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Even without feedback, test practice enhances delayed performance compared to study practice, but the size of the effect is variable across studies. We investigated the benefit of testing, separating initially retrievable items from initially nonretrievable items. In two experiments, an initial test determined item retrievability. Retrievable or nonretrievable items were subsequently presented for repeated study or test practice. Collapsing across items, in Experiment 1, we obtained the typical cross-over interaction between retention interval and practice type. For retrievable items, however, the cross-over interaction was quantitatively different, with a small study benefit for an immediate test and a larger testing benefit after a delay. For nonretrievable items, there was a large study benefit for an immediate test, but one week later there was no difference between the study and test practice conditions. In Experiment 2, initially nonretrievable items were given additional study followed by either an immediate test or even more additional study, and one week later performance did not differ between the two conditions. These results indicate that the effect size of study/test practice is due to the relative contribution of retrievable and nonretrievable items.  相似文献   

Retention interval and rehearsal effects on flashbulb and event memory for 11th September 2001 (9/11) were examined. In Experiment 1, college students were assessed three times (Groups 1 and 2) or once (Group 3) over 11 weeks. In Experiment 2, three new groups assessed initially at 23 weeks (Group 4), 1 year (Group 5), or 2 years (Group 6) were compared at 1 year and at 2 years with subsamples of those assessed previously. No effects of retention interval length or rehearsal were found for flashbulb memory, which contained details at each assessment. Event memory, but not consistency, was detrimentally affected by long retention intervals, but improved with rehearsal. Recall was higher for the reception event than for the main events. Also, consistency from 1 day to 11 weeks, but not 1 year to 2 years, was higher for flashbulb memory than for event memory. Event recall was enhanced when respondents conceived of their memory as vivid, frozen, and encompassing a longer period of time. Positive correlations were found for event memory with confidence in accuracy and with rehearsal through discussion at 2 years.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to refine current hypotheses regarding thematic reversal anomalies, which have been found to elicit either N400 or - more frequently - “semantic-P600” (sP600) effects. Our goal was to investigate whether distinct ERP profiles reflect aspectual-thematic differences between Agent-Subject Verbs (ASVs; e.g., ‘to eat’) and Experiencer-Subject Verbs (ESVs; e.g., ‘to love’) in English. Inanimate subject noun phrases created reversal anomalies on both ASV and ESV. Animacy-based prominence effects and semantic association were controlled to minimize their contribution to any ERP effects. An N400 was elicited by the target verb in the ESV but not the ASV anomalies, supporting the hypothesis of a distinctive aspectual-thematic structure between ESV and ASV. Moreover, the N400 finding for English ESV shows that, in contrast to previous claims, the presence versus absence of N400s for this kind of anomaly cannot be exclusively explained in terms of typological differences across languages.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to help answer several questions regarding the impact of spacing and expanded retrieval on memory performance in younger and older adults. Three expanded/equal interval schedule pairings, matched in average spacing (1-2-3/2-2-2; 1-3-5/3-3-3; and 1-3-8/4-4-4), were compared, and the effect of retention interval on spaced retrieval benefits was examined by comparing performance on a same day test to a test delayed by 24 h. Both age groups showed a learning phase retrieval success advantage for expanded items compared to equal interval items. Only older adults in the same day test condition showed a significant expansion effect in final recall. After a 24-h delay, the final recall advantage for items in the expanded condition was lost in both groups, and in fact these items were at a significant recall disadvantage for younger adults. Results indicate that younger and older adults benefit from a rehearsal technique that incorporated any type of spaced retrieval whether it is distributed as an expanding schedule or not. Although we did not find robust advantages for expanded retrieval compared to equal interval practice, there could be certain advantages (such as reinforcement due to high success rates) to using expanded retrieval depending on the ultimate goals of an individual memory training program.  相似文献   

Conditioning the proboscis extension reflex of harnessed honeybees (Apis mellifera) is used to study the effect temporal spacing between successive conditioning trials has on memory. Retention is monitored at two long-term intervals corresponding to early (1 and 2 d after conditioning) and late long-term memory (3 and 4 d). The acquisition level is varied by using different conditioned stimuli (odors, mechanical stimulation, and temperature increase at the antenna), varying strengths of the unconditioned stimulus (sucrose), and various numbers of conditioning trials. How learning trials are spaced is the dominant factor both for acquisition and retention, and although longer intertrial intervals lead to better acquisition and higher retention, the level of acquisition per se does not determine the spacing effect on retention. Rather, spaced conditioning leads to higher memory consolidation both during acquisition and later, between the early and long-term memory phases. These consolidation processes can be selectively inhibited by blocking protein synthesis during acquisition.  相似文献   

