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闪光融合频率在紧张作业工人中的初步应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王書茂 《心理学报》1965,10(4):37-43
所谓闪光融合频率,是指实验者利用仪器的调频装置。将仪器产生的闪光调节到被试分辨不出闪光,只戚觉看到的光呈一片融合的连续光时的频率,此频率卽称为闪光融合频率,又称为临界融合频率。 远在一百年前,塔尔伯特(E. B. Talbot)及伯拉图(J. Flateau)(1834年)卽研究了闪光融合频率的性质。后来一些学者不断把它用于临床医学。近年来,不少学者利用闪  相似文献   

Elopement is a potentially dangerous problem behavior prevalent among individuals with developmental disabilities. However, functional analysis of elopement presents unique challenges including potential confounds because of the need for participant retrieval during functional analysis sessions. In the current study, we implemented a latency functional analysis with an eight‐year‐old child with an intellectual disability, in which the dependent measure was latency to elopement. Following the latency functional analysis, a functional communication intervention was developed and its effectiveness in decreasing elopement was evaluated using an ABAB design. Findings suggest that a functional analysis of latency may be a suitable methodology to identify the operant function of elopement. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The equivalence of two multivariate classification schemes is shown when the sizes of the samples drawn from the populations to which assignment is required are identical. One scheme is based on posterior probabilities determined from a Bayesian density function; the second scheme is based on likelihood ratio discriminated scores. Both of these procedures involve prior probabilities; if estimates of these priors are obtained from the identical sample sizes, the equivalence follows.  相似文献   

The subjects (all females) were instructed to hold a certain note. In some of the trials an alien (female) voice with a continuously falling or rising frequency unexpectedly replaced the subject's own voice as the auditory stimulus in her headphone. Most of the subjects took the alien voice as their own and experienced a complete lack of volitional control over their own voice. A compensatory behaviour was found; when the subjects tried to hold the note the frequency of their voices went in the opposite direction to the frequency of the alien voice.  相似文献   

Bartlett's test of sphericitg: was applied to a correlation matrix computed on random normal deviates by Armstrong and Soelberg (1968), and returned a chi square value indicating that the matrix could have been generated from a population where the correlation coefficients are zero. These results re- emphasize the desirability of computing this test prior to proceeding t o factor extraction, and in accord with the findings of other writers, indicate this test to be sensitive in detecting results which can be ascribed to chance.  相似文献   

This study considers an alternative perspective on the compliance-gaining phenomenon, specifically the theory of politeness articulated by Brown and Levinson (1978). They posit that all interaction is characterized by concern over the other person's autonomy needs and his or her desire to be liked, manifested in message behavior that addresses these needs (i.e., politeness). Brown and Levinson's typology of politeness strategies was translated into 32 items to which 155 respondents indicated likelihood of use and perceived politeness. Respondents assessed the items while imagining themselves in one of eight hypothetical scenarios created to manipulate the three situational factors posited as significant by Brown and Levinson: relationship distance, relationship power, and the magnitude of the request. A factor analysis reduced the 32 tactics to four underlying factors, which in turn served as one variable set for a canonical correlation whose second variable set was the situational factors and the agent's gender. Results indicated that females and persons in close relationships use more polite tactics than males and persons in more distant relationships. Secondarily, results also indicated that persons with power use less politeness than less powerful persons.  相似文献   

Murray L. Wax 《Zygon》1984,19(1):5-20
Abstract. The English term religion is used to refer to local Christian churches, their organizations, and their practices. Nevertheless, Western anthropologists have tried to utilize it as if it were a technical term with universal applicability. Anthropologists have sought to characterize religion by several dichotomies, although their own field researches have revealed the irrelevance of such dichotomies as well as the fact that non-Western peoples do not recognize an entity equivalent to religion. Were the characteristics used by anthropologists in defining religion precisely applied to Western societies, then several other kinds of organizations, ceremonials, and practices would have as much, or even greater, claim to being included within the rubric of religion as the Christian and allied churches. The consequence of this conceptual imprecision has been the theoretical stagnation noted by eminent theorists.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate conflicting findings in previous research on personality and job performance. Meta-analysis was used to (a) assess the overall validity of personality measures as predictors of job performance, (b) investigate the moderating effects of several study characteristics on personality scale validity, and (c) appraise the predictability of job performance as a function of eight distinct categories of personality content, including the "Big Five" personality factors. Based on review of 494 studies, usable results were identified for 97 independent samples (total N = 13,521). Consistent with predictions, studies using confirmatory research strategies produced a corrected mean personality scale validity (.29) that was more than twice as high as that based on studies adopting exploratory strategies (.12). An even higher mean validity (.38) was obtained based on studies using job analysis explicitly in the selection of personality measures. Validities were also found to be higher in longer tenured samples and in published articles versus dissertations. Corrected mean validities for the "Big Five" factors ranged from .16 for Extroversion to .33 for Agreeableness. Weaknesses in the reporting of validation study characteristics are noted, and recommendations for future research in this area are provided. Contrary to conclusions of certain past reviews, the present findings provide some grounds for optimism concerning the use of personality measures in employee selection.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of a self-appraisal-based performance evaluation system (SABPE) that incorporates self-assessment into traditional supervisory evaluation procedures. Its subject sample consisted of 88 faculty members and their chairpersons at a land-grant state university. Results indicated that (1) there was high congruency between self- and chairperson ratings, (2) both ratings had moderate to high levels of criterion-related validity, and (3) both faculty members and chairpersons reported high SABPE acceptance. The implications of these results for future self-appraisal research are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess new technology for enabling two blind persons affected by severe or profound mental retardation to operate an acoustic orientation system independently. By operating this system, the subjects could move to different activity destinations within an occupational setting and carry out activities free from external assistance. The results showed that both subjects learned to operate the system on their own. The high level of independence they achieved is reviewed in relation to the new technology and the simplified responding it requires  相似文献   

An application of assessment center procedures is described for the selection of first level managers from the craft ranks. Information is reported on how the assessment data are used in promotion decisions. An evaluation study was conducted that indicates that the assessment center program has a positive effect on performance of managers at the first level and the pool of potential for higher levels of management. The study results also suggest ways in which assessment data can be used more effectively in promotion decisions.  相似文献   

汉字材料的性质对视觉短时记忆广度影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晓钧  孙昌识 《心理科学》1998,21(2):146-149,158
汉字材料的熟悉性和复杂性对视觉短时记忆(VSTM)广度的影响研究存在分析。本研究在实验设计上区分了汉语字词的熟悉性和复杂性维度,探讨了它们对VSTM广义的不同影响程度,结果表明:(1)材料的熟悉性是影响汉语字词VSTM广度的最重要因素,材料的复杂性影响不大;(2)在材料熟悉程度一致,被试在11-20岁年龄范围条件下,汉语字词VSTM广义将保持相对恒定(3)在承认“组块假说”的前提,汉语字词VSTM  相似文献   

Even though most of us lie from time to time, it is really quite surprising how little is known about such behaviors. Through controlled observation and laboratory testing, this study attempted to determine what verbal and nonverbal behaviors were characteristic of intentionally deceptive communicators. Seventy-six videotaped interviews provided a data base for the analysis of 32 dependent measures. In addition to analyses of specific behavioral differences between deceivers and nondeceivers, the authors provide a conceptual framework for the study of deception—predicting that deceivers will exhibit significantly more uncertainty, vagueness, nervousness, reticence, dependence, and unpleasantness than nondeceivers.  相似文献   

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