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Numerous studies have found visual deficits associated with dyslexia. This has made it important to understand how these deficits may be related to reading difficulties. A widely held theory is that dyslexia is the result of a deficit in the magnocellular part of the visual system (earlier called the transient system). In support for this theory, the prevalence of magnocellular deficits has been reported to be high among dyslexic readers and very low among non-dyslexic ones. This creates the impression that in the population as a whole dyslexic individuals have magnocellular deficits and non-dyslexic individuals do not. However, we show that because the prevalence of dyslexia itself is low this need not be the case. On the basis of previously published data we have estimated the number of non-dyslexic and dyslexic individuals with magnocellular deficits. Our estimates indicate that there should be a large number of non-dyslexic individuals with magnocellular deficits. Paradoxically more individuals without dyslexia have magnocellular deficits than individuals with dyslexia. This poses a challenge to the view that dyslexia is the result of a magnocellular deficit.  相似文献   

近几年诸多研究者认为阅读障碍是由于视觉系统巨细胞功能缺陷引起的。他们从对比度敏感性研究、巨细胞抑制功能研究与视觉运动知觉功能的研究结果中得到了支持证据。就这个问题的研究进行综述,表明不论是巨细胞功能缺陷理论的支持者还是反对者,都从巨细胞的对比度敏感性、视觉运动知觉与巨细胞抑制功能上得到了一些研究结果的支持。巨细胞功能缺陷理论的支持者还从阅读障碍的神经生理学研究和阅读的脑功能研究中得到了一些支持性的证据。新的研究结果揭示了巨细胞系统缺陷理论与阅读之间的关系以及巨细胞系统缺陷理论的应用价值。在巨细胞系统缺陷理论的进一步研究中,还需要统一实验方法与实验标准以获得更多的证据,同时需要有新的方法来有效区分小细胞系统与巨细胞系统  相似文献   

Visual attention has temporal limitations. In the attentional blink (AB) a stream of stimuli such as letters or digits are presented to a participant on a computer monitor at a rapid rate. Embedded in the stream are two targets that the participant must try to identify. Identification of the second target is severely impaired if it is presented within approximately 500ms of the first target. This is the 'blink' in visual attention. In this study we examined the role of the magnocellular visual pathway in the AB. This fast conducting pathway has high temporal resolution and contrast sensitivity. It is also insensitive to the direction of chromatic contrast, and this attribute was exploited in order to isolate its contributions to temporal attention. Colour defined, luminance noise masked AB streams were compared to AB streams of varying achromatic contrast. The four observers, (2F and 2M) aged between 21 and 35years, had normal visual acuity and colour vision. The colour stimuli produced a similar blink to the moderate contrast achromatic stimuli. This indicates that the magnocellular pathway does not have a privileged role in the attentional blink. We provide an explanation of previous apparently contradictory findings in terms of the role of different types of visual masking in the attentional blink.  相似文献   

Intuitively, dynamic visual stimuli, such as moving objects or flashing lights, attract attention. Visual search tasks have revealed that dynamic targets among static distractors can indeed efficiently guide attention. The present study shows that the reverse case, a static target among dynamic distractors, allows for relatively efficient selection in certain but not all cases. A static target was relatively efficiently found among distractors that featured apparent motion, corroborating earlier findings. The important new finding was that static targets were equally easily found among distractors that blinked on and off continuously, even when each individual item blinked at a random rate. However, search for a static target was less efficient when distractors abruptly varied in luminance but did not completely disappear. The authors suggest that the division into the parvocellular pathway dealing with static visual information, on the one hand, and the magnocellular pathway common to motion and new object onset detection, on the other hand, allows for efficient filtering of dynamic and static information.  相似文献   

Anumber of researchers have suggested that deficient visual attention may play a causal role in dyslexia. However, traditional methods for investigating this assertion have been limited by the conflation of sensory and attentional factors and the inability to isolate large attentional effects. In this study, we sought to overcome these problems by combining spatial cuing with a visual search task measuring psychophysical thresholds. In normal readers, uncued search performance was characterized by a strong dependence on the number of elements in the stimulus array. Cuing the location of the target removed much of this effect, suggesting attentional facilitation of performance. Although dyslexic participants' performance in uncued search was nearly identical to that of normal readers, all dyslexic participants failed to gain the same effect of cuing that normal readers did. However, dyslexic participants did not differ from normal readers on tests of magnocellular function, suggesting that this spatial-cuing deficit is not merely a secondary consequence of magnocellular dysfunction.  相似文献   

