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荀子是中国历史上最杰出的思想家之一,是先秦儒家的最后一位大师,他不仅继承了儒家“礼”的观念并将之系统化,而且继承并发展了儒家的音乐理论。荀子把音乐理论更为系统化,他从人的本性出发,主张用“礼”规范人的行为,用“乐”调理熏陶人的本性,其目的就是引导人们改恶向善、去争止乱,从而维系社会安定。本文拟从以下两个方面简略论述荀子的乐论观:  相似文献   

荀子对礼之存在合理性的另一种论证   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
荀子对礼之存在合理性的另一种论证马育良依缘人情而制礼文,是荀子对情礼关系的一个基本判定。它同其礼以“矫性”说一样,旨在论证古代礼乐文化的存在合理性。这一认识比较准确地阐释了礼乐产生的内在心理依据,以及情志对于礼文、情感对于音乐的决定作用。然而这种精彩...  相似文献   

先秦诸子乐论中"正乐"、"仁声"、"非乐"、"大音"、"天乐"、"礼乐"、"大乐"等关键词,凝聚着礼崩乐坏的社会现实中先秦诸子们对音乐问题的思考。先秦诸子的乐论整体地反映了乐(审美)从礼(政治)中独立出来的历史事实,这标志着中国审美意识史上的形式美感的真正被确立。但先秦诸子的乐论毕竟是一种政治或伦理美学,他们更多地还是从政治文化的角度去理解与认识音乐的,真正的审美的音乐美学到魏晋时期才真正出现。  相似文献   

石蔚 《管子学刊》2010,(4):31-33,52
荀子是我国战国末期重要的思想家,在音乐方面有许多独特而重要的见解。本文从乐与情、乐与礼以及和乐观等方面阐述了荀子音乐思想。荀子一方面继承了以孔子为代表的儒家礼乐思想,注重音乐与礼的结合,充分发挥音乐的社会功能作用;同时他也发展了儒家的礼乐思想,并有着独到的建树,在对音乐的声音特性,音乐活动中人的心理因素及其作用等方面表现出荀子音乐思想独特性。  相似文献   

回顾儒家文献中的古代乐仪,禘祭宗庙之乐常以琴瑟合奏,以其"声之轻清者",合咏歌之声。由这一历史场景,结合周秦制度与礼俗,在举行祭祀时演奏古琴,最初并非单纯被看作艺术审美的对象,而是人们缅怀先人、与祖先神灵进行沟通的媒介,所奏乐曲有着娱神的功能。中古以降,伴随着古代祭祀活动中一系列仪式化过程,虽然"礼治"与"乐教"作为一种政治主张或理想,其现实影响已十分有限,但从礼、乐自身的发展历程来看,儒家所提倡的礼乐观念却成为人们理解、评价艺术审美活动的基本立场。体现在琴学领域,由祭祀之乐到教化之乐,从人们赋予琴乐的文化内涵,探讨古琴的音乐美学与发展历程,其在不同时代、以不同方式演绎着古人丰富的精神世界以及人们对生命意义的理解。  相似文献   

武树臣 《孔子研究》2024,(1):72-85+158
“儒者柔也”是古人对儒字最经典的注释。“柔”的古字是“揉”“扰”“犪”,本义为“驯扰”即教育约束。“驯扰”是游牧时代先民驯服动物的经验总结。“柔远能迩”体现了远古先民以礼乐教化治国的传统理念。“多需”和“多胥”是殷商的礼乐之师,其职能是通过教授诗歌音乐舞蹈来实行教化。他们与周之乐官“大胥”“小胥”有传承关系。殷亡周衰,礼乐之师失去俸禄而散落民间,仍以相礼和传授礼乐知识为生。孔子的贡献是通过民间教育,传授《诗》《书》《礼》《乐》等三代经典,使儒者从相礼训俗之师演变为六艺传经之师。儒家至此问世。  相似文献   

通过辨析相关文献史料,认为《乐记》乃公孙尼子所作。研究《乐记》与《周易》的关系,应当跳出以往《乐记》袭易还是易袭《乐记》的单向思维,深入比较《乐记》与《易传》思想。《乐记》创造性地援易解乐,同时创新了礼乐哲学与易学,形成礼序乐和的重要思想,将传统的以礼统乐发展为以乐统礼,由更重视秩序之“中”发展为更强调感通之“和”,建构了新的礼乐哲学和美学典范。同时,《乐记》以礼乐代乾坤,将乾坤易发展为礼乐易,成为孔子以德解易的完成式,开创了天人合一的新形式,由此奠定了它在先秦思想史上的重要地位。  相似文献   

