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A new paradigm for simple reaction time is described in which signal detection and time production trials are interleaved. A model is proposed which views the signal detection and time production processes as independent and engaged in a race whose outcome determines the observed response latencies. The model also allows the distribution of detection latencies to be extracted from the data.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between selected skin-fold thicknesses and training variables with a half-marathon race time, for both male and female recreational runners, using bi- and multivariate analysis. In 52 men, two skin-fold thicknesses (abdominal and calf) were significantly and positively correlated with race time; whereas in 15 women, five (pectoral, mid-axilla, subscapular, abdominal, and suprailiac) showed positive and significant relations with total race time. In men, the mean weekly running distance, minimum distance run per week, maximum distance run per week, mean weekly hours of running, number of running training sessions per week, and mean speed of the training sessions were significantly and negatively related to total race time, but not in women. Interaction analyses suggested that race time was more strongly associated with anthropometry in women than men. Race time for the women was independently associated with the sum of eight skin-folds; but for the men, only the mean speed during training sessions was independently associated. Skin-fold thicknesses and training variables in these groups were differently related to race time according to their sex.  相似文献   

A cathode-ray oscilloscope and a Polaroid camera record interresponse times as a function of time, stimulus wavelength, and similar variables. Each response flashes a point of light on the oscilloscope screen; the vertical position of the point gives IRT, the horizontal position gives the value of the other variable. Several thousand such points may be recorded on a single frame of film, and the density of the points indicates the relative frequency of various IRTs. The method has the advantages of a two-dimensional display of continuous variables, flexibility, speed, and relatively low cost. It lacks the advantage of a digital output. Figures show IRTs of pigeons on VI, FR, DRL and extinction, and transitions among these, and also the results of stimulus generalization tests. The results have some provocative features that require much further exploration. Among other things, they suggest that "response rate" as a measure usually includes a response-dependent component that is insensitive to changes in other variables.  相似文献   

Rule NO 《Perception》2011,40(7):830-839
Although sexual orientation can be judged from faces, in previous work Caucasian or racially unspecified targets and perceivers have been primarily studied. Here, target and perceiver race were considered in the accurate categorisation of male sexual orientation. Asian, Black, and Caucasian participants categorised the sexual orientations of Asian, Black, and Caucasian men. Accuracy was significantly above chance and consistent across all combinations of perceivers and targets. Response bias scores showed that targets were significantly more likely to be categorised as straight, rather than gay, regardless of target or perceiver race. Moreover, judgments of individual targets were significantly correlated for perceivers from all three groups, suggesting cross-race consistency in target legibility. The perception of sexual orientation from faces therefore appears to be robust against variations in target and perceiver race.  相似文献   

The use of racial variables in genetic studies has become a matter of intense public debate, with implications for research design and translation into practice. Using research on smoking as a springboard, the authors examine the history of racial categories, current research practices, and arguments for and against using race variables in genetic analyses. The authors argue that the sociopolitical constructs appropriate for monitoring health disparities are not appropriate for use in genetic studies investigating the etiology of complex diseases. More powerful methods for addressing population structure exist, and race variables are unacceptable as gross proxies for numerous social/environmental factors that disproportionately affect minority populations. The authors conclude with recommendations for genetic researchers and policymakers, aimed at facilitating better science and producing new knowledge useful for reducing health disparities.  相似文献   

Methods are given for deciding whether to use some or no predictor variables in a regression analysis. Previously obtained results on the more general problem, whether to usek ork — r predictor variables are reviewed with emphasis on applications.  相似文献   

In order to determine the relationship between perceptions of injustice and support for workplace aggression, 139 subjects were presented with four scenarios representing different levels and types of injustice. Subjects then responded to an eight-item aggression scale. Support for aggressive behavior across the scenarios generally corresponded to the amount and type of perceived injustice; a procedural injustice scenario was perceived as the most unjust and led to the most support for aggression. Although the interpersonal and distributive injustice scenarios were seen as virtually identical in terms of injustice, there was significantly more support for aggression with interpersonal injustice. The strongest predictor of support for aggression in the justice scenarios, however, was simply the degree of support for aggression in a neutral, or control, scenario. It is suggested that employers need to be concerned both about fair and courteous relations with employees and also with identifying generally aggressive employees.  相似文献   

