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This paper describes issues associated with integrating the study of Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) into ongoing scientific and technical research and describes an approach adopted by the authors for their own work with the center for nanophase materials sciences (CNMS) at the Oak Ridge national laboratory (ORNL). Four key questions are considered: (a) What is ELSI and how should it identify and address topics of interest for the CNMS? (b) What advantages accrue to incorporating ELSI into the CNMS? (c) How should the integration of ELSI into the CNMS take place? (d) How should one judge the effectiveness of the activity? We conclude that ELSI research is not a monolithic body of knowledge, but should be adapted to the question at hand. Our approach focuses on junctures in the R&;D continuum at which key decisions occur, avoids topics of a purely ethical nature or advocacy, and seeks to gather data in ways that permit testing the validity of generalization. Integrating ELSI into the CNMS allows dealing with topics firmly grounded in science, offers concrete examples of potential downstream applications and provides access to the scientists using the CNMS and their insights and observations. As well, integration provides the opportunity for R&;D managers to benefit from ELSI insights and the potential to modify R&;D agendas. Successful integration is dependent on the particular ELSI question set that drives the project. In this case questions sought to identify key choices, information of value to scientists, institutional attributes, key attributes of the CNMS culture, and alternatives for communicating results. The opportunity to consult with scientists on ELSI implications is offered, but not promoted. Finally, ELSI effectiveness is judged by observing the use to which research products are put within the CNMS, ORNL, and the community of external scholars.  相似文献   

This study investigated the linkages between work and family of 281 dual-employed couples. First, we developed a theoretical framework, distinguishing between the causal direction and the sign of the relationship between work and family. We classified the social and psychological mechanisms that explain specific directions and signs of work–family relationships and reviewed the empirical literature from the point of view of this framework. We then provided an illustration of how this framework can be used to generate a model for a specific sample. We generated a model and corresponding hypotheses for a sample of dual-employed couples in which the male′s career was dominant and analyzed these hypotheses by testing males and females separately using LISREL 7. In our sample, the relationship between work and family was reciprocal for males, suggesting a dynamic system in which males were able to adjust one domain to compensate for the other. Females exhibited a unidirectional relationship from family to work involvement, suggesting a static system. For both males and females, the family → work involvement relationship was negative as hypothesized. For males, the work → family relationship was positive. There were some similarities and some differences in the influence of exogenous constructs in the models for males and females. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of understanding dynamic versus static models of work and family relationships and the potential role of organizations in helping their employees lower the fixed demands of the family.  相似文献   

Junker  Nina M.  van Dick  Rolf 《Sex roles》2020,82(11-12):644-658
Sex Roles - Employees with children differ in how they want to manage their work and family roles. By integrating the literature on boundary management and role prioritization, we develop a visual...  相似文献   

In this article I will suggest ways in which adding the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze to the mix can complement and extend the 4EA approach to cognitive science. In the first part of the paper, I will show how the Deleuzean tripartite ontological difference (virtual/intensive/actual) can provide an explicit ontology for dynamical systems theory. The second part will take these ontological notions and apply them to three areas of concern to the 4EA approaches: (a) the Deleuzean concept of the virtual will clarify the ontological status of perceptual capacity as sensorimotor skill; (b) the Deleuzean concept of “intensive individuation” will clarify the ontological status of the genesis of perceptually guided behavior; (c) the Deleuzean critique of confusing the actual and the virtual will enable us to intervene in the realism/idealism debate. These aspects will not be addressed sequentially but will be interwoven into an unfolding argument.  相似文献   

Recent survey research suggests that heterosexuals’ attitudes toward lesbian and gay rights have become more progressive. However, we find in our research that negative attitudes and barriers against gay men and lesbians in workplaces still remain. Our project represents one case study of hidden animosity toward homosexuals, which varies from “overt disgust” to “don’t ask, don’t tell” policies that reinforce negative attitudes toward gay men and lesbians. As such, we contend that attitudes toward lesbian and gay rights are not becoming more progressive; instead various methods of discrimination are increasingly being used to exclude gay men and lesbians from the workplace. We argue that White working class men have constructed and maintained a form of White male solidarity, a collective practice directed toward women, People of Color, and non-heterosexuals that maintains racism, sexism, and homophobia in the local, national, and global context.  相似文献   

This survey study explored the effects of work-to-family conflict and family-to-work conflict on withdrawal behaviors at work (family interruptions at work, lateness to work, and absenteeism) among both members of 359 dual-earner couples. Using a systems theory framework, regression analyses revealed significant individual-level and crossover effects for both types of work-family conflict on withdrawal behaviors. Theoretical and practical implications of the study of work-family conflict crossover effects on withdrawal behaviors at work are discussed.  相似文献   

