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Perennialists regarding the phenomenology of mysticism, like Walter Stace, feel that all Christian mystical experiences are fundamentally similar to each other and to experiences described by mystics across religious traditions, cultures and ages. In his seminal work, Mystic Union: An Essay in the Phenomenology of Mysticism, Nelson Pike convincingly argues that this extreme position is inadequate for capturing the breadth of experiences described by the canonical Medieval Christian mystics. However, Pike may have leaned too far away from perennialism in claiming that all the experiences of (Christian) mystic union are essentially theistic. Here, I argue that Pike did not successfully establish this point and that union without distinction, often described as the pinnacle of “union” by Christian mystics, remains a viable candidate for an instance of a trans-traditionally type-identical mystical experience.  相似文献   

The relationship between contextual performance and job satisfaction is reexamined by considering the distinction between scores on measures of satisfaction and measures of dissatisfaction. Data from four samples and two measures of job satisfaction suggest that scores on measures of both satisfaction and dissatisfaction provide significant incremental validity in predicting contextual performance, that the satisfaction–dissatisfaction distinction is valid at the facet level, and that the satisfaction–dissatisfaction distinction cannot be accounted for by the artifactual explanations previously proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

In the behavior analysis literature, the terms withdrawal and reversal are widely used to refer to various iterations of the basic A‐B‐A or A‐B‐A‐B experimental design structure. Although these terms were initially used to label two distinct but closely related experimental designs, it now appears that many researchers have come to use these terms interchangeably. A review of major behavior analytic journals published between 2009 and 2013 reveals a strong preference among researchers for use of the term reversal in labeling the design described in the publication, whether or not that design is characterized by the specific features initially associated with the reversal design. This paper describes the origin of this definitional distinction and reviews the case for abolishing that distinction. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Semiconducting crystalline materials that are poor conductors of heat are important as thermoelectric materials and for technological applications involving thermal management. A combination of neutron scattering, lowtemperature ultrasonic attenuation and thermal conductivity measurements are reported on single crystals of the semiconductors Sr8Ga16Ge30 and Ba8Ga16Ge30. Taken together, these measurements suggest specific structural features that result in a crystal with the lowest possible thermal conductivity, namely that of a glass with the same chemical composition. Weakly bound atoms that 'rattle' within oversized atomic cages in a crystal result in a low thermal conductivity, but the present data show that both 'rattling' atoms and tunnelling states are necessary to produce a true glass-like thermal conductivity.  相似文献   

The Particular-Universal Distinction: A Dogma of Metaphysics?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MacBride  Fraser 《Mind》2005,114(455):565-614

Ben-Porath and Tellegen (2008) recommend organizing MMPI–2–RF scale interpretive information around 3 broad topics, emotional/internalizing dysfunction, thought dysfunction, and externalizing/behavioral dysfunction, and 3 additional topics labeled somatic complaints, interpersonal functioning, and interests. That organization is based primarily on structural analyses of the Restructured Clinical (RC) scales. This study reviewed the MMPI–2–RF's scale structure when the Personality Psychopathology Five (PSY–5) scales are included. Principal axis factor analyses with oblique rotation were conducted on the Restructured Clinical, PSY–5, and Special Problem (SP) scales in 2 samples, by gender. One sample was an outpatient community health center, the other a large, metropolitan inpatient psychiatric facility. The 6-factor solution evidenced each of the PSY–5 constructs plus a general somatic concerns factor. Implications of this solution in comparison to the 3-factor organizing structure recommended by Ben-Porath and Tellegen are discussed.  相似文献   

Past research has shown that general and intrinsic religiosity is related to higher Big Five Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and, to some extent, Extraversion. With the rise of the six-factor HEXACO (Honesty–Humility, Emotionality, eXtraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness) model of personality, however, a more differentiated look at religiousness and personality is called for. It has been suggested that religiosity is more associated with Honesty–Humility than with Agreeableness. The new personality factor, Honesty–Humility has also been shown to have null or weak relations with happiness. In 5 studies involving 1375 participants from Iran, Poland, and Malaysia, the relations of Honesty–Humility and other HEXACO dimensions to religious orientation and well-being outcomes were investigated. As expected, Honesty–Humility was one of the strongest personality correlate of religiosity. Higher scores on religiousness were also associated with Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and to some extent, Extraversion showing that the main personality characteristics of religiosity are consistent across religious contexts and personality models. Relations of Honesty–Humility to psychological well-being scales were consistently positive and stronger than its relations to subjective well-being measures, suggesting that Honesty–Humility may not be “bad” for pleasure attainment and pain avoidance, but it is definitely “good” for living a virtuous, fully functioning life.  相似文献   

