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The development of a human right to water and sanitation under international law has created an imperative to implement human rights in water and sanitation policy. Through forty-three interviews with informants in international institutions, national governments, and non-governmental organizations, this research examines interpretations of this new human right in global governance, national policy, and local practice. Exploring obstacles to the implementation of rights-based water and sanitation policy, the authors analyze the limitations of translating international human rights into local water and sanitation practice, concluding that system operators, utilities, and management boards remain largely unaffected by the changing public policy landscape for human rights realization. To understand the relevance of human rights standards to water and sanitation practitioners, this article frames a research agenda to ensure that human rights aspirations lead to public policy reforms and public health outcomes.  相似文献   

This article seeks to clarify the concept of progress in philosophy. It treats progress as a kind of development. But not every development is a progress. When we talk about progress, what really matters is the direction of development. In some cases it is relatively easy to reach agreement about this direction. But not in the case of philosophy, if we abstract it from the obvious and the trivial, like the number of books on philosophy. As a result, the article concludes that there cannot be progress in philosophy. Instead we see a continual multiplication of interpretations.  相似文献   

Youth with anxiety often experience significant impairment in the school setting. Despite the relevance and promise of addressing anxiety in schools, traditional treatment approaches to school-based anxiety often do not adequately address generalization to the school setting, or they require removing the student from the classroom to deliver time- and staff-intensive programs. Such programs often leave teachers and caregivers feeling ill-equipped to support the student with anxiety throughout the natural course of the school day. Given the heavy demands placed on teachers and documented burnout among school professionals, providing effective school supports requires collaborative partnerships among outpatient therapists/specialists, school personnel, and caregivers. Drawing from literature on collaborative models for externalizing problems, we offer recommendations for outpatient therapists and specialists working to implement evidence-based supports and promote home-school partnerships to benefit youth with anxiety in the school setting. Our recommendations touch upon several components of such school consultation, including (a) identification of key parties involved, (b) conducting a needs assessment, (c) collaborative goal setting and development of a fear hierarchy, (d) plan development and implementation (e.g., facilitating a school-based exposure mindset, promoting home-school communication, enhancing school relationships), and (e) progress monitoring and ongoing support. We conclude with a case example to bring these recommendations to life.  相似文献   

The phenomenal growth of information technology and globalization promises a future where education about diversity and difference will be very significant. In this information age where existing knowledge and technology are constantly being replaced in an ever changing interdependent global environment, the fundamentals of education are also changing. Education will focus on building new knowledge rather than passing on existing knowledge. The increasing interconnectedness between cultures and their concomitant intermixing as a result of globalization requires that pedagogies about cultural diversity also focus on creating new knowledge and meanings about cultures as they change. In this article, we discuss sociocultural theory as an alternative educational pedagogy that situates the teaching and learning of cultural diversity within rapidly changing local and global conditions. We argue that features of this theory are especially relevant to providing a guiding pedagogy for valuing difference in inclusive environments. We engage the literature on cross-cultural communication and collaboration between culturally diverse professionals and parents of children with disabilities to illustrate sociocultural perspectives on conceptualizing cultural differences and their interaction, and the possibilities for creating culturally inclusive partnerships and communities.  相似文献   


This article highlights the many accomplishments of California based mental health occupational therapists in fostering liaisons in the community, collaborating with consumers and families and developing innovative programs. It also provides a rationale and theoretical construct for occupational therapists to provide quality interventions while both protecting and expanding their present practice through the use of client centered services.  相似文献   

The article outlines the development of partnerships across 3 employment‐related government ministries, in a context of organizational restructuring and downsizing. The article describes a consultation process conducted with workers from 2 provincial ministries and 1 federal government ministry regarding effective collaboration to assess unemployed clients' employability needs. In individual and focus group meetings, the workers developed a process that involved the cooperation and involvement of those from all 3 ministries in offering and monitoring the effectiveness of a needs assessment program.  相似文献   

