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Much evidence has been published in order to demonstrate that smoking cessation leads to a decrease in morbidity and mortality. Using data from the Health and Lifestyle Survey respondents were divided into three groups: smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers and lifestyle characteristics such as diet and exercise were compared. Smokers were more likely to eat chips (French fries), fried food, butter and less likely to eat fresh fruit in winter, green vegetables and margarine high in polyunsaturated fats. Non-smokers were more likely than smokers and ex-smokers to take part in keepfit, jogging and swimming. Non-smokers in smoking households were more likely than non-smokers in non-smoking households to eat fried food, chips and butter and less likely to eat fruit in winter or margarine high in polyunsaturated fats. Results suggest that part of the assumed health benefits of smoking cessation are due to ex-smokers having a healthier diet than that of smokers.  相似文献   

Bilateral EEG spectra and personality were assessed in 46 habitual smokers and 46 nonsmokers, matched for age and gender. Smokers tended to have more activated EEG's than nonsmokers as indicated by higher dominant and median alpha frequencies and more fast and less slow frequency activity when relaxing with their eyes closed. Female smokers, compared to female nonsmokers, scored higher on personality trait measures of anger-proneness and psychoticism and lower on the Eysenck Personality (EPQ) conventionality/lie scale. Among males, the EPQ psychoticism scale, which has also been associated with anger, was the only personality measure found to significantly differentiate smokers from nonsmokers. The combination of EEG and personality findings is consistent with the view that there are differences between smokers and nonsmokers, such that smokers are more aroused and potentially irritated or angered more easily than nonsmokers.  相似文献   

In the current study, we tested the effects of core body temperature increases (e.g. heat stress) on affect, self-reported physical discomfort, and subsequent self-control in male smokers and nonsmokers using a novel passive heat stress paradigm, within a distress tolerance framework. Twenty-eight men (14 smokers), completed both heat stress and control sessions in randomized order. Results revealed that increases in core body temperature were associated with increased anxiety, irritability, and body discomfort as well as decreased happiness, with stronger effects for smokers. Smokers and nonsmokers both evidenced less self-control during the heat session and did not differ on this measure, nor on a measure of interoceptive sensitivity. The current study indicates that heat stress is a viable method for studying distress tolerance in men, and suggests the value in examining dynamic changes in self-control as a function of distress. Implications will be discussed for distress tolerance in general and smokers in specific.  相似文献   

When third-formant transitions are appropriately incorporated into an acoustic syllable, they provide critical support for the phonetic percepts we call [d] and [g], but when presented in isolation they are perceived as time-varying ‘chirps’. In the present experiment, both modes of perception were made available simultaneously by presenting the third-format transitions to one ear and the remainder of the acoustic syllable to the other. On the speech side of this duplex percept, where the transitions supported the perception of stop-vowel syllables, perception was categorical and influenced by the presence of a preposed [al] or [ar]. On the nonspeech side, where the same transitions were heard as ‘chirps’, perception was continuous and free of influence from the preposed syllables. As both differences occurred under conditions in which the acoustic input was constant, we should suppose that they reflect the different properties of auditory and phonetic modes of perception.  相似文献   

A smoking questionnaire containing 26 items covering a range of stressful and nonstressful situations was administered to a sample of 60 light and medium cigarette smokers. Principal component analysis revealed two main factors relating to high and low emotional and attentional stress. Sex and personality differences were found in extent of desire on these factors. Introverts tended to have high desire in selective attentional situations and females had higher desire in situations of emotional stress. Differences in inhalation patterns and length of habit were also related to sex and extraversion.It is proposed that differences in smoking behaviour and the apparent paradoxical effects of smoking may reflect the use of smoking as a rewarding distraction from, rather than contribution to, current stressful activity. Predictions concerning the nature of a smoker's habit may thus be aided by considering individual differences in attentional as well as emotional styles.  相似文献   

Individual differences in cognition were studied in the form of the hypothesis that arousal, as indexed by personality measures of extraversion and neuroticism, affects the way in which verbal material is organized in memory. Subjects pretested on measures of these personality variables participated in either a paired-associates learning or a free-recall experiment. On the paired-associates task, subjects who were thought to be high on arousal made fewer errors when response terms were semantically similar than low arousal subjects. On the other hand, subjects thought low on arousal made fewer errors when response words were phonetically similar than high arousal subjects. On the free-recall task, low arousal subjects were found to cluster words together on the basis of semantic category at a higher rate than high arousal subjects. These results were taken to support the view that high arousal (as indexed by personality measures) leads to a focus on the physical aspects of verbal material, whereas low arousal leads to a memory organized around semantic aspects. The implications of these findings for other views of memory are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Operant reinforcement schedules were used to investigate the effects of changes in reinforcement rates on the behavior of alcoholic Korsakoff (amnesic) patients and normal control subjects. In one test, both groups were exposed to pairs of variable-interval (VI) reinforcement schedules which operated concurrently. The distribution of reinforcements controlled the distribution of responses of normal subjects to a significantly greater extent than those of the Korsakoff patients. In a second test, two VI reinforcement schedules were arranged to run one at a time in succession. Reinforcement-rate differences with the successive (multiple) schedules did not produce corresponding response-rate differences for either group of subjects. The findings stress the complexity of the alcoholic Korsakoff syndrome, and emphasize the need to consider possible motivational abnormalities as determinants of alcohol-induced amnesia. In addition, results underscore both the value and the limitations of using operant procedures in human learning research.Supported in part by PHS Grants NS 07615 and NS 06209, by PHS RCDA K04 NS 00161 to M. O. Berman, and by the Medical Research Service of the Veterans Administration. Address offprint requests to M.O. Berman, BVAMC, 150 So. Huntington Ave., Boston, MA. 02130, USA  相似文献   

