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张积家  陈穗清  张广岩  戴东红 《心理学报》2012,44(11):1421-1433
通过3个实验, 考察了聋大学生的词汇习得年龄效应。实验1采用汉字命名任务和图片命名任务, 被试使用手语命名, 发现在图片命名中存在着词汇习得年龄效应, 在汉字命名中未出现此效应。实验2和实验3分别采用汉字词语义分类任务和图片语义分类任务, 要求被试做生命物和非生命物的判断, 发现在两个语义分类任务中均出现了词汇习得年龄效应。整个研究表明, 在控制了语音因素之后, 语义因素在聋生的词汇习得年龄效应产生中具有重要的作用, 从而支持了语义假设。  相似文献   

昝飞  谭和平 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1089-1095
本研究采用暂同形似、音同形异、音异形似和无关字四类汉字字组为实验材料.每类字组都按汉字使用频率分为低频字、中频字、高频字三种.对使用手语聋生和使用口语聋生进行了同音判断和启动效应实验,旨在探究聋生在汉字识别过程中语音编码所起的作用。实验结果表明,在聋生汉字识别中,字形的知觉加工对提取语音具有非常重要的作用,但语音的提取对聋生来说非常困难。不同字频对不同字组的同音判断成绩的影响不同,表明聋生对不同汉字的语音意识不同。聋生在汉字识别中存在语音混淆和字形混淆的现象,说明语音编码和字形编码在汉字识别过程中都起了重要的作用。字频对聋生汉字识别的影响也不同,同频字产生语音特征的影响;低频字产生字形特征的影响;而中频字都不产生语音特征和字形特征的影响。  相似文献   

聋生汉字加工的自由回忆与词序位置记忆实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
谭和平  昝飞  刘春玲 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1065-1068
本研究采用韵母相同、声母相同、音异形似和音同形似四类汉字字组,对使用手语聋生、使用口语聋生和听力正常大学生进行了自由回忆和词序位置记忆两个实验。结果表明,聋生不论在汉字字组的自由回忆中还是在汉字次序信息的记忆中,对汉字的记忆效果不仅都与字组类型有关,而且都受到了语音干扰,存在语音混淆现象。这就证明,聋生在汉字加工过程中使用了语音编码,语音编码在聋生汉字加工过程中确实起到了非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

本研究考察中文聋生读者利用语境预测性信息促进词汇加工的过程特点。实验采用3(组别:高阅读技能聋生组vs.高阅读技能聋生的能力匹配健听组vs.低阅读技能聋生组)×2(句子背景对目标词的预测程度:高预测vs.低预测)混合设计。结果发现:(1)目标词的左侧词汇上,能力匹配健听组在凝视时间和总注视时间两个指标上可见语境预测性效应,两个聋生组在任何指标上均没有语境预测性效应;(2)目标词上,能力匹配健听组在首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间三项指标上均可见显著的语境预测性效应,高阅读技能聋生组仅在总注视上可见语境预测性效应,低阅读技能聋生的任何眼动指标均没有语境预测性效应。由此可见,聋生在利用语境预测性促进词汇加工方面与健听读者有所差异;相对于低阅读技能聋生,高阅读技能聋生读者识别词汇时能更多地利用语境预测性信息。  相似文献   

汉字识别中的同音字效应:语音影响字形加工的证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈宝国  宁爱华 《心理学探新》2005,25(4):35-39,55
两个实验考察汉字识别中语音对字形加工产生的影响。实验一采用视觉呈现材料的词汇判断法,没有发现如同英语研究中的同音字效应,实验二采用视、听跨通道的实验范式,首先呈现汉字的语音,然后进行视觉的词汇判断,结果发现,当出现的汉字为低频字时,其同音字越多,词汇判断的时间越长。这说明汉字的识别过程中,语音对低频字字形的加工有一定影响。  相似文献   

汉语形声字语音加工的前词汇通路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高立群  彭聃龄 《心理科学》2005,28(4):885-888
本文利用两个行为实验研究了汉语形声字语音加工的前词汇通路。实验-采用命名作业考察了规则性对汉字形声字语音加工的影响,发现在中、低频字中存在规则性效应;实验二考察了视觉对比度和规则性在形声字语音加工中的作用,发现二者存在显著的交互作用,表明汉字语音加工中也存在词汇前通路。作者还从双通道模型角度对实验结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

