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A questionnaire survey explored the kinds of helping behaviors given and received by Chinese college students and the kinds of explanations offered for these behaviors. Helping behaviors reported by the Chinese students paralleled those of U.S. college students in McGuire (1994); the behaviors were sorted, according to her typology, into casual, substantial personal, emotional, and emergency helping. Four categories of perceived intentions behind helping behaviors were identified: altruistic, normative, relationship, and exchange.  相似文献   

Family disruption is related to academic and behavior problems in school. This article describes individual and group child-focused interventions, as well as indirect interventions with parents, teachers and the school organization, designed to help students cope effectively with divorce-related school services is expected to most effectively address the scope and complexity of children's response.  相似文献   

In this article, I describe the language of becoming, which is a way of speaking to children that enables them to see themselves as continually evolving and changing. By noticing and reflecting back the specific ways the child is becoming, the parent gives a meta-message that one's personality is not set in stone but, rather, evolves and changes over time. In order for parents to use the language of becoming, the child must actually act differently. I will describe a three-pronged approach to helping children try new behaviors. The language of becoming helps parents and children see the child's personality, not just his or her behavior, as fluid rather then static. This helps parents and children break the vicious circles and self-fulfilling prophesies of rigid definitions of self. An understanding of stages of cognitive development in the construction of beliefs about the self and the implications of these stages for using the language of becoming is also discussed.  相似文献   

Chi (2005) proposed that students experience difficulty in learning about physics concepts such as light, heat, or electric current because they attribute to these concepts an inappropriate ontological status of material substances rather than the more veridical status of emergent processes. Conceptual change could thus be facilitated by training students in the appropriate ontology prior to physics instruction. We tested this prediction by developing a computer-based module whereby participants learned about emergent processes. Control participants completed a computer-based task that was uninformative with respect to ontology. Both groups then studied a physics text concerned with electricity, including explanations and a posttest. Verbal explanations and qualitative problem solutions revealed that experimental students gained a deeper understanding of electric current.  相似文献   

Because conflicts between personal and professional values can interfere with ethical decision making, a goal of counselor education must be helping students reconcile such conflicts. This article describes one counselor educator's experience teaching ethical decision making and the effects on student learning. Growth was observed in increased tolerance for ambiguity, awareness of how values influenced decision making, use of multiple factors in decision making, and emphasis on the welfare of clients. Implications for teaching and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes a brochure that has been used by various college personnel in their attempts to help students in coping with transition and loss. The brochure's content is presented, and its development, use, merits, and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

I analyzed 298 open-ended responses of undergraduate students who have been reported for cheating to the question, “What, if anything, would have stopped you from committing your act of academic dishonesty?” These responses included a few major themes: students pled ignorance of what constitutes academic dishonesty and the consequences/seriousness associated with violations; students tended to deflect blame, usually by saying that their professor could have done something differently (neutralization); students did not feel they had enough time, resources, and/or skills to get the desired result without taking responsibility for this lack of time, resources, and/or skills (strain); students felt they did not manage their time well with accepting the blame for the poor time management; and that a bad grade was not an option. These data and results are discussed in relation to the extant literature on the topic.  相似文献   

UMaps organize campus opportunities into meaningful subenvironments, making options more attractive and accessible to students in order to increase their participation.  相似文献   

This study explored whether a month-long instructional intervention in affective evaluation can help struggling high school readers to engage in literary interpretation in ways similar to expert readers’ practices. We compared pre- and post-intervention think-aloud protocols from five high school students as they read a literary short story with the protocols from five experienced English teachers for the same story. After the intervention, student readers attended more frequently to story details that expert readers also found salient to interpretation. Students also made interpretive moves similar to those made by experts, such as inferences about character goals, interpretation of potential symbols, and attention to patterns and juxtapositions in the text. Further, students’ focus on interpretively salient details influenced their thematic inferences. These findings suggest that the recruitment of everyday, affect-based practices can help novice readers develop more “expert-like” literary schemata and construct more meaningful interpretations of a literary text.  相似文献   

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