Developmental studies of retention have yielded remarkably diverse results: however, it is widely assumed that retention ability increases with age. This study examined this assumption by investigating some of the conditions that might affect retention test performance in third graders and tenth graders. The most important results were the absence of age differences in proportionalized short-term retention, despite substantial differences in the number of items learned, and significant age differences in long-term retention only between groups that had received a different number of learning trials. These and other results suggest that age differences in retention test performance occur only when age is confounded with degree of learning. In short, there do not appear to be any age differences in retention per se.  相似文献   

Martino G  Marks LE 《Perception》2000,29(6):745-754
At each moment, we experience a melange of information arriving at several senses, and often we focus on inputs from one modality and 'reject' inputs from another. Does input from a rejected sensory modality modulate one's ability to make decisions about information from a selected one? When the modalities are vision and hearing, the answer is "yes", suggesting that vision and hearing interact. In the present study, we asked whether similar interactions characterize vision and touch. As with vision and hearing, results obtained in a selective attention task show cross-modal interactions between vision and touch that depend on the synesthetic relationship between the stimulus combinations. These results imply that similar mechanisms may govern cross-modal interactions across sensory modalities.  相似文献   

Divergent choose-absence retention functions typically found in pigeons following presence/absence-sample matching have been attributed to the development of a single-code/default coding strategy. However, such effects may result from adventitious differential responding to the samples. In Experiment 1, retention functions were divergent only when differential sample responding could serve as the basis for comparison choice. In Experiment 2, when pecking did not occur during the retention interval, a choose-absence bias was found, but when pecking occurred during the retention interval, a choose-presence bias resulted. In Experiment 3, positive transfer was found when a stimulus associated with the absence of pecking replaced the absence sample but not when a stimulus associated with pecking replaced the presence sample. Thus, presence/absence-sample matching may not encourage the development of a single-code/default coding strategy in pigeons.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, the authors investigated a potential interaction involving the processing of concurrent feedback using design features from the specificity of practice literature and the processing of terminal feedback using a manipulation from the guidance hypothesis literature. In Experiment 1, participants produced (198 trials) flexion-extension movements to reproduce a specific pattern of displacement over time with or without vision of the limb position and with 100% or 33% knowledge of results (KR) frequency. The transfer test was performed without vision and KR. In Experiment 2, the authors assessed whether sensory information processing was modulated by the amount of practice. Participants performed 54 or 396 trials under a 100% or a 33% KR frequency with vision before being transferred to a no-vision condition without KR. Results of both experiments indicated that the Vision-33% condition suffered a larger detrimental effect of withdrawing visual information than the Vision-100% condition. Experiment 2 indicated that this detrimental effect increased with practice. These results indicated the reduction in terminal feedback prompted participants to more deeply process the concurrent visual information thus reinforcing their dependency on the visual information.  相似文献   

In an effort to account quantitatively for performance differences between study-test and anticipation methods, a rudimentary theory, the retention interval model, is proposed. This model postulates three different theoretical functions for the three operationally distinguishable and qualitatively different events in the retention interval: intercycle rest, intervening-study-events and intervening-test-events intervals. The retention interval model satisfactorily accounted for 144 data points based on 35, 136 observations (164 subjects) by using only 30 estimated parameters in three experiments (48 points via 10 parameters per experiment), with massed as well as spaced practice, under both anticipation and study-test (RT) methods. In spite of a restrictive parameter estimation mode, close agreements were achieved between the model and data. The retention interval appears to generate powerful effects in determining the absolute performance levels for both anticipation and study-test learning procedures in the various intercycle intervals.  相似文献   

A successive matching-to-sample procedure that entails the sequential presentation of sample and test stimuli and the monitoring of response rates in a go/no-go discrimination of matching and nonmatching stimuli was studied as an alternative to the familiar delayed-matching paradigm of animal short-term memory. Three within-subject experiments studied the effects of sample duration (1 to 12 seconds), intertrial interval (5 to 50 seconds), and retention interval (1 to 50 seconds) on the pigeon's successive-matching performance. The results revealed that retention was (a) an increasing function of sample duration and intertrial interval, and (b) a decreasing function of retention interval. These results were in accord with those of more traditional short-term memory paradigms, and reveal the suitability of the successive-matching procedure for studying memory processes.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to investigate the reliability of voice lineups. More specifically, the experiment was designed to look into the effects of retention interval (an immediate test or after a week), speech duration (30 or 70 s) and acoustic environment (indoors or indoors and outdoors) on speaker identification accuracy. In addition, the relation between confidence assessments of both participants and test assistant on the one hand and identification accuracy was explored. A total of 361 participants heard the target voice in one of four exposure conditions (short or long text and speech samples recorded only indoors or indoors and outdoors). Half the participants were tested immediately after exposure to the target voice and half 1 week later. The results show that the target was correctly identified in 42% of cases. In the target‐absent condition there were 51% false alarms. Acoustic environment did not affect identification accuracy. There was an interaction between speech duration and retention interval in the target‐absent condition. When listeners were tested after a week, they made fewer false identifications if the speech sample was long. No effects were found when participants were tested immediately. Only the confidence scores of the test assistant had predictive value. Taking the confidence score of the test assistant into account therefore increases the diagnostic value of the identity parade. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined the effects of emotional valence and arousal on associative binding. Participants studied negative, positive, and neutral word pairs, followed by an associative recognition test. In Experiment 1, with a short-delayed test, accuracy for intact pairs was equivalent across valences, whereas accuracy for rearranged pairs was lower for negative than for positive and neutral pairs. In Experiment 2, we tested participants after a one-week delay and found that accuracy was greater for intact negative than for intact neutral pairs, whereas rearranged pair accuracy was equivalent across valences. These results suggest that, although negative emotional valence impairs associative binding after a short delay, it may improve binding after a longer delay. The results also suggest that valence, as well as arousal, needs to be considered when examining the effects of emotion on associative memory.  相似文献   