Mental health disparities for diverse communities (particularly immigrants and people of color) in terms of access to evidence-based treatments, lack of education/awareness about mental health symptoms and treatment options, and lack of culturally responsive treatments have been frequently documented. Hence, diversity considerations in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of psychological disorders remain vital and imperative in clinical practice. There is also substantial work indicating that cultural values likely play an essential role in shaping how individuals conceptualize and experience mental or emotional health. Therefore, the present study was developed for community-engaged clinicians and researchers to outline the process by which to create a culturally responsive, evidence-based treatment framework for community mental health interventions in close partnership with communities of color. This study was conceptualized and designed collaboratively with community leaders across five different communities of color: African American/Black, Latino/a, Native American, Pacific Islander, and African immigrant communities in a major U.S. city. This paper describes the mixed methods for such a community-engaged collaboration, highlighting critical elements for ongoing culturally engaged clinical work/research, and providing recommendations for culturally adapted interventions for mental health based on specific process observations made in the current example.  相似文献   

实验采用重学—分离设计 ,分别用知觉辨认和再认测验作为内隐、外显测量的测验方法 ,比较重学—启动测验的结果与重学—再认的结果 ,发现 :重学和间接测量的结合能有效地揭示内隐记忆的叠加现象 ;一次重学能使知觉启动测验的成绩产生明显的叠加效应 ;高意识水平学习后 ,低意识水平的重复学习不能改变外显测验成绩持续下降的趋势。  相似文献   

Methods for determining the degree of similarity between relative motion plots are examined and computational methods outlined. Hypothetical examples are provided to simply illustrate the function of selected indices of pattern shape, size, and orientation. Methods of using a composite of these measures to assess asymmetry, abnormality, or refinements in motor function are discussed. Statistical procedures for determining the reliability of assessments of change in relative motions are presented. A modification to Freeman’s (1961) pattern-recognition method is suggested as a more parsimonious application to angle-angle data derived in human movement research.  相似文献   

文字概率是衡量不确定性的方式之一, 即人们使用诸如“也许”、“未必”的词汇来描述特定事件发生的可能性。文字概率不同于数字概率, 主要体现在文字概率的模糊性、非概率运算性和语义特性上。这使得相对于数字概率, 用文字概率衡量不确定性既有优势也有问题, 进而对人们的不确定信息沟通和风险决策造成影响。虽然文字概率与数字概率存在特征上的差异并且人们在日常交流中偏爱文字概率, 但是大部分风险领域的研究却仅局限于数字概率, 今后有必要研究使用文字概率测量的风险决策。在已有文字概率特征研究的基础上, 还可以进一步探究其不同于数字概率的其它特征(文字/数字概率与双系统模型的联系、文字概率的跨文化差异等)及其对风险决策的影响。  相似文献   

The obesity epidemic is a critical public health threat facing the USA. With the advent of American Evangelical Protestant (AEP) weight loss guides and narratives, AEP churches could potentially aid public health agencies in combatting obesity, and some scholars have called for investment in partnerships between public health agencies and religious institutions. This paper examines the theological and social underpinnings of AEP weight loss programs and considers the potential benefits and risks of public health partnerships with AEP churches to combat obesity. While AEP churches may be successful at empowering people to lose weight, AEP weight loss also carries several risks. These risks include reinforcing gendered bodily norms, stigmatizing both overweight bodies and unhealthy behaviors deemed to be sinful (for example, overeating), and failing to acknowledge social factors that promote obesity. These risks must be assessed and minimized to create appropriate public health weight loss partnerships with AEP communities.  相似文献   

In this rejoinder, we discuss substantive and methodological validity issues of large-scale assessments of trends in student achievement, commenting on the discussion paper by Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, Robitzsch, Treffers, and Köller (2009). We focus on methodological challenges in deciding what to measure, how to measure it, and how to foster stability. Next, we discuss what to do with trends that are found. Finally, we reflect on how the research findings were received.  相似文献   

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