There are at least two approaches that assist students in understanding complexity and differing interpretations about human diversity and race. Because differing perspectives emerge from data perceived at different levels, different scales provide a tool for understanding relationships among perspectives and understanding the differential importance of specific factors. Constructivist listening, which assists students in examining their own experiences, feelings and understanding, provides a tool for digesting complex new material and learning emotional literacy. It can be applied to dialogue about race and to classroom situations. These approaches can help students master the conceptual and interpersonal skills needed for successful scientific practice. This article was adapted from a presentation made at the “Communicating Science Conference” held at Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, October 1998.  相似文献   

Root M 《Philosophy of science》2003,70(5):1173-1183
Race is a prominent category in medicine. Epidemiologists describe how rates of morbidity and mortality vary with race, and doctors consider the race of their patients when deciding whether to test them for sickle-cell anemia or what drug to use to treat their hypertension. At the same time, critics of racial classification say that race is not real but only an illusion or that race is scientifically meaningless. In this paper, I explain how race is used in medicine as a proxy for genes that encode drug metabolizing enzymes and how a proper understanding of race calls into doubt the practice of treating race as a marker of any medically relevant genetic trait.  相似文献   

The authors present suggestions for enhancing a university course in race relations. These approaches were used in a series of classes offered at a state university in the southeastern United States during a historical period of notable racial tension. This course provided a supportive arena for personal questioning, student interaction, and positive change. Even 20 years later, former students reported that experiential components, such as living with a family of another race, were powerful instruments in self-growth, development, and racial understanding. Many reported this class as the basis of profound, life-long positive changes in racial attitudes.  相似文献   

Socially anxious individuals tend to have elevated levels of perfectionism and engage in excessive rumination following social situations. The present research aimed to examine perfectionism, in both state and trait forms, as a predictor of post-event rumination. Socially anxious students (N = 104) completed measures of trait perfectionism prior to, and state perfectionism following, an anxiety inducing speech task. Post-event rumination was assessed 2 days later. State and trait perfectionism were significant predictors of post-event rumination (2 days later), while controlling for baseline social anxiety, depression and state anxiety. These results support the need to target perfectionism in treatments for social anxiety disorder.  相似文献   

The relationship of anthropometric and training characteristics with race time were investigated in 39 male and 24 female open-water ultra-endurance swimmers in a 26.4 km open-water ultra-swim, using bi- and multivariate analyses. For the men, body height, Body Mass Index, length of arm, and swimming speed during training were related to race time in the bivariate analysis. For the women, swimming speed during training was associated with performance in the bivariate analysis. In the multivariate analysis for the men, Body Mass Index and swimming speed during training were related to race time.  相似文献   

This investigation examined leader creativity, broadly conceptualized as a confluence of personal attributes, as a predictor of leading change in organizations. Because organizational change occurs primarily in the social system in support of the technical system, the role of social‐emotional competency was also examined. Two correlational studies were conducted in samples of U.S. Army officers. As predicted, leader creativity was a significant predictor of leading change. Creativity measures explained 42% of the variance in leading change performance measures in novice officers and 71% of the variance in early‐ to mid‐career officers. Social‐emotional competency was also a significant predictor of leading change, but less than creativity. “The art of the creative leader is the art of institution‐building, the reworking of human and technological materials to fashion an organization that embodies new and enduring values” ( Selznick, 1957 , pp. 152–153).  相似文献   