Results from implicit memory (IM) tasks suggest that automatic retrieval remains stable or decreases over time. In contrast, results from the process dissociation approach (PDA) suggest that automatic retrieval may actually increase over time. One explanation for these discrepant results is that performance on IM tasks is contaminated by controlled retrieval strategies, thereby overestimating automatic retrieval, particularly at short retention intervals, when controlled retrieval strategies are high. An alternative explanation is that automatic and controlled retrieval are positively correlated, rather than independent as assumed by the PDA. If so, the PDA would underestimate automatic retrieval, particularly when controlled retrieval strategies are high. Results from a speeded IM task suggest that a standard IM task provided an accurate estimate of automatic retrieval, whereas the PDA underestimated automatic retrieval at a short retention interval. This pattern of underestimation by the PDA supports the conclusion that automatic and controlled retrieval were positively correlated rather than independent.  相似文献   

Previous studies (e.g., Kerst & Howard, 1978) have shown that remembered visual areas are related to actual areas by a more compressive power function than are perceived visual areas. Experiment 1 useda between-groups design to replicate this effect for a map of Europe and showed that compression increased as the retention interval, the time between map inspection and area estimation, increased from 2 min to 1 week. Experiment 2 obtained similar results with a similar design, except that a simple two-region map was used to reduce uncertainty. Overall, the results suggest that two processes may be operating: uncertainty and gradual transformation of the representation of the map in memory.  相似文献   

Independent groups of 10-,20-, and 30-day-old infants were subjected to a classical eyelid conditioning procedure involving either a 500- or a 1500-msec interstimulus interval (ISI). Ten days later, all received a second conditioning session. A reliable increase in conditioned responding was observed at all ages but only by infants receiving the 1500-msec ISI. Although age was not a significant factor in any conditioning measure except final performance level, which was greater for the oldest than for the youngest group, it did influence long-term retention. A reliable memory component was observed in the Session 2 performance of infants initially trained at 20 and 30 days but not at 10 days. These data demonstrate the importance of temporal parameters in the formation of conditioned associations very early in infancy and provide evidence for the long-term behavioral consequences of those associations.  相似文献   

False memories are sometimes vivid and detailed. We proposed that the details that come to be associated with false memories may be produced by a process called content borrowing. In content borrowing, details from presented items are erroneously borrowed to corroborate the occurrence of the false memory item. In the present research we used think-out-loud protocols at both study and test to provide evidence for content borrowing in the DRM paradigm. We also demonstrated that content borrowing was more common after a 2-week delay, and was more common for critical lures than for missing exemplars.  相似文献   

Effects of outcome-alone pretraining and posttraining exposure were investigated in conditioned suppression experiments conducted within a sensory preconditioning preparation with rats. Experiment 1 found that interference by outcome postexposure was stronger than that by outcome preexposure, suggesting a recency effect. Experiment 2 found that after a long retention interval, outcome preexposure produced more interference than outcome postexposure, suggesting a shift from recency to primacy with increasing retention interval. Experiment 3 showed that presentation of a priming stimulus that had been embedded within the earlier phase of treatment also caused a shift from recency to primacy. These results suggest that, at least in a sensory preconditioning paradigm, retrievability of outcome-alone exposure memory is an important determinant of any outcome-alone exposure effect.  相似文献   

Recognition memory for Spanish-Catalan cognate and noncognate words was tested at retention intervals of 30 minutes, 3 days, and 7 days using a remember/know response procedure. We observed a clear mirror effect for the cognate-noncognate stimulus class and a remember-know response categorisation at the immediate retention interval. However, the cognate and noncognate mirror was still observed at 3 and 7 days, whereas the remember-know mirror disappeared at both retention intervals. Also, we ran a repeated testing condition to be able to carry out a sequential item analysis and observe the fate of the original remember and know responses 3 or 7 days later. The analysis supported the idea that there was a loss of contextual information that was at the root of the disappearance of the remember-know mirror effect. These results provide support to the idea that it is the imbalance between recollection and familiarity that is the most likely cause of the mirror effect.  相似文献   

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