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We describe a case of a brain-damaged patient who had a peculiar bodily illusion which could not be labelled an hallucination but seemed somatognosically and phenomenologically similar to the phantom limb without amputation. The patient, who showed left hemiplegia, felt a third upper limb (without seeing it) which he himself defined as "spare." The spare limb was not deformed; it could be moved and controlled by the patient, and there was no sensation of pain. The patient did not show psychopathological or cognitive disorders. A possible interpretation of the phenomenon is as a "phantom movement" of the paralysed limb: the mental representation of the movement of the limb was dissociated from the bodily representation of his own limb and so was still present in his consciousness despite the paralysis.  相似文献   

S Breuer 《Psyche》1992,46(1):1-31
The author recapitulates various conceptions of narcissism that are in psychoanalytic discussion and attempts to set up a new theoretical frame for the socio-psychological topoi "authoritarian character" and "narcissistic personality" by means of Kohut's conceptions of the "grandiose self" and the "idealized parental imago". Based on M. Mahler's observations, Kernberg's critique of Kohut is rejected.  相似文献   

The term "cult" has attracted much criticism from several sociologists of religion and religious studies scholars in recent years, and many scholars have dropped the word for a less pejorative term such as "new religious movement" (NRM). This research note seeks to determine if simply substituting an alternative term for cult changes people's attitudes toward a religious group. To this end, over 2,400 randomly selected Nebraskans were asked how comfortable they would feel if their neighbor joined a cult, NRM, or a "new Christian church," and whether the government should regulate the activities of these groups. The survey results reveal the remarkably negative view Nebraskans have of cults, their general acceptance of NRMs, and their broad support for new Christian churches.  相似文献   

"Scientific" public opinion polls arrived on the American scene in 1936. Examining the work of opinion surveyors George Gallup and Elmo Roper, this essay tracks the early career of a new social scientific technology, one that powerfully shaped conceptions of "the public." Pollsters described their craft as a democratic one that could accurately represent the U.S. populace. Yet, their assumptions about that same public-and the techniques they employed to measure it-undermined such claims, and even risked calling the polling profession into question. To understand why Gallup and Roper fell short of their stated ambitions, one must turn not only to the state of midcentury sampling methods but also to the corporate sponsors and commercial pressures underlying their enterprise.  相似文献   

Graphoanalysis is the most systematically developed and best researched of all methods of handwriting analysis (genetically called graphology). This is a projective expressive movement that is neither better nor more poorly validated than most projective techniques as a means of personality assessment, which is inadequate because their subjectivity makes statistical study difficult. With all projective techniques "sign" or trait validation has been minimal, and the best validation has come from "global" or "holistic" methods. The present study presents a paradigm for the latter type of approach to handwriting analysis, using a matching technique with probabilities of 1/5, wherein five subjects were matched by people who knew them to one of five blind Graphoanalyses of the subjects' writing. This design is herein replicated five times, with total data significantly different from chance expectation (p less than .001), supporting the hypothesis that it is possible to evaluate personality through analysis of handwriting.  相似文献   

Porter  David M. 《Sex roles》2001,45(5-6):375-398
This study explored the effect of gender on managers' conceptions and perceptions of those behaviors seen as demonstrating commitment to the organization. Three major findings are reported: (1) female managers and male managers with families evaluated traditional commitment behaviors as less indicative of commitment than their single male counterparts; (2) managers' conceptions of behaviors indicative of commitment conformed to the views of the majority gender within their work-group; and (3) managers' perceptions of commitment were not affected by gender-based in-group biases.  相似文献   

The second-wave feminist movement crystallized a new politics of personal identity that was fueled by and became inextricably linked to the modern university. On and off campus women organized into groups to press for political and educational rights. Along the way, women discovered that politics and education were both personal and that the achievement of "identity" offered the most direct path to true selfhood and liberation. This conclusion helped forge an enduring bond between higher education and identity group politics that continues to shape American higher education and politics to this day.  相似文献   

