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Three experiments provide converging evidence for the view that both perceived structure and attention change during the elementary school years. Kindergarteners, second graders, and adults performed three speeded tasks: divided attention to conjunctions of features, selective attention to orthogonal dimensions and selective attention to correlated dimensions. The tasks were performed with sizes and shapes that were either spatially integrated or spatially separated. In the divided attention task, conjunctions were identified as quickly as single features with integrated stimuli at all ages, but conjunctions were identified more slowly than single features with separated stimuli by all age group. In the orthogonal dimensions task, interference was observed with integrated stimuli across ages, but the interference in adult performance was asymmetric. With separated stimuli, interference was gradually eliminated with increasing age. In correlated dimensions tasks, younger children showed a redundancy gain with integrated stimuli, but no gain was observed in the performances of the older subjects. With separated stimuli there was no redundancy gain at any age. These results were interpreted to mean that integrated stimuli are initially perceived as wholes by all subjects, but that features become more accessible with increasing age. Even so, attention remains constrained by stimulus structure. In contrast, separated stimuli are initially perceived as features at all ages, and the improvement in performance with increasing age is attributable to the increasing command of attentional resources that accompanies development. Our discussion of these findings focuses on three issues: multiple trends in perceptual development, the characteristics of an adequate theory of perceptual representation and processing, and a comparison of the separability hypothesis and other developmental accounts of perceptual development.  相似文献   


This paper contains a short review of the main results that were obtained by the author in a series of experiments that constituted a study of the effects of signal probability on choice reaction time. The effects of stimulus probability are shown to be influenced by the following variables: (1) differences in the method of varying stimulus probability, (2) differences in task complexity, (3) differences in S-R code, and (4) differences in Ss’ motivation. The data that are considered here are the overall mean RT for particular signals and the mean RT for sequential repetitions. Two questions, related to the psychological “nature” of the probability effects in choice RT are discussed: (1) The question of the relationship between the relative frequency and the number of alternatives as two different ways of determining the probability effect in choice RT; and (2) the question of identifying the main determinants of the trial-to-trial variability of RT in such experiments.


Routes to action in reaction time tasks   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary Two-choice tactile RTs are no faster than 8-choice tasks, implying the existence of a direct route. However, simple tactile RTs are much faster than choice tactile RTs (Leonard, 1959). In Experiment I we show that this is not due to subjects anticipating the stimulus in simple tactile RT tasks. Increasing probability of stimulus occurrence at a particular time led to equally decreased tactile RTs for simple and choice tasks.We suggest that an alternative route is available for simple RTs which is faster than the direct route available for choice tactile RTs. This route is faster because (a) the response can be specified in advance, and (b) the stimulus does not need to be identified. The subject needs merely to register that it has occurred. In Experiment II we show that simple RTs to a visual stimulus are decreased by a simultaneous uninformative tactile stimulus even when this is to the wrong finger. This confirms that exact stimulus identification is not necessary in the fast route. In Experiment III we show that a secondary task slows down simple tactile RTs to the same level as choice tactile RTs while the latter are hardly affected. This suggests that focussed attention is not needed for the direct route, but it is needed for the fast route. We propose that a useful distinction can be made between action largely controlled by external stimuli (the direct route) and action largely controlled by internal intentions of will (the fast route).  相似文献   

Functional hemispheric asymmetries with respect to global/local processing have been observed more reliably in divided-attention than in selective-attention tasks. This difference has been accounted for by assuming that the hemispheres operate differently in the two tasks. In our study, the alternative hypothesis was tested that the interference between the global and local levels is increased under divided attention, and that this makes it necessary to base response selection on a more elaborated mental stimulus representation in which the levels and their content are integrated. Because the hemispheres systematically differ in this integration process, the increased interference between the levels explains why the corresponding asymmetries occur more reliably under divided attention. Two experiments supporting this hypothesis are reported, one with a divided and one with a selective attention task.  相似文献   

Inhibition is a widely used notion proposed to account for data obtained in choice reaction time (RT) tasks. However, this concept is weakly supported by empirical facts. In this paper, we review a series of experiments using Hoffman reflex, transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography to study inhibition in choice RT tasks. We provide empirical support for the idea that inhibition does occur during choice RT, and the implications of those findings for various classes of choice RT models are discussed.  相似文献   

