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This study provides a test of how personality may shape social behaviors in a long-lasting dyad: the parent-adolescent relationship. In a large Belgian community sample, it was examined which parent Big Five characteristics were related to parenting and whether adolescent Big Five characteristics elicited certain parenting behaviors. Further, the proposition that individual differences are amplified under stress was examined by exploring whether parent personality was differentially related to parenting for parents of "easy" versus "difficult" adolescents. Moreover, possible differences in associations across parental and adolescent gender were explored. Mothers (N = 467) and fathers (N = 428) reported on their personality using the Five-Factor Personality Inventory; adolescents (N = 475) assessed their personality with the Hierarchical Personality Inventory for Children. Two types of parenting behaviors, overreactive discipline and warmth, were assessed 2 years later by parent self-reports, partner reports, and adolescent reports, from which multi-informant latent factors were created. Results indicate that parental personality was more relevant than adolescent personality for explaining overreactivity, but parent and adolescent personality were similarly relevant in explaining warmth. Especially parental and adolescent Agreeableness and adolescent Extraversion were important predictors of both types of parenting. Associations between parental personality and parenting were similarly related to parents of easy versus difficult adolescents, and for mothers and fathers parenting daughters or sons. Together, results show that parent characteristics as well as adolescent characteristics importantly affect dysfunctional and adaptive parenting.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to examine young adolescent functioning over a 2-year period after divorce and to assess the role of two family factors, interpersonal conflict and the parent-adolescent relationship, in predicting such functioning. One hundred and twelve young adolescents, their mothers, and their social studies teachers served as participants. One-half of the adolescent were from recently divorced families and one-half were from married families. Mothers completed measures concerning interparental conflict and the parent-adolescent relationship, adolescents completed a measure of the relationship, and teachers completed measures assessing four areas of adolescent functioning. The results indicated that adolescents from divorced families were functioning less well than those from married families. There were no changes in adolescent functioning and the parent-adolescent relationship from the first to second year postdivorce. High levels of interparental conflict in divorced families were associated with more parent-adolescent relationship problems. In turn parent-adolescent relationships problems served as the best predictor of concurrent and subsequent difficulty in adolescent functioning.This study was supported, in part, by the William T. Grant Foundation and the University of Georgia's Institute for Behavioral Research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine young adolscents' functioning as a consequence of recent parental divorce and the parent-adolescent relationship. More specifically, recent divorce and a por adolescent relartionship with each parent were viewed as stressors, and it was hypothesized that as the number of stressors increased, adolescent functioning would deteriorate. Fifty-eight young adolescents (ages 11–14), 13 from intact families and 28 from recently divorced families, and their social-studies teachers participated in the study. Adolescents completed an instrument designed to measure their relationship with each parent. Based on this instrument and the marital status of the parents, adolescents were assigned to 1 of 6 groups depending upon wether they were from intact or divorced families and whether they had a good relationship with both, one, or either parent(s). Grades were obtained from the adolescent's most recent report card and social studies teaches completed instruments concerning cognitive and social competence, including internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. The results indicated that both the marital status of the parent-adolescent relationship were related to adolscent functioning. Of particular importance, the presence of 3 stressors (divorce, poor relationship with mother, and poor relationship with father) was associated with more adolescent difficulties than the presence of 0, 1, or 2 stressors. Hypotheses for the obtained results and implications are discused.  相似文献   

Following a summary of the relevant divorce research, this article examines possible long-term influences of both divorce and living with a single mother on the development of adolescents' values and plans. We examine how divorce affects children both directly and indirectly through its impact on the mother's resources, attitudes, and socialization goals. Particular focus is placed on those aspects of family interaction that impact on identity formation as it is linked to educational and occupational goals and to gender-role related behaviors associated with marriage, family, and job plans. Possible benefits as well as potential costs of living with a single mother are discussed.  相似文献   

Parent and teen MySpace user pairs completed online surveys administered in June (N = 266) and September 2006 (N = 341) to assess relationships between parenting styles and limit setting and monitoring of online behaviors, the prevalence of Internet dangers and pre-teen and teen MySpace behaviors. Cross-comparison measures of MySpace usage, parenting style, limit setting/monitoring, MySpace problems, and media perceptions were used. Parenting styles were strongly related to adolescent MySpace experiences, behaviors, and attitudes, with some age differences. Parents with older children were more likely to have Neglectful or Indulgent parenting styles and less likely to set limits on online behavior. The extent of sexual solicitation, pornography, and cyberbullying was relatively low as compared with studies asserting a high incidence of Internet-related problems. Parents' high estimates of online dangers were not matched by their low rates of setting limits and monitoring teens. Theoretical and practical perspectives of the results are offered to enhance social networking experiences for parents and their children.  相似文献   

