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Musicians and non-musicians were compared on a serial movement-timing task incorporating six continuous 11-cm segments. The serial pattern was structured for both spatial and temporal symmetry. There were seven subjects in each group and 50 test trials were analyzed for timing error. The non-musicians were less accurate and more variable for certain parts of the pattern. The findings supported the view that musical practice can assist the process of mapping internal representations of serial relations to novel spatio-temporal patterns of movement.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported that examine whether fast finger-tapping sequences are entirely planned before execution starts (advance planning), or if they can be started while planning is still under way (distributed planning). Subjects performed finger tapping sequences of three to eight taps at a high rate, under both simple and 2-choice reaction time (RT) conditions. The sequences differed in the location of an accentuated element within them. The RT to choose between sequences with different accent locations progressively decreased as an inverse function of the time-distance between the initial tap and the first point at which the alternative sequences differed. The shortening in choice reaction time (CRT) was never accompanied by noticeable changes in the inter-response times or force patterns of the tapping sequences. The RT to initiate sequences with accent location known beforehand (SRT condition) showed, in two of three experiments, a weak decreasing trend as the accentuated tap shifted away from the beginning of the sequence. The SRT results suggest a possible predominance of advance planning when the same sequence is repeated over a series of trials. The CRT results are taken as evidence that planning of the sequence beyond the unpredictable tap could be distributed before and after sequence initiation. Several factors are discussed that may influence the balance between planning in advance of, and planning in parallel with, sequence execution.  相似文献   

A 16-element movement sequence was taught under part-whole and whole-practice conditions. Participants (N = 18) produced a right-arm lever movement to sequentially presented target locations. The authors constructed part-whole practice by providing practice on only the 1st 8 elements on the 1st day of practice (100 repetitions of the 8-element sequence) and on all 16 elements on the 2nd day of practice (100 repetitions of the 16-element sequence). The whole-practice group practiced all 16 elements on both days (100 repetitions of the 16-element sequence per day). No differences in sequence structure or in movement duration of the 16-element sequence were noted on the retention test (Day 3). On transfer tests in which the 1st and last 8 elements were tested separately, however, the participants in the part-whole practice group performed more quickly than the participants in the whole-practice group, especially on the last 8 elements. Participants in the whole-practice group appeared to code the sequence so that it was relatively difficult to fully partition it into separate movements. Thus, on the transfer tests, there continued to be residual effects of the 8 elements that did not have to be produced but slowed down the rate of responding for the whole-practice group. That finding was not observed for the part-whole practice group.  相似文献   

Listeners discriminated between 6-tone rhythmic patterns that differed only in the delay of the temporal position of one of the tones. On each trial, feedback was given and the subject's performance determined the amount of delay on the next trial. The 6 tones of the patterns marked off 5 intervals. In the first experiment, patterns comprised 3 "short" and 2 "long" intervals: 12121, 21121, and so forth, where the long (2) was twice the length of a short (1). In the second experiment, patterns were the complements of the patterns in the first experiment and comprised 2 shorts and 3 longs: 21212, 12212, and so forth. Each pattern was tested 45 times (5 positions of the delayed tone x 3 tempos x 3 replications). Consistent with previous work on simple interval discrimination, absolute discrimination (delta t in milliseconds) was poorer the longer the intervals (i.e., the slower the tempo). Measures of relative discrimination (delta t/t, where t was the short interval, the long interval, or the average of 2 intervals surrounding the delayed tone) were better the slower the tempo. Beyond these global results, large interactions of pattern with position of the delayed tone and tempo suggest that different models of performance are needed to explain behavior at the different tempos. A Weber's law model fit the slow-tempo data better than did a model based on positions of "natural accent" (Povel & Essens, 1985).  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to determine participants' ability to transfer a learned movement sequence to new spatial locations. A 16-element dynamic arm movement sequence was used in both experiments. The task required participants to move a horizontal lever to sequentially projected targets. Experiment 1 included 2 groups. One group practised a pattern in which targets were located at 20, 40, 60, and 80° from the start position (long sequence). The other group practised a pattern with targets at 20, 26.67, 60, and 80° (mixed sequence). Both groups were tested 24 hours later on the long, mixed, and short sequence. The short sequence was considered a proportional transfer for the long acquisition group because all the amplitudes between targets were reduced by the same proportion. Nonproportional transfer occurred when the amplitudes between targets did not have the same proportions as those for their practice sequence (e.g., long sequence to mixed sequence or vice versa). The results indicated that participants could effectively transfer to new target configurations regardless of whether the transfer required proportional or nonproportional spatial changes to the movement pattern. Experiment 2 assessed the effects of extended practice on proportional and nonproportional spatial transfer. The data indicated that while participants can effectively transfer to both proportional and nonproportional spatial transfer conditions after 1 day of practice, they are only effective at transferring to proportional transfer conditions after 4 days of practice. The results are discussed in terms of the mechanism by which response sequences become increasingly specific over extended practice in an attempt to optimize movement production.  相似文献   