“和”是古代中国美学思想史上一个基本并很早就出现的音乐审美范畴,从先秦的《左传》、《国语》到魏晋的《声无哀乐论》,各个时期的美学史料都对“和”的美学内涵有多种辩论,它是民族音乐美学核心范畴之一。先秦齐地是诸子百家学术活动频繁的地区,诸子将“和”作为重要音乐美学观层层论述,管子、晏子等人在“和”的音乐观基础上,树立“五声为和”、“心平德和”的美学观,总结出齐乐论之“音声之和”、“乐与人和”的至纯境界,为后世学者各抒己见、百花齐放开拓一片广阔的天空。  相似文献   

孔子的礼乐观,是孔子为重塑周王权威和再造礼乐文化,在对远古及三代礼乐文化敬畏和继承的基础上,对礼、乐和礼乐的结合及其精义加以追问和创造性阐发形成的。另外,以礼释仁与孝、以乐释乐、礼和互释等,也促进了孔子礼乐观的形成,使之成为孔子礼乐思想的重要组成。  相似文献   

先秦儒家把人理解为一种追求将自然生命与文化生命圆融无碍的德性的生命存在,而能够在整体上涵容和实现这一生命精神的是礼乐,其中乐的作用在于建立一种自然的心灵秩序,礼的作用在于建立一种伦理的行为规范。德性生命的自我圆成需要"致礼乐之道",礼乐之道是在礼乐文化—礼乐生活—礼乐政治的思想逻辑中展开的,因而礼乐精神的现代重光也需要在这样一种思想逻辑中作整体的思考。  相似文献   

先秦儒家"和为贵"的政治伦理追求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“和为贵”是先秦儒家政治伦理思想的核心理念和本质特征。重视“人和”的社会管理思想.强调“民为邦本”的和谐社会基础,提倡“修己安人”的“和”政治伦理要求,构成了先秦儒家“和为贵”的政治伦理内涵。吸取其合理养分,对于我们今天构建社会主义和谐社会仍具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

王福银 《管子学刊》2007,(2):39-40,62
祭孔乐舞是迄今为止中国仅存的雅乐舞,而《韶乐》又是中国历代王朝所尊崇的雅乐体系的重要组成部分之一。这两者在我国雅乐发展历史中同样担当着举足轻重的作用。根据艺术发展的规律,任何艺术的新生作品都必须或必然是建立在继承文化传统的基础之上,祭孔乐舞的诞生虽然远离《韶乐》流传盛行的西周,但是,《韶乐》的内容和形式却深深影响着中国历代雅乐的制作和发展。作为中国雅乐分支的孔庙乐舞,对《韶乐》的传承也必定有历史的必然和血脉的联系。因此毋庸置疑,现存的祭孔乐舞成为当下我们寻找古《韶乐》历史面貌的主要甚至是唯一的实物资料。而通过研究发现,两者之间不仅有关而且渊源久矣。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of exposure to sexually objectifying music videos on viewers’ subsequent gazing behavior. We exposed participants (N = 129; 68 women, 61 men) to music videos either high in sexual objectification or low in sexual objectification. Next, we measured participants’ eye movements as they viewed photographs of 36 women models with various body shapes (i.e., ideal size model, plus size model) and degree of dress (i.e., fully dressed, scantily dressed, partially clad). Results indicated that sexually objectifying music videos influenced participants’ objectifying gaze upon photographs of women with an ideal size, but not plus size, body shape. Interestingly, that effect neither differed among men and women nor depended upon the models’ degree of dress. Altogether, once primed with sexually objectifying imagery, participants looked at women’s sexual body parts more than they looked at women’s faces.  相似文献   

在快乐中培养少儿的道德品行是亚里士多德音乐教育思想的道德目标。在审美通感的基础上,通过道德移情进行理性灵魂的德性活动,是音乐教育培养少儿道德品行的心理机制。“执中”为善、积习成德是音乐教育培塑未来道德公民的基本途径。  相似文献   

欣赏音乐是一种审美的体验活动,不同的音质会使人产生不同的感受。为探究音乐和EEG的关系,本文选用音乐《黑人舞曲》,运用主成分分析等方法,研究了11位在校大学生在欣赏不同音质音乐时的EEG特征。结果发现:在欣赏不同音质音乐时大脑皮层右颞等处快波功率差异显著。大脑对音乐的精细加工与大脑右颞等区的电活动密切相关。  相似文献   