This project investigates the relationship between religious involvement and women's work and family pathways in the United States. I identify five work-family configurations using National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1979 (NLSY79) data and latent class analysis. These configurations incorporate cohabitation histories, timing of family formation, and maternal employment. Then, I analyze how adolescent religiosity and personal and family characteristics are associated with subsequent work-family pathways. Affiliation with an evangelical Protestant tradition is associated with women who form families early, while Catholic affiliation is tied to later family formation. Importantly, family background characteristics such as living with both biological parents and higher parental education, as well as race/ethnicity and the respondent's educational attainment, are the most consistent variables associated with work-family configurations. These results suggest that religious involvement, when considered alongside family background, contributes to women's unequal work-family pathways in adulthood. The close links between religion, family, and stratification are evident in the study of women's work-family experiences.  相似文献   

Adding Involution to Residuated Structures   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Galatos  Nikolaos  Raftery  James G. 《Studia Logica》2004,77(2):181-207
Two constructions for adding an involution operator to residuated ordered monoids are investigated. One preserves integrality and the mingle axiom x 2x but fails to preserve the contraction property xx 2. The other has the opposite preservation properties. Both constructions preserve commutativity as well as existent nonempty meets and joins and self-dual order properties. Used in conjunction with either construction, a result of R.T. Brady can be seen to show that the equational theory of commutative distributive residuated lattices (without involution) is decidable, settling a question implicitly posed by P. Jipsen and C. Tsinakis. The corresponding logical result is the (theorem-) decidability of the negation-free axioms and rules of the logic RW, formulated with fusion and the Ackermann constant t. This completes a result of S. Giambrone whose proof relied on the absence of t.  相似文献   

Cognitive-behavioral approaches to assertion training may be enhanced by the addition of affective techniques. Contrasted role play and Gestalt two-chair role play are suggested for unassertive clients. Training in affective expressiveness and resolution of internal conflicts enables clients to discover feelings of personal power to support assertive behaviors.  相似文献   

国外工作-家庭平衡研究的现状述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工作-家庭平衡在国外已有十多年的研究历史, 我国在这方面的研究起步较晚。述评中总结了国外工作-家庭平衡研究的现状, 探讨了其理论起源, 并在概念、测量和相关变量方面做了梳理, 比较了平衡与目前工作-家庭界面研究中工作-家庭冲突和工作-家庭促进之间的关系, 并提出未来工作-家庭平衡的概念应在区别其他相关概念的基础上, 从主客观的角度, 结合中国国情来界定, 此外还需要开发测量客观平衡的工具来完善其测量方法, 同时也有必要进行跨文化背景下的研究。  相似文献   

The relation of role involvement to work-family interference has had inconsistent results in past research. By paying closer conceptual attention to the measurement of role involvement and work-family interference, this study addresses past inconsistent findings. First, a new four-factor measure of work-family interference is proposed that incorporates the dimension of externally generated versus internally generated conflict, which has been ignored in previous research. Second, role involvement is considered from both a behavioral and a psychological perspective. Data were obtained from a sample of 534 employed adults with families. The results suggest that a mapping of behavioral and psychological involvement to specific dimensions of external and internal work- family interference appears to be important when examining the general relation of role involvement to work-family interference.  相似文献   

This narrative review considers the positive side of the work-family interface. It surveyed a range of relevant literature (1960–2012) using search terms on the positive work-family interface. From the literature it is evident that various concepts (e.g., work-family enhancement, work-family positive spillover, work-family facilitation and work-family enrichment) are used to conceptualise the positive side of the work-family interface. Further research is needed to explore the positive side of the work-family interface. Findings showed that only a few studies on the positive work-family interface phenomenon have been reported from the South African population, but there is still a huge gap in the South African literature regarding the positive work-family interface.  相似文献   

Research investigating the relationship between family and work domains, according to a reductionist approach, has traditionally focused on the negative aspects of the work-family relationship. However, over the past 15 years a number of studies have also focused on the positive aspects of family and work relationships and on the interactions between the work-family interface and outcomes such as job and life satisfaction. These research studies have made it possible to capture different facets of the relationship between family and working life, and to clarify the specific nature of these interactions. In the present study, we tested a model that included positive and negative interactions between work and family as predictors of job and life satisfaction. We also examined the role of some of the potential moderators (work engagement, organizational and family support) of these relationships, using a sample of 427 Italian employees working in public administration. In our analysis, we first tested the factorial structure of the work-family interface measure (Kinnunen et al. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 47, 149–162 2006). Factor analysis confirmed a four-factor model: negative work-to-family interface, negative family-to-work interface, positive work-to-family interface, and positive family-to-work interface. Secondly, we analyzed the relationship between the work-family interface, job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Path analysis showed that the factors involved in the work-family interface influenced directly and indirectly life satisfaction, job satisfaction and work engagement. This analysis also showed that work engagement had a direct strong effect on job satisfaction and a direct weaker effect on life satisfaction. This pattern of findings is consistent with a causal sequence in which the work-family interface (WIF) and family-work interface (FIW) can increase or reduce a satisfaction-specific domain. Our results highlight the importance of using a theoretical and empirical model that integrates and focuses on both the positive and negative aspects of the work-family relationship. Moreover, this pattern demonstrates the potential consequences of this influence on employees’ working life and general well-being.  相似文献   