WhenK tests are given toN individuals, and for each individual there are two criterion measures, then (1) the multiple regression weight to be applied to the standard score for each test to predict the criterion-difference score equals the difference of the weights for predicting each criterion separately; (2) the difference between the predicted scores equals the predicted difference (each test being assigned the appropriate multiple regression weight); (3) the square of the multiple correlation between predicted and actual criterion-difference scores equals the sum of squares of the multiple correlations of the battery with each criterion less the product of these correlations and the correlation between predicted scores all divided by twice the quantity one minus the criterion intercorrelation; and (4) the variance of errors of estimating the criterion-difference score equals the sum of the variances of errors of estimating each criterion score minus twice the criterion intercorrelation, plus twice the correlation between predicted scores multiplied by the product of the square root of one minus the variance of errors of estimating one criterion and the corresponding square root for the second criterion.The author wishes to express his appreciation for the suggestions and guidance given by Dr. Harold Gulliksen in the preparation of this article. He also wishes to acknowledge the helpful comments of Dr. Paul Horst and Dr. Ledyard Tucker on certain phases of the development.  相似文献   

Despite all the information about the risks, many people still smoke. Several studies investigated risk perceptions in smokers. The adequate perceptions of the risks from smoking is particularly important and this study investigated the risk perception of young smokers vs non-smokers by a new time-estimation task in which we required participants (smokers and non-smokers) to estimate the onset time of smoking-related conditions in an average young smoker. The findings supported our main hypothesis that smokers, compared to non-smokers, postponed the onset of both mild and severe smoking-related conditions. The results also revealed that the onset time estimates for mild conditions given by both smokers and non-smokers were associated with their self-perceptions of risk and level of fear of developing smoking-related conditions. The findings cast light on smokers’ distorted temporal perception of the health-damaging consequences of smoking. Implications for the adequacy of risk perception in smokers are discussed.  相似文献   

B. F. Skinner credited Bertrand Russell with converting him to behaviorism and with writing one of the books that most influenced him. Particularly in Skinner's early work, there are similarities between Skinner and Russell that extend across mathematics, determinism, positivism, verbal behavior, future communities, evolution, and pragmatism. Later, Skinner's views changed, and he parted company with Russell in most of these areas. Perhaps the most dramatic and fundamental departure came when Skinner embraced pragmatism, which Russell said he "hated." However, there was a time during which Russell wrote favorably of pragmatism as a view for science. Although the similarities between Skinner and Russell may have resulted from common cultural influences, Russell appears to deserve credit for leading Skinner into the stimulus-response behaviorism of two-term necessities; he may also deserve some credit for helping to lead him out of it and into the selectionist behaviorism of three-term contingencies.  相似文献   

B W Lex 《Health psychology》1991,10(2):121-132
Within the past 20 years, public and professional attention has focused on the legitimacy of research and treatment of substance abuse in women as a "special population." Recent efforts, however, have not as yet closed the gap in knowledge about factors promoting or perpetuating alcohol and other substance use problems in women. Materials that are presented in this article were selected to provide a broad spectrum of information about biological, psychological, and sociocultural aspects of substance abuse as it affects women. Data reported include findings from several studies conducted in our laboratories that have examined these effects. Overall, the discussion summarizes past knowledge, reviews current findings, points to unanswered questions, and concludes with a series of research recommendations that emerge from empirical data.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking is more common among individuals with asthma compared to those without, resulting in increased risk of morbidity and mortality. However, there has been little exploration of psychological factors that differ between smokers with and without asthma. Thus, the aim of the current study was to examine differences between smokers with and without asthma in terms of anxiety sensitivity, panic symptoms, lifetime history of panic attacks, and lifetime history of panic disorder. Participants were 115 smokers with asthma (55.3% male, Mage = 38.4 years, SD = 11.9) and 120 smokers without asthma (70.6% male, Mage = 37.0 years, SD = 12.8) who were administered a structured diagnostic interview and completed self-report measures. As hypothesized, after controlling for the effects of cigarettes per day, gender, race, and education, smokers with asthma reported higher levels of anxiety sensitivity and panic symptoms and were at an increased risk for having a lifetime history of panic attacks (OR = 3.01) and panic disorder (OR = 2.96) compared to smokers without asthma. Further, group differences in anxiety sensitivity and panic symptoms remained even after removing participants with a lifetime history of panic attacks or panic disorder. These findings suggest that smokers with asthma are a particularly ‘at-risk’ population for panic psychopathology and likely in need of specialized smoking-related prevention and intervention efforts.  相似文献   

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