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Five theological tenets are described which may undergird the integration of religious awareness and spiritual care into nursing curricula. The five all emphasize addressing the articulated needs of the patient within the context of the nursing process. These tenets, while Wesleyan in emphasis, suggest ways in which any nurse may engage in the common ministry of all Christians without usurping the role of clergy or chaplains.This article is a revision of a chapter of Dr. Brittain's doctoral dissertation from St. Mary's Seminary and University.  相似文献   


The life tasks model is an active, mutual, and potentially universal approach to the spiritual care of the aged. A life task is a responsibility, once undertaken, that lasts a lifetime. Three tasks are identified. Task 1 is the discovery of hidden learning. The process of discovery draws on implicit learning that comes into awareness. This leads to task 2, testing in which learning brought into awareness is tested by other life experiences. The final task is task 3, integration, in which a more aware and cohesive self is formed. Ideally, this leads to service or vocation. Progress on the life tasks is illustrated by responses in a qualitative study of older adults. Although this model can be applied to self-growth and ministry to all ages, it is well suited to the care of the aged.  相似文献   

In this article, I will investigate the link between – what the French philosopher Michel Foucault calls – ‘pastoral power’ and the concept of ‘nurturing children’s spirituality.’ In the first step, I will explain the concept of pastoral power. In a second step, I will look to some literature about nurturing the spirituality of the child and the tips and tricks they give to nurturing the spirituality of the child. I will develop how power is present and how it can be abused easily. By nurturing the spirituality of their child, parents can control the life of the child. I will argue that it is important that everyone who works with children is aware of the hidden forms of power in nurturing the spirituality of the child in order to not misuse their power.  相似文献   

This paper aims at showing the dimensions of spirituality in childhood education by suggesting a new analysis of the concept of ‘pure life’ used in the Qur’an. Putting spirituality in the framework of the pure life provides us with a rich framework in dealing with spirituality as the latter will be extended to all dimensions of a life. In the first section of the paper, the pure life is analysed in terms of different dimensions of body, thought, inclinations, will, action and aesthetic taste. Then, the requirements of this framework are discussed for spirituality. In the final section of the paper, the implications for spiritual education in the childhood are derived.  相似文献   

The Spiritual Experience Index was developed to measure spiritual maturity in persons of diverse religious and spiritual beliefs. The scale was constructed from a developmental rather than a multidimensional conceptualization of faith. Initial findings from a religiously heterogeneous college sample indicated good reliability for the SEI and supported its use as a unidimensional measure. Higher scores on the SEI were significantly related to lower dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity. The SEI was also moderately related to higher religious participation and positively correlated with intrinsicness and quest. However, compared with the intrinsic and quest scales, the SEI emerged as the strongest indicator of adaptive spiritual functioning. Directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Research literature has highlighted unusual phenomena occurring at the end of life. Palliative-care professionals often feel ill-prepared in managing these and in talking to patients and family members about them. This study aimed to explore the meanings and interpretations ascribed to these phenomena by palliative-care professionals. Eight participants were interviewed, and interpretative phenomenological analysis used to identify themes within their accounts. Four themes emerged from the analysis: (1) Who are we to say what's out there?: a connection with something beyond what can be seen; (2) It opened up conversations: the experience of talking about unusual experiences; (3) It knocked me sideways: managing the emotional impact of these experiences; and (4) The fact that she was so accepting made it easier: the value of acceptance in relation to unusual experiences. These findings are discussed within the context of existing literature and implications for palliative-care professionals are discussed.  相似文献   

信灵 《中国道教》2002,(5):49-50
道教祖师讲道 ,阐教的目的 ,在于使众生由迷转悟 ,同登仙界 ,证取金仙大道。道教徒的行为 ,贵于依教奉行 ,依戒力行 ,因为学道就是学习了脱生死 ,度人度己的老子教法。一个人可以信奉道教 ,也可以不信 ,但离不开道的范畴。《道德经》云 :“天地之始 ,万物之母” ,“道生一 ,一生二 ,二生三 ,三生万物” ,是其证明。众生按老子教条实践笃行 ,就可以得道成仙。反道而行 ,则永劫沉沦。本文仅就老子所言“五戒”清规 ,谈谈道教与人生的关系。天生万物 ,唯人为灵 ,做人必备的条件 ,就是所谓人格。人格的标准 ,儒道释的解释各有不同。儒家的标准是…  相似文献   

There has been a quiet buildup of interest in spirituality within psychiatry. However, spirituality tends to be a vague and fuzzy concept to psychiatrists and probably to other psychotherapists. The field is surprisingly large, and there is space in this paper only to present a skeletal outline of the cognitive aspects of it. My observations come from spiritual issues discussion groups for inpatients and a religion and psychiatry clinic for outpatients at Butler Hospital.This paper is modified from one presented as part of a symposium in Spirituality and Psychotherapy at the Annual Convention of the American Psychiatric Association in New York City, May 14, 1990.  相似文献   

Over the years there has been considerable research investigating the controversial issues of cult recruitment, “mind control” and post-group difficulties of ex-members from a variety of religious groups. However, the less-well-defined phenomenon of “spiritual abuse” is still under-researched as a specific phenomenon. This is particularly evident in the lack of studies exploring the subjective, internal experience. This study reports on the lived experiences of six individuals who left five different religious groups that were essentially Judeo-Christian in their orientation. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) revealed six core themes throughout the participant narratives. They consist of “Leadership representing God,” “Spiritual bullying,” “Acceptance via performance,” “Spiritual neglect,” “Manifestation of internal states,” and “Expanding external/internal tension.” These are offered as a foundation to answer the question What can be described as the lived experience of spiritual abuse? The findings suggest that spiritual abuse is a multi-faceted and multi-layered experience that is both process and event, affecting the bio/psycho/social and spiritual domains of an individual.  相似文献   

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