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The Great Recession brought many changes to the work and financial lives of American families. Little is known, however, about how changes in parental work conditions in recessionary times influence children's vocational development. Drawing on data from the Youth Development Study, we examine whether parents' recessionary experiences shape adolescents' work values. The findings indicate that adolescents' work values are shaped through a cross-generational reinforcement model; both extrinsic and intrinsic values are stronger when parental work conditions are more rewarding. In an exception to this pattern, unemployment among parents with low levels of education (high school degrees or less) is positively associated with children's extrinsic and intrinsic orientations, more consistent with a compensation model.  相似文献   

Although consumer spending typically declines in economic recessions, some observers have noted that recessions appear to increase women's spending on beauty products--the so-called lipstick effect. Using both historical spending data and rigorous experiments, the authors examine how and why economic recessions influence women's consumer behavior. Findings revealed that recessionary cues--whether naturally occurring or experimentally primed--decreased desire for most products (e.g., electronics, household items). However, these cues consistently increased women's desire for products that increase attractiveness to mates--the first experimental demonstration of the lipstick effect. Additional studies show that this effect is driven by women's desire to attract mates with resources and depends on the perceived mate attraction function served by these products. In addition to showing how and why economic recessions influence women's desire for beauty products, this research provides novel insights into women's mating psychology, consumer behavior, and the relationship between the two.  相似文献   

The present essay is a concise form of results obtained during many decades of research in the primeval foundations of collective social and consciousness fields. We point out that a yet unknown type of forces existed in the Golden Age, which we termed collective force. In the Golden Age mankind lived in communities which had a full unity. The communal life developed its collective forms, of which the most significant are the development of human speech, of language, share of work and the development of the communal fests. The law determining the primeval origins of mind is the cosmic law of interactions. It defines the substance of the Universe and the ways of its existence and activity. A detailed analysis is presented on the nature of the interaction there. One consequence of this fundamental principle is the general prevalence of the principle of mutuality, which plays a basic role in the understanding of the unfolding and degeneration of consciousness. The principle of mutuality determines the changes of every level of life. The laws of the generation of consciousness in the ages of evolution toward Homo and the Golden Age are analysed. Evidences were found proving the historical reality of the Golden Age, surviving in the traditions of mankind in every part of the world, and its overthrow before the Flood, which resulted in the dethronement of the primeval mind, the human consciousness of the Golden Age and the subsequent— and necessary—emergence of the superficial, rational mind.

Starting from the consideration that our mind is the imprint of history, we have recognised the phenomenon of the dual mind, the somewhat antagonistic duality of human consciousness. We think we have succeeded in solving the riddle of the dual mind and determining its substance. Our dual mind, consisting of the ‘upper’ or rational mind and the ‘underlying mind’, is the product of the two fundamental ages of mankind, that of the Golden Age and that of power domination. Therefore it reflects the duality of our history.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2014,2014(129):153-160
The fate of the loss of amenity has always been related to the right of recourse of the third-party payers against the person in charge of the damage. The loss of amenity has been recognized by Law of the 27 December 1973. It was at that time that it was excluded from the recourse of the third-party payers. It was not the case of the physiological injuries which had always been submitted to the recourse of the third-party payers. At first, these injuries had included the disorders in the conditions of existence. But in 2005, the Dintilhac nomenclature adopted a restrictive conception of the loss of amenity. This damage is now defined as the impossibility to practice regularly a specific activity of sport or leisure. In addition, the Law of 21 December 2006 imposed on third-party payers to exercise their action only on pecuniary damage. The physiological injuries were therefore excluded from this action. The strict definition of loss of amenity is both adopted in Civil Law and Social law. But in these two areas, the analysis of the judicial practice reveals that it is undermined the right for the full repair of the victims under their loss of amenity. Accordingly, the question of the opportunity to widen once more the definition of the loss of amenity arises today.  相似文献   

The interference of the wings of the wings-in part of the Mueller-Lyer figure was examined for the version of the illusion in which one part of the figure is placed above the other. Wings were removed in pairs from either above or below the shaft of one of the two parts of the figure. Subjects indicated the apparent difference between the lengths of the shafts of the two parts of the figure. Removal of the wings between the shafts of the wings-in part of the figure reduced the amount of the illusion more than removal of the wings from outside the shafts. Removing wings from the wings-out part of the figure reduced the amount of illusion, but it made no difference whether the wing removal occurred between or outside the shafts.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to investigate the role of "large" squares on the occurrence of assimilation and contrast in the Baldwin illusion. In Exps. 1 and 2, in which subjects reproduced the length of the test line, large squares induced illusions of assimilation. In Exp. 3, reproduction of the entire length of the test line also resulted in illusions of assimilation but bisection of the test line and reproduction of one-half the length of the test line resulted in contrast. Exp. 4 replicated the findings involving judgments of one-half the length of the test line. Over-all, the results indicate that judgments of one-half the length of the test line result in contrast, whereas judgments of the entire extent result in assimilation.  相似文献   

