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Research from higher education and cultural studies that has examined the Black college student experience at predominantly White institutions (PWIs) is presented to assist counselors in understanding how Black college students' relationships with faculty, family, friends from home, and peers in Black student organizations can become assets or liabilities to their academic achievement and persistence. Implications are provided for assisting counselors in preparing Black students for, and supporting them while attending, PWIs.  相似文献   

Mail survey data from 112 African American professionals working in predominantly White work settings (human service and business) were examined to test hypotheses regarding the potential influences on job satisfaction of routine and race-related work stressors, personal workplace spirituality, internal locus of control, and work-related and nonwork related social resources. No significant differences of these variables were observed for type of work setting or for gender. Consistent with predictions, job satisfaction was related to routine work stressors, race-related stressors, internal locus of control, and work-related social support, but not to workplace spirituality or nonwork social support. Evidence was limited for predictions based on the buffer model: in only a few tests did personal and social resource variables moderate the relation between stressors and job satisfaction. Findings are discussed in relation to minority work stress.  相似文献   

A career counseling workshop for Black women featuring the Model—Mentor Process may be an alternative career intervention in a predominantly White coeducational university.  相似文献   

In this study, relationships among stereotype expectations, gender, and academic self-concept and performance of African American students in predominantly White and predominantly Black college contexts were examined. Stereotype expectations are students' perceptions of biased treatment and evaluation within their major classroom settings (SE). Findings indicated that students' majors were related to stereotype expectations, as well as to their academic competence. Our results also provide evidence of gender and institutional interactions in the relationships between stereotype expectations and academic outcomes. Results are discussed in terms of the need to examine issues of race and gender in the academic experiences of African Americans, as well as how their specific school and classroom contexts may influence their experiences.  相似文献   

The work of W.E.B. Du Bois highlights the significance of Christian religion in Black American life. According to Du Bois, the Black Church serves as a site of self-formation and affirmation, and the White Church as a source of racist beliefs and justifications for inequality. In this paper, we expand Du Bois’ inquiry about the influence of religion with a study of Black Americans who belong to a predominantly White religion. For those whose religious experience is almost wholly within the “white world,” what role does religion play in their lives? We analyze a set of 52 public accounts by Black Americans discussing their experiences as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). We find that for many Black LDS, membership in the LDS Church is characterized by contrast and contradiction, yielding spiritual conviction, joy, and meaningful communion on one hand, and racism and isolation on the other. We also find that Black LDS respond to these contradictions in a variety of ways. We classify these agentic responses into five types and examine the sociological significance of the observed variation. We conclude with a discussion of implications for scholarship on race and religion.  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey revealed student needs, knowledge, and use of occupational information, as well as opinions about the most suitable location of such a resource on the Oregon State University campus. Results indicated that most students did not know where occupational information was available and only a small percentage knew there were occupational files in the Counseling Center and the University library. The great majority (almost 9 out of 10) wanted the University to provide a central occupational library, with most naming the Student Union (40 per cent) or the University library (25 per cent) as the best location. The Counseling Center was mentioned by only 2 per cent of the students.  相似文献   

This study examined the association of racial climate to social integration outcomes among 215 African American students and 144 White students from a predominantly White university. Presented is preliminary evidence regarding the utility of an ecological approach based on Allport's (1954) intergroup contact theory in examining students' climate perceptions and their impact. Responses to a racial climate scale previously used in secondary settings were collected from participants, and, through factor analysis, a revised scale was developed. The revised scale showed evidence for five subscales assessing perceived intergroup interactions on campus at individual and institutional levels, as well as individuals' personal intergroup interactions. Group differences were found for the subscales and in relationships between subscales and college integration outcomes. Findings suggest the importance of understanding college climate at interpersonal and institutional levels and of assessing impact for both majority and minority students.  相似文献   

