提出了建议。  相似文献   

Despite their widespread use in personnel selection, there is concern that cheating could undermine the validity of unproctored Internet‐based tests. This study examined the presence of cheating in a speeded ability test used for personnel selection. The same test was administered to applicants in either proctored or unproctored conditions. Item response theory differential functioning analyses were used to evaluate the equivalence of the psychometric properties of test items across proctored and unproctored conditions. A few items displayed different psychometric properties, and the nature of these differences was not uniform. Theta scores were not reflective of widespread cheating among unproctored examinees. Thus, results were not consistent with what would be expected if cheating on unproctored tests was pervasive.  相似文献   


In this paper, we apply Vuong’s general approach of model selection to the comparison of nested and non-nested unidimensional and multidimensional item response theory (IRT) models. Vuong’s approach of model selection is useful because it allows for formal statistical tests of both nested and non-nested models. However, only the test of non-nested models has been applied in the context of IRT models to date. After summarizing the statistical theory underlying the tests, we investigate the performance of all three distinct Vuong tests in the context of IRT models using simulation studies and real data. In the non-nested case we observed that the tests can reliably distinguish between the graded response model and the generalized partial credit model. In the nested case, we observed that the tests typically perform as well as or sometimes better than the traditional likelihood ratio test. Based on these results, we argue that Vuong’s approach provides a useful set of tools for researchers and practitioners to effectively compare competing nested and non-nested IRT models.  相似文献   

Social networking sites (SNS) are a rich source of extractive information about job applicants. Human resources (HR) professionals now use SNS to gather additional information about job applicants; consequently, job applicants begin interviewing even before the actual interview. The authors examine SNS in the context of hiring decisions, using uncertainty reduction theory as a framework of analysis to explain how individuals obtain and process information about interpersonal relationships to reduce uncertainty before a face‐to‐face meeting. The authors recommend mandatory training for HR professionals, recruiters, and applicants in the strategic use and placement of SNS profiles in the public domain.  相似文献   

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