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《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(3):213-228
Clinical psychologists' and nonpsychiatric physicians' attitudes and behaviors in sexual and confidentiality boundary violations were examined. The 171 participants' responses were analyzed by profession, sex, and status (student, resident, professional) on semantic differential, boundary violation vignettes, and a version of Pope, Tabachnick, and Keith-Spiegel's (1987) ethical scale. Psychologists rated sexual boundary violation as more unethical than did physicians (p<.001). Rationale (p<.01) and timing (p<.001) influenced ratings. Psychologists reported fewer sexualized behaviors than physicians (p<05). Professional experience (p<.01) and sex (p<.05) were associated with confidence-violating behavior. Overall, 78% of the sample reported attitudes or behaviors associated with boundary violations. The behavior violations were correlated (r=.49). Actual violators rated vignette violators more leniently than did nonviolators (p<.01).  相似文献   


The concept of the Protestant work ethic (PWE), originally proposed by Weber (1958), was examined in a study of 422 American college students. Although the PWE has been heavily studied, no definitive conclusions have been reached regarding its genesis and whether it is dispositional in nature or more heavily reliant on demographic variations. Mirels and Garrett's (1971) PWE Scale was used to measure the ethic. The authors hypothesized that older, graduate, and non-American students would express a greater belief in the ethic. The results indicated that it was the younger, undergraduate, and non-American students who expressed greater belief in the PWE.  相似文献   

一、美国的环境伦理的特点环境伦理是随着环境问题日益严重而在西方兴起的一种新思潮,美国是这一新思潮的发源地。美国早在19世纪就出现了爱默生(R.W.Emerson)、梭罗(H.D.Thoreau)等超验主义者,还爆发过有关设立国家公园、保护荒野的讨论,缪尔(John Muir)和平肖(Gifford Pinchot)有关“保全(conserva-tion)”还是“保存(preservation)”的著名争论也发生在美国。从环境运动展开的历史来看,美国的环境运动经历了以下三个阶段:为防止人破坏环境而进行保护的“自然环境保护运动”(Preservation Move-ment)阶段;近代产业社会建立后的革新主…  相似文献   

政府保持清正廉洁是构建和谐社会的重要因素。美国政府已经基本形成了一个相对完整的政府行政伦理体系。其体系的建立经过了上百年的历程,是由他律转变为自律的过程。美国政府道德规范体系的构建经验对中国有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The American Counseling Association code of ethics was constructed in a particular cultural context and reflects the assumptions of that context. Beginning with a discussion of the purposes served by ethical codes, I review 3 patterns of implicit assumptions: (a) examples of implicit cultural bias, (b) examples of cultural encapsulation, and (c) examples favoring the dominant culture. Positive recommendations for developing more inclusionary ethical guidelines are discussed on the basis of case examples and the consequences of good or bad ethical practice. The need to make underlying philosophical and cultural assumptions explicit in the Preamble to the code of ethics is clarified.  相似文献   


The authors examined attitudes and behaviors regarding close relationships between European and Asian Americans, with a particular emphasis on 5 major subgroups of Asian Americans (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Filipino Americans). Participants were 218 Asian American college students and 171 European American college students attending a culturally diverse university. The European Americans did not differentiate among the various subgroups of Asian Americans. Their attitudes regarding close relationships were less positive toward Asian Americans than toward Mexican and African Americans, a finding contrary to the prediction of social exchange theory (H. Tajfel, 1975). In contrast to the European Americans' view of homogeneity among Asian Americans, the 5 major subgroups of Asian Americans expressed a distinctive hierarchy of social preference among themselves. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for future research on interethnic relations involving Asian Americans.  相似文献   