Visual perception is altered near the hands, and several mechanisms have been proposed to account for this, including differences in attention and a bias toward magnocellular-preferential processing. Here we directly pitted these theories against one another in a visual search task consisting of either magnocellular- or parvocellular-preferred stimuli. Surprisingly, we found that when a large number of items are in the display, there is a parvocellular processing bias in near-hand space. Considered in the context of existing results, this indicates that hand proximity does not entail an inflexible bias toward magnocellular processing, but instead that the attentional demands of the task can dynamically alter the balance between magnocellular and parvocellular processing that accompanies hand proximity.  相似文献   

Hand position in the visual field influences performance in several visual tasks. Recent theoretical accounts have proposed that hand position either (a) influences the allocation of spatial attention, or (b) biases processing toward the magnocellular visual pathway. Comparing these accounts is difficult as some studies manipulate the distance of one hand in the visual field while others vary the distance of both hands, and it is unclear whether single and dual hand manipulations have the same impact on perception. We ask if hand position affects the spatial distribution of attention, with a broader distribution of attention when both hands are near a visual display and a narrower distribution when one hand is near a display. We examined the effects of four hand positions near the screen (left hand, right hand, both hands, no hands) on both temporal and spatial discrimination tasks. Placing two hands near the display compared to two hands distant resulted in improved sensitivity for the temporal task and reduced sensitivity in the spatial task, replicating previous results. However, the single hand manipulations showed the opposite pattern of results. Together these results suggest that visual attention is focused on the graspable space for a single hand, and expanded when two hands frame an area of the visual field.  相似文献   

There are volumes of information available to process in visual scenes. Visual spatial attention is a critically important selection mechanism that prevents these volumes from overwhelming our visual system’s limited-capacity processing resources. We were interested in understanding the effect of the size of the attended area on visual perception. The prevailing model of attended-region size across cognition, perception, and neuroscience is the zoom-lens model. This model stipulates that the magnitude of perceptual processing enhancement is inversely related to the size of the attended region, such that a narrow attended-region facilitates greater perceptual enhancement than a wider region. Yet visual processing is subserved by two major visual pathways (magnocellular and parvocellular) that operate with a degree of independence in early visual processing and encode contrasting visual information. Historically, testing of the zoom-lens has used measures of spatial acuity ideally suited to parvocellular processing. This, therefore, raises questions about the generality of the zoom-lens model to different aspects of visual perception. We found that while a narrow attended-region facilitated spatial acuity and the perception of high spatial frequency targets, it had no impact on either temporal acuity or the perception of low spatial frequency targets. This pattern also held up when targets were not presented centrally. This supports the notion that visual attended-region size has dissociable effects on magnocellular versus parvocellular mediated visual processing.  相似文献   

A controversial question in reading research is whether dyslexia is associated with impairments in the magnocellular system and, if so, how these low-level visual impairments might affect reading acquisition. This study used a novel chromatic flicker perception task to specifically explore temporal aspects of magnocellular functioning in 40 children with dyslexia and 42 age-matched controls (aged 7-11). The relationship between magnocellular temporal resolution and higher-level aspects of visual temporal processing including inspection time, single and dual-target (attentional blink) RSVP performance, go/no-go reaction time, and rapid naming was also assessed. The Dyslexia group exhibited significant deficits in magnocellular temporal resolution compared with controls, but the two groups did not differ in parvocellular temporal resolution. Despite the significant group differences, associations between magnocellular temporal resolution and reading ability were relatively weak, and links between low-level temporal resolution and reading ability did not appear specific to the magnocellular system. Factor analyses revealed that a collective Perceptual Speed factor, involving both low-level and higher-level visual temporal processing measures, accounted for unique variance in reading ability independently of phonological processing, rapid naming, and general ability.  相似文献   