Recent experiments have demonstrated that complex multi-element movement sequences were coded in visual-spatial coordinates even after extensive practice, while relatively simple spatial-temporal movement sequences are coded in motor coordinates after a single practice session. The purpose of the present experiment was to determine if the control process rather than the difficulty of the sequence played a role in determining the pattern of effector transfer. To accomplish this, different concurrent feedback conditions were provided to two groups of participants during practice of the same movement sequence. The results indicated that when concurrent visual feedback was provided during the production of the movement, which was thought to encourage on-line control, the participants performed transfer tests with the contra-lateral limb better when the visual-spatial coordinates were reinstated than when the motor coordinates were reinstated. When concurrent visual feedback was not provided, which was thought to encourage pre-planned control, the opposite was observed. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that the mode of control dictates the coordinate system used to code the movement sequence rather than sequence difficulty or stage of practice as has been proposed.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to determine participants' ability to transfer a learned movement sequence to new spatial locations. A 16-element dynamic arm movement sequence was used in both experiments. The task required participants to move a horizontal lever to sequentially projected targets. Experiment 1 included 2 groups. One group practised a pattern in which targets were located at 20, 40, 60, and 80° from the start position (long sequence). The other group practised a pattern with targets at 20, 26.67, 60, and 80° (mixed sequence). Both groups were tested 24 hours later on the long, mixed, and short sequence. The short sequence was considered a proportional transfer for the long acquisition group because all the amplitudes between targets were reduced by the same proportion. Nonproportional transfer occurred when the amplitudes between targets did not have the same proportions as those for their practice sequence (e.g., long sequence to mixed sequence or vice versa). The results indicated that participants could effectively transfer to new target configurations regardless of whether the transfer required proportional or nonproportional spatial changes to the movement pattern. Experiment 2 assessed the effects of extended practice on proportional and nonproportional spatial transfer. The data indicated that while participants can effectively transfer to both proportional and nonproportional spatial transfer conditions after 1 day of practice, they are only effective at transferring to proportional transfer conditions after 4 days of practice. The results are discussed in terms of the mechanism by which response sequences become increasingly specific over extended practice in an attempt to optimize movement production.  相似文献   

Hierarchical control of rapid movement sequences   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Are movement sequences executed in a hierarchically controlled fashion? We first state explicitly what such control would entail, and we observe that if a movement sequence is planned hierarchically, that does not imply that its execution is hierarchical. To find evidence for hierarchically controlled execution, we require subjects to perform memorized sequences of finger responses like those used in playing the piano. The error data we obtain are consistent with a hierarchical planning as well as execution model, but the interresponse-time data provide strong support for a hierarchical execution model. We consider three alternatives to the hierarchical execution model and reject them. We also consider the implications of our results for the role of timing in motor programs, the characteristics of motor buffers, and the relations between memory for symbolic and motor information.  相似文献   

Summary Motor coordination has been too poorly defined to be a useful construct in studying the control of movement. In general, motor coordination involves controlling both the timing and the kinematics of movement. Yet the motor behaviors typically used for the study of coordination have required controlling only the timing or the spatial aspects of a movement. To understand better the basis of motor behavior, this study examined movement sequences, a class of movement in which both the timing and the kinematics must be controlled. In one experiment we studied a reaching and grasping movement sequence to characterize the central coordination of movement sequences. In another experiment we studied a throwing movement sequence to characterize the peripheral (kinesthetic) coordination of movement sequences. An heuristic model is presented to explain how central and peripheral mechanisms of coordination might interact to produce accurate movement.  相似文献   

Previous findings by Langley and Zelaznik (1984) suggested two hypotheses why segmental (phasing) timing training produced a more superior transfer than nonsegmental (duration) timing training. One view (the higher order variable hypothesis) suggested that segmental training developed a timing skill that was flexible for various types of transfer tasks. Another view (the contextual interference hypothesis) was that the difficulty associated with segmental training was sufficient to provide this flexibility for later transfer. The present study contrasted these hypotheses by comparing transfer following phasing or duration training but which was low in contextual interference. The acquisition results favor a contextual interference explanation. The transfer results, however, are clearly a function of the development of a higher order timing skill. These findings are discussed in terms of the development of a timing skill that is best suited for flexibility of transfer.  相似文献   

How do humans and their closest relatives, chimpanzees, differ in their fundamental abilities for seeing the visual world? In this study, we directly compared the gaze movements of humans and the closest species, chimpanzees, using an eye-tracking system. During free viewing of a naturalistic scene, chimpanzees made more fixations per second (up to four) than did humans (up to three). This species difference was independent of the semantic variability of the presented scenes. The gap–overlap paradigm revealed that, rather than resulting from the sensitivity to the peripherally presented stimuli per se, the species difference reflected the particular strategy each species employed to solve the rivalry between central (fixated) and peripheral stimuli in their visual fields. Finally, when presented with a movie in which small images successively appeared/disappeared at random positions at the chosen presentation rate, chimpanzees tracked those images at the point of fixation for a longer time than did humans, outperforming humans in their speed of scanning. Our results suggest that chimpanzees and humans differ quantitatively in their visual strategies involving the timing of gaze movement. We discuss the functional reasons for each species’ employing such specific strategies.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the effect of movement time (MT) and movement velocity on the accuracy and initiation of linear timing movements. MTs of 100, 200, 500, 600, and 1000 msec were examined over various distances; timing accuracy decreased with longer MTs and slower average velocities. The velocity effect was independent of MT and occurred when the velocities were above and below about 15 cm/sec. Self-paced initiation times to movement increased directly with MT and inversely as a function of movement velocity. The latency data complement the MT findings in suggesting that average velocity is a key parameter in the initiation and control of discrete timing movements and, that there is some lower velocity below which movement control breaks down.  相似文献   

