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Summary: A systematic psychodynamic approach to personality appraisal using the Strong Vocational Interest Blank is presented. The psychoanalytic concepts of transformation of infantile impulses, ego style, and structural self-representation are discussed in relation to issues of vocational choice. A method for making psychodynamic inferences from the SVIB is then put forth. To illustrate the method, &blind& personality evaluations, of three late adolescents, using only their SVIB profiles, are presented. The results of each appraisal are discussed in relation to independent information about the client and the counseling process.  相似文献   

A Q-factor analytic technique applied to the Strong Vocational Interest Blank (SVIB) basic interest scales of 156 males yielded three bipolar factors described as conceptual (applied vs theoretical thinking); interpersonal (people vs things); and volitional (autonomy vs structure). From these results the investigators constructed a model for categorizing occupations into corresponding vocational areas: managerial vs academic, social vs physical sciences, and professional vs technical. Each individual's primary interest area and occupational status relative to the six corresponding areas was then determined. The degree of fit between interests and job categorization related significantly to ratings of job satisfaction (p < .001). Those findings are complementary to Holland's notion that interests are expressions of psychological needs and to Lofquist and Dawis' perception of interests and jobs as needs and need reinforcers.  相似文献   

This study compared leisure activities with occupational membership as criteria for determining the concurrent validity of the Holland and Basic Interest scales of the Strong Vocational Interest Blank (Form T399). Subjects were 89 thirty-six-year-old males representing a variety of occupations. R. H. Dolliver's (Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1975, 22, 199–203) two methods for assessing validity were used: highest single scores on relevant scales and scores above established cutoff points on relevant scales. Results indicated greater congruence between interest scales and occupations than interest scales and leisure activities, except when Basic Interest scale cutoff scores were used. After chance factors were taken into account, Holland scales were found to be more accurate than Basic Interest scales in identifying occupations and in identifying leisure activities when highest scale scores were used. Using cutoff scores, Basic Interest scales were more accurate than Holland scales in identifying leisure activities. Supplementary analyses indicated that the validity of the Holland and Basic Interest scales increases when they are presumed to reflect either current occupation or preferred leisure activity. Results of this study were compared with Dolliver's (1975) findings.  相似文献   

A Chinese form of the 1994 Strong Interest Inventory (SII) was developed through a three‐step translation process. The translated version was judged to show linguistic or inferential equivalence to the SII in English. Field‐testing data based on two Chinese samples ( N 1 = 124, N 2 = 40) and one American sample ( N 3 = 52) provided additional support on metric equivalence between the SII and the SII‐Chinese. Correlational analysis, paired t ‐test, and profile analysis consistently demonstrated that the SII and SII‐Chinese yielded highly comparable results at all three levels of measurement—General Occupational Themes (GOT), Basic Interest Scales (BIS), and Occupational Scales (OS). Statistically significant difference between the SII and SII‐Chinese was found only on one basic scale and two occupational scales in selected male and female subsamples. Factor analysis, using maximum likelihood extraction and oblique rotation, identified six broad occupational interest dimensions on the SII‐Chinese: Enterprising (E), Investigative (I), Artistic (A), Public (P), Realistic (R), and Social (S). Implications for further adapting the SII‐Chinese to better fit the Chinese culture and to be used as an assessment tool in China are discussed.  相似文献   

Many SVIB materials were published in 1969, and the new men's and women's revisions are now largely complete. Because these inventories are such fundamental instruments for vocational counseling, the revisions merit careful examination at this point. Consideration is given to necessary technical information, the Basic Interest Scales, new occupational scale reference groups, scale development and validation, an illustrative scale, and other factors. Because the SVIB's are more complex than ever, and involve uncertainties yet to be resolved, they need to be approached with caution.  相似文献   

The Strong Interest Inventory uses large up-to-date norming groups for many scales, but the groups have exceptionally high education. Scores based on the atypical norms should be interpreted cautiously. The effect of the groups on construction of the occupational and nonoccupational scales is discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the vocational interests of Asian Americans, Middle-Eastern Americans, and Native Americans, as measured by the 2005 Strong Interest Inventory (SII), followed Holland's (1997) calculus hypotheses for a RIASEC ordering. The structures of interests of these three racial/ethnic groups were examined for fit with two structural models: (1) a less-stringent model requiring a circular RIASEC ordering and (2) a more stringent model requiring equal distances between adjacent interest types. Individuals who completed the 2005 Strong Interest Inventory were included in the sample (N = 22,394), and the overall sample was divided between racial/ethnic groups, gender, and professional status (i.e. student and employed adults). Results from randomization tests of hypothesized order and circular unidimensional scaling analyses found that a circular RIASEC order is applicable to Asian American, Middle-Eastern American and Native American students and employed adults, regardless of gender, when measured by the 2005 Strong Interest Inventory. Results from this study indicate that the current version of the Strong Interest Inventory measures vocational interests in a manner that strongly aligns with Holland's calculus hypothesis for both men and women.  相似文献   

