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This study examined the generalization and maintenance effects of three phases of parent training (Instructions plus Feedback and two Self-management Training phases) on levels of disruptive child behavior and the accuracy with which parents implemented programs. Data were collected from five families in three main settings: the initial training setting (the home), a variety of generalization settings in the community, and the family breakfast. A multiple baseline across subjects design was used. Instructions plus Feedback comprised instructing parents to use a range of behavior management procedures and provided home-based differential feedback concerning accuracy of program implementation. Self-management Training phases involved training parents in goal setting, self-monitoring, and planning skills, specific to their performance of appropriate parenting skills in generalization settings. Results indicated that the Instructions plus Feedback phase was sufficient to produce reduced levels of problem behavior at home and high levels of accurate implementation, but generalization effects out of home were equivocal. Self-management maintained reduced levels of problem behavior at home but, in addition, resulted in generalization effects in community settings for both children and parents. Maintenance probes 3 months following the program revealed the effects had been maintained.  相似文献   

当单一或多个刺激同时或相继呈現时,甚么因素使一些刺激此另一些刺激更易引起人們的注意是一个有实际意义的問題。心理学者很早就注意到刺激物所处的位置是影响人注意的一个重要因素。資本主义国家一些心理学者进行过对这一問題的研究。1923年达林巴赫(Dallenbach)曾研究过刺激物的位置与強度問題,发現位于注视点上方或左方的刺激物容易引起优势注意。布朗特(Brandt,1940)的看画实驗,也发現人們对上方的  相似文献   

3─6岁儿童层级类概念发展的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以3-6岁儿童为被试,以7个常见物体种类的图片为实验材料,按概念水平(基本类概念及上级类概念)以及选择图与目标图的感知相似程度(高、中、低)将实验材料分为四种类型,对3-6岁儿童层级类概念的发展过程进行了研究。结果表明:(1)3岁幼儿已能按基本类概念标准进行正确的种类匹配;对于上级类概念,3-5岁儿童的匹配能力尚较差,6岁基本达到掌握水平。(2)实验材料的感知相似程度对3-5岁儿童的上级类概念匹配操作有显著性影响,6岁儿童才摆脱了这种制约作用。  相似文献   

3─6岁儿童层级类概念发展的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以3-6岁儿童为被试,以7个常见物体种类的图片为实验材料,按概念水平(基本类概念及上级类概念)以及选择图与目标图的感知相似程度(高、中、低)将实验材料分为四种类型,对3-6岁儿童层级类概念的发展过程进行了研究。结果表明:(1)3岁幼儿已能按基本类概念标准进行正确的种类匹配;对于上级类概念,3-5岁儿童的匹配能力尚较差,6岁基本达到掌握水平。(2)实验材料的感知相似程度对3-5岁儿童的上级类概念匹配操作有显著性影响,6岁儿童才摆脱了这种制约作用。  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that women pay themselves significantly less than men pay themselves for the same amount of work (Callahan-Levy & Messé, 1979; Major, McFarlin, & Gagnon, 1984). In an experimental study involving 132 participants (68 men and 64 women), this "depressed-entitlement effect" was replicated in a current sample of university students. Independent judges unaware of participant gender perceived no differences in quality between products of men and women, indicating that the two groups' efforts did not differ in objective terms. Results are interpreted in terms of a general system-justification framework (lost & Banaji, 1994), according to which members of disadvantaged groups internalize ideological justifications for their own disadvantage.  相似文献   

关于先发情绪体验对后发情绪过程的影响的一项实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验试图探讨是否存在着一种先发体验,它的影响能在随后发生的情绪过程中表现出来。实验得到了肯定的结果。它显示为:(1)先发情绪体验若与后发情绪的性质相接近,则对后者起促进作用;若相反,则起抑制作用,(2)激起后发情绪的反应时(RT)与所发生情绪的持续时(DE)二者之间有显著的正相关。  相似文献   

柴文袖  王文娟 《心理学报》1984,17(4):95-100
实验以46名少年为对象,以400m跑为内容,在被试者不知道的情况下,把他们分为鼓励(表扬)组和挫折(批评)组。预先测得他们400m跑的平时成绩,做为实验后被试自己与自己成绩比较的出发点。具体实验之前,告诉被试者,这次测验400m跑,既看“达标”如何?也看“技评”如何? 实验是在400m跑途中,于100m,200m,300m处各设数人为“技评”鉴别者。每两个人一起跑,一个人受“表扬”,一个人挨“批评”。 结果,接受积极刺激的少年,多数唤起增力情绪,并做出积极的反应,但也有少数人出现了减力情绪,做出消极的反应。而接受消极刺激者,正与此相反。 表扬比批评具有更大的动力性质,教师在教学中宜多用表扬,对少年的表扬与批评,要注意年龄与性别特点。  相似文献   

In the last several years, various organizations have produced strikingly similar documents by which institutions for retarded persons are judged for licensure. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether residential units that were licensed differed from residential units that were not licensed in terms of the active programming behaviors of their staff and residents. Data were collected through a time-sampling procedure that yielded about 160,000 observations on eight staff and six resident behaviors. Results showed that the licensed units were just as derelict as unlicensed units in providing habilitative programming for their retarded residents. Maladaptive responding by residents occurred at least as much as task-related behaviors: residents spent as much time self-stimulating as they did in programming; they also engaged in self-abusive behavior about as much time as they engaged in on-task responding. Results were discussed in terms of the failure of governmental regulations that are not based on observation to adequately assess habilitative programming.  相似文献   