Although spirituality and religion play a role in the lives of many North Americans, the relationship of these variables to symptoms of affective disorders has not been rigorously studied. The authors, therefore, evaluated the extent to which religious factors predicted symptoms of distress in a large community sample of 354 individuals (120 Christian and 234 Jewish). Results indicated that religious denomination was a poor predictor of distress. However, general religiousness (e.g. importance of religion), religious practices (e.g. frequency of prayer), and positive religious core beliefs predicted lower levels of worry, trait anxiety, and depressive symptoms, whereas negative religious core beliefs predicted increased symptoms. These variables accounted for a small but significant portion of the variance in reported symptoms after controlling for covariates. These findings are taken to indicate that religion is an important factor to consider when evaluating and treating distress in religious individuals. Implications for clinical practice of empirically supported treatments with religious individuals are explored.  相似文献   

A questionnaire based on the Jenkins Activity Survey (JAS), given to 181 male and 280 female Swedish university students, showed that females had significantly higher Type A scores than males. Three factors were extracted by factor analysis, two of which, "speed and impatience" and "hard-driving", corresponded to two of the factors obtained by JAS in an American population of employed men (Zyzanski & Jenkins, 1970). The third factor was tentatively termed "engagement-involvement". Twelve male and 12 female subjects from opposite ends of the distribution were compared in terms of 22 personality variables measured by questionnaires. It was found that Type A subjects of both sexes scored higher on scales measuring anxiety-proneness, aggression-hostility, extraversion and neuroticism.  相似文献   

Measures of communication deviance derived from three different Rorschach situations were obtained from parents of 62 children vulnerable to future psychiatric disturbance. The families were maritally intact, with one parent having a history of previous psychiatric hospitalization and a male index child, 7 or 10 years of age. Amount of parental communication deviance in one situation was not significantly related to amount of communication deviance observed in another setting. However, mothers who exhibited high levels of communication deviance in both the Individual and Family Consensus situations tended to have offspring who were judged as low functioning in multiple settings, based on teacher ratings, peer ratings, and parental report. Conversely, children judged as high functioning in multiple settings had mothers who were free of high levels of communication deviance in both Rorschach situations.  相似文献   


Stimulus—response (S-R) compatibility was a tem fmt used by Wtts and Seeger (1953) to describe effcts observed on reaction time (RT) when the stimulus—response relationship was varied, as in the following instructions: “move to tbe right when the stimulus appears on the right” (compatible) or “move to the left when the stimulus appears on the right” (incompatible). This term was later employed in a broader sense (Simon & Rudell, 1967) with paradigms involving elaborate stimuli, such as the verbal command ‘RIGHT’ delivered to the right tar (compatible) or to the left ear (incompatible). In such paradigms. subjects respond faster when the response is delivered on the same side as the stimulus (the so-called “Simon effect”). It has been shown, however, that this effect could be reversed under some circumstanas in the visual domain. In this paper, we report data showing that it can also be reversed in the auditory domain when using the above-mentioned verbal commands. This brings further evidence that stimulus-response compatibility and the Simon effect difier in essence, with the latter effect reflecting the influence of stimulus congruence, the correspondence relationship borne by the two simultaneous characteristics of the stimulus. Stimulus congruence and stimulus-response compatibility had indeed independent influences on RT, which in a serially connected information-processing modcl would imply that they act upon independent stages.  相似文献   

This study examined the association of a performance-based measure of everyday functioning with clinically meaningful outcomes. Elderly participants in a prospective study of dementia were assessed at two occasions on the Everyday Problems Test for Cognitively Challenged Elderly (EPCCE), a performance-based measure of everyday functioning. Older adults who remained cognitively intact performed approximately 0.66 SD units higher on the EPCCE at both occasions than elders rated as impaired, when covarying on age, education, gender, and cognitive status. Relative to the nonimpaired participants, decline in EPCCE performance over a 2-year interval was significantly greater for impaired participants and those participants who transitioned from nonimpaired to impaired over the course of the study. Increased risk of mortality was associated with lower baseline scores and decline in EPCCE performance even after controlling for demographic variables and performance on the Mini-Mental State Examination. Given the clinical importance of identifying “at risk” elders for impairment, the findings from this study provide initial evidence for the predictive utility of performance-based measures of everyday functioning.  相似文献   

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