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Student assignments and assessment – is there life beyond the ten‐page essay? Drawing on the theory of multiple intelligences and experience with an assignment in which students were asked to address course content in anything but an essay, the author considers the challenges and virtues of a creative format that does not rely exclusively on linguistic intelligence. The process, presentations, and evaluative approach employed in an assignment that called upon student creativity in a “Women and the Bible” course are described, and pedagogical and practical considerations explored. The analysis of a particularly memorable student submission reveals layers of complexity seldom achieved in a conventional essay format.  相似文献   

Evidence is needed in the field of psychological assessment of psychiatric patients to verify if test findings actually influence the clinical processes of diagnosis, treatment, case disposition, and outcome. Those who perform many assessments can conduct limited experiments to measure these effects. One such study is presented. It is a quasi-experiment in which the value of the psychologist's diagnostic recommendations to treating psychiatrists was measured. Diagnoses at admission, at subsequent psychological evaluation, and at discharge were compared among 70 patients referred to a clinical diplomate from the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) for assessment. The psychiatrists who had referred the patient agreed with the psychologist's diagnosis in 94% of the cases. Agreement was high even when the psychologist had disagreed with the admitting psychiatrists' diagnoses. Despite imperfections in research design, the study demonstrates that solo practitioners can evaluate the impact of assessment. Other possibilities for study are presented, as are reasons for the significant findings of this study.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Pentecostalism as a Christian religious movement has been given much attention by historians, sociologists and even biblical scholars yet little attention has been given to the development of a Pentecostal theology. This article emphasizes the necessity of doing Pentecostal theology by means of an integrative methodology and in a narrative manner that flows out of Pentecostal identity. Pentecostal theology must move beyond the impasse created by subsuming its identity under the rubric of 'Evangelical' in order for it to articulate a vibrant fully orbed mature Pentecostal theology. This can be accomplished only when 'Pentecostal' is taken seriously as an authentic Christian tradition with its own view of reality. I argue that one very important way of articulating a Pentecostal theology in keeping with its identity is to ground it pneumatologically and organize it around the Five-fold Gospel.  相似文献   

The question of the relation between freedom and determinism elicits contrasting intuitions. It is clear to incompatibilists that freedom requires the falsity of determinism. And it is clear to compatibilists that freedom is compatible with (certain) forms of determinism. Compatibilists and incompatibilists differ not only with respect to the content of their accounts, but also with respect to their “method”. Whereas, compatibilists could be represented as (typically) elucidating our ordinary notion of freedom, incompatibilists could be represented as (typically) offering a revision of that notion. I argue that if we get the methodological point right, we can be free and determined.  相似文献   

Job Insecurity and Well-Being: Moderation by Employability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study investigates the relationship between job insecurity and well-being (psychological distress and life satisfaction), and the potential role of employability in this relationship. With regard to job insecurity, we hypothesize that job insecurity may be related to poor well-being. Regarding employability, two avenues are taken. First, we argue that employability may be beneficial in much the same way that job security is. Second, we suggest that employability may mitigate likely unfavourable consequences of job insecurity for employees’ well-being. Hypotheses are tested with a sample of 639 Belgian employees from six organizations. The results suggest that job insecurity is related to poor well-being, while no such association is found for employability. Furthermore, employability moderates the relationship between job insecurity and life satisfaction, as expected. Specifically, the model accounts for 8% of the explained variance. However, this pattern of results is not replicated for psychological distress.  相似文献   

就业能力的内涵和关注焦点随着时代的发展而不断演变,研究者日益聚焦于个体特征及其与情境因素的互动对就业能力的内在结构进行探索,并尝试更多地开发和采用多维、多源测量工具。在西方,以就业能力为前因变量、后果变量、中介变量和调节变量的实证研究已取得丰富成果,但也仍存在诸多分歧和局限。在我国,进行本土化就业能力结构和测量探索以及围绕无边界职涯条件下就业能力的形成、发展过程和整体作用机制开展相关实证研究很有必要。  相似文献   

Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research - Incommensurability constitutes the focal point of Kuhn’s departure from the prevailing traditions in Philosophy of Science. The paper...  相似文献   

以59家科技型创业企业368名知识员工为被试,从新型员工—组织关系模式下个体认知的视角,探讨了企业真实创新预览与知识员工可雇佣型建言的关系,以及知识员工之企业可雇佣性责任感的中介作用。PLSSEM分析结果表明:(1)企业真实创新预览对知识员工的企业可雇佣性责任感各维度、可雇佣型建言具有显著正向影响;(2)知识员工的企业可雇佣性责任感各维度中,基于角色内胜任力提高、基于角色外能力提升2个维度对知识员工可雇佣型建言具有显著正向影响,并在企业真实创新预览与知识员工可雇佣型建言之间起部分中介作用;而基于个人生涯发展维度对知识员工可雇佣型建言的影响不显著,其在企业真实创新预览与知识员工可雇佣型建言之间也不起中介作用。  相似文献   

