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In the summer of 1990, the Board of Directors of the Arkansas Associationfor Counseling, Guidance, and Development (now the Arkansas Counseling Association) committed to proposing a legislative package to the 1991 Arkansas General Assembly that included bills to grant privileged communication to school counselors; a third-party payment bill for licensed professional counselors; and a resolution calling for the reduction of noncounseling-related duties for school counselors. This article details the legislative efforts of the Arkansas Association for Counseling, Guidance, and Development in the 1991 Arkansas General Assembly and provides insight for other American Association for Counseling and Development (now the American Counseling Association) state affiliates in planning and implementing a successful legislative program.  相似文献   

文章以现代民族国家作为参照,系统地剖析了现当代中国的政党-国家形态演变的历史,阐释了中国现代政党-国家形态的思想和特征,从历史与经验两个层面分析了20世纪中国两大政党对于中国现代国家形态建构的决定性作用,探讨了政党-国家转型的可能性和主要问题.  相似文献   

观念是在先于主客二分的实践(行动主义)视角下、内化于个体活动中的意识,它首先与个体活动相关,有别于仅仅在认识论视角(非时间性的上帝视角)下的意识。作为常识理性的观念、作为社会意识的观念、作为默会知识的观念、作为人的活动形式的"观念的东西"、作为赋予意义和价值评价的观念、作为"思想具体"的观念,是"观念"的六种常见用法。  相似文献   

Prediction is a fundamental part of counseling. Although counselors differ in their ability to predict accurately, there is no evidence that those who predict most accurately do the best job of counseling. Using 3 different sets of case data, 14 counselors predicted whether students would graduate and whether they would keep the “major” program selected at the time of admission. 3 supervisors agreed on the counselors rated “most” or “least” effective in their work with students. Although the amount of case data available to the counselors was unrelated to predictive accuracy, the counselors rated “most” effective predicted significantly better than those rated “moderately” or “least” effective.  相似文献   

Ideomotor movements may arise in individuals while they watch goal-directed actions or events. In a previous study we developed a paradigm for investigating ideomotor movements induced through watching the outcome of one's own action. In the present study we extended the paradigm to investigate both movements induced through watching the outcome of one's own as well as somebody else's action (player mode and observer mode respectively). We report three experiments, each with differing conditions for the player mode, but identical conditions for the observer mode. Results indicate that in both modes ideomotor movements are governed by two basic principles: Perceptual induction and intentional induction. In the player mode we replicated and extended previous findings, indicating dissociation between hand and head movements. In the observer mode no such dissociation was obtained. Our findings suggest that people perform, in their own actions, what they see being performed in other people's actions. Induction of action through observation can pertain to both the action's physical surface and underlying intentions. Furthermore, our results suggest that perceptual induction is ubiquitous but may be locally suspended for intentional action control. We discuss our results in the framework of theories invoking a strong overlap between representational structures for action perception and action planning.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of counselor bilingual ability and counselor ethnicity on client‐perceived counselor credibility and cultural competence. Participants were assigned to 1 of 4 treatment conditions created by crossing counselor ethnicity with counselor language. No significant differences were found. Regarding rank ordering of the conditions, the European American bilingual counselor was perceived to be more culturally competent than were the Mexican American bilingual counselors. Findings underscore the importance of bilingualism for European American counselors when working with bilingual Mexican American clients.  相似文献   

Prior research on the effects of office redesign on work-related outcomes has been largely atheoretical and yielded mixed and conflicting findings. Expanding on individual reactions to office design changes as specified by social interference theory, we propose that office redesign affects organizational commitment and this relationship is mediated by employee perceptions of the broader work environment. This conceptual model is tested using 121 financial services employees who experience office redesign and 136 who do not. Results indicate that perceptions of innovation and collaboration mediate the effects of office redesign over and above negative personal reactions such that affective organizational commitment is enhanced among those experiencing reconfigured offices. Findings provide support for an expanded rendition of social interference theory that provides for favorable (as well as unfavorable) employee reactions to office redesign. Such a theoretical explanation is asserted to increase understanding of how the physical environment influences employee attitudes.  相似文献   

Despite increasing requirements for counselor proficiency in crisis response, there is an absence in the standards for counselor preparation, certification, and supervision of consistent criteria on which best practice in crisis prevention and intervention, and postcrisis recovery can be gauged. The authors present a conceptual framework that defines the actions required at the different phases of a client crisis and identifies potential constraints to effective counselor action that must be acknowledged and overcome at each phase.  相似文献   

昆廷·斯金纳<近代政治思想的基础>的一个突出贡献,是把所谓的"近代"政治思想一直追溯到13世纪.近代政治思想的主要议题,如自由、立宪主义,在13世纪随着亚里士多德著作的发现,已逐渐成为思想家的重要课题.  相似文献   

The pressure to appear politically correct can have important consequences for social life. In particular, the desire to appear politically correct, and to avoid being seen as racist, sexist, or culturally insensitive, can lead people to espouse publicly support for politically correct issues, such as support for affirmative action, despite privately held doubts. Such discrepancies between public behavior and private attitudes, when accompanied by divergent attributions for one's own behavior and the identical behavior of others, can lead to pluralistic ignorance. Two studies investigated pluralistic ignorance with respect to affirmative action among undergraduates. Their survey responses indicate that people overestimate their peers' support for affirmative action and underestimate their peers' opposition to affirmative action, that people's ratings of the political correctness of supporting affirmative action are correlated with their overestimation of support for affirmative action, and that people view their own attitudes toward affirmative action as unique.  相似文献   

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