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CARL FELLNER  M.D. 《Family process》1976,15(4):427-431
Two general factors have been singled out as being held in common by all types of psychotherapy: an educational, rational factor (often called "content") and a factor operative in the relationship between the therapist and his patient (often called "process"). In the field of family therapy, the non-educational aspects of intervention are sometimes presented in the form of "therapeutic, paradoxical communications" (Haley, Bateson, Jackson, Weakland) or the 'therapy of the absurd" (Whitaker, Malone). In the present paper, I wish to present a form of therapeutic communication, the teaching story, that embodies a unique mixture of both the educational and the paradox, or absurd.  相似文献   

The wish to adopt ideas and metaphors from science can have a constricting effect on thinking about family therapy theory and practice. We describe three examples from the recent literature. The two problems describe: (a) borrowing the prestige and certainty of scientific ideas and metaphors and using them as cultural representations of reality, and (b) embracing certain philosophically comprehensive systems of thought. We then recommend some appropriate borrowing from the natural history tradition of science, and give some examples of ways in which that tradition has widened rather than narrowed the range of ideas that are used in family therapy.  相似文献   

Therapists learning to use family sculpture as a tool often find difficulty in exploiting the technique to its fullest. This article, designed to encourage therapists to take the risks involved in using a technique new to them, describes how the author and his cotherapists used sculpture in three cases in different ways. In each case, the author explains how the therapists made the choices involved in directing the therapeutic process. He suggests that even when a sculpture itself seems to have failed to produce useful information, it can elicit from clients signals that will indicate opportunities for effective use of other techniques and that a sculpture, once used, can be restaged to reinforce client behavior change.  相似文献   

The authors describe a school counselor's shift from a traditional, individualized counseling approach to the use of strategic family therapy as a way of helping a young man succeed in school and leave home.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine if counselor use of self-experience may be useful in increasing self-confidence, self-disclosure, perceived genuineness, and empathic understanding. Volunteer graduate students in education interested in participating in a series of group counseling sessions structured to deal with problems of the graduate student were used in this study. 30 graduate students were divided into 6 groups of 5 each. 3 groups were experimental groups and 3 groups were control groups. In the control groups self-experience examples were not used by the counselor, but in the experimental groups they were used extensively. Questionnaires, taped sessions, and post-counseling interviews were used in evaluation of results. The experimental groups perceived the counseling relationship as less genuine than the control groups. The results of the study did not support the use of counselor self-experience examples in group counseling.  相似文献   

Paradoxical intention can be used in the treatment of panic attacks. In this article the author provides a brief case example and discussion of the nature and implementation of the technique.  相似文献   

This paper has described some of the interventions developed at the Ackerman Brief Therapy Project in treating the families of symptomatic children. The interventions are based upon a differential diagnosis of the family system and upon an evaluation of that system's resistance to change. They are classified as compliance-based or defiance-based, depending upon the family's degree of anxiety, motivation, and resistance. Paradoxical interventions, which are defiance-based, are used as a clinical tool in dealing with resistance and circumventing the power struggle between therapist and family. A consultation group acting as a Greek chorus underlines the therapist's interventions and comments on the consequences of systemic change. This group is also sometimes used to form a therapeutic triangle among the family, therapist and group, with the therapist and group debating over the family's ability to change.  相似文献   

This case presents a technique for doing family therapy in families with young children. In family play therapy, the entire family plays together, allowing full participation of even the youngest children in the therapeutic process. Standard family therapy interventions in the latter part of each session make use of family interaction patterns and unconscious processes revealed during the earlier play. In the case presented here, the technique was successfully applied to a family with a 3-year-old son who had functional urinary retention. This case also provided an opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration between the separate Child and Family Services at a major teaching hospital.  相似文献   

This essay introduces the terms "nomothetic" and "idiographic" to characterize the current debate about whether the field of family therapy should accumulate and apply knowledge about patterns of adjustment that hold across different families, or whether the field should consider each family as utterly unique, and should tailor interventions solely on the basis of these unique qualities. Embedded in this debate are the arguments for and against quantitative research, disagreements about the value of clinical prediction and interobserver reliability, as well as the issue of whether therapists can rightfully claim to possess "expert knowledge." The essay begins with the personal-professional anecdote that stimulated me to explore this debate in greater depth. It continues with a brief discussion of the historical context of this debate, particularly noting the parallels between the methodological issues in personality research and those facing family therapy. The nomothetic-idiographic debate in family therapy theory, research, and practice is then described. The essay ends with the suggestion that family therapy view nomothetic and idiographic thinking as complementary, and that the field strive to develop an integrated, "idiothetic" approach to family therapy research and practice.  相似文献   

后现代主义以价值观的多元和时人的意义的日益尊重为特征,其对西方家庭治疗产生了深刻的影响.介绍了建构主义、解构主义、女性主义、多元文化主义的理论沿革及其相应的家庭治疗模式,论述了社会建构主义的四种家庭治疗模式以及叙事治疗的主要特征.而整合作为家庭治疗的主导性潮流,正影响着整个领域.  相似文献   

Clients with a learning disability have received little attention so far from psychotherapeutic services. Systems thinking seems to have obvious potential for this group, given the stresses which such a disability puts on the client and his family and the variety of different organizations with which they become involved. This paper describes the use of family therapy within a clinic setting and considers similarities to and differences from general family therapy practice. Ways of overcoming communication difficulties are highlighted, as is the need to redress the power imbalance within the therapeutic situation.  相似文献   

The new career movement in the community mental health field will increasingly demand that training programs provide the paraprofessional with a clinical role that avoids the temporary and mostly erroneous advantages of being an “indigenous” worker. Clinical functions taught in training need to be related to the problems of the urban poor; it is this group that needs a concept of service that can combine management of reality with beneficial restructuring of psychological systems. The resulting role is that of the paraprofessional family therapist — a new career that offers service to the troubled family unit of the urban poor and vocational definition to the person who is so trained.  相似文献   

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