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The aim of the present article is to present recent and validated clinical applications in the field of health psychology, in particular regarding pain and chronic disease management. Techniques such as acceptance and engagement therapy, mindfulness meditation and positive emotions enhancement have proved to be successful. Mindfulness is an attribute of consciousness long believed to promote well-being. It is commonly defined as the state of being attentive to and aware of what is taking place in the present. By this way, mindfulness meditation learns to patients with chronic pain to reduce their pain sensation. Moreover, encourage patients to have positive emotions, such as gratitude, is efficient in long term well-being. Prospective studies reveal that optimism, coping strategies such as positive reframing and acceptance, and social support yield less distress for patients with chronic disease. Similarly, psychosocial interventions that foster optimistic appraisals, build coping strategies, and bolster social support are benefit for patients. Other methods such as Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management (CBSM), enable to significantly enhance quality of life, adaptation to illness and chronic disease patient compliance. This 10-week group CBSM intervention that includes anxiety reduction (relaxation training), cognitive restructuring, and coping skills training is tested among women with breast cancer and HIV patients. The intervention reduces reports of thought intrusion, anxiety and emotional distress. Furthermore, biofeedback through Heart Rate Variability appears to be an important component of the development of patient potential in terms of cognitive and emotional resources enabling better coping with stressful situations and hence maintaining optimal health conditions. Biofeedback treatment intervention on pain and quality of life is helpful in the rehabilitation of patients with chronic pain. Limits of these applications are discussed as well as future research directions.  相似文献   

In the context of chronic disease, models and studies in health psychology have first focused on the patients’ adjustment. Research conducted with the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984) and the Transactional Integrative and Multifactorial Model (Bruchon-Schweitzer, 2002) have shown that individuals’ social relations, and especially family support, are associated to patients’ outcomes. Recently, studies have taken more attention to the “significant others”, most often the partners. In fact, relatives are also affected indirectly by the disease and its changes on daily life. Moreover, they often play a crucial role by helping the patient to face the disease. These models are focused on the individual and are not relevant to study dyads. An evolution of these models can be proposed by integrating a systemic and dyadic approach. In fact, the way the patient and the relative face the disease, the quality of their relation but also the way they face the disease together, as a dyad, have to be considered. The first part of this article presents the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping and the Transactional Integrative and Multifactorial Model and their evolutions. The second part shows how it is possible to develop a dyadic approach based on these models. It presents the Family System-Illness Model (Rolland, 1987), the Developmental-Contextual Model of couples coping with chronic illness across the adult life span (Berg and Upchurch, 2007) and a Systemic and Transactional Model of Dyads, which help to take more completely into account the adjustment processes of patients and relatives to a chronic illness.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2019,64(3):257-276
This article is aimed at presenting the past and present of psychology in general and social psychology in particular in subsaharan Africa. For domination and imperialism reasons, most subsaharan psychologists try to reproduce or imitate what is done by psychologists in Western countries. Thus, sub-Saharan psychology is western inspiration. In spite of the important development of psychology teachings in the curriculum of African universities, psychological research in subsaharan Africa remains rather minor and marginal.  相似文献   

Community psychology was born in the USA during the sixties, in a context of poverty, social reforms and deinstitutionalisation. In Europe, because of government policies (dictatorships in Spain, Portugal…) and the orientation of Psychology Institutes, community psychology developed lately. On the other hand, there has been for a long time experiments of alternative care to the hospitalization which are based on the same principles (the experiment of Basaglia in Italy, the district policy in France…). Since the eighties, there are also much more courses in European universities. Finally, the creation of the European Network Community Psychology (ENCP) in 2005 illustrates the expansion of community psychology in Europe. In this article, we will reexamine the various medical and social policies in Italy, in France, in the United Kingdom, and in the other countries of Europe which supported the establishment of Community Psychology.  相似文献   

Community psychology has been developed since the 1960s in North America, whereas its development is much more recent in Europe. It differs from traditional models of psychology by its conception of users and communities as collaborators. This field requires from psychologists that they extend their competencies to prevention and mental health promotion. It lays on a positive conception of the individual and of health, and seeks the investment of users in the development of local mental health models and resources. This paper aims at presenting the history of community psychology, its conceptual framework and its specificities, with regards to traditional models.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2022,67(3):223-247
IntroductionThe COVID-19 crisis of 2020 has led authorities to re-establish measures at the French-German border. The media refer to a “closure” of the border. This constitutes a rapid and brutal event in terms of the cross-border practices and mobility of local inhabitants.ObjectiveBy considering the closure period as a socio-spatial crisis, we question, first, the thematic structure of media discourse during the period of border closure, and second, the psychological continuity of the crisis discourse, by comparing it with pre-crisis interviews.MethodA thematic analysis of the discourse is done on a corpus of 407 local press articles, and on 12 semi-structured interviews with young, local inhabitants.ResultsThe analysis identified five themes which support the discursive media structure, and which organize and enable the debate. The international comparison and the use of historical and memorial content in the discourse enable actors to take a position on the border closure. The analysis of the links with the interviews shows that the relationship to the border during the crisis is structured on representational dimensions already present in the pre-crisis discourse of the inhabitants.ConclusionResults show a psychological continuity in pre- and post-crisis discourse: the media discourse reveals preexisting representations of the border, which act as generators of opinions on its closure. Additionally, we discuss the results by focusing on the place of identity-based feelings in the representational relationship to the border: this phenomenon is analysed here on a group and positional level.  相似文献   

Measurement in psychology is at the heart of a major debate in the academic literature. We aim to contribute a critical discussion of this issue. We propose to reposition the object of measurement, namely mental properties. On the basis of a clarified ontology, we consider that an empirical approach to measuring a mental property is possible. This approach must be resolutely pragmatic–realist. In practical terms, this means that a test needs to be renegotiated relative to the context. The validation of quantitative measures requires verification of a certain number of criteria. Consequently, our work critically explores measures as they are usually conceived in psychometrics domain.  相似文献   

