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An inservice training workshop for employment counselors on the skill of job development is reviewed. Evaluations proved there is a need for additional inservice training on job development skills, including follow-up, marketing, using outside resources, matching employer needs with client capabilities, speaking before groups, effective verbal communication with employers, and overcoming objections.  相似文献   

Most programs spend little or no time addressing the prohibition against sexual contact with clients, yet it is the most commonly violated of the ethical principles. This article provides a brief overview of models of ethics training and addresses specific strategies for preventing counselor-client sexual contact. These strategies include knowledge, activities that promote self-awareness, and provision of a climate that enhances the development of moral values and behavior. The responsibilities of training programs are addressed, including the provision of clear statements of the rights and responsibilities of trainees and of a due process and grievance procedure for review of impaired or problematic trainees.  相似文献   

Lamb and Rapin's (1976) ecological model for categorizing and evaluating student development services emphasizes the total environment of the student service as critical to the students' receptivity to and ultimate success in counseling. The adjunct role of the support staff in the creation and maintenance of a generally positive milieu is often assumed or ignored. To remedy this situation, a staff development program was implemented to (a) provide recognition of the support personnel's necessary involvement in and contribution to the division's mission, (b) develop human relations skills, and (c) facilitate increased understanding and communication between the professional staff and the support staff.  相似文献   

<正>今天,中国人民大学第二期中青年爱国宗教界代表人士研修班的学员在这里重新相聚,交流学习心得,研讨成长之道,非常有意义。会议安排我讲个话,我想围绕宗教教职人员的培养和教育这个话题,谈些想法,同大家一起讨论。为什么今天要来谈这个话题呢?不仅因为这个问题在宗教工作中、在宗教团体建设中都占有十分重要的地位,这是毋容置疑的,还因为近年来媒体对宗教界人士越来越关注,相关报道明显增多,既有正面的,也有负面的,  相似文献   

Special educators have been quick to embrace microcomputer instruction; both special education and microcomputer instruction share the promise of developing individualized instructional programs matched to student needs. From this viewpoint, microcomputers have the potential for operationally defining what is "special" about education. Despite this promise, however, there is a limited data base from which to make empirical decision on effective microcomputer use in the classroom and on teacher training needs. A model for assessing teacher training needs is discussed in which microcomputer skills are viewed within the context of other teacher-effectiveness variables. A two-tiered appeaoch to teacher training in microcomputer instruction is developed, based on the promise of microcomputer instruction and upon pragmatic classroom considerations.  相似文献   

The authors describe and evaluate a workshop developed to enhance the expertise of service providers who work with gay and lesbian adolescents.  相似文献   

A culture assimilator, a programmed learning technique for teaching about another culture, was combined with behavioral contact to test for the joint effectiveness of the two approaches to acculturative training. A total of 45 White male college students were randomly assigned to five training conditions in a modified Solomon four-group design. Results indicated significant differences between trained and untrained S s on knowledge of Black culture and better behavioral performance (as rated by Black confederates who were blind as to the training conditions) for S s receiving assimilator training followed by contact than the reverse condition. Apparently, the assimilator provides an opportunity to consolidate new attributions prior to their use in a real interaction. The reverse pattern (interaction before the formation of new attributions) is seen as anxiety producing and a test for the role of anxiety in intercultural training was generally positive. Possible implications of the results for cross-cultural training theory and methodology are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes the methodology and results of an evaluation of family therapy training workshops. Cognitive skills were measured by written answers about a case history and intervention skills by the rating of videotaped interviews. Improvement was found on both variables, but cognitive and intervention skill levels and development were not related. These results have implications for training and job selection procedures.  相似文献   

Manpower personnel training programs in higher education settings have suffered a variety of ills. This article describes a promising way to cure many of them—the Continuing Education Unit (CEU). Salient features of CEU are described, implementation guidelines are suggested, and further references are provided for those desiring more complete information about the CEU training program. The article makes a plea to those in higher education and in manpower agency settings to close the gap between available university training resources and the expressed training needs of manpower personnel.  相似文献   

The impact of training related to the Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue policy on training outcomes of military personnel was examined with data from the Department of Defense Inspector General's Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue Policy Survey of military personnel (N = 71,570). We hypothesized that training related to the Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue policy would impact participant's reactions, learning and cognitive outcomes, and behavioral and organizational outcomes. Results indicate that individuals who reported having received training on the homosexual conduct policy perceived the policy to be more effective at preventing/reducing harassment; were more likely to feel free to report harassment complaints; reported greater levels of understating and were more knowledgeable of the policy; reported higher levels of intolerance of harassment; and reported that more actions had been take at their installation/ship to reduce and prevent harassment than individuals who had not received any training. Although the pattern of results was statistically significant, the magnitude of these effects were small (η 2 = .001–.109). These findings highlight the continuing need to expand current efforts to reduce and curtail harassment based on perceived sexual orientation.  相似文献   

This article describes the academic content and evaluation of an inservice training model for Bureau of Employment Security interviewers and counselors. Preliminary data suggests that a workshop organized according to established features of systems analysis is personally and professionally helpful to most participants. Although the model appears to operate at a high level of productivity, new improvements are planned.  相似文献   

临床医学人才培养目标的探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过复阅文件资料、问卷调查,从历史回顾、现状研究等着手,对新世纪医学本科人才培养目标进行了探讨。提出临床医学专业本科人才的总体培养目标是:面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来,具有较高的医学人文素养、较宽的医学基础理论、较强的医学实践能力,具有创新创业精神,融医疗、预防、保健、康复为一体的应用型医学人才。本研究对于进一步整体优化课程结构和改革教学内容具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Research indicates that authoritarians tend to avoid intergroup contact. This study tested the hypothesis that living in a neighbourhood with a higher proportion of Asian peoples increases the likelihood of contact with them for the majority (New Zealand Europeans), and that this effect should increase intergroup contact for authoritarians. Multi‐level Random Coefficient Modelling of data from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study (N = 3903) indicated that New Zealand Europeans high in authoritarianism in neighbourhoods with a high proportion of Asian peoples have more contact with Asian friends, relative to authoritarians in less ethnically diverse areas. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Family therapists use concepts germane to other academic disciplines. We recount four notions--context, explanatory metaphors, language conventions, and persistently refining knowledge--that family therapists and paleontologists each utilize. Revisiting family therapy's foundational concepts through the lens of another discipline reminds us of our theoretical beginnings, highlights those professional adaptations that we have made over the years, and offers us an opportunity to reinvigorate and expand our central organizing principles.  相似文献   

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