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我国科学家谈高科技与社会发展·本刊编辑·〔编辑按语〕《走向新世纪——科学家谈21世纪高科技》一书,是中国社会科学院科学技术和社会(STS)研究中心与陕西教育出版社的一个合作项目。现在该书即将出版。该书作者都是我国著名科学家。就其内容来说,该书不仅对一...  相似文献   

库克拉和范·弗拉森分别提出构造经验等价理论的整体和局部算法以表明对比不充分决定论的普遍性。但凯尔·斯坦福认为对比不充分决定论的算法并不能够产生出令科学家信服的、得到科学史支持的科学理论。科学家真正面临的是潜在可选理论问题,即证据无法充分决定我们对现有理论的选择是因为想象力的局限使得科学家没有构想出潜在的与现有理论同等得到观察证据确证的、在未来被科学共同体接受的理论,这样的理论其实同样可供科学家选择。斯坦福通过对科学史的新归纳论证了该问题的普遍性。本文认为,尽管他们没有想象到完整的后继理论,但科学家能够构想到存在于前后相继理论中的贯通解子。  相似文献   

还是在1953年,著名科学家爱因斯坦在一封给其友人J·E·斯威策的信中这样写道:“西方科学的发展是以两个伟大的成就为基础,那就是:希腊哲学家发明形式逻辑体系(在欧几里得几何学中),以及发现通过系统的实验可能找出因果关系(在文艺复兴  相似文献   

化学家与生命物质─记诺贝尔获奖者晶体化学家多萝西·霍奇金山东医科大学(250012)刘洛生,张虞毅1992年5月,美国为被授于诺贝尔奖的唯一健在女性─多萝西·霍奇金(DorothyHodgKin)庆祝82岁生日。正是这位科学家,把结晶化学与生物医学物...  相似文献   

著名科学家斯蒂芬·格伦小时候从冰箱里取出一大瓶牛奶,刚走了几步,就失手将瓶子掉到地上摔碎了。他母亲走过来,并没有责怪他,而是陪同他一道"收拾残局"。  相似文献   

慕道 《天风》2011,(2):I0001-I0001
以撒·牛顿(Sir Isaac Newton 1642—1727),18岁时进入剑桥大学三一学院,26岁时被剑桥大学三一学院任命为数学教授,成为剑桥大学有史以来最年轻的教授。1672年被邀加入著名的皇家学会(这是由一群资深科学家在1660年组成的团体)。  相似文献   

科学究竟是什么呢?关于科学的定义,历来就有各种说法。苏联科学院院士、诺贝尔物理学奖金获得者卡波查说:“科学就是人对自然规律的认识”。英国现代物理学家、诺贝尔奖金获得者P·M·S·布莱克特甚至从某一个极端的、心理学的角度给科学下了一个奇特的定义,说:“所谓科学,就是国家出钱,来满足科学家的好奇心,”等等。我似乎觉得,若从哲学角度来看,科学不是别的,它实在是违反常识的一种思  相似文献   

纪念达尔文逝世一百周年活动记实   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今年是英国杰出的生物学家查理·达尔文(C·Dawin 1882—1982)逝世一百周年。四月十九日至四月二十三日中国科学院和中国科学技术协会在北京举行隆重纪念活动。人们纪念这位伟大的科学家,是因为他的不朽思想为人类文明创造了财富。1859年,达尔文发表划时代著作《物种起源》奠定了以自然选择为中心内容的生物进化论。进化论的创立,“第一次把生物学放在完全科学的基础上”(《列宁选集》第1卷第10页),它不仅在  相似文献   

正在十九世纪的科学家当中,法国科学家路易斯·巴斯德当仁不让是最有成就的一位。就像牛顿开辟经典力学一样,他开辟了微生物领域。他一生研究疫苗,发明疫苗,在战胜狂犬病、鸡霍乱、炭疽病、蚕病等方面都取得了成果,是世人公认的"疫苗之王",更可贵的是,他从不把发明占为己有,更不屑借此谋利。巴斯德从小就聪明、爱动脑子、爱提问题。他醉心于做各种化学实验,没日没夜地泡在实验室,把实验室当成了自己  相似文献   

1893年的一天,法国科学家比埃尔·居里费尽周折,找到了位于巴黎大学附近一幢破旧的居民楼,他沿着昏暗的楼梯,爬到了6层的一个门前。他抬头打量了一下,这间房子实在太简陋了,严格地说,那只是一间楼房屋顶下面的阁楼。  相似文献   

双螺旋的发现和遗传密码的破译是20世纪激动人心的大事。在生物学的这个发展过程中,洛克菲勒基金会对应用物理学方法研究分子生物学问题的资助以及大批物理学家向生物学的转移对分子生物学的发展起到了重要的推动作用。选择战略性的课题,善于学习和鉴别已有的研究成果,站在巨人的肩上,是沃森和克里克成功的关键。双螺旋的发现不仅揭示了遗传的奥秘,而且促进了生物学的统一。  相似文献   

50年前,DNA双螺旋结构的建立标志着生命科学一个崭新时代的到来。DNA双螺旋结构模型的建立不仅使生命科学及其相关领域发生了巨大变化,而且也深刻地影响到人类的社会生活与思想观念,甚至影响到社会文明的前景。今天,我们又站在一个历史的转折点上,中国科学家应当主动迎接生物技术世纪和知识经济时代的挑战,不仅在分子生物学的研究前沿作出自己的贡献,而且也应创造出更多的科学成果造福于人民。  相似文献   

