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The authors conducted a randomized controlled trial study with 56 elementary school children to test the effectiveness of 16 sessions of individual and group child‐centered play therapy (CCPT) in improving social‐emotional assets, including self‐regulation/responsibility, social competence, and empathy. Parent reports indicated that treatment in both CCPT conditions was correlated with substantial gains in overall social‐emotional assets and in the constructs of self‐regulation/responsibility and social competence.  相似文献   

The authors explored the overall effectiveness of child‐centered play therapy (CCPT) approaches through a meta‐analytic review of 52 controlled outcome studies between 1995 and 2010. Hierarchical linear modeling techniques estimated a statistically significant moderate treatment effect size (.47) for CCPT, as well as statistically significant relationships between effect size and study characteristics, including child's age, child's ethnicity, caregiver involvement, treatment integrity, publication status, and presenting issue.  相似文献   

This randomized controlled study examined the effectiveness of Adlerian play therapy (AdPT) with 58 elementary school students (48% Latino, 33% European American, 19% African American) exhibiting disruptive classroom behaviors. Teachers and raters blinded to treatment group assignment reported that children in the experimental group demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in behavior problems and that AdPT demonstrated moderate to large treatment effects. Teachers also reported a statistically significant reduction in stress in their relationships with students receiving AdPT.  相似文献   

A group of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was compared to children with other behavior and emotional problems. All the participants participated together in 20 weekly sessions for 1 academic year. The participants were assessed with three questionnaires on three different occasions: before the beginning of the group, at the completion of the group, and 1 year after the completion of the group. The results showed that the children indicated improvement in two behavior domains while their parents indicated improvement in the children's behavior in five domains. The most striking improvement was reduction of anxiety.  相似文献   

To investigate the effectiveness of intensive child-centered play therapy (CCPT) for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the authors randomly assigned 23 children with diagnosed ASD and symptoms of ASD on the Social Responsiveness Scale–2nd Edition (Constantino, 2012), to an intensive CCPT condition (n = 12) or a no-intervention control group (n = 11). Children who participated in 24 sessions of CCPT showed a statistically significant decrease in ASD core symptoms and behavioral symptoms, such as externalizing problems, attention problems, and aggression, compared with children in the control group. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Pathological gambling is a widespread problem with major implications for society and the individual. There are effective treatments, but little is known about the relative effectiveness of different treatments. The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral group therapy, and a no-treatment control (wait-list) in the treatment of pathological gambling. This was done in a randomized controlled trial at an outpatient dependency clinic at Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden). A total of 150 primarily self-recruited patients with current gambling problems or pathological gambling according to an NORC DSM-IV screen for gambling problems were randomized to four individual sessions of motivational interviewing (MI), eight sessions of cognitive behavioral group therapy (CBGT), or a no-treatment wait-list control. Gambling-related measures derived from timeline follow-back as well as general levels of anxiety and depression were administered at baseline, termination, and 6 and 12 months posttermination. Treatment showed superiority in some areas over the no-treatment control in the short term, including the primary outcome measure. No differences were found between MI and CBGT at any point in time. Instead, both MI and CBGT produced significant within-group decreases on most outcome measures up to the 12-month follow-up. Both forms of intervention are promising treatments, but there is room for improvement in terms of both outcome and compliance.  相似文献   

Enrico Gnaulati 《Group》1999,23(2):87-101
This article proposes a semi-structured activities group model for addressing the fragile self-esteem and social discord often shown by hyperactive children. Included is a discussion of the amount of structure and types of activities necessary to foster effective group work with this client population. The author asserts that hyperactivity oftentimes is better conceptualized in terms of unmet exhibitionistic needs, the sensitive handling of which can impact the acquisition of healthy self-esteem. Another key focus is the role of shame in manifestations of aggression and externalization of blame that diminish the social competence of hyperactive children. Clinical vignettes are used to illustrate key points.  相似文献   

This study considers the combined effect of therapist behaviors and couples interaction dynamics on therapeutic alliance because it seems to be a significant predictor of successful therapy outcomes. We measured therapeutic alliance using the Working Alliance Inventory, Observer Version (WAI-O), which includes three subscales: goals, tasks, and bond. We investigated the combined effect of therapist behaviors and couples interactions on therapeutic alliance. There were three significant findings: (1) the models better predicted therapeutic alliance for men clients than women clients; (2) combined consideration of partner behaviors and therapist behaviors provided the stronger prediction of therapeutic alliance; and (3) different variables predicted alliance for women clients versus men clients.  相似文献   

对401名大学生施测《学习倦怠量表》,挑选60名学习倦怠高分者,将其中实验组30名等分为5个团体,分别参加8次、每次2小时的团体箱庭干预,运用等组前后测实验设计,以探讨团体箱庭干预大学生学习倦怠的有效性。结果表明,与控制组相比较,团体箱庭干预组《学习倦怠量表》得分显著降低,其学习倦怠的情绪低落、成就感低两方面得到有效改善,但去个性化行为的改变不明显。  相似文献   

In a climate of improving health-care quality and understanding, this study explored how participation in a gardening group, facilitated through a mental health service in Ireland, influenced well-being. A case study used semi-structured interviews and participant observation to explore explicit and tacit aspects of group participation. Thematic analysis clarified that gardening group participation had a positive influence on well-being for all gardeners and group facilitators. This was through promoting coping, facilitating change, and developing skills. The setting, site ethos and tasks were important in assisting people to make lifestyle changes and to develop skills in order to experience well-being.  相似文献   