卢家楣 《心理科学》2012,35(3):522-529
为纪念中国心理学会诞辰90周年,应中国心理学会教育心理学分会邀请,特撰文反映卢家楣及其团队在情感教学心理学方面的研究概况。内容分以情感教学应用为导向的基础性研究和以情感教学理念为导向的应用性研究两部分。前者包括教学中的情感现象、教学中的情感作用、教学中的情绪调控、教学中的学习苦乐属性、教学中的情知基本矛盾等方面的相应研究;后者包括情感教学理念、情感教学现状、情感教学原则、情感教学策略、情感教学模式、情感教学目标和评价以及为基础教育服务等方面的相应研究。  相似文献   

This study focused upon responses to the emotion of embarrassment. Specifically, the situations causing embarrassment, the degree of perceived embarrassment and the agent of the embarrassment were examined as predictive of the embarrassed party's responses. These same three factors, as well as the response of the embarrassed person, were examined in association with the responses of others. In addition, the issue of multiple responses to embarrassment by the embarrassed party was examined. Self-report data werecollected from 387 persons ranging in age from 17 to 90 years. Log-linear analyses revealed strong associations between both the type of situation and the degree of embarrassment and the type of situation and the agent of the act. The type of situation did indeed predict responses by persons involved in the event. The degree of embarrassment was predictive of neither the types of responses utilized by the embarrassed party nor the others present. Theagent of the incident was strongly associated with responses of the embarrassed party, but was not associated with others’ responses. Responses of an embarrassed party were associated with the responses of others present. Finally, it was found that combinations of responses by the embarrassed party were discovered but were not associated with the situation nor with the degree of embarrassment.  相似文献   

心理咨询在现代社会中,起着越来越大的作用,改善和提高了人们的心理健康水平,本文旨在加深对心理咨询含义的理解。首先对心理咨询的涵义做了探讨,进一步分析了心理咨询助人的含义,分别从心理咨询助人的基础,助人的方式,助人的目标做了阐释。最后探讨了咨询师的价值观与方法论对心理咨询可能产生的影响。心理咨询是心灵层面的沟通,通过体验关怀,达到来访者的心灵成长。咨询师对心理咨询的本质理解以及不同的咨询价值观和方法论都对心理咨询起着深远的影响。  相似文献   

F Micella  B Pinna 《Perception》1987,16(1):61-72
Subject-relative explanations of motion induction state that induced motion is the result of a misperceived shift of the median plane of the visual field of the subject. This theory does not require relative motion of the spot and frame, in the classical spot-and-frame condition, only asymmetrical stimulation. Three experiments are reported in which stroboscopic induced motion was investigated. The experimental arrangement was unconventional in that the induced object (spot) was presented only during the interstimulus interval between the exposures of the inducing object (frame). This allowed differentiation of the duration of the induced movement and that of the inducing one. In the first experiment it was demonstrated that perception of induced motion depends upon the duration of the interstimulus interval between the presentations of the inducing frame. In the second experiment it was shown that the perceived velocity of the induced movement can be different from that of the inducing one and depends on the duration of exposure of the induced object. In the third experiment a stimulus display was created in which the apparent displacement of an object and its induced motion are incongruous. The results are incompatible with subject-relative displacement as the sole determining factor of motion induction and they present some difficulties for the hypothesis that induced motion is the result of the apportionment of the objective displacement of the frame.  相似文献   

