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This study investigated the effects of figurative language on perceived source credibility. Subjects read one of five messages: literal, brief metaphor, extended metaphor, brief simile, or extended simile, and then responded to credibility and attitude scales. Results indicated that the use by a message source of an extended metaphor, an extended simile, or a brief simile enhanced the perceived authoritativeness of the source.  相似文献   

The present study sought to determine whether “successful” problem-solving groups can be distinguished from “unsuccessful” problem-solving groups on the basis of the phases that characterize their problem-solving discussion. The results, while based on a limited sample of nine groups, provide strong evidence to indicate that no single uniform sequence of phases is necessarily associated with either “successful” or “un-successful” group problem-solving. Rather, the study found that both “successful” and “unsuccessful” groups take their own unique “paths” to solving their problems, perhaps depending on the conditions and circumstances present at critical points in the problem-solving process. Interestingly, however, while the study discovered that there are several different sequences of phases associated with both “successful” and “unsuccessful” group problem-solving, a comparison of those different sequences revealed one general difference. Specifically, it was discovered that “successful” groups tend to begin their discussion by attempting to analyze the problem before attempting to search for a viable solution to it, while “unsuccessful” groups tend to begin the discussion by immediately attempting to search for a viable solution to the problem before attempting to analyze the problem.  相似文献   

Recherche interculturell sur le traitement de l'information. — Cette expérience fait partie d'une série d'études sur les processus cognitifs des membres de la tribu des Kpelles du Liberia : elle porte plus particulièrement sur Pestimation des quantités. A 240 sujets (120 Kpelles et 120 Américains) on a présenté, à l'aide d'un tachistoscope, des plages de points avec des durées variées d'exposition. Les plages diffèrent par le nombre (de 3 à 10) et la disposition, structurée ou aléatoire, des points. La performance des sujets américains est en général supérieure à celle des Kpelles. l'analyse montre que l'avantage global des américains est dû à : — 1) leur plus grande exactitude pour les plages qui comportent plus de points; — 2) leur plus grande exactitude relative pour des durées brèves de présentation; — 3) l'utilisation plus grande de la redondance inhérente aux plages structurées. Les AA, pensent pouvoir mettre ces résultats en relation avec les apprentissages différentiels dont chaque groupe culturel a pu faire l'expérience dans son milieu propre. Ils proposent une stratégic générale pour mener des recherches expérimentales interculturelles.  相似文献   

Twelve studies testing the effectiveness of LEADER MATCH, a new approach to leadership training, are reviewed. The training program is presented in a self-paced, programmed instruction manual based on Fiedler's Contingency Model (1964, 1967). Five studies were conducted in civilian organizations and seven were conducted in military settings. The performance evaluations were collected from two to six months after training and in some studies included pre and post measures. The performance evaluations of 423 trained leaders were compared with those of 484 leaders who have been randomly assigned to control groups. All 12 studies yielded statistically significant results supporting LEADER MATCH training.  相似文献   

Organizational recruitment activities have been hypothesized to affect applicants' reactions to the organization, independent of effects exerted by the job attributes associated with the position (e.g., location, salary, title). This research utilized a correlational design and a field setting in assessing applicants' reactions to a five-stage recruitment program. Recruitment activities were significantly related to applicants' reactions only at the initial interview stage. Conversely, job attributes emerged as significant predictors of applicants' reactions at each of the four recruitment stages where they were assessed. No support was found for three hypothesized moderating variables–the perceived comparability of job offers, applicants' work experience, and their labor market opportunities. Suggestions for strengthening organizational recruitment programs and for directing further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a policy-capturing approach, 29 corporate interviewers evaluated 64 hypothetical candidates for a position in a financial services organization. Six selection criteria were manipulated in a balanced factorial design. Interviewers evaluated candidates' qualifications and made hiring recommendations. The results revealed substantial individual differences in interviewers' decision strategies, as well as their insight into their own decision processes. Data on the effectiveness of the 29 interviewers were collected from 427 hiring managers and the decision processes of effective and ineffective interviewers were compared. The findings indicated that the decision strategies used by effective interviewers were quite similar to one another and relied heavily on two selection criteria. Also, effective interviewers were more likely than ineffective interviewers to use selection criteria in a manner that mirrored their self-reports of the importance of these criteria. Effective interviewers were more aware of their decision processes than ineffective interviewers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the following hypothesis: physiological, psychological, and verbal behavior indices of communication apprehension can predict comprehension, perception of speaker credibility, and ratings of speech effectiveness. The stimulus materials were videotapes of the first minute of 85 different students expressing their views on women's liberation. Measurement on all the indices of communication apprehension had been taken on these students as the videotapes were being prepared. Each of these one-minute videotapes was shown to a single receiver who then filled out forms measuring comprehension, perception of source credibility, and rating of speech effectiveness. Results supported the hypothesis that the indices of communication apprehension could predict all the communication effects save one, perception of character. The strongest relationship between the set of communication apprehension variables and the set of communication effectiveness variables indicated that individuals who reported high apprehension experienced much silence in their speech and received low ratings on language facility, vocal characteristics, and general effectiveness.  相似文献   

Students' impressions of campus recruiters influence students decisions on eventual job choice. In this study, the authors attempted to assess the effects of three variables—recruiter's age, recruiter's title, and recruiter's presentation—on students' impressions. A three factor factorial analysis of variance with three separate post hoc tests indicated that recruiter title and recruiter age significantly influenced impressions, while nonfluent presentation may have had a selective influence on impressions.  相似文献   

The performance of four rules for determining the number of components to retain (Kaiser's eigenvalue greater than unity, Cattell's SCREE, Bartlett's test, and Velicer's MAP) was investigated across four systematically varied factors (sample size, number of variables, number of components, and component saturation). Ten sample correlation matrices were generated from each of 48 known population correlation matrices representing the combinations of conditions. The performance of the SCREE and MAP rules was generally the best across all situations. Bartlett's test was generally adequate except when the number of variables was close to the sample size. Kaiser's rule tended to severely overestimate the number of components.  相似文献   

Forty-three employment service counselors participated in a three-week institute designed to improve their understanding of the conditions of poverty and of counseling theory and techniques. At the end of the institute, participants evaluated their experence favorably with substantial minority group criticisms, however, that (1) institute faculty were not sufficiently informed about Employment Service techniques and experiences and, that (2) not enough counseling practicum experiences were provided. Significant shifts in attitudes toward the poor were found at the end of the institute for 14 of 35 items of an attitude scale. For 6 of these 14 items, shifts in attitude were in the same direction and intensified after four and one-half months of field experience.  相似文献   

罪犯改造成效评估量表的建构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究运用因素分析法,尝试建构我国监狱中罪犯改造成效评估量走。该量表分A版(干警评定量表)与B版(服刑人员他评量表)。结果表明,该量表具有较高的信度、效度,所得的改造成效评估三因素结构合理,内容清晰  相似文献   

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