美国工程伦理学自20世纪70年代产生以来,经过几十年的发展,已经比较成熟和规范,形成了相对完善的伦理章程与稳定的学术建制,促进了美国工程的良性发展。而深入地探讨与分析其历史背景与目标,发展过程与态势,不仅有利于我国工程伦理学的产生,而且有利于促进我国工程的健康发展。一美国工程伦理学产生的境域与目标技术已经对我们这个世界产生了深远而广泛的影响,而工程师在技术各个方面的发展上扮演了核心角色。工程师创造产品与程序来提高食物产量、加强植物保护、节约能源消耗、提速通信交通、促进身体健康以及消除自然灾害,也给人类生活带…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. While many studies find women self-report higher disgust sensitivity than men, few studies have examined gender differences with behavioral tasks in senses other than vision. On a haptic task, we tested the hypothesis that women would report greater disgust but not greater unpleasantness than men. Forty-four undergraduates (29 women) touched 8 out-of-sight stimuli with sensory (unpleasantness) and emotional (disgust) responses recorded. The stimuli consisted of 2 neutral, 2 pleasant, and 4 unpleasant (3 disgust-evoking) objects. No gender differences were found for reporting stimuli unpleasantness. In contrast, women rated their disgust significantly higher than men when touching the high disgust-evoking objects. Unpleasantness of the stimuli correlated with disgust to the objects, but disgust sensitivity (Disgust Scale-Revised) was not a strong predictor of disgust responses. Besides differentiating unpleasantness from disgust, this was also the first study to show gender differences in a disgust-evoking haptic task.  相似文献   

通识教育的目的在于建立人的主体性,以完成人之自我解放,并与所互为之人文及自然环境建立生存主体性的关系。通识教育可区分为核心课程与一般课程两个层次。伦理是教养之大成,医学伦理是医者把认知、发展与修养在医患关系上的努力。动之以情,说之以理,诉立以法,是通识伦理教育的一般方法。  相似文献   

This study sought to gauge ethical attitudes about professional boundary issues of physicians and nurses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Respondents scored 10 relevant boundary vignettes as to their ethical acceptability. The group as a whole proved “aware/ ethically conservative,” but with the physicians' score falling on the “less ethically conservative” part of the spectrum compared to nurses. The degree of ethicality was more related to profession than to gender, with nurses being more “ethical” than physicians.  相似文献   

Of the few attempts to determine the prevalence rate of trichotillomania, virtually none have investigated potential ethnic differences. The present study provides data on the prevalence of hair twirling and hair pulling behavior among 176 African American and 422 non-African American students and systematically explores differences between these 2 groups. Fully 10.2% of the sample reported hair pulling that resulted in noticeable hair loss, with African American women reporting the highest rate (15.7%). Overall, 2% of participants responded consistently with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) criteria for trichotillomania; rates did not differ significantly among genders or ethnic backgrounds. African Americans, and especially African American women, were more likely than other participants to report hair pulling in response to skin irritation. Results are discussed in the context of previous research, the importance of hair care in the African American community, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Encouragement and ethnicity were examined in 112 African American college students attending 2 historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and a predominantly White institution (PWI). Results indicated a positive relationship between Ethnic Pride and View of Others for the HBCU group and positive relationships between Ethnic Pride and the Encouragement Scale for the PWI group. Ethnic Worry was negatively correlated with the Encouragement Scale for both groups. In addition, Ethnic Discrimination was negatively correlated with Openness to Experience for the PWI group. The usefulness of conceptualizing encouragement and ethnicity together for African American college students and practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined parental factors that influence career development among African American and Mexican American college students. Analysis of student interviews revealed that parents are influential in the following career domains: encouragement, educational expectations, critical life events, vicarious learning, and work identity. Career development issues that counselors need to address are provided.  相似文献   

This study examines differences in the mentoring relationships of Asian American and Euro‐American college women. Findings showed that the groups view mentoring as equally important but that fewer Asians report having a mentor. However, those who have mentors find them to be just as valuable as do their Euro‐American counterparts. Este estudio examina las diferencias en las relaciones de mentoring de mujeres Asiáticas Americanas y Euro‐Americanas colegiales. Las conclusiones mostraron que los grupos ven mentoring como igualmente importante pero que menos Asiáticos informan teniendo un mentor. Sin embargo, los que tienen mentores los encuentran que ser apenas tan valioso como lo hacen sus contrapartes de Euro‐Americanos.  相似文献   

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