Advance planning and execution-time organization of sequences of five finger taps were studied in four experiments. Intertap intervals were required to be equal. In some experimental conditions, one of the taps had to be stronger than the other four. Serial position of the stressed tap, number of alternative stress positions, and tapping rate were manipulated. Time to initiate the sequence after presentation of a reaction stimulus (RT), intertap intervals, and force of the taps were measured. the different effects of stress production and choosing between alternative stress locations on the RT of fast as compared to slow sequences suggest that a plan was selected and activated for the whole sequence only when it had to be executed at a fast rate. Additional organization of the fast sequences during execution was inferred from the intertap intervals, force patterns, and stress location errors, that were all different from those observed in slow sequences. The effects of stress production on timing are discussed in relation to existing timing models.  相似文献   

Our experiments examined the boundaries within which movement timing error decreases in timing responses as a function of increases in movement velocity. Experiment 1 investigated the lower end of the movement-velocity continuum and showed a curvilinear decrease in movement error as average velocity increased from 5 to 25 cm/sec. Experiment 2 also revealed a decrease in movement error as velocities increased from 67 to 95% (98-320 cm/sec) of maximum velocity for the amplitudes employed. These findings were confirmed in Experiment 3 which examined the full range of the velocity continuum in a completely within-subject design. Absolute timing error, expressed as a percentage of movement time, was a logarithmic function of average velocity, with error decreasing as velocity increased. Overall, the findings demonstrate the generalizability of the movement-velocity effect on timing error. The discussion focuses on explanations for this phenomenon which currently appear far from clear-cut.  相似文献   

Verwey WB 《Acta psychologica》2001,106(1-2):69-95
Earlier studies demonstrated that practicing a series of key presses in a fixed order yields memory representations (i.e., motor chunks) that can be selected and used for sequence execution as if familiar key pressing sequences are single responses. In order to examine whether these motor chunks are robust in different situations and whether preparation for one sequence may overlap with execution of another one, two experiments were carried out in which participants executed two highly practiced keying sequences in rapid succession in response to two simultaneously presented stimuli. The results confirmed robustness of motor chunks, even when the sequences included only two elements, and showed that preparation (and in particular, selection) of a forthcoming sequence may occur during execution of the earlier sequence. Sequences including only two keys appeared to be slowed more by concurrent preparation than longer sequences. Together these results suggest that the execution of familiar keying sequences is predominantly carried out by a dedicated motor processor, and that the cognitive processor can be allocated to preparing a forthcoming sequence (e.g., during execution of an earlier sequence) or, some times, to selecting individual sequence elements in parallel to the motor processor.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper investigates the role of abstract structural properties in the programming and execution of movement sequences. Three experiments, using converging methods, demonstrate that the motor system represents the abstract structural properties of movement sequences. The first two experiments show that hierarchical structures over a sequence of tapping movements can be used to prepare the motor program, even if the specific elements of the sequence are still unknown. Experiment 2 also shows that the preliminary programming of structural properties of a movement sequence takes more time than the programming of specific elements ( start elements). Experiment 3 suggests that abstract structural properties can be generalized from a special sequence and that they are transferable to other sequences. Abstract structural properties are assumed to be an important component of generalized motor programs.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 was conducted to determine if proportional transfer from "small to large" scale movements is as effective as transferring from "large to small." We hypothesize that the learning of larger scale movement will require the participant to learn to manage the generation, storage, and dissipation of forces better than when practicing smaller scale movements. Thus, we predict an advantage for transfer of larger scale movements to smaller scale movements relative to transfer from smaller to larger scale movements. Experiment 2 was conducted to determine if adding a load to a smaller scale movement would enhance later transfer to a larger scale movement sequence. It was hypothesized that the added load would require the participants to consider the dynamics of the movement to a greater extent than without the load. The results replicated earlier findings of effective transfer from large to small movements, but consistent with our hypothesis, transfer was less effective from small to large (Experiment 1). However, when a load was added during acquisition transfer from small to large was enhanced even though the load was removed during the transfer test. These results are consistent with the notion that the transfer asymmetry noted in Experiment 1 was due to factors related to movement dynamics that were enhanced during practice of the larger scale movement sequence, but not during the practice of the smaller scale movement sequence. The findings that the movement structure is unaffected by transfer direction but the movement dynamics are influenced by transfer direction is consistent with hierarchal models of sequence production.  相似文献   

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