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在临终阶段,帮助患者克服对死亡的恐惧,与患者建立心灵和情感上的沟通,帮助其提高生命质量,有尊严、有意义地度过生命最后的时光显得尤为重要。运用叙事医学理论,结合阿图·葛文德《最好的告别》一书中的案例,分别从医护人员、患者、患者家属三个视角,探讨叙事医学对临终关怀发展的指导意义。相较于传统医学模式,叙事医学模式下的临终关怀能够引导医护人员和患者正确对待衰老与死亡、促进医护人员叙事能力的提高、鼓励患者自我需求的叙事表达、关注家属面对亲人离世时的心理护理、改善家属在医疗决策中的辅助作用。叙事医学对临终关怀的发展具有指导意义,有望进一步推进临终关怀的应用进程。  相似文献   




The aim of this study is to investigate whether the method (Narrative Processes Coding System) for studying the narrative sequences of individual psychotherapy developed by Angus and Hardtke (1994) can be applied in a family therapeutic process. According to the results narrative process coding system adds new dimensions and gives new depth in the narrative understanding of family therapeutic process. In micro-analytic interactional level it shows the complicated interactions between narration, plot, and narrative process type.  相似文献   

数月以来,新冠肺炎疫情之下的中国医务人员及患者在这场抗疫之战中形成了许多独具特色的医学叙事,其中的文本意义既具有深刻的社会属性,亦具有极强的个人属性。采用参与式观察法,收集、记录自然条件下不同的患者在疫情期间前来医院就诊的疾病故事,共计29个案例,并根据患者就诊中的不同心态将这些案例分为恐慌、无奈和乐观三类,最后尝试以医者的视角,通过三个医务人员的平行病历对疫情之下这三类不同的患者心态进行解读,借此重新审视特殊时代背景之下医者的责任和医学的意义,旨在为后疫情时期的医患关系研究提供一些理论基础和思考空间。  相似文献   

Movement psychotherapy (MP), and dance/movement therapy (DMT), are body-orientated psychotherapy approaches that use movement for the integration of emotional, cognitive, physical, social and spiritual aspects of self (European Association Dance Movement Therapy, 2010). It is distinctively a combination of moving and sensing the body with verbal self-reflection (Bloom, 2006). Several papers have presented DMT as a treatment in general medical care and cancer care, but there is still a paucity of evidence-based studies. The authors describe a clinical case illustrative of many of the situations in which facing death was particularly tormenting. The emotional pressure can produce a barrier of communication with the risk of rupturing the therapeutic relationship. The movement therapist’s function is to clarify the elements of body language and this has important implications for clinical practice because the end-of-life decisions are difficult, like palliative sedation therapy (PST). Even if procedural guidelines for PST help physicians and care teams through the decision-making process and make them more comfortable when responding to physical suffering, physicians more frequently report an emotional pressure when their patients experience psychological symptoms, with the risk that PST could become a potential “counterphobic defence to treat”.  相似文献   

Systematic observational studies of the chaplain's role and function in the secular health‐care setting are few. With an episode‐based diary recorded on handheld digital tablets, palliative care chaplains at a large urban hospital with a diverse patient population recorded details of patient visits in near‐real time. Cluster analysis revealed groups of activities we called "doing" and "being," and conversation topics of "practical matters" and "ultimate concerns”; chaplains were most satisfied with visits that involved all of these. Chaplains offer patients and families a space to express significant concerns; however, visits with spiritual or religious activities or topics were relatively rare. Broad quality of life concerns are central to the evolving professional role of chaplains in the secular setting of the modern hospital.  相似文献   

随着现代医学的迅猛发展,加强医学人文教育已成为医学界共识。推进医学人文发展的核心是为了实现人性化的医疗,然而,在当今人性化医疗的进程中仍面临着诸多困境,尤其是医学法律与伦理之间的某些矛盾或混沌状态更为突出,因此,实现医学人文各层面的有机契合是当前医疗改革的一个重要环节,需要医患双方及全社会的共同努力,务必要直面问题和解决问题,在追求和谐的整合原则指导下,努力实现医学法律与伦理之间的无缝契合,推进人性化医疗的系统性整合。  相似文献   

Scholarship on the political gender gap in the United States has attributed women's political views to their greater compassion, yet individual‐level measures of compassion have almost never been used to directly examine such claims. We address this issue using the only nationally representative survey to include psychometrically validated measures of compassion alongside appropriate political variables. We show that even though women are more compassionate in the aggregate than men in some respects, this added compassion does not explain the gender gap in partisanship. Female respondents report having more tender feelings towards the less fortunate, but these empathetic feelings are not associated with partisan identity. Women also show a slightly greater commitment to a principle of care, but this principle accounts for little of the partisan gap between men and women and has no significant relationship with partisanship after accounting for gender differences in egalitarian political values.  相似文献   

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