So Jeong Park 《Dao》2013,12(3):331-350
Musical thought in the Chinese tradition is frequently discussed in terms of the Confucian discourse on “ritual and music (lǐyuè 禮樂),” but how this Confucian discourse has been viewed by its critics has seldom been addressed. This paper aims to explore musical thought in the Zhuangzi as a serious critique of Confucian musical discourse. Zhuangzian thinkers doubt whether Confucian ritual music can avoid restricting music within a specific musical tradition, impeding the freedom to enjoy music, and distorting the nature of music. Unlike Confucian discourse, which emphasizes music’s external effects, Zhuangzian musical thought ultimately leads us to focus on the essential questions: how to cultivate one’s own sensibility toward musical harmony, how to open one’s mind to comprehend different musical sources, and how to eventually reach musical Dao.  相似文献   

本文对孔子和孟子的"乐"理念的各自特点及其异同之处进行了初步分析和评价。作者认为,孔子的"乐"理念具有明显的泛伦理化倾向。他所关注和注重的,乃是"乐"的社会教化、社会整合的伦理调节功能。孔子视"礼""仁"为"乐"之魂魄,视"至善"为"乐"之归宿和极致。"乐"的艺术审美特质被淡化和边缘化。孟子对孔子"乐"理念的最大修正,在于他将其"民本"的政治诉求贯彻于其"乐"理念之中,诉诸"与民同乐"的政治氛围,从而将"乐"理念平等化、平民化、感性化,扬弃了孔子对"乐"的种种宗法等级束缚,破除了对"乐"的雅俗之别的偏见,从而使"乐"理念向其平等的、感性的审美氛围迈出了重要的一步。同孔子泛伦理化的"乐"理念相比较,孟子的"乐"理念则具有泛政治化的理论倾向。  相似文献   

直下心源、直契本心是由孔子确立的儒家道德情感论的核心特质,孔子后学由此出发,基于天人合一的视域建构了诚学,将诚提升为了贯通天人、真实无妄的道德情感。儒家从质直、至诚之本心情感出发,涵养与推扩道德情感的内在理路可以概括为以下三个维度:第一,以反观内省的道德理性时时提撕和体认本心情感; 第二,以本心情感为体,以礼乐文化为用,以文质彬彬为旨归; 第三,以“亲亲而仁民,仁民而爱物”为路径,以四端之心为内在心理情感根据,在由近及远、由厚及薄、由亲及疏的无限推扩中实现对道德情感的涵养、提升与超越。  相似文献   

On the basis of some ideas of Wittgenstein’s, an argument is presented to the effect that the ability to feel or to experience meaning conditions the ability to mean, and is thus essential to our notion of meaning. The experience of meaning, as manifested in the “fine shades” of use and behaviour, is central to Wittgenstein’s late conception of meaning. In explicating the basic elements involved here, I first try to clarify the notion of feeling and its relationship to meaning, emphasising its central role in music as explanatory of its use in language. The feeling of words, in this sense, is an objective feature of their meaning and use, and should be distinguished from feelings as psychological processes or experiences that may accompany the use of words. I then explain its philosophical significance by arguing that word‐feeling, and the “experience of meaning,” are basically instances of Wittgenstein’s general conception of aspect and aspect‐perception, which are important elements in his later conception of meaning and of thought. The nature of this experience is explicated in terms of grasping internal relations and relevant comparisons, which is manifested in a “mastery of a technique,” or “feeling at home” in a certain practice. In this sense, I argue, the ability to experience the meaning of a word is essential to the very intentionality of our thought and language. The ability to experience meaning is also a precondition for using words in a “secondary sense,” which is of great significance in itself. I conclude by pointing to the application of these notions of understanding, feeling and experience, as well as their explication in terms of comparisons, internal relations and mastery of technique, to music, where they are so apt and natural.  相似文献   

Together with melody, harmony, and timbre, rhythm and beat provide temporal structure for movement timing. Such musical features may act as cues to the phrasing and dynamics of a dance choreographed to the music. Novice dancers (N = 54) learned to criterion a novel 32‐s dance‐pop routine, either to full music or to the rhythm of that music. At test, participants recalled the dance to the same music, rhythm, new music, and in silence. If musical features aid memory, then full music during learning and test should result in superior dance recall, whereas if rhythm alone aids memory, then rhythm during learning and test should result in superior recall. The presence of a rhythm accompaniment during learning provided a significantly greater memory advantage for the recall of dance‐pop steps than full music. After learning to full music, silence at test enhanced recall. Findings are discussed in terms of entrainment and cognitive load. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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