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创新一直是学术界关注和探讨的热点。过去40多年里, 有关创新的研究层出不穷, 取得了丰富的成果。然而, 这些研究主要集中在如何激发员工的创新行为上, 即创意产生这一环节。至于创意产生之后能否转化以及如何转化的问题没有引起足够的重视。创意是开端, 但需要把创意转变为现实, 否则创新难以转化为价值。研究创意实施的条件及其作用机制是推动创新研究深化的重要任务。目前已有的创意实施研究在研究层次和研究视角上都存在不足, 未来有必要在方法上把量化研究与质化研究结合起来, 从不同的层次和视角, 进一步拓展研究的范围, 揭示创意从产生到实施的条件和作用机制。  相似文献   

Krueger RF  Tackett JL 《Journal of personality disorders》2005,19(5):540-6; discussion 594-6
Important progress in our understanding of the natural course of personality disorders (PDs) is documented in the articles for this special section. This progress could set the stage for ideas developed in the study of PDs to play a central role in research on psychopathology more broadly conceived. The Collaborative Longitudinal Personality Disorders Study (Skodol et al., this issue), the Children in the Community Study (Cohen, Crawford, Johnson, & Kasen, this issue), and the McLean Study of Adult Development (Zanarini, Frankenburg, Hennen, Reich, & Silk, this issue) reveal the importance of personality in understanding psychopathology, and point toward a dimensional approach to conceptualizing psychopathology that could also frame categorical clinical decision making processes.  相似文献   

Ethical dilemmas are raised by changes in research paradigms which encourage the development of a relationship between researcher and participant. In such contexts it becomes increasingly difficult to tell the difference between a therapeutic relationship and a research interview. The rapid development of research within the therapeutic world of counselling and clinical psychology poses further ethical issues relating to the use of clients as participants in research studies. It is concluded that there must be an increased awareness of these issues and a need to accept responsibility for relationships with both participants and clients.  相似文献   

The impact of team climate on speed of research and development (R&D) project completion was studied in a sample of 33 R&D teams. West's model of team climate for innovation was measured and analysed in relation to project performance ratings, and also in relation to project leaders' estimates of project progress over a 9‐month period. Three of the four climate scales (namely participative safety, support for innovation, and task orientation) were significantly correlated with project performance rated by managers and customers, and two scales (namely support for innovation and vision) correlated with project leaders' ratings of project innovation. Additionally, results of hierarchical linear modelling showed that the climate scales participative safety and task orientation each predicted the rate at which projects moved towards completion. Teams with more positive initial ratings of these climate factors progressed significantly faster towards project completion over subsequent months than teams with poorer climate ratings. The results extend previous research that has linked team climate with levels of team innovation and performance, by showing that climate also predicts rate or speed of innovation.  相似文献   

For a long time, large-scale urbanexpansion has dominated the nature of the urban environment. In our times however, planners are often dealing with maintenance, modification, and redevelopment of urban situations that alreadyexist. Which are the implications of this fundamental change for theories and strategies of urban planning and design?  相似文献   

Using an approach developed in the context of human bioethics, we argue that chimpanzees in research can be regarded as vulnerable subjects. This vulnerability is primarily due to communication barriers and situational factors—confinement and dependency—that make chimpanzees particularly susceptible to risks of harm and exploitation in experimental settings. In human research, individuals who are deemed vulnerable are accorded special protections. Using conceptual and moral resources developed in the context of research with vulnerable humans, we show how chimpanzees warrant additional safeguards against harm and exploitation paralleling those for human subjects. These safeguards should include empowering third parties to act as surrogate decision makers for chimpanzees, ensuring participant “assent,” and avoiding recruitment of animal subjects based merely on convenience.  相似文献   

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics - The practice of paying research subjects for participating inclinical trials has yet to receive an adequate moral analysis.Dickert and Grady argue for a wage...  相似文献   

In this paper, arguments are presented for considering the subject as co-investigator in personality research. A review of current research methods suggests that personality psychology is well on its way to recognizing the individual as an expert on his or her own self and situation. This means that the subject should also be allowed to take a much more active role in psychological research. It is argued that the ideal methodology for accomplishing this integration of the individual into psychological research is to establish a dialogue between psychologist and subject, allowing each to contribute to the scientific process from his or her own perspective and on the basis of his or her own expertise. The present approach calls for greater emphasis on the organization and coherence of personality as a system, greater openness and sensitivity to the particular world of the individual, and an even more dynamic conception of individuality than is currently found in our field. An important implication of the open system approach advocated in this article, the reduced role of prediction in personality research, is discussed and, finally, a preliminary list of expected gains and losses is presented.  相似文献   

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