通过2个实验, 考察了语义类标记在中国手语词汇识别和语义提取中的作用。实验1采用手语词汇判断任务, 比较了有、无语义类标记的手语词汇识别。实验2采用语义决定任务, 探讨了语义类标记对手语词语义提取的影响。结果表明, 语义类标记影响聋生对手语词的识别和语义提取。聋生识别有语义类标记的手语词显著快于识别无语义类标记的手语词。当语义类标记与手语词的语义一致时, 能够促进聋生对手语词的语义提取; 当语义类标记与手语词的语义不一致, 会干扰聋生对手语词的语义提取。中国手语词语义类标记效应的发现, 丰富了中国手语词词汇认知的理论, 对聋人的语言教学和概念教学具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

汉语词汇习得的年龄效应:语义假设的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过三个实验考察了词汇加工中的习得年龄效应。实验一对比了汉字命名和图片命名中词汇习得的年龄效应,发现图片命名中存在着较大的词汇习得的年龄效应,汉字命名中没有出现这种效应。实验二和实验三分别采用语义范畴判断任务和图片语义分类任务,两个实验均发现了词汇习得的年龄效应。实验结果说明,词汇习得的年龄效应至少部分来源于语义加工的层次,结果支持了语义假设的观点  相似文献   

亚词汇加工是词汇识别研究中的一个重要领域,本研究考察了早期ERP成分P200如何受到汉字亚词汇部件语音信息的影响。在ERP实验中,被试对顺序呈现的启动字和目标字对进行语义判断。实验中“启动字-目标字”字对共享一个共同的可发音或不可发音的部件(如“吹-砍”、“扬-场”)。对目标字的P200效应分析显示:与部件不发音的目标字相比,部件可发音的目标字所诱发的P200显著增强。这种增强的ERP效应表明P200对汉字识别中亚词汇部件的语音加工非常敏感,其效应变化受到亚词汇语音的单独调节,同时也表明在汉字识别的早期阶段亚词汇部件语音信息就已被激活并在汉字加工中起重要作用。  相似文献   

研究采用移动窗口范式,以双字词为掩蔽单元,探究了聋生中文阅读知觉广度与词汇加工特点。结果发现:(1)聋生阅读知觉广度的左侧范围在1个双字词之外,右侧范围为1个双字词,健听读者阅读知觉广度为注视点左侧1个双字词至右侧1个双字词的范围,可见聋生的阅读知觉广度在范围大小和对称性上不同于健听读者;(2)提示注视点右侧词汇边界的移动窗口在平均注视时间、向右眼跳幅度上以相同趋势影响两组读者,但对两组读者注视次数、回视次数的影响模式不同。由此可见,聋生读者阅读知觉广度及词汇加工有其独特性特点。  相似文献   

聋人能利用视觉音素意识解码词汇语音。与健听人音位位置效应一致,聋人对汉字声母更敏感,但双字词中是否也有类似的声母优势还不清楚。采用音位识别任务探讨聋人双字词识别的声母优势及其原因,研究一利用编码方式考察指拼的作用,发现了声母识别优势,表明聋人能利用字母和指拼两种方式解码双字词语音且编码方式不影响声母优势;研究二进一步利用汉字位置探讨音位序列加工对声母识别优势的作用,结果发现了声母优势、首字优势及首字声母优势,表明聋人识别双字词音位在汉字水平、汉字音节内水平都遵循从左至右的序列加工,与健听人一致,同时还受指拼声母的特殊影响。整个研究表明,聋人识别汉字语音建立在视觉音素意识基础上,双字词的声母识别优势受指拼声母强化、双字词汉字位置效应、音节内音位位置效应的共同作用。  相似文献   

闫国利  陶佳雨  孟珠  姜琨 《心理科学》2019,(4):997-1003
聋人听觉受损后,在低水平的视觉认知任务中,表现出副中央凹注意增强效应。这种增强效应是否也会发生在高水平的汉语认知加工任务中?本研究采用边界范式,探究副中央凹注意增强效应对聋人读者合体字N+1预视效益的影响。研究发现,高技能聋人读者,可以获得合体字N+1语音和语义预视效益。研究表明,副中央凹注意增强促进了高技能聋人读者N+1预视信息的获得。  相似文献   