Women aged from 18 to 25 years old are a group particularly at risk to experience elevated psychological distress. However, only a few studies have documented developmental factors associated with this variable for this population, especially in regard to emotional independence to mother's and father's individuation. The aim of the study is to explore the association between emotional independence to each parent, referring to the underlying emotional aspect related to the distance toward each parent, and psychological distress. The sample includes 1716 French-Canadian college women aged from 18 to 25 who completed an online survey. Results confirm the high prevalence of psychological distress among this population. Emotional independence to mothers and fathers are found to be moderately correlated. However, the mean emotional independence to mothers is significantly lower than the emotional independence to fathers. The results also suggest that low emotional independence, even to only one of parents is associated with higher levels of distress among young women. In contrast, levels of middle and high emotional independence from both parents are associated with lower levels of distress. The findings support the association between emotional independence to each parent and psychological distress. Empirically, further studies should distinguish between mother's and father's emotional independence. Clinically, these results emphasize the need to works patient's emotional independence to both parents.  相似文献   

This research aims at highlighting the existence of a generic concept, which could measure the social risk in company: the socio-organizational reluctance. First, we will define this concept, which comes from the electromagnetic field, where reluctance deals with the concept of resistance between two fields. Then, we will identify and define the concepts that are useful to measure social risk: social climate, organizational commitment, personal involvement and subjective congruence. Finally, we will test their links and their structure in a multivariate perspective, using structural equations modeling. The adjustment between the empirical data and the model confirms the existence of a global concept of reluctance. We also can see that organizational commitment and involvement have particular links to each other, which need more investigations.  相似文献   

This paper presents the issues and main principles of community psychology and community research as well as associated relationships and viewpoints in terms of health psychology and social psychology. In this perspective, the paper presents the context in which community psychology has emerged and its fundamental principles such as empowerment, community involvement and the ecological model. Using two examples of research in prevention of HIV infection, the paper leads to a greater comprehension of how a particular community-based approach to involve affected populations may be particularly relevant, not only to better understand their beliefs and behaviors but also to try to encourage them to change current behaviors or generate new ones. Research with adolescents involved in promoting condom use illustrates the use of psychosocial models of behavior change through a community approach. A second research focus on medical and psychosocial innovation through the use of non-routine, rapid screening tests for HIV - which are neither carried out nor supervised by medical personnel - aims to highlight the impact of the development of preventive action by directly concerned communities. The article aims to present the innovative methodological and epistemological issues which underpin community research.  相似文献   


Durante el período de estabilidad factorial de EGB (cuarto, sexto y octavo), se analizaron los cambios cuantitativos en los tres factores encontrados: Visualización Estática, Visualización Dinámica y Razonamiento Abstracto (Prieto y Vega, 1979). Las puntuaciones Factoriales de los diferentes grupos con una estructura Factorial idéntica se trataron por medio de un Análisis de varianza. Se encontraron tendencias lineales y cuadráticas significativas. Se analiza la relación entre cambio cuantitativo y cambio cualitativo desde diferentes contextos teóricos.  相似文献   

《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(56):113-126

En el proceso de adquisición y recuerdo de información, un aspecto fundamental es el de la supervisión de la comprensión. Entre las posibles formas de evaluarla están la “calibración de la comprensión” (medida de la relación de los pronósticos y la actuación real), el “sesgo” y la “precisión”. Las investigaciones sobre el tema indican que la calibración, aunque distinta de 0, es deficiente; en cuanto al sesgo, se aprecia un generalizado sentimiento de hiper confianza en diferentes tareas y grupos. Por eso, en esta investigación se han utilizado diferentes recursos para incrementar la calibración: aplazamiento de los pronósticos (diez minutos), presentación de items similares a los de la prueba final y feedback autogenerado o externo. Las conclusiones que podemos extraer de los datos son: la calibración de la comprensión es limitada y no se incrementa significativamente mediante el aplazamiento de las estimaciones. La contestación de las preguntas y las dos formas de feedback mejoran la calibración; las mejoras son superiores en el feedback autogenerado; en todos los casos, los sujetos con inferior nivel lector mejoran la calibración más que los d comprensión superior.  相似文献   

Community psychology is an applied discipline that emerged during a time of political upheaval and social unrest in the United States and Canada. In this paper, we provide a brief overview of the history of community psychology for both countries and pinpoint some crucial elements that influenced and shaped this discipline. In order to explain community psychology and to concretely demonstrate the diversity of community research and actions, we propose some examples of practical applications of this active field in North America today.  相似文献   


Recientes investigaciones han mostrado que hay diferencias en la recuperación de acciones y detalles en tareas de recuerdo y reconocimiento. Por ello nos hemos interesado por la aceptación de información falsa con ambos tipos de información utilizando el paradigma de la información postsuceso. Se expuso un vídeo sobre un robo a un banco y se introdujo información falsa mediante un cuestionario. Un día después se completó una prueba de reconocimiento Verdadero/Falso y se recogió la confianza en la respuesta. La información falsa se aceptó con mayor facilidad cuando fue presentada previamente. Hubo mejor rendimiento con acciones que detalles (más aciertos y mayor exactitud) posiblemente debido a su mejor procesamiento y a que representan la esencia del acontecimiento. Aunque hubo más falsas alarmas con detalles, las acciones falsas se aceptaron con mayor confianza. Las correlaciones entre la confianza y la exactitud fueron bajas, pero hubo mayor confianza en los aciertos que en las falsas alarmas, omisiones y rechazos correctos.  相似文献   

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