To analyse the influence of structural complexity of visual patterns and of an operationally defined cognitive state on evoked potentials some on--line closed--loop experiments were carried out. Symmetrical checkerboard patterns generated by means of Walsh functions were used as stimuli. The inherent symmetry should be recognized by the subjects. The state was defined on the basis of the spectral power density distribution of the EEG measured in the time interval of one second before the stimulus onset. The two state values were labeled by the state of alpha wave dominance and the state of non alpha wave dominance. According to the definition for the state of alpha wave dominance 70% of the whole spectral power must be contained in the frequency range from 8 Hz until 13 Hz at least. Otherwise the prestimulus EEG are labeled by the concept of non alpha wave state. The influence of the cognitive state and of the structural complexity on the evoked potentials has been verified experimentally. Significantly higher amplitudes of the evoked potentials in the time range of 140 ms until 200 ms after stimulus onset are due to higher complexity of the stimuli. The state of alpha wave dominance led to significantly stronger negativity of the evoked potentials in the range of 280 ms until 400 ms after stimulus onset.  相似文献   

唐代为五经撰正义,为注疏统一之始。清儒服膺汉学,主翔实,故于《正义》多所讥诋,讥其虚浮。然唐时,儒玄合流,既已蔚为风气,孔氏《周易正义》之所以以形上学为纲纪者,亦非无故。此外,《周易正义》释义先以辅嗣为本,旁引汉魏南北朝诸说以供参证,有驳有断、有议有辩,与《书》《诗》《札记》诸疏之参据旧疏、杂出众手者不同。具体而言,《周易正义》调融南北,荟萃诸家,故用王而不固于王;参以玄言,故义理架构颇与老庄相通;渐染于浮屠,故排佛而用佛;发明义例、考辨意旨,自下新义,故有学术价值可言,尤宋人疑古开新之先导,非株守一先生说者可比。  相似文献   

Pragmatic Action     
This paper begins with a discussion of two features of the everyday task environment. First, the everyday task environment is designed, and an important part of the design is the provision of explicit information to guide the individual in the adaptation of his activity. Second, some task environments are semi-permanent. These two features of the task environment reveal some important characteristics in the psychology of the individual. When novelty occurs, expansion in the range of behavior of the individual is guided by a process of internalization of information provided in the task environment by another. Because of the semi-permanence of home task environments, there is pay-off in organizing behavior in terms of the particulars of those environments. The body of this paper examines these ideas from the perspective of FLOABN. FLOABN is a computational cognitive model of an individual acquiring skill at using household and office devices.  相似文献   

Carl G. Jung's fateful meeting with Richard Wilhelm in 1929 has helped to build a bridge of depth psychological understanding between the East and the West. When Jung emerged from his 'confrontation with the unconscious', he felt validated by Wilhelm in his discovery of the healing power of medieval alchemical symbolism for the European psyche. Analytical psychology however offers a scientific, psychological understanding of Chinese wisdom as contained in the I Ching and Taoist alchemy. The Taoist alchemical tradition (also known as the Inner Elixir tradition of which 'The Secret of the Golden Flower' is a sample text) is based on the premise that psychological experience of the Tao can be achieved through mental and physiological means such as breathing and meditative techniques, gymnastics, dietary regimens such as fasting, consumption of medicinal herbs and minerals, and special sexual practices. This tradition incorporates the I Ching and traditional Chinese medicine in the alchemical opus. Taoist alchemy assumes the primacy of the physical body in the process of self-realization. The psychological and cosmic forces of the trigrams of the I Ching are stored in the internal organs of the body and are the basic material for the experience of Tao. The internal organs are the foundation of the material and subtle bodies and through cultivation, the body becomes spiritualized as the spirits are embodied. The body as a reflection of the entire cosmos becomes the residence of the gods. The realization of a new consciousness is symbolized by the hexagram Fu, meaning rebirth. The Chinese notion of Tao coincides with Jung's postulation of the unus mundus, the unity of existence which underlies the duality of psyche and matter, the psycho-physical background of existence. In this light, in the world of inner experience, East and West follow similar paths symbolically.  相似文献   

This study mainly investigated the specificity of the processing of fraction magnitudes. Adults performed a magnitude-estimation task on fractions, the ratios of collections of dots, and the ratios of surface areas. Their performance on fractions was directly compared with that on nonsymbolic ratios. At odds with the hypothesis that the symbolic notation impedes the processing of the ratio magnitudes, the estimates were less variable and more accurate for fractions than for nonsymbolic ratios. This indicates that the symbolic notation activated a more precise mental representation than did the nonsymbolic ratios. This study also showed, for both fractions and the ratios of dot collections, that the larger the components the less precise the mental representation of the magnitude of the ratio. This effect suggests that the mental representation of the magnitude of the ratio was activated from the mental representation of the magnitude of the components and the processing of their numerical relation (indirect access). Finally, because most previous studies of fractions have used a numerical comparison task, we tested whether the mental representation of magnitude activated in the fraction-estimation task could also underlie performance in the fraction-comparison task. The subjective distance between the fractions to be compared was computed from the mean and the variability of the estimates. This distance was the best predictor of the time taken to compare the fractions, suggesting that the same approximate mental representation of the magnitude was activated in both tasks.  相似文献   

