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儒家文化对当前中国心理健康服务实践的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理健康服务是以心理学的理论和方法为主导来维护与促进人们心理健康的活动。它与个人的心理因素和社会文化因素有必然联系, 中国心理健康服务植根于中国文化的土壤之中, 它本身就是文化的产物。而儒家文化作为中国社会的主流文化, 它在中国心理健康服务过程中具有表征、构建、指导、唤起功能; 对心理健康服务者和被服务者的人格、应对方式以及服务态度和行为产生直接和间接影响。中国心理健康服务模式与儒家文化传统的关系问题实际上涉及的是心理健康服务与文化的普遍性与特殊性问题。构建适合中国文化土壤的心理健康服务体系需要研究儒家文化传统对心理健康服务模式的观念、理论及实践操作层面的作用和影响。  相似文献   

国外心理健康服务及其启示   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
徐华春  黄希庭 《心理科学》2007,30(4):1006-1009
在回顾了美国、瑞典等国家心理健康服务概况的基础上提出了以下启示:1.中国心理健康服务体系应以构建和谐社会理论为基础;2.在心理服务的教育与培训中,应当尽量兼顾普及知识与提高专业化水平两个目标;3.政府应当大力支持社区心理健康服务以及包含各种社区可用资源的综合性社区服务;4.中国心理健康服务必须从本国文化与国情出发,因此还需要更多这方面的文献总结与实际诃查工作;5.心理健康服务应当全面而有区别地实施予心理健康水平不同的人群。  相似文献   

学校心理健康教育中的参与式教师培训初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本研究通过参与式培训手段,提高了昆明市东华一小全体教师关心学生心理健康的意识和能力,并探讨参与式培训的可行性和有效性.多维评估结果表明本次培训取得了良好的效果,其原因在于:1.通过需求评估确定内容,增加了培训内容的针对性.2.参与式教学手段的引入,激发了学员的参与热情,提升了培训效果.3.全员培训从“面”上增进了教师积极的日常教学行为,减少了消极的日常教学行为.  相似文献   

社区心理健康服务有重要的现实意义,但处于起步阶段的我国社区心理健康服务存在着一系列问题,故构建出适合中国国情的社区心理健康服务模式尤为重要.社区心理健康服务需要有的放矢,需要制度上的保障、多元化的服务渠道、良好的社区环境、自助式心理健康服务和优良的支持系统.  相似文献   

为考察心理健康服务人员胜任特征与服务双方满意度的关系,对分布于不同机构的心理健康服务人员及其来访者进行问卷调查。结果表明:心理健康服务人员胜任特征总分与自身服务满意度、来访者满意度均呈正相关,与自身服务满意度相关达到显著水平。胜任特征高分组心理健康服务人员自身服务满意度显著高于低分组自身服务满意度。与心理健康服务人员自身服务满意度显著相关的胜任特征条目,多数与知识、技能有关;与来访者满意度显著相关的胜任特征条目,均为来访者能感受到的与咨询关系建立有关的条目。  相似文献   

中国心理健康服务从业者的职业压力现状及影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究目的是考察心理健康从业者的压力现状及其影响因素。769名来自全国20个省份的心理健康从业者填写了研究者自编的有93个多项选择题和填空题的问卷,其中2个从本问卷中抽取的5点量表具有可接受的心理测量学指标。主因素分析表明,心理健康从业者的职业压力可分为三类:专业能力不足、缺乏单位支持、工作负担过重。回归分析表明:影响职业压力的非专业因素有:年龄,性别,教育水平,全职或兼职,场所是否专用,以及每周咨询的小时数。在专业因素中,督导和培训能显著地缓解心理健康从业者的职业压力。治疗中的困难情况会显著地引发心理健康从业者的职业压力。  相似文献   

我国中小学生心理健康服务方法现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自编问卷对来自重庆、甘肃、辽宁、福建、湖北以及西藏的661名被试进行调查.结果发现我国中小学心理健康课教学以讲授法运用最多,中小学生心理咨询与治疗服务方法以行为疗法使用最多,使用最多的心理测验是心理健康综合测验和人格测验;各个地区发展存在不均衡的状况,其中辽宁、福建专业水平较高,西藏、甘肃则相对比较落后.  相似文献   

医护人员对癌症告知态度的调查研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了了解医护人员对癌症告知的态度,对634名医护人员进行问卷调查。结果显示,医护人员不十分赞同将真情完全告知患者,其告知意愿在一定程度上取决于患者的知情愿望,他们比较认同家属拥有决策权,且普遍认为患者不是充分知晓病情。因此,医护人员应该增强告知认识,尊重患者告知意愿,引导家属告知观念,努力提高患者知情程度。  相似文献   




远程心理服务(Telepsychology)是利用远程通讯技术提供心理服务的新兴心理服务方式,虽然在COVID-19疫情期间得到了广泛应用,但仍缺乏相关行业应用规范及专业培训体系。现有的远程心理服务三维模型以应用环境、应用领域、应用方式为服务框架,结合九个应用领域开展远程心理服务。我们根据已有研究提出了以咨询师、治疗方法、远程技术手段为主要因素、以来访者为中心的远程心理服务应用模型。人工智能在远程心理服务领域的应用主要包括三个方面:机器学习与人工神经网络、自然语言处理与情感分析、虚拟现实与增强现实。目前,远程心理服务正以蓬勃的态势极速发展:其在提高心理服务督导效率、减少服务成本等方面有着显著优势,同时在心理服务从业人员对远程心理服务的接受度、来访者的适应性、重视程度方面也面临着挑战。未来远程心理服务可以在监管体系、从业者培训、远程应用技术三个方面进行深入探索。  相似文献   