Using a combination of atomic-resolution high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) Z-contrast imaging and ab initio calculations, atomic models of clusters 2 nm in diameter and 0.8 nm in height are proposed for the Al–Co–Ni pentagonal quasicrystal. This quasicrystal has 5-fold symmetry (the so-called 5f state) without superstructures, and is one of numerous modifications of the Al–Co–Ni decagonal quasicrystal. HAADF results reveal that the two-dimensional quasi-periodic lattice contains mainly Penrose pentagonal tiling. The centres within the decorated pentagonal tiles, i.e. the so-called pentagonal super-clusters, show structural characteristics having both a satellite-orbit shape and a pentagon-symmetry shape. The proposed atomic models, based directly on the HAADF images, are subjected to ab initio total energy calculations. After relaxation, the calculations demonstrate that the models with 5-fold symmetry are energetically more favourable than those with 10-fold symmetry.  相似文献   

We examined the factor structure of the Neuroticism scale of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ–R–N; S. B. G. Eysenck, Eysenck & Barrett, 1985) and its factor invariance across sex and racial/ethnic groups in a sample of 1,979 adolescents. Using confirmatory factor analyses, we compared a hierarchical model to previous models of the EPQ–R–N and to single-factor and 3-factor structures. The hierarchical factor structure in which a general factor coexists with 3 group factors (depression, social concerns, and worry) was superior to alternative models. The general factor accounted for more than 60% of the variance in EPQ–R–N total scores and was invariant across sex and ethnicity. The 3 group factors varied across ethnicity and sex. We discuss the implications of these findings for conceptualization and assessment of neuroticism using the EPQ–R–N.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A recent exchange with Shaffer (this issue) reveals several points of agreement underscoring the utility of our subject-based approach to understanding moral thought. Shaffer's latest reply raises the interesting question of whether thinking about morality, the focus of our study, constitutes moral thinking. Our response underscores how Shaffer's approach to studying moral thought differs from our own. More important, we emphasize how disagreements over what constitutes moral thinking can and should be settled empirically.  相似文献   

Changes in Rorschach responses obtained in an unhypnotized state, a medium hypnotic trance and under deep hypnosis suggested that content can be interpreted as symbolizing important unconscious processes. As the depth of hypnosis increased, content tended to become sufficiently transparent to verify and extend the meaning of the original, unhypnotized response. Other alterations in the Rorschach related to the depth of the trance level were noted.  相似文献   

The distinction between harm that is intended as a means or end, and harm that is merely a foreseen side-effect of one’s action, is widely cited as a significant factor in a variety of ethical contexts. Many use it, for example, to distinguish terrorist acts from certain acts of war that may have similar results as side-effects. Yet Bennett and others have argued that its application is so arbitrary that if it can be used to cast certain harmful actions in a more favorable light, then it can equally be manipulated to do the same for any kind of harmful action. In response, some have tried to block such extensions of the intend/foresee distinction by rejecting its application in cases where the relation between the plainly intended means and the harm is “too close”. This move, however, has been attacked as vague and obscure, and Bennett has argued that all the plausible candidates for explicating the idea of excessive closeness ultimately fail. In this paper, I develop and defend an account of excessive closeness with the aim of rescuing the intend/foresee distinction from such charges of arbitrariness. The account is based on the distinction between merely causal and constitutive relations among states of affairs, and I show both how it escapes Bennett’s objections to other accounts and how it applies to a variety of cases. Finally, I also examine Quinn’s alternative move of shifting the focus of the intend/foresee distinction in an attempt to sidestep the issue of closeness, and argue that it is not ultimately successful. In fact, Quinn’s view has shortcomings that can be resolved only by returning to an appeal to some notion of closeness, underscoring the need for the sort of account I offer.  相似文献   

Zhao  Bin 《Philosophia》2021,49(5):2275-2291

This paper examines two objections to the infinitist theory of epistemic justification, namely “the finite mind objection” and “the distinction objection.” It criticizes Peter Klein’s response to the distinction objection and offers a more plausible response. It is then argued that this response is incompatible with Klein’s response to the finite mind objection. Infinitists, it would seem, cannot handle both objections when taken together.


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