This case study focuses on a student therapist’s reflections upon a premature termination that occurred in her work with an adolescent male patient. The therapeutic process is traced back to the beginning of treatment, and the article delineates the extent in which the patient’s early interpersonal experiences influenced the development of the therapeutic alliance. The author addresses several themes that evolved throughout the treatment, including the patient’s experience of unpredictability and instability and his inconsistent understanding of time, and the ways in which these experiences ultimately influenced the treatment’s ending. The article describes the therapist’s development as a clinician over the course of the treatment, focusing on the various experiences that helped her consolidate a dynamic understanding of the holding environment.  相似文献   

Definitions of intuition are discussed and two working definitions are proposed. This is followed by a list of eight unresolved problems concerning intuition. It is suggested that all of these problems can be resolved by cognitive-experiential self-theory (CEST), a dual-process theory of personality according to which people process information with two systems, an experiential/intuitive system that is an associative learning system that humans share with other animals and a uniquely human verbal reasoning system. Intuition is considered to be a subsystem of the experiential/ intuitive system that operates by exactly the same principles and attributes but has narrower boundary conditions. The next section includes a presentation of the most relevant aspects of CEST with an emphasis on the operating rules and attributes of the experiential/intuitive system. This is followed by demonstrating how the operation of the experiential/intuitive system can resolve each of the unresolved problems concerning intuition. The article closes with a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the experiential/intuitive and rational/analytic systems. It is concluded that neither system is generally superior to the other, as each has important advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   

Two studies examined supervisors' satisfaction with subordinates, and its predictors and importance to supervisors. Study 1 found entity relationships in the form of similarity between supervisors' and subordinates' values were uniquely related to satisfaction with subordinates. Liking of subordinates (from LMX theory) appears to link leadership and job-satisfaction domains. In Study 2, entity relationships, functional relationships, and job performance of subordinates were related to supervisors' satisfaction with subordinates. Functional relationships were the strongest and job performance the next strongest predictors. Performance was related moderately to similarity of supervisors' and subordinates' values and functional relationships. Satisfaction with subordinates was not related to supervisors' global satisfaction and turnover intention in either study, suggesting that subordinates may not be very important to supervisors.  相似文献   

Multitasking has become an important skill in many jobs. Still, the predictive validity of job‐applicants’ multitasking abilities has rarely been tested empirically. The current study focuses on the multitasking ability of call center applicants. Results from a Dutch call center show that applicants’ multitasking ability as assessed during personnel selection indeed predicts their later job performance as call center agents as well as their likelihood of losing their job for poor performance. While some of these relationships could be explained via applicants’ fluid intelligence, results also support the usefulness of including measures of multitasking ability in the current selection procedure.  相似文献   

The words `racist' and `racism' have become so overused that they nowconstitute obstacles to understanding and interracial dialogue aboutracial matters. Instead of the current practice of referring tovirtually anything that goes wrong or amiss with respect to race as`racism,' we should recognize a much broader moral vocabulary forcharacterizing racial ills – racial insensitivity, racial ignorance,racial injustice, racial discomfort, racial exclusion. At the sametime, we should fix on a definition of `racism' that is continuouswith its historical usage, and avoids conceptual inflation. Isuggest two basic, and distinct, forms of racism that meet thiscondition – antipathy racism and inferiorizing racism. We should alsorecognize that not all racially objectionable actions are done froma racist motive, and that not all racial stereotypes are racist.  相似文献   

Experience, as well as the literature, shows that persons labeled as criminal offenders are at a disadvantage when seeking employment. In an effort to learn more about the nature and severity of this bias, a research study was conducted. Results revealed a clear and systematic bias against offenders in general, regardless of relative qualifications.  相似文献   


Feminist philosophy has recently become recognised as a self-standing philosophical sub-discipline. Still, metaphysics has remained largely dismissive of feminist insights. Here I make the case for the value of feminist insights in metaphysics: taking them seriously makes a difference to our ontological theory choice and feminist philosophy can provide helpful methodological tools to regiment ontological theories. My examination goes as follows. Contemporary ontology is not done via conceptual analysis, but via quasi-scientific means. This takes different ontological positions to be competing hypotheses about reality’s fundamental structure that are then assessed with a loose battery of criteria for theory choice. Such criteria make up the constitutive values of ontology (e.g. providing a unified, coherent, non-circular, simple, parsimonious total theory). These values are distinguished from contextual values of a practice: the political and moral values embedded in the social context of inquiry. Although we may be frank about some meta-metaphysical value commitments, bringing in feminist contextual values is viewed as an unacceptable move when thinking about ontological theory choice. This paper then asks: is this move unacceptable? I think not and I aim to motivate this methodological insight here by examining recent work on grounding.  相似文献   

Employability: A psycho-social construct, its dimensions, and applications   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We examine the idea that an individual’s employability subsumes a host of person-centered constructs needed to deal effectively with the career-related changes occurring in today’s economy. We argue that employability represents a form of work specific (pro)active adaptability that consists of three dimensions—career identity, personal adaptability, and social and human capital. Reciprocal relationships among these dimensions are also discussed. The impact of employability on organizational behavior is illustrated through applications to the research literatures on job loss and job search.  相似文献   

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