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This study examined relations between feminist identity development, gender-role orientation, and psychological well-being in 244 women of varying ages and backgrounds. As hypothesized, both feminist identity development and gender-role orientation contributed independently to the explanation of variance in psychological well-being. Instrumentality, expressiveness, and a more developed feminist identity were all related positively to psychological well-being. In addition, instrumentality and a more developed feminist identity were correlated positively. Implications of these findings as well as limitations and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that women pay themselves significantly less than men pay themselves for the same amount of work (Callahan-Levy & Messé, 1979; Major, McFarlin, & Gagnon, 1984). In an experimental study involving 132 participants (68 men and 64 women), this "depressed-entitlement effect" was replicated in a current sample of university students. Independent judges unaware of participant gender perceived no differences in quality between products of men and women, indicating that the two groups' efforts did not differ in objective terms. Results are interpreted in terms of a general system-justification framework (lost & Banaji, 1994), according to which members of disadvantaged groups internalize ideological justifications for their own disadvantage.  相似文献   

This investigation examined relationship stability among 60 women court-mandated to violence interventions by applying a general model (i.e., Rusbult's 1980 Investment Model) to predict intentions to leave current relationships. As in past research, results showed that Investment Model predictions were supported such that court-mandated women who reported lesser relationship satisfaction, greater alternatives, and fewer investments in current relationships endorsed lower levels of commitment and greater intentions to leave those relationships. Secondary analyses showed that court-mandated women's violence perpetration and experiences of being victimized were minimally related to model factors or women's intentions to leave. Taken together, results of this study provide additional evidence that general models should be used to predict relationship termination decisions among women involved in violent relationships, and violence experiences alone do not affect that decision.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the validity and provide normative data for the Silencing the Self Scale, a newly devised instrument for measuring cognitive schemas hypothesized to be related to depression in women. The study also tested the hypothesis that race would moderate the relationship between silencing the self and depression. The sample consisted of 80 women: 40 African Americans and 40 Caucasians. Controlling for income and socially desirable response bias, a significant relationship between silencing the self and depression was found only for Caucasian women. It was suggested that differing values and socialization practices may be responsible for the findings.  相似文献   

This study examines the relative contributions of job- and gender-related variables to the mental health of Hispanic women professionals. Hispanic women professionals, managers and business owners ( n = 303) were surveyed using the mailing list of a Hispanic professional women's organization. Results of multiple regression analyses indicate that income and Hispanic group were consistently related to mental health measures. Spouse support and ethnicity of spouse were associated with measures of stress in balancing roles and psychological distress symptoms. Marital status was related to personal life satisfaction (married women reported more satisfaction), and having young children was negatively associated with personal and professional satisfaction. Experience of discrimination, job stress and peer support were also significantly related to mental health measures. Although preliminary, this study underscores the importance of both job- and gender-related factors in research on the effects of employment on Hispanic women's mental health.  相似文献   

Crying among adult professional women is a phenomenon experienced far more often than it is studied or publicly discussed. Guided by Sherifs (1982) theoretical work on gender identity, socialization, reference groups, and power, the authors explore several factors central to the topic. Among them are: the origins of conflict between women's experience of emotional expression and "public" tears; gender-related differences in crying and responses to crying; the role of reference groups in conflicting attitudes toward crying; and power in the workplace as influencing the meaning of crying. The role of images and imagery during times of conflicted and heightened emotion is discussed. It is suggested that most imagery related to crying in adults derives from perceptions of crying in infancy and that most responses to adults who cry are linked to an understanding of appropriate responses to a crying infant or child. Lewin's construct of behavior as a person-environment transaction is employed as a means of exploring the images experienced by the crier and the observer when female crying occurs in a professional situation. New images to guide more productive approaches to emotional expression in the workplace are suggested.  相似文献   

Rapid technological innovation has made updating the knowledge and skills of technical professionals, such as engineers, a key concern for many organizations. The facilitation of performance and updating activities to prevent obsolescence is thought to require the development of a congruent organizational climate. To date, this issue has received some theoretical but little research attention. This study assessed the efficacy of the concept of updating climate. It was hypothesized that the technical updating climate construct would (1) be able to distinguish among organizations under different pressures for technological innovation, (2) evidence interobserver consensus within organizations, and (3) be associated with relevant organizational context features and affective, performance, and updating responses. Data gathered from 447 engineers and their 218 supervisors drawn from 10 diverse organizations provided support for the hypotheses. It was concluded that the concept of updating climate provides a useful framework for understanding factors that facilitate technical competence and performance.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the research on error and accuracy within the realms of constructivism, reading, and writing, and describes an exploratory study of teacher perceptions of approaches to addressing error and accuracy in literacy instruction. Findings demonstrate that teachers who self-reported that they were developing constructivist approaches to classroom instructional practices had contradictory beliefs about dealing with reading and writing errors. There were also contradictory beliefs about addressing reading and writing errors with more- and less-able readers and writers. The teachers were solid in their conviction that students' inaccurate constructions of knowledge should be corrected through inquiry, but were unable to provide examples of instances in which they had done so.  相似文献   

Abstract —Does mathematics anxiety deflect able students from pursuing scientific careers? We obtained the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores of 1,366 students entering Barnard College and also questioned them about their career interests and their feelings about mathematics learning At every level of mathematical skill, math anxiety correlated negatively with interest in scientific careers Contrariwise, quantitative SAT score was unrelated lo career interests, within relatively homogeneous categories of math anxiety or confidence Students were also asked directly whether the desire to avoid math affected their career choices The responses suggested a mediating role for math anxiety or confidence in career choice.  相似文献   