数学等值概念获得的过渡性学习者认知发展的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王沛 《心理学报》2000,32(4):409-415
就数学等值概念获得而言,一般地,过渡性学习者在解决简单问题作业时趋向于使用一种正确策略,而当题目较难时则使用几种不同的错误策略。经过针对性的指导(或输入适当信息)后极易掌握此概念,表现为使用一种正确且充分的策略。同时,“言语一手势失匹配”可能不是过渡性学习者的必然的认知特征。  相似文献   

4—6岁儿童掌握汉语量词水平的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方富熹 《心理学报》1985,18(4):48-56
本研究用实物图片对说普通话、粤语和双语儿童掌握常用量词的情况作了测查以及用人造词命名新奇物品的方法探讨了儿童掌握量词的概括过程。结果表明,4岁儿童掌握量词还很差,但整个学前期掌握量词水平迅速提高,到学前期末已能较为正确地运用一些常用量词,方言和外国语的语言环境是影响汉语量词掌握的重要变量,儿童掌握量词水平的发展是跟抽象概括的认知能力的提高紧密联系的。  相似文献   

An analysis of individuals' perceptions of situations was performed and confirmed the main results obtained in an earlier study by Magnusson (1971). Ss gave similarity ratings of situakions from a specific domain. A dimensional analysis and a categorization were mad on data. The method showed good agreement. Stability over time in factor structure was high as well as the agreement between individual structures. The analyses gave a clear and subjectively meaningful structure for both individual data and group data.  相似文献   

龚耀先 《心理学报》1965,10(1):78-86
問題 思維障碍是精神分裂症患者的一个重要症状。不少学者曾对此作过許多观察和研究,也提出了各种看法,但至今仍无一个公认的結論。例如,最早布魯尔(E. Bleuler,1911)提出这种病人的思維特点是“联想松弛”,其后又有人提出是“具体性”或“过于抽象”等。 关于“具体性”的問題有許多不同的提法,例如,皮亚杰(J. Piaget)认为精神分裂症患者的思維是儿童期自我中心的思維和成人邏輯思維間的“中站”;維果特斯基(A.  相似文献   

Within a skill-theory framework, the traditional opposition between generalization and specificity is resolved. Neither generalization nor specificity is considered the normal state. Instead, they are both phenomena that can be predicted and explained in terms of skill structures and functional mechanisms of development or learning. A person acquires a skill in a specific context and must work to gradually extend it to other contexts. Within a task domain and across related domains, a set of structural transformations predict the order of generalization of the skill. Range of generalization of a given skill at a point in time varies widely across people and situations as a function of specified functional mechanisms. Generalization is maximized when (a) tasks are similar and familiar, (b) the environment provides opportunities for practice and support, (c) the person has had time to consolidate skills at the relevant developmental level, and (d) he or she is intelligent and in an emotional state facilitative of the particular skill. True generalization must be distinguished from optimal-level synchrony, where new capacities emerge across domains as a new developmental level emerges.  相似文献   

FOK产生机制的实验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
韩凯  施晓斌 《心理科学》1997,20(6):485-489
通过以初中生和大学生为被试的两个实验探讨了FOK(Feeling-of-Knowing即“熟知感”)的产生机制,是线索熟悉性还是靶项目的可提取性(或记忆强度)决定FOK判断的等级。识记材料为90对中文词对.分前后两部分让被试识记,前后两部分词对之间安排三种关系:①完全相同;②仅线索词相同,③完全不同,这三种关系可选成不同的靶项目记忆强度和不同的线索熟悉性.两组实验结果一致表明,FOK的等级判断的高低取决于线索熟悉程度,而不随靶项目的记忆强度而变化.  相似文献   

人格的行为遗传学研究,是以研究遗传和环境的差异来解释人格的个体差异的程度为目的,为探讨遗传和环境在个体发展中的作用提供了新的研究途径。该文以天性和教养为突破口,紧紧围绕行为遗传学在人格研究领域的发展脉络:遗传力、环境、特定基因的研究,进一步探讨在个体人格发展过程中遗传和环境的交互作用的关系。  相似文献   

采用自定速移动视窗技术,探讨语义关联性和句法歧义性对汉语直接宾语、宾语小句类暂时句法歧义句理解加工的影响。结果发现:语义关联性和句法歧义性对歧义区和解歧区的阅读时间有显著影响,并在解歧区产生了显著的交互作用,表明语义信息即时参与对句子的理解加工并同句法信息一起共同影响句子的认知加工过程。  相似文献   

Researchers conducting meta-analyses such as validity generalization can never be certain that their review contains all studies relevant to the research domain. Indeed, several authors in the past have noted ways in which research reviews may be systematically biased. A few techniques have emerged for addressing the issue of "missing studies" including the use of Rosenthal's (1979) file-drawer equation. Noting that Rosenthal's technique is inappropriate when applied to validity generalization findings, this paper develops a new method for assessing the vulnerability of validity generalization results to unrepresented or missing studies. The results of this new procedure are compared to the results of file-drawer analyses for 103 findings from validity generalization studies. We illustrate that this procedure more appropriately estimates the robustness of validity generalization results.  相似文献   

内隐和外显记忆的遗忘特点   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
郭力平 《心理学报》2002,34(1):30-36
根据实验性分离范式 ,选定加工分离程序为工具 ,通过对再认的两个加工过程进行的延时比较 ,考察了内隐和外显记忆的遗忘特点。结果显示 :在延时分别为 0、6分钟、15分钟、1小时和 7天的遗忘进程中 ,再认的自动提取和意识性提取成绩表现了不同的特征 ,尤其是在前 15分钟的遗忘进程中 ,自动提取成绩的衰减不明显而意识性提取成绩的衰减非常显著 ,表明内隐记忆和外显记忆具有不同的遗忘特点。另外研究还通过对加工水平因素的考察 ,发现了加工水平因素对意识性提取和自动提取成绩的作用不同。  相似文献   

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