Comparing congenitally deaf children with hearing children on a variety of information processing tasks provides a natural test of the developmental consequences accompanying the long term loss of a particular sensory input. In this experiment, two sequential and two spatial tasks were used to evaluate the way deaf and hearing individuals process these different types of information. When deaf students were asked to recall the order of a string of lights, they performed as well as hearing students. Deaf students were at a significant disadvantage, however, when processing sequentially presented digits. Deaf students performed as well as hearing students on two complex, standardized spatial tasks. The loss of a major sensory modality had minimal effect on three of the four tasks investigated in the present study. Explanations for the single task with a performance differential are considered.  相似文献   

This study examined 40 deaf and 20 hearing students' free recall of visually presented words varied systematically with respect to signability (i.e., words that could be expressed by a single sign) and visual imagery. Half of the deaf subjects had deaf parents, while the other half had hearing parents. For deaf students, recall was better for words that had sign-language equivalents and high-imagery values. For the hearing students, recall was better for words with high-imagery values, but there was no effect of signability. Over-all, the hearing students recalled significantly more words than the deaf students in both immediate and delayed free-recall conditions. In immediate recall, deaf students with deaf parents reported using a sign-language coding strategy more frequently and recalled more words correctly than deaf students with hearing parents. Serial-position curves indicated several differences in patterns of recall among the groups. These results underline the importance of sign language in the memory and recall of deaf persons.  相似文献   

In a short-term memory experiment, signs of American Sign Language in list lengths of three to seven items were presented to deaf college students whose native language is American Sign Language. A comparable short-term memory experiment for words (words representing the English translation-equivalents of the signs) was presented to hearing college students. Recall was written, immediate and ordered. Overall, short-term memory mechanisms in the deaf seem to parallel those found in hearing subjects, even with the modality change. A significant number of multiple intrusion errors made by deaf subjects to signs were based on formational properties of the signs themselves, a result paralleling the phonologically based errors in experiments with hearing subjects.Our results are consistent with a theory that the signs of American Sign Language are actually coded by the deaf in terms of simultaneous formational parameters such as Hand Configuration, Place of Articulation and Movement. Evidence is given that signs are treated by the deaf as consisting of independent parameters — specific to American Sign Language — which are essentially arbitrary in terms of meaning.  相似文献   

王娟  薛梦  魏千惠 《心理科学》2019,(1):230-236
以小学3-5年级的汉语聋生为被试,考察其口语叙事与书面叙事的发展特征,并与健听生比较,揭示聋生叙事发展特征的特异性。结果发现:(1)无论口语叙事还是书面叙事,聋生和健听生在宏观结构上表现相当,但聋生在微观结构上表现较差。(2)在宏观结构和平均句长上,无论健听生还是聋生,书面叙事得分均显著好于口语叙事;(3)在词汇密度上,健听生在口语叙事和书面叙事上的表现相当,但聋生的词汇密度在口语叙事下表现较差。(4)在词汇丰富性和词汇密度指标上,聋生和健听生存在年级间发展特征的差异。研究结果对聋生的叙事教学有重要启示。  相似文献   

The extent to which ability to access linguistic regularities of the orthography is dependent on spoken language was investigated in a two-part spelling test administered to both hearing and profoundly deaf college students. The spelling test examined ability to spell words varying in the degree to which their correct orthographic representation could be derived from the linguistic structure of English. Both groups of subjects were found to be sensitive to the underlying regularities of the orthography as indicated by greater accuracy on linguistically-derivable words than on irregular words. Comparison of accuracy on a production task and on a multiple-choice recognition task showed that the performance of both deaf and hearing subjects benefited from the recognition format, but especially so in the spelling of irregular words. Differences in the underlying spelling process for deaf and hearing spellers were revealed in an analysis of their misspellings: Deaf subjects produced fewer phonetically accurate misspellings than did the hearing subjects. Nonetheless, the deaf spellers tended to observe the formational constraints of English phonology and morphology in their misspellings. Together, these results suggest that deaf subjects are able to develop an appreciation for the structural properties of the orthography, but that their spelling may be guided by an accurate representation of the phonetic structure of words to a lesser degree than it is for hearing spellers.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of locus of control on implicit and explicit memory. We hypothesized that internals would rely on semantic processing, externals on perceptual processing. In Experiment 1, 80 college students studied 36 words and completed an implicit memory test in either a consistent or cross-modality condition. The results revealed that externals had higher priming scores than did internals, regardless of modality. In Experiment 2, 80 college students took either an implicit or explicit test. The results again revealed that externals showed higher priming scores than internals. The higher priming scores exhibited by the externals do not necessarily mean that they are more perceptually oriented than the internals are.  相似文献   

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