An item pool was developed to assess basic parenting skills in the areas of attachment, emotional capacity, judgment, knowledge of child development, and safety. Initially, 200 items were generated and completed by a sample of 15 parents. Item scores correlated with scores on a social desirability scale or having low variance were edited or eliminated. A sample of 56 parents completed the revised scale, a social desirability scale, and the Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory. The reliabilities of the final subscales of the Test of Parenting Skills were modest, ranging from .56 to .77. Scores on the subscales were also correlated with those subscales from the Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory. With the exception of the Judgment scores being correlated with the use of harsh discipline, the significant correlations suggested concurrent validity. The individual subscales require additional refinement to achieve adequate internal consistency, but they have potential for measuring competency in core parenting skills.  相似文献   

Correlates of adolescent parenting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J S Reis  E J Herz 《Adolescence》1987,22(87):599-609
A self-selected sample of 177 teenage parents participated in a study of the correlates of teenage parenting. An ecological model of the predictors of parenting behavior was used to define factors which potentially influence teenage parents' parenting skills as measured by the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME). The factors tested include level of punitiveness toward child rearing, knowledge of developmental milestones, level of depression, perceived social support, parental age, and parental race. The results of a stepwise hierarchical regression analysis found that parental race, punitive attitudes toward child rearing, and parental age were statistically significant predictors of total HOME scores. The older, white adolescent mother with less punitive attitudes toward child rearing and child discipline scored the highest on parenting skills. The relevance of these findings to program planners and service providers involved in teenage parent support and education programs is discussed.  相似文献   

Adverse sequelae of prenatal alcohol exposure include executive function and social skills impairments, although these two domains have not been empirically linked in alcohol-exposed individuals. This study investigated this relationship using the BRIEF and the SSRS in 98 children aged 6 to 11 years. Executive functions explained a significant percentage of variance in parent and teacher rated social skills. No differences were found among children with diagnoses of FAS, partial FAS, or alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder. It may be helpful to consider executive functioning in designing social skills interventions for alcohol-exposed children whether or not they have full FAS.  相似文献   

Effects of parental divorce on marital commitment and confidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research on the intergenerational transmission of divorce has demonstrated that compared with offspring of nondivorced parents, those of divorced parents generally have more negative attitudes toward marriage as an institution and are less optimistic about the feasibility of a long-lasting, healthy marriage. It is also possible that when entering marriage themselves, adults whose parents divorced have less personal relationship commitment to their own marriages and less confidence in their own ability to maintain a happy marriage with their spouse. However, this prediction has not been tested. In the current study, we assessed relationship commitment and relationship confidence, as well as parental divorce and retrospectively reported interparental conflict, in a sample of 265 engaged couples prior to their first marriage. Results demonstrated that women's, but not men's, parental divorce was associated with lower relationship commitment and lower relationship confidence. These effects persisted when controlling for the influence of recalled interparental conflict and premarital relationship adjustment. The current findings suggest that women whose parents divorced are more likely to enter marriage with relatively lower commitment to, and confidence in, the future of those marriages, potentially raising their risk for divorce.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of parental education and maternal work and occupational status to the Occupational Aspirations (classified as Innovative, Moderate, and Traditional) of adolescent females. Innovative occupations are those in which fewer than 30% of the workers are women; Moderate occupations are those in which 30–50% of the workers are women; and Traditional occupations are those in which more than 50% of the workers are women. Innovative choices were made significantly more often as an Ideal aspiration than as a Real aspiration, and, reciprocally, Traditional occupations were chosen less often as an Ideal aspiration than as a Real aspiration. Significant association was found between Occupational Aspiration and father's education and between Occupational Aspiration and mother's occupational status (traditional or nontraditional).  相似文献   

K Metcalf  E L Gaier 《Adolescence》1987,22(88):919-928
To test the hypothesis that the random independent variable of four different patterns of middle-class parenting (e.g., upward striving, overprotective, indifferent, and conflicted) would be reflected in academic achievement, eighty-seven 11th and 12 graders completed a questionnaire concerning their attitudes toward their parents. Upward-striving patterns of parenting were significantly associated with underachievement. Apparently, the prodding and pressuring of these adolescents aroused reactions of anger, resentment, and rebellion. These findings are discussed in terms of adolescents' awareness of the dynamics of parental aspiration and self-performance.  相似文献   

This study examined stability of and change in divorce adjustment in a sample of 20 white custodial mothers and their children (8 boys, 12 girls; mean age = 10.45 years) who were examined an average of 12.85 months after separation and again one year later. Pearson correlations generally revealed moderate stability in children's adjustment, mothers' adjustment, and parenting dimensions. Significant changes over the one-year period were found only with respect to children's beliefs about the divorce: problematic beliefs regarding peer ridicule and avoidance, fear of abandonment, and self-blame decreased over the 1-year period. Children's adjustment at Time 2 was related to the following variables assessed at Time 1: low rhythmic and low reactive child temperaments; children's mature understanding of conflict resolution; high social support for children and for mothers; low maternal stress; high maternal adjustment; cooperative parenting; high paternal involvement; and frequent visitation by and phone contact from the fathers. Children with few problematic beliefs at Time 2 regarding fear of abandonment and hope of reconciliation had mothers who functioned poorly at Time 1. Although the small sample size necessitates that the findings be viewed with caution, they support the view that children's divorce adjustment is related to children's own competencies, intrafamilial processes, and extrafamilial conditions.  相似文献   