The relation between the developmental trajectories of visual scanning and disengagement of attention and gaze were examined throughout early infancy. A sample of 10 infants carried out a scanning and a disengagement task with the same visual stimuli six times between 6 and 26 weeks of age. Frequency and latency measures were analyzed using multivariate multilevel models and Monte Carlo analyses. The results suggest that the ability to scan a face or an abstract stimulus evolves slightly earlier than the ability to shift gaze to a newly appeared target in the periphery. This is consistent with the account that the parvocellular stream becomes functional slightly before the magnocellular stream. The study revealed no indications of a positive association between the development of scanning and disengagement on the level of the individual infant. Scanning and disengagement change scores contrasted more with one another than could be expected on the basis of chance. This implies that the magnocellular and the parvocellular stream develop rather independently up to the age of 26 weeks.  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍与知觉加工   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
近年来许多行为实验和神经生理学实验都发现 ,发展性阅读障碍与基本知觉障碍有关。在视觉领域研究者提出了巨细胞障碍假设 ,这种假设认为阅读障碍者视觉神经系统中的巨细胞障碍导致他们对某种类型的视觉刺激加工存在困难 ,进而影响阅读。在听觉领域研究发现阅读障碍者加工快速、系列、短暂呈现的声音刺激存在障碍。研究者认为阅读障碍者加工快速刺激输入障碍反映了普遍的时间知觉障碍。这方面的研究发展非常迅速 ,理论观点非常明确 ,并且直接与内在的神经机制相联系 ,形成了与传统的“语言障碍”理论迥然不同的“知觉障碍”理论。“知觉障碍”理论综合了行为、认知和神经等多个层次的研究 ,反映了神经科学发展所带来的巨大影响和认知加工模块化理论的渐渐衰退。  相似文献   

Deafness and developmental dyslexia in the same individual may jointly limit the acquisition of reading skills for different underlying reasons. A diagnostic marker for dyslexia in deaf individuals must therefore detect the presence of a neurobiologically based dyslexia but be insensitive to the ordinary developmental influences of deafness on reading skill development. We propose that the functional status of the magnocellular visual system in deaf individuals is potentially such a marker. We present visual evoked potential (VEP) evidence that adult deaf poor readers as a group display magnocellular system deficits not observed in deaf good readers. We recorded pattern-reversal VEPs to high- and low-contrast checkerboard stimuli, which primarily activate the parvocellular and magnocellular pathways, respectively. Principal components analysis of these VEPs produced a time-ordered sequence of three early components that displayed interactions between reading skill and stimulus contrast across multiple scalp recording sites. Deaf poor readers displayed an abnormal absence of contrast-sensitive VEP responses at occipital sites during early visual processing (75 ms poststimulus), whereas deaf good readers showed the expected early contrast-sensitive occipital VEP responses. Over the subsequent 225 ms, the occipital VEP behavior of deaf poor readers closely approximated that of deaf good readers. The VEPs of deaf poor readers were apparently characterized by delayed responses to low-contrast stimuli compared with deaf good readers. Our results provide the first neurobiological evidence that developmental dyslexia exists within the deaf population and is associated with the same underlying magnocellular system deficit that has been observed in hearing dyslexics. Direct neural imaging of the status of the magnocellular visual system in deaf individuals may eventually provide differential diagnosis of developmental dyslexia in the deaf population.  相似文献   

A recent study [Keri, S., & Benedek, G. (2009). Visual pathway deficit in female fragile × premutation carriers: A potential endophenotype. Brain and Cognition, 69, 291–295] has found Vernier acuity deficiencies together with contrast sensitivity defects consistent with a magnocellular deficit in female fragile × premutation carriers. This may appear to support the notion that Vernier acuity may serve as a test of magnocellular sensitivity. However, Vernier acuity deficiencies have been reported in other conditions (e.g., schizophrenia, amblyopia and cortical visual impairment) where there is little evidence for magnocellular deficits. The observation that Vernier acuity deficiencies can occur without magnocellular deficits indicates that Vernier acuity is not a reliable test of magnocellular sensitivity.  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍是一种在获得阅读技能方面的特殊困难, 这种障碍会严重影响个体的发展, 如何帮助发展性阅读障碍者改善其阅读技能是近年来研究的焦点。传统的干预方法主要针对发展性阅读障碍者的语音缺陷, 这类方法存在一些问题, 如费时费力、给阅读障碍者带来阅读压力等。近年来, 大部分研究表明通过趣味性的动作视频游戏训练可以显著地提高发展性阅读障碍者的阅读技能, 但是其背后的机制尚不明确。基于大细胞通路缺陷理论框架, 从视觉空间注意、注意跨通道转换、视觉运动加工等方面来梳理动作视频游戏与阅读之间的关系, 揭示了动作视频游戏训练对阅读效率影响的可能内在机制。未来的研究可以在大细胞通路缺陷理论的框架下, 深入分析动作视频游戏改善阅读的神经机制, 并尝试开发更适合发展性阅读障碍者的干预程序。  相似文献   