During the last ten years in the UK, service user consultation and collaboration has gradually entered the vocabulary of people providing and purchasing mental health services. However, we are not convinced that much needed change in mental health services will be achieved as a function of increased commitment to market consumerism. We argue here that service user consultation and collaboration should take account of the effects of social inequalities on mental health and on mental health services. This perspective highlights the need for fundamental change in mental health services, and helps us to appreciate the strength of resistance to change, and to understand some of the dynamics involved. We describe here how this perspective has motivated and shaped our own efforts to collaborate responsibly with service users to change mental health services.  相似文献   

Examining adolescents' satisfaction with mental health services is an important program evaluation activity. Their perceptions of whether services were beneficial and resulted in improved functioning are indices of treatment quality. Assessment of adolescent satisfaction with school-based mental health programs has been limited. In our study, adolescents receiving services from a School Mental Health Program (SMHP) completed satisfaction surveys. Participants were predominantly minority youth residing in an urban area. Results indicated that students were highly satisfied with their mental health services. Students valued the therapeutic relationship, catharsis associated with therapy, and skills they learned during therapy. Several factors influenced satisfaction ratings including clinician training and availability.  相似文献   

Since the early 1980s, increasing attention has been devoted in the literature to the conceptualization, development, and implementation of integrated and comprehensive mental health systems of care for children and adolescents. In establishing this new children's mental health paradigm of community-based systems of care, there are presently very few well-trained professionals and leaders focused on collaborative (including interagency) initiatives in the delivery of children's mental health services. Nevertheless, the field of public health offers an interdisciplinary setting for the education and training of individuals in children's mental health services. This national survey of all 27 accredited schools of public health in the United States and Puerto Rico examined the existing capacity for and potential to expand educational and training opportunities in the organization, financing, and delivery of children's mental health services.  相似文献   

Adequate access to child and adolescent mental health services for young people in high need populations is an important concern of service systems researchers and program evaluators. We present results of a statewide study of access to community mental health services for eight populations of special concern. The analysis relied exclusively on existing databases in conjunction with innovative statistical techniques to provide comprehensive measures of access to care. Our findings indicate that access to care varied substantially across special populations, although children and adolescents in each of our eight “special populations” had greater access to public mental health services than members of the general population of the state. The interpretation of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the termination of children's mental health services. Analyses were based on the 901 families in the Fort Bragg Evaluation Project who participated at Wave 1 and Wave 2 six months later. The project compared a full continuum of care provided at a demonstration site with traditional care at two comparison sites. The results showed that in most cases families and providers were partners in decisions to terminate treatment. About half of the clients self-terminated or were terminated solely at the discretion of the provider. Providers tended to play a more dominant role in terminating restrictive services; families played a more central role in terminating outpatient care. Regardless of initial psychopathology, children in single-headed households, whose parents were dissatisfied with services, did not expect their child to cooperate with treatment and did not expect treatment to help their child, were more likely to terminate care than others. While the Demonstration site had significantly fewer terminations, the sites did not differ with regard to the reasons for termination, who participated in termination decisions, or the factors that affected the likelihood to terminate care. Of most interest, mental health outcomes among children who had terminated all care did not vary by reasons for termination or by who participated in the termination decision.  相似文献   

The United States Air Force Deployment Transition Center (DTC) operates a 2-day third-location decompression program that commenced operations during the summer of 2010 in Ramstein, Germany, with the aim to assist Air Force service members (AFSMs) who are returning from deployment as they prepare to reintegrate back into their home lives and work stations. The present study evaluated the impact of DTC attendance on later mental health outcomes. Because participants are not randomly assigned to attend the DTC, propensity score weighting was used to compare DTC participants (N = 1,573) to a weighted control group of AFSMs (N = 1,570) in the same job specialties who returned from deployment during the same time period. Rates of endorsement to items on the Postdeployment Health Reassessment were examined and compared, as were rates of mental health diagnoses from AFSMs’ official medical records. Key findings indicate that DTC participants reported lower levels of depressive and posttraumatic stress symptoms and lower levels of relationship conflict following return from deployment, as compared to weighted control participants. Mental health diagnostic rates were comparable for the 2 groups during the first 6 months following return from deployment. These findings suggest that participation in the DTC program had notable benefits for redeploying AFSMs and support the continued use of the program.  相似文献   


Seven years after the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, 34 individuals affiliated with various organizations were interviewed about their experiences in providing disaster mental health services to victims and the community. Their perspectives elucidated the importance of preparedness, training and education, local control, interagency cooperation, and psychosocial support for providers. Significant conflicts emerged among providers about credentials, referrals, the quality of services provided, and the appropriateness, in this context, of basing services solely on a crisis counseling model. The lack of ongoing needs assessment or evaluation data further fueled the debates. On the basis of the findings, the authors outline several recommendations for planning mental health responses to future terrorist attacks.  相似文献   

Despite an increasing focus over the past 2 decades by federal and state governments on the care of persons with severe mental illness, psychologists remain underrepresented among behavioral health professionals working with this population. Within the discipline there is growing concern about the need to adequately train, recruit, and retain psychologists in this specialty. This is a particular concern in academic medical settings where the overall severity of illness among those receiving psychiatric services continues to increase. The purpose of this qualitative research study was to intensively examine the experience of predoctoral interns engaged in treating individuals with severe mental illness in an academic medical center in order to identify the professional developmental experiences and training needs of those learning to care for this population. This analysis, conducted with semistructured interviews at four points during the internship year, yielded a series of recommendations for improving internship training and recruiting psychologists to this specialty.  相似文献   

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