Edward K. Strong, Jr. (1884–1963) was the first author of the Strong Interest Inventory and the first psychologist to devote a career to the measurement and study of vocational interests. Strong's wisdom about interests and career decision making still is obvious and his 1943 volume, Vocational Interests of Men and Women, continues to provide inspiration for the field of interest measurement.  相似文献   

Ralph Bedell, professor emeritus of educational and counseling psychology, was interviewed to gain insight into the influence of the National Defense Counseling and Guidance Institutes on the history of counseling and to learn about the man who was responsible for the NDEA program.  相似文献   

职业兴趣的结构:理论与研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
有着近70年历史的职业兴趣结构的研究丰富与发展了其理论,这些理论主要包括:Roe的圆形模型、Holland的六边形模型、Prediger的维度模型、Gati的层级模型以及Tracey-Rounds的球形模型。总结比较这些不同的职业兴趣结构的研究发现,Holland的六边形模型更适合于美国样本(非种族样本)群体,而其他的模型则有待于进一步的考察。研究还表明没有广泛适用的职业兴趣模型,因此,职业兴趣的跨化研究应深入探讨与验证。  相似文献   

The Typicality Index of the 2004 Strong Interest Inventory was developed by Donnay, Morris, Schaubhut, and Thompson to identify inconsistent or other atypical responding. Analysis by the binomial distribution shows that the index, with the recommended cut score, correctly classifies 95.1% of randomly completed inventories.  相似文献   

This study compared the relative accuracy of (a) single Occupational Scale (OS) scores on the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) and (b) multiple-predictor scoring functions for discriminating members of nine occupations from people-in-general. The functions were constructed using discriminant function analysis with 4797 adults drawn from criterion samples for the 1985 SII. The analyses included Basic Interest Scale (BIS) scores only or combinations of OSs and BISs. Two subsequent analyses, one of which was cross-validation using 1302 young adults with little work experience, also were conducted. Results indicated that BIS-only functions yielded hit rates comparable to single OSs, and functions that combined OSs and BISs generally produced slight improvements in accuracy. These findings are potentially relevant for future SII scale development decisions.  相似文献   

该研究考察了我国当代大学生职业兴趣的结构,并编制出相应的测量工具.首先通过开放式问卷调查、文献调研,以及对已有测评工具中条目的整理,构建出职业兴趣描述库,再以此为基础编制自陈式职业兴趣调查表,对大学生的职业兴趣结构进行初步探索,得出九个维度,分别命名为研究型、艺术型、展示型、社会型、冒险型、企业型、常规型、现实型和生态型.其次通过验证性因素分析方法检验测验的构想效度,结果发现各指标拟合良好.此外,实证数据也表明测验具有良好的同质性信度和重测信度.研究结果证明大学生职业兴趣调查表具有较好的心理测量学品质,可应用于实践领域.  相似文献   

《Psychoanalytic Inquiry》2012,32(5):426-437
Internet communication (cyberspace) media, which have entered our culture in various ways, present novel opportunities—and challenges—for analytic practice. The availability of new modes of interaction prompts reflection about the role of familiar structures for analytic work. We describe the most prominent interactional environments in the cyberspace world; factors affecting analytic work in cyberspace; and ways in which the cyberspace dimension of the outside world may affect even traditional analytic settings. For guidance, we invoke the familiar longstanding discussion of the role of the couch.  相似文献   

The theories of Donald Super and John Holland are the primary career development and choice approaches in use today. To the extent that the personality characteristics of a theorist have a direct bearing on the theory that he or she has constructed, a fuller understanding of the theorist is important. Although the profession knows much about the 2 approaches, less is known about the personalities of the theorists. The purpose of this article is to provide comparative data about each theorist's interests, values, and personalities on the basis of the results of 4 paper-and-pencil psychometric instruments that each completed. This study provides a rare glimpse into the psychological make-up of 2 prominent theorists.  相似文献   

Associations of two different response sets on the Infrequent Response Index of the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) were examined. In one, participants responded to each item randomly; in the other, participants deliberately misrepresented their responses. The finding of scores higher than those proposed in the SII manual for the Infrequent Response Index suggests an alternative interpretation of this critical index.  相似文献   

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