Six subjects performed a manual tracking task concurrently uith each of two secondary tasks: in input task (auditory signal detection) and an output task (application of a constant force). A feedback-control analysis of tracking performance was utilized to analyze the time-sharing decrements observed in mean squared errer, in terms of components due to processing delay, addition of internal processing noise, and change in response bias (tracking gain). The results indicated that only the parameters measuring noise and gain were sensitive to time-sharing conditions, and these only to concurrent performance of the force application task. It is concluded that limits of attention in dual-task performance are more severe in output than in input stages of processing, but that these limits are not necessarily those of a single-channel bottleneck. Instead, a broader conception of attention is proposed: one that included changes in processing noise and shifts in response bias, as attention-related phenomena.  相似文献   

Auditory redundancy gains were assessed in two experiments in which a simple reaction time task was used. In each trial, an auditory stimulus was presented to the left ear, to the right ear, or simultaneously to both ears. The physical difference between auditory stimuli presented to the two ears was systematically increased across experiments. No redundancy gains were observed when the stimuli were identical pure tones or pure tones of different frequencies (Experiment 1). A clear redundancy gain and evidence of coactivation were obtained, however, when one stimulus was a pure tone and the other was white noise (Experiment 2). Experiment 3 employed a two-alternative forced choice localization task and provided evidence that dichotically presented pure tones of different frequencies are apparently integrated into a single percept, whereas a pure tone and white noise are not fused. The results extend previous findings of redundancy gains and coactivation with visual and bimodal stimuli to the auditory modality. Furthermore, at least within this modality, the results indicate that redundancy gains do not emerge when redundant stimuli are integrated into a single percept.  相似文献   

The combined effects of encoding tasks and divided attention upon category-exemplar generation and category-cued recall were examined. Participants were presented with pairs of words each comprising a category name and potential example of that category. They were then asked to indicate either (i) their liking for both of the words or (ii) if the exemplar was a member of the category. It was found that divided attention reduced performance on the category-cued recall task under both encoding conditions. However, performance on the category-exemplar generation task remained invariant across the attention manipulation following the category judgment task. This provides further evidence that the processes underlying performance on conceptual explicit and implicit memory tasks can be dissociated, and that the intentional formation of category-exemplar associations attenuates the effects of divided attention on category-exemplar generation.  相似文献   

Some recent evidence has favoured purely response-based implicit representation of sequences in serial reaction time tasks. Three experiments were conducted using serial reaction time tasks featuring four spatial stimuli mapped in categories to two responses. Deviant items from the expected sequence that required the expected response resulted in increased response latencies. The findings demonstrated a stimulus-specific form of representation that operates in the serial reaction time task. No evidence was found to suggest that the stimulus-specific learning was contingent on explicit knowledge of the sequence. Such stimulus-based learning would be congruent with a shortcut within an information-processing framework and, combined with other research findings, suggests that there are multiple loci for learning effects.  相似文献   

This paper concerns sequential effects in choice reaction time tasks. Performance in two interleaved auditory tasks was examined, and two general types of sequential effects were revealed. First, a response repetition effect occurred: Subjects were facilitated in responding when both the stimulus and the response were immediately repeated. Generally, it appeared that subjects were operating according to the bypass rule—that is, repeat the response if the stimulus or some aspect thereof is repeated from the preceding trial; otherwise, change the response. In addition, the experiment also revealed a second type of sequential effect, known as a task-switching effect. Subjects were overall slower to respond when the task changed between adjacent trials than when there was no task change. A final result was that subjects were markedly impaired when the stimulus changed but the same response had to be repeated. This finding has been reported elsewhere when purely visual tasks have been used. Hence, it seems that particular difficulties arise, in such sequential testing situations, when type-distinct stimuli are grouped into the same response categories.  相似文献   

The present study examined how aging and divided attention influence memory for item and associative information. Older adults and younger adults working under full-attention conditions and younger adults working under divided-attention conditions studied unrelated word pairs. Memory for item information was measured by later recognition of the 2nd word in the pair, and associative information was measured by recognition of the entire pair. Both older adults in the full-attention condition and younger adults in the divided-attention condition performed more poorly than younger adults in the full-attention condition, with the deficit in associative information being greater than the deficit in item information. In addition, a differentially greater associative decrement was found for the older adults, as shown by their heightened tendency to make false-alarm responses to re-paired (conjunction) distractors. The results are discussed in terms of an age-related reduction in processing resources compounded by an age-related increase in older adults' reliance on familiarity in associative recognition memory.  相似文献   