田相娟  曹衍淼  张文新 《心理学报》2020,52(12):1407-1420
累积压力假说与匹配-不匹配假说均可解释远端和近端逆境对个体抑郁的影响,但鲜有研究考察遗传基因在其中的调节作用。采用问卷法和DNA分型技术,对970名青少年进行间隔3年的追踪调查。分别以母亲消极教养、同伴侵害为远端和近端压力指标, FKBP5基因多位点累加得分为遗传指标,考察三者对青少年抑郁的交互作用及性别差异。结果发现,在男青少年中, E×E×G显著。当累加得分较高、同伴侵害水平较高时,母亲消极教养显著负向预测抑郁,符合匹配-不匹配假说;累加得分较低时, E×E不显著,但倾向于以累积压力假说的方式发挥作用。女青少年中, E×E×G不显著。研究结果提示,在男青少年中,累积压力假说与匹配-不匹配假说均可阐明抑郁的发生机制,分别适用于携带不同FKBP5基因多位点累加得分的个体。  相似文献   

In current research on parenting, 2 ways of conceptualizing perceived parental autonomy support can be distinguished. Parental autonomy support can be defined in terms of promotion of independence (PI) or in terms of promotion of volitional functioning (PVF). This study aimed to establish the empirical distinctiveness of both conceptualizations and to examine their relative contribution to the prediction of adolescents' adjustment. The authors conducted 3 studies, 2 which sampled late adolescents (N=396, mean age=18.70 years, 79% female; and N=495, mean age=19.30 years, 74% female, respectively) and 1 which sampled middle adolescents (N=153, mean age=15.12 years, 70% female). Factor analyses pointed to the distinction between perceived PVF and PI. Structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that whereas perceived PVF uniquely predicted adjustment (ps<.01), perceived PI did not (ps>.05). SEM also demonstrated that adolescents' self-determined functioning significantly mediates the relationship between perceived parental PVF and adjustment (ps<.001). Results are discussed in terms of the type of autonomy that parents might want to facilitate among their adolescents to foster well-being.  相似文献   

This study investigates the long-term effects of parental divorce on adolescent psychological adjustment and well-being, and to what extent the effects are accounted for by parental psychological distress. Data were collected among 8,984 Norwegian adolescents (13-19 years) and their parents. Outcome variables were symptoms of anxiety and depression, subjective well-being, and three areas of school problems. Parental divorce was found to be associated with both higher mean levels and larger variances in adolescent problems. Divorce and parental distress contributed independently to adolescent distress, supporting the notion of "double exposure" effects. The prevalence of adolescents with substantial distress symptoms was 14% among those with non-distressed non-divorced parents and 30% among those with divorced and distressed parents. In general effects remained when controlling for demographic factors. Long-term effects of divorce on symptoms of anxiety and depression were stronger among girls than among boys.  相似文献   

Although research drew attention to the importance of both parental goal promotion and parental rearing style in explaining adolescent authoritarian submission (Right‐Wing Authoritarianism or RWA) and authoritarian dominance (Social Dominance Orientation or SDO), research failed to examine their combined effects. This study examines the relative contribution of parenting goals (i.e. extrinsic vs. intrinsic and conservation goals) and styles (i.e. need support and regulation) and their interactions in the prediction of adolescent RWA and SDO. Cross‐sectional analyses show that, whereas parenting goals and styles and their interactions predict RWA, SDO is predicted by parental goals only. However, in a second, longitudinal study, changes in RWA and SDO were predicted by parenting goals only. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

多巴胺活性与攻击相关的脑功能活动呈倒U型关系。本研究对1044名汉族青少年(初次测评时M age=13.32±0.49岁,50.2%女生)的攻击行为进行间隔一年的两次测评,采用多基因累积分范式考察多巴胺系统的多基因功能积分与青少年攻击行为间的关系以及母亲消极教养的调节作用。结果发现,多巴胺系统多基因累积分二次项与母亲消极教养交互影响两个时间点的青少年攻击行为:在较高母亲消极教养条件下,携带较多或较少低多巴胺活性相关等位基因的青少年表现出高水平的攻击行为,呈U型关系;在较低母亲消极教养条件下,多基因累积分二次项与青少年的攻击行为关系不显著。本研究为多巴胺系统基因的联合效应与母亲消极教养调节青少年攻击行为的基因作用机制提供证据。  相似文献   

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