A key phenomenon supporting the existence of object-based attention is the object advantage, in which responses are faster for within-object, relative to equidistant between-object, shifts of attention. The origins of this effect have been variously ascribed to low-level “bottom-up” sensory processing and to a cognitive “top-down” strategy of within-object attention prioritization. The degree to which the object advantage depends on lower-level sensory processing was examined by differentially stimulating the magnocellular (M) and parvocellular (P) retino-geniculo-cortical visual pathways by using equiluminant and nonequiluminant conditions. We found that the object advantage can be eliminated when M activity is reduced using psychophysically equiluminant stimuli. This novel result in normal observers suggests that the origin of the object advantage is found in lower-level sensory processing rather than a general cognitive process, which should not be so sensitive to differential activation of the bottom-up P and M pathways. Eliminating the object advantage while maintaining a spatial-cueing advantage with reduced M activity suggests that the notion of independent M-driven spatial attention and P-driven object attention requires revision.  相似文献   

Right-handed participants performed simple visual judgments on nonverbal stimuli presented either to the left visual field-right hemisphere (LVF-RH) or to the right visual field-left hemisphere (RVF-LH). The stimuli were exposed for 40-120 msec, followed by a backward mask. When the stimuli were presented against a green background, an RVF-LH advantage was observed for the shortest exposure duration. This result supports the notion that the LH has finer temporal resolution than the RH. Imposition of a red background disrupted performance and eliminated the RVF-LH advantage for the shortest exposure duration. Because the red background attenuates functions of the magnocellular pathway, these results suggest that the magnocellular pathway contributes to the LH advantage for fine temporal resolution.  相似文献   

We investigated the neurobiologies! basis of visual processes involved in object enumeration. Subitizing, the ability to rapidly and accurately enumerate four or fewer objects, is thought to depend on preattentive processing of visual stimuli, whereas counting of more numerous objects is thought to require serial shifts of attention. We attempted to distinguish between the hypothesis that the magnocellular (M) visual pathway is the preferential route for subitizing, and the alternative hypothesis that there is no selectivity for the M pathway or its counterpart, the parvocellular (P) visual pathway, in visual object enumeration. Green rectangles were presented on an equiluminant red background to impair M pathway processing. This slowed enumeration performance relative to a control condition in which object/background luminance differed, especially when the rectangles were relatively large and widely spaced and had constant retinal eccentricity. When low luminance contrast was used to impair processing along the P pathway, enumeration performance was slowed relative to a high-contrast control condition, especially when the rectangles were small and closely spaced. Overall, our manipulations affected enumeration performance without selectivity for subitizing or counting ranges and without altering the slope of the functions relating reaction time to numerosity. Thus, our results favor the hypothesis that visual enumeration does not depend preferentially on either the M or the P pathway.  相似文献   

Skottun BC 《Perception》2001,30(12):1449-1457
Ternus stimuli give rise to two mutually exclusive visual experiences: with long interstimulus intervals (ISIs) the elements in the stimulus are perceived as moving together as a group ('group movement'), while at shorter ISIs only a single element appears to be moving ('element movement' or 'end-to-end movement'). It has been hypothesized that group and element movements, respectively, reflect magnocellular and parvocellular activity. On this basis, Ternus tests have been used to assess magnocellular function in dyslexic individuals. This use of Ternus stimuli is examined in the present report. On the basis of amplitude spectra of the stimuli and of a review of previous studies it is concluded that to use Ternus tests to assess magnocellular function is problematic.  相似文献   

An important but often neglected aspect of attention is how changes in the attentional spotlight size impact perception. The zoom-lens model predicts that a small (“focal”) attentional spotlight enhances all aspects of perception relative to a larger (“diffuse” spotlight). However, based on the physiological properties of the two major classes of visual cells (magnocellular and parvocellular neurons) we predicted trade-offs in spatial and temporal acuity as a function of spotlight size. Contrary to both of these accounts, however, across two experiments we found that attentional spotlight size affected spatial acuity, such that spatial acuity was enhanced for a focal relative to a diffuse spotlight, whereas the same modulations in spotlight size had no impact on temporal acuity. This likely reflects the function of attention: to induce the high spatial resolution of the fovea in periphery, where spatial resolution is poor but temporal resolution is good. It is adaptive, therefore, for the attentional spotlight to enhance spatial acuity, whereas enhancing temporal acuity does not confer the same benefit.  相似文献   

It is known that stimuli near the hands receive preferential processing. In the present study, we explored changes in early vision near the hands. Participants were more sensitive to low-spatial-frequency information and less sensitive to high-spatial-frequency information for stimuli presented close to the hands. This pattern suggests enhanced processing in the magnocellular visual pathway for such stimuli, and impaired processing in the parvocellular pathway. Consistent with that possibility, we found that the effects of hand proximity in several tasks were eliminated by illumination with red diffuse light—a manipulation known to impair magnocellular processing. These results help clarify how the hands affect vision.  相似文献   

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