This study mainly investigated the specificity of the processing of fraction magnitudes. Adults performed a magnitude-estimation task on fractions, the ratios of collections of dots, and the ratios of surface areas. Their performance on fractions was directly compared with that on nonsymbolic ratios. At odds with the hypothesis that the symbolic notation impedes the processing of the ratio magnitudes, the estimates were less variable and more accurate for fractions than for nonsymbolic ratios. This indicates that the symbolic notation activated a more precise mental representation than did the nonsymbolic ratios. This study also showed, for both fractions and the ratios of dot collections, that the larger the components the less precise the mental representation of the magnitude of the ratio. This effect suggests that the mental representation of the magnitude of the ratio was activated from the mental representation of the magnitude of the components and the processing of their numerical relation (indirect access). Finally, because most previous studies of fractions have used a numerical comparison task, we tested whether the mental representation of magnitude activated in the fraction-estimation task could also underlie performance in the fraction-comparison task. The subjective distance between the fractions to be compared was computed from the mean and the variability of the estimates. This distance was the best predictor of the time taken to compare the fractions, suggesting that the same approximate mental representation of the magnitude was activated in both tasks.  相似文献   

In the year 2000, the celebration of seventy-five years of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) in the United States included attention to the history of the movement. A history of the past twenty-five years of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE) was published, plus several regional histories. This article grows out of the author's study of the history of the Northeast Region of ACPE in the context of the history of the Clinical Pastoral Education movement. The focus of this article is "the vision question"; that is, "What has happened to the visions of clinical training that were important in the beginning of the movement?" The history of the relations of clinical training to theological education is traced from the beginnings of CPE to the present time, with special emphasis on developments in the Northeast. Two implications of this historical review for the future of the movement are suggested.  相似文献   

张玥  辛自强 《心理科学》2015,(4):973-978
在选择促销品时,消费者经常会出现百分数基数忽略错误,即价值判断时只基于百分数大小而忽略基数。本研究以150名大学生为被试,考察计算难度和知识背景对百分数基数忽略的影响。结果表明:仅了解百分数基数忽略现象的消费者无论计算难度高低均会出现百分数基数忽略错误;而了解促销计算原理的消费者在高难度下会出现这种错误,在低难度下则不会,且了解促销原理有助于减轻消费者在高难度下出现该错误的倾向。  相似文献   

We investigated the task of predicting the outcomes of sporting events, in particular, basketball games. In two experiments, college students predicted the outcomes of a series of National Basketball Association (NBA) games. Following each prediction, the subject received feedback in the form of the actual outcome of the NBA game. After a period of initial learning about the relative strengths of the teams, the subjects were surprisingly successful in their predictions. We examined expert–novice differences by comparing the published predictions of professional oddsmakers to the predictions of the experimental subjects. The average predictions by the subjects were approximately as accurate as the predictions of experts. Finally, we applied a mathematical model, developed originally as an account of simpler learning experiments, to the subjects' responses. We found that the course of the subjects' learning about the teams was well-described by this model.  相似文献   

A. Alyushin 《Axiomathes》2012,22(4):469-507
I develop the idea that there exists a special dimension of depth, or of scale. The depth dimension is physically real and extends from the bottom micro-level to the ultimate macro-level of the Universe. The depth dimension, or the scales axis, complements the standard three spatial dimensions. I discuss the tentative qualities of the depth dimension and the universal arrangement of matter along this dimension. I suggest that all matter in the Universe, at least in the present cosmological epoch, is in joint downward motion along the depth dimension. The joint downward motion manifests itself in the universal contraction of matter. The opposite direction of motion, upward the dimension, would cause the expansion of matter. The contraction of matter is a primary factor, whereas the shrinking of space in the vicinity of matter is a derivative phenomenon. The observed expansion of the Universe is explained by the fact that celestial bodies become smaller due to matter contraction, while the overall space remains predominantly intact. Thus, relative to the contracting material bodies, the total span of cosmic space appears to be becoming vaster. I attempt to explain how the contraction of matter engenders the effect of universal gravity. I use over thirty animated and graphical color visualizations in the text to make the explanation of the proposed ideas more lucid.  相似文献   

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