团体催眠辅导在提高大学生自我接纳程度中的应用初探   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
张亚  徐光兴 《心理科学》2006,29(1):236-238,197
大学生的自我接纳与否关系到他们未来能否适应社会,参与社会竞争,是心理健康的核心因素。为提高大学生的自我接纳程度,本文将催眠治疗技术应用于团体辅导中,针对大学生自我接纳程度设计团体辅导课程,并对辅导效果进行定量研究。研究结果表明:(1)催眠团体辅导能够显著提升高感受性小组自我接纳程度和心理健康水平;(2)低感受性组虽然自我接纳程度变化不明显,但焦虑水平有所下降,心理健康程度有所改善。催眠技术应用于大学生团体辅导非常实用、可行、值得进一步探索。  相似文献   

以598名大学生为被试,采用问卷法考察群体相对剥夺与网络集群攻击行为的关系,检验以群体愤怒和群体效能为中介变量的双路径模型及群体认同在双路径模型中所发挥的调节作用。结果发现:(1)群体相对剥夺显著正向预测网络集群攻击行为;(2)群体愤怒和群体效能在群体相对剥夺与网络集群攻击行为之间有中介作用;(3)群体认同在群体相对剥夺通过群体愤怒和群体效能影响网络集群攻击行为的双路径模型中起调节作用。  相似文献   

团体箱庭疗法干预初中生考试焦虑的效果   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
以19名考试焦虑初中生为被试,运用等组前后测实验方法,考察团体箱庭疗法干预考试焦虑的效果,并与放松训练进行比较。结果表明:团体箱庭疗法与放松训练一样能够有效地干预初中生的考试焦虑情绪,团体箱庭疗法干预效果的保持性优于放松训练。  相似文献   

Insomnia is a common feature among individuals with anxiety disorders. Studies of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety report moderate effects on concomitant insomnia symptoms, but further research is still needed especially toward understanding how CBT for anxiety renders beneficial effects on insomnia. The current study examined changes in insomnia symptoms reported by 51 Veterans who participated in a group-based transdiagnostic CBT for anxiety intervention. In addition, insomnia symptoms were examined in relation to symptoms of general distress (GD), anhedonic depression (AD), and anxious arousal (AA) pre- to post-treatment. Results revealed a small, though statistically significant (p < .05) beneficial effect on insomnia symptoms. When changes in GD, AD, and AA were simultaneously examined in relation to changes in insomnia, change in AA was the only significant predictor of insomnia symptoms. The current study highlights the role of AA in the relationship between anxiety disorders and insomnia and demonstrates that reductions in insomnia during transdiagnostic CBT for anxiety can be largely attributed to changes in AA.  相似文献   

Les R. Greene 《Group》2000,24(2-3):157-165
For the past two decades, the group psychotherapy research literature has been dominated by the efficacy study. Over this period of time, this laboratory-based work has acquired a number of methodological requisites all aimed at maximizing its internal validity in order that causal inferences can be made with increasing confidence. These very refinements in methodology, however, have led to increasing criticisms regarding the meaningfulness and relevance of the findings to real-world settings. This paper briefly reviews these developments and offers predictions, gleaned from the current literature, about future directions of research. In particular, three areas are highlighted: (1) the development of effectiveness studies, (2) the greater sophistication of process research, and (3) a renewal of the very early interest in group therapy treatment of medical conditions.  相似文献   

研究旨在探讨父亲和母亲的抚养压力在母亲抑郁与学龄前儿童内、外部问题行为间的作用。以北京市某区75所幼儿园的2222名3~5岁在园幼儿及其父母为被试,采用《流调中心抑郁量表》、《抚养压力量表》、《学龄前儿童问题行为问卷》分别对母亲抑郁、父母抚养压力及儿童问题行为进行测查,结果发现:(1)母亲抑郁可以正向预测儿童的内、外部问题行为;(2)母亲抑郁对儿童内部问题行为的作用被"母亲抚养压力"、"母亲抚养压力-父亲抚养压力"两条路径部分中介;(3)母亲抑郁对儿童外部问题行为的作用被"母亲抚养压力"、"母亲抚养压力-父亲抚养压力"两条路径完全中介。综上,研究揭示了母亲抚养压力、父亲抚养压力在母亲抑郁和学龄前儿童内、外部问题行为间的链式中介作用。  相似文献   

The Indianapolis Vocational Intervention Program (IVIP) is a cognitive behaviorally based program of group and individual interventions that seeks to help persons with schizophrenia improve vocational function and sustain hope. In this study we compared baseline and follow-up assessments of coping and metacognition among 50 participants with schizophrenia spectrum disorders offered a six-month job placement and randomized to receive IVIP (n = 25) or standard services (n = 25). ANCOVA controlling for baseline suggest that the IVIP group gained greater ability to think about their own thinking and to cope by seeing what were previously perceived as negative stressors in more positive light. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

本研究以226名学前儿童和其父母为研究对象,从儿童气质-家庭环境交互作用的视角,采用父母报告的方法收集数据,考察了父母心理控制及儿童消极情绪性对儿童问题行为的共同作用。结果发现:在预测外化问题时,父亲和母亲心理控制的主效应均显著,同时父亲心理控制与儿童消极情绪性的交互作用也显著。显著性区域分析发现,高消极情绪性的学前儿童更易受高父亲心理控制的不利影响,也更易受低父亲心理控制的有利影响,该结果支持差别易感性模型;在预测内化问题时,父亲和母亲心理控制的主效应及其与儿童消极情绪性的交互作用均不显著,说明无论是对高消极情绪性还是低消极情绪性儿童,父母心理控制对其内化问题的影响相对较弱。  相似文献   

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