The author examines the relationship between leisure and college student development and suggests ways in which leisure may be employed as a campus resource fostering student development.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examined the experiences of 11 students of color who participated in 2 multicultural counseling courses in a master’s‐level counseling program at a predominantly White institution. Findings illustrate students’ learning experiences based on instructors’ racial and ethnic identities, including a pivotal transition from distrust to trust toward the White instructor. Implications for teaching race‐based topics with students of color are presented. Este estudio cualitativo examinó las experiencias de 11 estudiantes de color que participaron en dos cursos de consejería multicultural en un programa de consejería de nivel máster en una institución predominantemente blanca. Los hallazgos ilustran las experiencias de aprendizaje de los alumnos basadas en las identidades raciales y étnicas de los docentes, incluyendo una transición fundamental desde la desconfianza hasta la confianza hacia el docente blanco. Se presentan las implicaciones para la enseñanza de temas basados en la raza con alumnos de color.  相似文献   

Negotiating 2 worlds, a predominantly White opportunity structure and one's community of origin, often produces distress among persons of color. in this qualitative study, the author examines the perspectives and competencies of African American men who negotiate 2 worlds and suggests that bicultural competence may facilitate participation in the opportunity structure while maintaining identification with one's racial group. Desenvolverse en dos mundos, una estructura de oportunidades predominantemente Blanca y la propia comunidad de origen, genera con frecuencia angustia entre las personas de color. En este estudio cualitativo, el autor examina las perspectivas y competencias de varones Afroamericanos que se desenvuelven en dos mundos distintos y sugiere que la competencia bicultural puede facilitar su participación en la estructura de oportunidades, manteniendo a la vez la identificación con el propio grupo racial.  相似文献   

This study compared the cognitive ability of adult Canadian First Nations (American Indian) aboriginals (N=101) living in remote areas to recruits (N=131) undergoing military training in the Canadian Forces. Comparisons involved both verbal and nonverbal measures: The Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT), Wonderlic Personnel Test, (WPT), Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) and Mill Hill Vocabulary (MHV) test. All measures were examined for differential test and item functioning; as well, the CFAT was analyzed for adverse impact. Confirming past research, First Nations (FNs) members scored, on average, 18 points lower in IQ estimates based on the WPT, a verbal measure of cognitive ability; however, the differences between the groups were less on the nonverbal tests: SPM (5 points lower) and the MHV (9 points lower). Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analysis detected a few items from the CFAT, SPM and MHV that displayed DIF, but none from the WPT. The SPM and WPT appear to be unbiased measures with respect to differential test functioning (DTF), once language and education are controlled. Making employment decisions solely on verbal cognitive ability test scores, however, is likely to produce adverse impact against members of FN, unless verbal ability is a bona fide occupational requirement for the positions under consideration. Both the verbal and nonverbal cognitive ability tests assessed the same latent structure suggesting that the nonverbal tests could be used in place of the verbal tests with little loss in predictive ability for occupations involving a high degree of spatial ability.  相似文献   

理工科大学生心理压力的调查研究   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
本研究探讨理工科大学生心理压力的大小.研究包括两个实验.实验1探讨理工科大学生心理压力源、压力影响因素的构成.实验2进一步探讨了理工科大学生心理压力源、压力影响因素的权重大小,得到了不同样本理工科大学生心理压力的大小.  相似文献   

A heterosexist campus climate can increase risk for mental health problems for sexual minority students; however, the relationship between campus climate for sexual minorities and academic outcomes remains understudied. Using a sample of sexual minority respondents extracted from a campus climate survey conducted at a large university in the Midwest, we examine relationships between multiple dimensions of psychological and experiential campus climate for sexual minorities with academic integration (academic disengagement, grade‐point average [GPA]) and social integration (institutional satisfaction, acceptance on campus). We also investigate the protective role of engagement with informal academic and peer‐group systems. Findings suggest campus climate affects sexual minority students’ integration. In multivariate analyses, perceptions of whether lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people could be open about their sexual identity was positively associated with acceptance on campus; personal heterosexist harassment was positively associated with academic disengagement and negatively with GPA. Students’ informal academic integration (instructor relations) and informal social integration (LGB friends) demonstrated influential main effects but did not moderate any of the climate‐outcome relationships. Researchers should further explore the relationships between climate and academic outcomes among sexual minority students, both collectively and among specific sub‐groups, and address the role of other protective factors.  相似文献   

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