The SUBTLEX-US corpus has been parsed with the CLAWS tagger, so that researchers have information about the possible word classes (parts?\of?\speech, or PoSs) of the entries. Five new columns have been added to the SUBTLEX-US word frequency list: the dominant (most frequent) PoS for the entry, the frequency of the dominant PoS, the frequency of the dominant PoS relative to the entry??s total frequency, all PoSs observed for the entry, and the respective frequencies of these PoSs. Because the current definition of lemma frequency does not seem to provide word recognition researchers with useful information (as illustrated by a comparison of the lemma frequencies and the word form frequencies from the Corpus of Contemporary American English), we have not provided a column with this variable. Instead, we hope that the full list of PoS frequencies will help researchers to collectively determine which combination of frequencies is the most informative.  相似文献   

A low-cost system that permits existing computer-generated displays on a black and white CRT display to be reproduced in one of several colors on a color TV receiver is described. A black and white TV camera monitors the computer display, and the camera RF signal is sent to the color TV receiver, which has its three color guns under computer control through an interface unit described herein. In a simple on or off arrangement using three computer output relays, seven distinct and readily identifiable colors are available. With the use of D/A converters, the interface unit is voltage controlled, permitting both faster control and many more hues to be obtained.  相似文献   

In Jensen's theme paper she did an excellent job of outlining and explaining ways in which motor developmentalists can use the tools of biomechanics and engineering to address research questions. We extend her thorough efforts in two ways. First, we highlight the communication value provided by the precision of biomechanics terminology, and second, we reinforce the need to embed motion (the kinematics and kinetics) in context and function in order to understand the complexity of behaviour. We illustrate how one biomechanical tool, mechanical models, can facilitate this and provide insight to the development of control. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although authorities advocate breastfeeding as the ideal form of infant nutrition, breastfeeding rates remain low among employed mothers in the United States. Utilizing a work-family conflict framework, specific time-based, strain-based, and behavior-based conflicts that can occur for women combining breastfeeding and employment are explored. Research indicates that these conflicts often lead to decreased breastfeeding durations, which result in costs for employers, mothers, and infants. The review links workplace interventions (e.g. prenatal education, lactation programs, support systems, job flexibility, and child care) to the types of conflict (e.g. time, behavior, and strain-based) that each intervention can reduce. A previous version of this paper was presented in March of 2003 at the American Psychological Association’s Work, Stress, and Health Conference in Toronto, Canada.  相似文献   

Negative Affectivity, Role Stress, and Work-Family Conflict   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the mechanisms by which negative affectivity (NA) influences two directions of work-family conflict: work interference with family (W> F conflict) and family interference with work (F> W conflict). We found that NA indirectly affected W> F conflict through its effect on job stress and indirectly affected F> W conflict through its effect on family stress. In addition, the positive relationship between family stress and F> W conflict was stronger for high-NA individuals than for low-NA individuals. The implications of these findings were discussed and directions for future research were presented.  相似文献   

工作-家庭支持的结构与测量及其调节作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李永鑫  赵娜 《心理学报》2009,41(9):863-874
在深度访谈和开放式问卷调查的基础上, 编制了工作-家庭支持问卷。探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析结果表明, 中国文化背景下的工作-家庭支持由组织支持、领导支持、情感支持和工具性支持四个维度构成。问卷的信效度指标良好。无约束结构方程模型分析结果表明, 工作-家庭支持能够有效调节工作-家庭冲突与离职意向的关系。  相似文献   

Cavemen drew pictures to tell their story. Greek scholars used sandpiles as blackboards to teach students. Eliza Doolittle told Professor Higgins to stop talking and “show me.” Experience constantly reminds us of the powerful nature of the visual. Yet counselors overlook visual possibilities in their dependence on talk. This article maintains that counselees would benefit from the application of “show me” visual aids. This article discusses possibilities and values of the visual dimension, and illustrates visual applications in counseling.  相似文献   

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