双时间参数理论由贝尔纳普于2001年提出,该理论使用不同的语义解释参数构建以言行事行为的语境,以确定以言行事行为是否成功或者是否被满足。但是贝尔纳普在构建语境时却忽略了地点这一重要的语境参数,而这也导致了双时间参数理论对以言行事行为的成功以及满足条件的不完善刻画。本文中,作者就将提出一个对双时间参数理论的改进方案。文章中,第一节将在简要介绍双时间参数理论以及其中问题的基础上,给出修正方案的大体思路,即将双时间参数理论的基础由分支时间逻辑变为分支时空逻辑,文章第二节将介绍分支时空逻辑中的主要内容,而第三节则说明如何在分支时空逻辑上使用P_(STIT)算子刻画群体行动的问题。第四节将具体介绍作者所给出的对双时间参数理论的修正方案。文章最后一节则是待解决的问题以及进一步的工作。  相似文献   

This conceptual paper reviews the need for a family-focused service delivery model within the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) field and suggests that the Double ABCX Model of Stress and Adaptation is a way to address this need. Within the ASD field, there is an absence of service delivery models that are able to address the needs of the family as a unit, rather than the individual child with ASD. This gap is striking given the reciprocal relationship between parent and child outcomes within the ASD field. To support our argument that the Double ABCX model could be used to integrate parent and child-focused interventions within the ASD field, this paper starts by reviewing the mental health outcomes often associated with having a child with ASD. We next provide a historical overview of the Double ABCX model and review a body of ASD intervention literature within the context of the Double ABCX model framework. Doing so shows that a number of child and parent focused interventions within the ASD field can be fit within the Double ABCX framework. However, a handful of methodological and sampling limitations prevent the Double ABCX model from being fully supported as a model that could be applied in a variety of settings. Taken together, this review highlights that the Double ABCX model is a promising strategy to integrate child and parent-focused interventions within the ASD field, but highlights that specific areas of future research are needed in order to build continued support for this argument.  相似文献   

Studies suggest that citizens have higher trust in some groups of scientists than in others. However, we still know little about the causes of these trust gaps. The current study fills this knowledge gap by examining Norwegian citizens' trust in climate scientists, economists, and so-called “less politicized natural scientists.” I argue that trust in climate scientists and economists is lower than trust in less politicized natural scientists because the former fields are politicized, while the latter are not. Politicization strengthens ideological conflicts between citizens' ideology and research produced by climate scientists and economists, which leads to lower trust in these groups of scientists. I test this argument by running regression analyses on data from a representative survey of the Norwegian population. The results support the argument: Citizens have significantly higher trust in less politicized natural scientists than in both climate scientists and economists, and these differences can be explained by ideological biases in trust. Citizens with a proeconomic growth ideology have significantly lower trust in climate scientists than in less politicized natural scientists, and citizens with a left-wing economic ideology have significantly lower trust in economists than in less politicized natural scientists.  相似文献   

Using new survey data ( N = 1,646), we examine the attitudes academic scientists at 21 elite U.S. research universities have about the perceived conflict between religion and science. In contrast to public opinion and scholarly discourse, most scientists do not perceive a conflict between science and religion. Different from what other studies would indicate, this belief does not vary between social and natural scientists. We argue that maintaining plausibility frameworks for religion is an important correlate of whether scientists will reject the conflict paradigm, with such frameworks taking surprising forms. When scientists do not attend religious services they are more likely to accept the conflict paradigm. When scientists think their peers have a positive view of religion, they are less likely to agree there is a conflict between science and religion. Religious upbringing is associated with scientists adopting the conflict paradigm. Spirituality is much more important in this population than other research would lead us to believe. Results reformulate widely cited earlier research, offer new insights about how scientists view the connection between religion and science, and expand public discussion about religious challenges to science.  相似文献   


In this article the validity of transferring the Principle of Double Effect from the just war tradition to the domain of business is critically reviewed. If a case can be build for sufficient analogies between war and business, the principle of double effect can legitimately be transferred from war to business. If, on the other hand it can be shown that there are aspects in which business differ substantially from just war, then the transfer to business of a principle developed within the context of war becomes more problematic. After exploring the nature of arguments of analogy and fallacious arguments of weak analogy some important disanalogies between war and business are highlighted. Given these disanalogies it is then contended that the just war background of the Principle of Double Effect had some bearing on both the content and manner of application of the Principle of Double Effect. Finally it is argued that these disanalogies require some revisions to the Principle of Double Effect with regard to both its content and its manner of application before it can be applied meaningfully to foreseeable negative side-effects of business.  相似文献   

In this paper, I will discuss the responsibilities that scientists have for ensuring their work is interpreted correctly. I will argue that there are three good reasons for scientists to work to ensure the appropriate communication of their findings. First, I will argue that scientists have a general obligation to ensure scientific research is communicated properly based on the vulnerability of others to the misrepresentation of their work. Second, I will argue that scientists have a special obligation to do so because of the power we as a society invest in them as specialists and professionals. Finally, I will argue that scientists ought to ensure their work is interpreted correctly based on prudential, self-interested considerations. I will conclude by offering suggestions regarding policy considerations.  相似文献   


The Troubled Helix: Social and Psychological Implications of the New Human Genetics, edited by Teresa Marteau and Martin Richards, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996, 359 pages, hardback £37.50.  相似文献   

Due to conservative Protestant elites challenging scientists in the public sphere, and prominent scientists attacking religion, scholars have claimed that there is an increasing conflict between conservative Protestants and science. However, these claims have never been empirically investigated and these general claims do not specify what conflict is actually about. In this article I use the General Social Survey from 1984 to 2010 to examine whether conservative Protestants are increasingly opposed to the social and moral influence of scientists. I find evidence for increasing opposition by biblical literalist conservative Protestants to the involvement of scientists in social debates about moral issues.  相似文献   

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