The "tip of the fingers" phenomenon (TOF) for sign language parallels the "tip of the tongue" phenomenon (TOT) for spoken language. During a TOF, signers are sure they know a sign but cannot retrieve it. Although some theories collapse semantics and phonology in sign language and thus predict that TOFs should not occur, TOFs were elicited in the current study. Like TOTs, TOFs often resolve spontaneously, commonly involve targets that are proper names, and frequently include partial access to phonology. Specifically, signers were more likely to retrieve a target sign's handshape, location, and orientation than to retrieve its movement. Signers also frequently recalled the first letter of a finger-spelled word. The existence of TOFs supports two-stage retrieval and a division between semantics and phonology in American Sign Language. The partial phonological information available during TOFs suggests that phonological features are accessed more simultaneously during lexical access for signed language than during lexical access for spoken language.  相似文献   

Counseling is an international phenomenon. This interview presents the lifework of Hans Hoxter and illustrates how the American counseling movement affects and is affected by multinational and multicultural conceptions.  相似文献   


A range of conceptions held about research methods learning have previously been identified. This study aimed to examine in-depth shared conceptions among undergraduate psychology students. Utilizing Q methodology, which links both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to uncover the subjective viewpoints that a group of individuals hold toward a particular domain, participants ranked statements reflecting different conceptions of research methods learning. Ranks were then factor analyzed and four distinct profiles of student conceptions were identified, labelled, and described in qualitative detail: research methods as integral to psychology, research methods as a digression from psychology, research methods as disconnected from psychology, and research methods as beneficial to psychology. Some of the perspectives displayed a clear understanding about the reasons for undertaking research and learning about research methods in psychology, whereas other standpoints saw research as being something that was difficult to relate to the practice of psychology. Findings are considered in terms of how some conceptions appear to be more beneficial or problematic to hold than others and recommendations are made to educators about how they could support students to change their views.  相似文献   

Extensive historical sleuthing reveals that the word "bioethics" and the field of study it names experienced, in 1970/1971, a "bilocated birth" in Madison, Wisconsin, and in Washington, D.C. Van Rensselaer Potter, at the University of Wisconsin first coined the term; and André Hellegers, at Georgetown University, at the very least, latched onto the already-existing word "bioethics" and first used it in an institutional way to designate the focused area of inquiry that became an academic field of learning and a movement regarding public policy and the life sciences. A further comparison of the Potter and the Hellegers/Georgetown understandings of bioethics and the relative acceptance of the two views will appear in the March 1995 issue of this journal.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed as an initial attempt to explain age related limitations in response accuracy on a coincident anticipation task. Five- to 9-year-old boys and adult males participated in each experiment. They made horizontal arm movements in response to stimuli from a Bassin Anticipation Timer. The results of Experiment l confirmed the findings of previous studies, which showed that young children respond early to slow moving stimuli. They were most accurate at intermediate speeds; their responses deteriorated as speed was increased. older children and adults were more accurate at slow to intermediate speeds; their performances also declined at fast stimulus velocities. Experiment ll examined use of a stereotypic or default movement speed as an explanation for these results, particularly for young children. A most comfortable movement pace was determined for each subject and was used as a baseline speed for a subsequent timing task. Four other stimuli were selected in 0.8 mph increments from the baseline speed (two faster, two slower). In addition, selected trials for 6 subjects at each age were filmed at 32 fps. X-coordinates for these trials were obtained and smoothed at 5 Hz. Movement time data suggested that 5-year-olds used a preferred or stereotypic speed, since they were accurate only when responding to their baseline speed. older subjects matched stimuli up to and including their baselines. Kinematic characteristics confirmed the general notion of preferred speed for 5-year-olds. These same measures demonstrated that older subjects were increasingly adaptable in their responses, despite a failure to respond more accurately. Consequently, the term "preferred speed" lacks generality as an explanatory concept. Age-related shifts in the ability to modify components of a response, like average movement velocity and number of corrections, were used to explain accuracy differences.  相似文献   