Social influence strategies of 40 Japanese and 41 American college women were compared. With the use of a free-response format, respondents were asked to describe how they get their way with their mother, father, male teacher/boss, female teacher/boss, male friends, and female friends. Contrary to expectations, content analysis indicated that Japanese women reported using strong and neutral strategies more frequently and weak strategies less freguently than American women. American women used manipulation (especially sexual manipulation) more frequently and reasoning less frequently than Japanese women. Analyses by target of influence indicated that these differences were not found when the target was a female friend but were demonstrated across most of the other targets.  相似文献   

This study explored relationships among feminist identity, gender traits, and symptoms of disturbed eating. Seventy-one college women completed the following: weight-related questions, Feminist Identity Development Scale, Personal Attributes Questionnaire, Figure Rating Scale, and Eating Disorders Inventory. Identification with feminist values negatively correlated with body dissatisfaction, bulimic symptoms, and feelings of ineffectiveness. Identification with stereotypical masculine traits was inversely related to perfectionist tendencies and feelings of ineffectiveness, but was unrelated to body concerns. These results suggest factors promoting body dissatisfaction and disturbed eating may have less impact on college women identifying with feminist values, such as commitment to nonsexist roles and personal empowerment.  相似文献   

Data on the characteristics of individuals diagnosed with AIDS show that Hispanic women, men, and children are overrepresented. In order to effectively reduce the risk of HIV infection in Hispanic communities, prevention programs must take into account characteristics of Hispanic populations that differentiate them from the general population and that reflect the social and economic contexts that shape the realities of Hispanic women's lives.
This article presents an analysis of the AIDS epidemic, taking into consideration the major factors that will need to be addressed in designing programs to prevent HIV infection in Hispanic communities. First, characteristics of the AIDS epidemic among Hispanics are discussed. Second, demographic and psychological characteristics of Hispanic women and their relevance to AIDS prevention efforts are presented. Third, recommendations for research and prevention programs are made. While the specific topic of concern here is AIDS risk reduction, the approach illustrates the types of questions and factors that need to be considered in developing prevention approaches for any health problem in any ethnic and racial minority communities.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated links between sexual abuse and disordered eating among women in college student and mental health samples. Little is known about such relationships among women from other samples or the relationship between other forms of childhood abuse as well as disordered eating (vomiting, starvation, laxative abuse). Prevalence of disordered eating was significantly higher among women who indicated a perceived childhood history of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or who had personally witnessed violence.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the performance of individuals in real brainstorming groups in an attempt to determine the relationship between individual ideational output, perceptions of status within the group, and communication apprehension. Results of a multiple discriminant analysis suggest that persons who are high producers of ideas perceive fewer status differences among group members, perceive themselves as high status group members and are less apprehensive as communicators than those persons low in productivity. The linear combination of discriminating variables was able to successfully classify over 75% of the subjects into their actual output group.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a structural equation model of objectification theory among European American (EA;  n  = 408) and African American women (AA;  n  = 233). Modeling results indicated a particularly strong association between thin-ideal internalization/body monitoring and eating disorder symptoms, with weaker relationships among body dissatisfaction, depression, anxiety, and eating disorder symptoms. The measurement model was not equivalent for EAs and AAs; however, the structural model was invariant, suggesting that the relationships among these variables may be similar for both groups. Thus, objectification theory does appear to be applicable to AA women, although specification of relevant constructs and refinement of assessment instruments is warranted.  相似文献   

We examined predictors and outcomes of women's hostility toward other women. Based on a projection model, we hypothesized and tested the theory via structural equation modeling that women's sense of personal inadequacy, the tendency to stereotype, and general anger would predict hostility toward women, and hostility toward women would predict blaming victims of violence and poor relationships with a female friend. Participants were 464 college women with an average age of 28.08. All measures were pencil and paper. Women's hostility toward women served as an intervening variable between a personal sense of inadequacy, tendency to stereotype, blaming women victims of violence, and intimacy with one's best female friend.  相似文献   

American societal norms frequently link alcohol, dating, and sexuality. This cross-sectional study examined the role of alcohol and dating risk factors for sexual assault among a representative sample of female students at a large urban university. Over half of the 1,160 women had experienced some form of sexual assault. Ninety-five percent of these assaults were committed by someone the woman knew and almost half of these assaults involved alcohol consumption by either the man, the woman, or both. Discriminant function analyses indicated that dating, sexual, and misperception experiences and alcohol consumption during these experiences predicted assault group status. Furthermore, alcohol consumption during consensual sex and sexual misperceptions were positively related to alcohol consumption during the sexual assault. The predictors of assault group status were similar for African American and Caucasian women. Theoretical implications are discussed and suggestions are made for combining alcohol and sexual assault prevention programming.  相似文献   

In the context of the sociocultural model of eating disorders, this study investigated the hypothesis that Westernization would be positively associated with eating pathology among non-Western women. International participants from Japan ( n = 26), Peoples Republic of China ( n = 25), Taiwan ( n = 30), and Hong Kong ( n = 25) who were studying in the United States completed the Eating Attitudes Test, Symptoms Checklist, Sociocultural Attitudes Toward Appearance Questionnaire, the American–International Relations Survey, and a demographic questionnaire. Awareness and internalization of Western appearance norms were positively associated with eating disordered symptoms, but acculturation was not. Results lend further support for the sociocultural model. It is suggested that measures of eating pathology and acculturation be closely examined with respect to their cross-cultural relevance, particularly when conducting research involving international populations.  相似文献   

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