Many models of divided attention assume that signals presented on different channels produce separate activations, any one of which can initiate a response. According to these models, detection responses are especially fast when signals are presented on two channels at the same time because the system can detect a signal in either of two ways. Such models predict a testable relation among reaction time distributions for conditions in which a single signal is presented as compared with a condition in which two signals are presented, and this prediction is tested in two tasks. A bimodal detection task required a simple speeded response to either a visual or an auditory signal. A letter search task required a choice response depending on whether or not a two-letter display included the signal letter “A.” Data from both tasks are inconsistent with the prediction. When two signals are presented, responses are faster than separate-activation models can explain. The results favor “coactivation” models, in which signals presented on different channels contribute to a common pool of activation that initiates a response.  相似文献   

Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to a bias against returning attention to a location that has been recently attended. In the present experiments, we examined the role of working memory in IOR by introducing secondary tasks (in the temporal interval between the cue and the target) that involved a working memory component. When the secondary task was nonspatial in nature (monitoring odd digits or adding digits), IOR was present, although overall reaction times were greater in the presence of the secondary task. When the task involved a spatial working memory load (remembering the directionality of arrows or the orientation of objects), IOR was eliminated. However, when the participants had incentive to process the directionality of an arrow but did not have to use any memory system, IOR persisted at peripheral locations. Overall, the results suggest that IOR is partially mediated by a spatial working memory system.  相似文献   

Previous work has amply demonstrated divided attention “costs” both in single-task multistimulus visual processing and in performance of multiple simple tasks; however, the relationship between the two has not been clarified. This article postulates two distinct causes: (1) visual processes that commence without delays and proceed simultaneously, but show lingering mutual interference dependent upon complexity, and (2) discrete queueing of the response selection stage. The first has resource-like properties, while the second has bottleneck-like properties. Either or both can generate performance costs observed in any particular situation, accounting for a variety of previous results. To test this theory, the effects of stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) on accuracy and speed in performing dual choice tasks were examined. The first two experiments involved a choice response to a tone as a first task, and a second task requiring complex perceptual decisions (digit identification or conjunction search) with masked displays and unspeeded second responses. Reducing the SOA had negligible effects upon second-task accuracy, and performance in the two tasks was virtually independent. However, when speeded manual (Exp. 3) or vocal (Exp. 4) responses were required on the same second task, dramatic interference was observed, with strong positive dependencies between reaction times (RTs) on the two tasks. When both tasks involved complex visual displays, SOA reductions produced dramatic interference, but no dependencies between performance, whether the first task involved a speeded (Exp. 5) or unspeeded (Exp. 6) response. The results reject pure late-selection accounts and general capacity sharing models, and support the two-component theory. They also suggest that standard use of the term “attention,” suggesting a single resource or mechanism, is highly misleading.  相似文献   

The authors examined possible differences in left- and right-handers on bimanual reaction times to centralized visual stimuli. Eighty participants (n = 40 in each group of left- and right-handers) were tested on unimanual and bimanual reaction time (RT) tasks. Consistently across the 2 groups, the dominant-hand RT was faster, on average, than the nondominant-hand RT, and unimanual RTs were faster than bimanual RTs. However, RT differences between hands revealed a higher percentage of dominant-hand-led trials in right-handers than in left-handers, despite similar absolute RT differences in the 2 groups. On the basis of those findings, the authors conclude that hand dominance does not generally determine which hand leads in a bimanual task and that left-handers have stronger between-hemisphere competition than right-handers do.  相似文献   

In the divided attention paradigm to test age-related associative memory deficits, whether the effects of divided attention occur at encoding or retrieval has not been clarified, and the effect on retention has not been studied. This study explored whether and how much divided attention at either encoding, retention, or retrieval diminished accuracy in recognizing a single feature (object or location) and associated features (object+location) by 23 elderly people (13 women; M age = 70.6 yr., SD = 2.8) recruited from a neighborhood community circle, and 29 female college students (M age = 20.8 yr., SD = 1.1). The results showed a significant decline in memory performance for both age groups due to divided attention in location and associative memory at retention, suggesting that the retention process demands attentional resources. Overall, regardless of their relative deficiency in associative memory, older adults showed an effect of divided attention comparable to that of younger adults in a recognition task.  相似文献   

Task performance of 12 pervasive hyperactives and controls was studied in a divided attention reaction time experiment. The two groups differed with respect to task efficiency. The hyperactives were slower than controls, had more variable reaction times, and made more frequent errors. Task inefficiency could not be explained by a deficiency in divided attention or impulsive responding in the hyperactive group. Further, the observed differences in IQ between the groups could not account for the differential performance finding. It is concluded that input and/or output processes, probably in combination with energetical factors, might be disturbed in hyperactive children.The authors wish to thank L. Leertouwer for making the drawings, and the students Ellie Wekking and Sipke Boorsma for their selection procedure work. This research was supported by a grant from the Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO) and by the Professor Duijker Fund.  相似文献   

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