Recently derestricted Freud Archive interviews with Max and Herbert Graf and Herbert's wife shed new light on Max Graf's article, "Reminiscences of Professor Sigmund Freud," published in The Psychoanalytic Quarterly in 1942. To explain discrepancies between the interviews and the earlier article, the author postulates that, in the article, Max Graf purposely distorted or omitted certain details in order not to reveal Herbert's identity as "Little Hans" (Freud 1909). The interviews place incidents reported in the article in a new and more complex light, and also underscore the intensely personal nature of the intellectual development of the psychoanalytic movement.  相似文献   

Although the topic of psychological well-being has generated considerable research, few studies have investigated how adults themselves define positive functioning. To probe their conceptions of well-being, interviews were conducted with a community sample of 171 middle-aged (M = 52.5 years, SD = 8.7) and older (M = 73.5 years, SD = 6.1) men and women. Questions pertained to general life evaluations, past life experiences, conceptions of well-being, and views of the aging process. Responses indicated that both age groups and sexes emphasized an "others orientation" (being a caring, compassionate person, and having good relationships) in defining well-being. Middle-aged respondents stressed self-confidence, self-acceptance, and self-knowledge, whereas older persons cited accepting change as an important quality of positive functioning. In addition to attention to positive relations with others as an index of well-being, lay views pointed to a sense of humor, enjoying life, and accepting change as criteria of successful aging.  相似文献   

This study used Rawls’ social contract theory of right to examine the conceptions of compassion of Western Buddhist practitioners as they made ethical decisions. The study, which used a construction sample of 140 subjects in order to study the developmental levels of thinking among the Buddhist practitioners, identified five structural-developmental levels of conceptions of compassion along with a level of pre-compassionate thinking. Only a sparse amount of thinking at the level of ethical principles of compassion was found among the Buddhist practitioners. Buddhist practitioners gave priority to issues of karma over issues of rights in ethical decisions involving dilemmas related to life and death decisions. Scoring manuals were constructed for assessing ethical reasoning and justice-reasoning based on Rawls’ meta-ethical theory of justice and right. Different dilemmas seem to elicit different levels of conceptions of compassion, which supports the view of compassion as “levels of conceptions” rather than a singular state.
Albert ErdynastEmail:

Although asymmetries in hand and foot performance have been examined using a variety of movement tasks that require the fine control of the timing and amplitude of force generation, foot asymmetries in a functional gross motor movement task, such as the track and field sprint start, have yet to be examined. Twenty individuals (10 experienced, 10 inexperienced) were assessed for pedal asymmetries using the track and field sprint start. Each participant performed 48 starts (24 right foot starts and 24 left foot starts). The pattern of pedal asymmetries was consistent with that of manual asymmetries in that a left foot (i.e., left foot in rear position) reaction time advantage was found while there was a right foot (i.e., right foot in rear position) advantage for movement time and total response time (time from stimulus presentation until the end of the movement). These results are consistent with a right hemisphere specialization for spatio-temporal and attentional processes, and a left hemisphere specialization for movement execution.  相似文献   

Data from a longitudinal study of postbaccalaureate nursing careers are discussed in the context of the motive-to-avoid-success controversy. Two groups of nurses with continuous work histories were intensively studied. While most had experienced upward professional mobility, a significant minority had lateral careers, which, though not characterized by advancement, typically provide rewards of intensification. Further, lateral careers only occurred in specialties allowing a high degree of professional autonomy. Thus, upward mobility and advancement should not be the sole criteria of women's occupational progress. Alternative conceptions of success may be significant in many occupations, although such beliefs may not serve as viable substitutes for professional autonomy and the opportunity for personal development. Lateral movement may also characterize most men's work lives more aptly than descent or ascent; hence the findings underscore the necessity to rethink the image of movement in both male and female work spheres.The research upon which this paper is based was supported by a grant from the Nursing Resources Division, USPHS (Grant NU-004-94-03) for the study of Post-Baccalaureate Careers in Nursing, Fred Davis and Virginia Olesen, Principal Investigators, Ellen Lewin, Assistant Project Director. This article was originally presented as a paper at the Pacific Sociological Association meetings, Sacramento, California, April 1977, where the panel commentator, Sheryl Ruzek, provided useful comments on the essay. Jane Tabata Usami provided a very helpful bibliographic search and other technical assistance.  相似文献   

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