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Little is known about the fakability of empirically developed measures when such measures are removed from their original instrument or battery for use in selection decisions. A research design was created that experimentally induced motivation similar to that in employment settings. Experimental group subjects were randomly assigned to two conditions. One condition required S's to complete the entire Strong Vocational Interest Blank while the other condition required subjects to complete only those items which are scored on the psychologist's scale. When results of the two conditions were compared for the “motivated” subjects, those presented with the psychologist scale items only obtained significantly higher scale scores than those who completed the entire SVIB. Although additional research on other instruments should be conducted, these results indicate caution in the practice of retaining only the valid scale items for instruments used in employment settings. While maintaining the original context does not totally eliminate the problem of response distortion it makes the problem much less pronounced.  相似文献   

This note examines two potential pitfalls in applying the Cleary or regression model of test fairness. The first lies in a misinterpretation of significance tests on intercept differences which can result when the researcher is unaware of the properties of analysis of covariance tests for intercept differences and relies on computer printouts of regression equations. The second lies in the dependence of some tests for intercept differences on predictor scaling. Once aware of them, the researcher can avoid both these pitfalls.  相似文献   

Current research developments in several areas of personnel selection methodology are reviewed. The areas reviewed represent attempts to develop alternatives to traditional paper-and-pencil methods of test development. These areas include computer-interactive tests in the employment situation, new ways of using life-history information, the use of physical tests in selecting individuals for physically demanding jobs, and the development of job-related medical standards for job assignment.  相似文献   

A model for examining tradeoffs between rate of minority hiring and quality of selectees is presented. Each case is to be defined in terms of the selection ratio, the relation of outcome to predictor within each group, and other parameters. It is shown that, in a representative case, substantial changes in the rate of minority hiring have only small effects on the quality of the work force. How changes in this rate affect indices of adverse impact and other aspects of fairness is also examined.  相似文献   

Selection outcomes under banding are affected by characteristics of the selection system and the applicant pool. This study examined the effects of eight parameters on the proportions hired from higher- and lower-scoring groups: (a) selection ratio; (b) reliability; (b) fixed vs. sliding bands; (d) top-down vs. random within-band selection; (e) preferential vs. nonpreferential selection; (f) mean differences; (g) standard deviation differences; and (h) proportion of applicants from the lower-scoring group. Simulation results were analyzed in a fully-crossed eight-way ANOVA. Higher-order interactions among selection system and applicant pool characteristics had virtually no effect on selection outcomes; the proportion of the applicant pool from the lower-scoring group accounted for nearly half the variance in out-comes. Other important effects are, in order, the effects of standard deviation differences, mean differences, preferential hiring, and the selection ratio. Applicant pool characteristics have considerably more influence on selection outcomes than do selection system characteristics.  相似文献   


This paper illustrates a content-oriented procedure for personnel selection in a small business setting. The procedure focuses directly on criterion performance, inasmuch as it generates lists of tasks relevant to specific job objectives. Rank order correlations provide quantitative indices of agreement between members of the job analysis panel as to the relative importance of the job objectives. The importance of appropriate representation on the job analysis panel is emphasized.  相似文献   

An adjusting‐delay procedure was used to study the choices of pigeons and rats when both delay and amount of reinforcement were varied. In different conditions, the choice alternatives included one versus two reinforcers, one versus three reinforcers, and three versus two reinforcers. The delay to one alternative (the standard alternative) was kept constant in a condition, and the delay to the other (the adjusting alternative) was increased or decreased many times a session so as to estimate an indifference point—a delay at which the two alternatives were chosen about equally often. Indifference functions were constructed by plotting the adjusting delay as a function of the standard delay for each pair of reinforcer amounts. The experiments were designed to test the prediction of a hyperbolic decay equation that the slopes of the indifference functions should increase as the ratio of the two reinforcer amounts increased. Consistent with the hyperbolic equation, the slopes of the indifference functions depended on the ratios of the two reinforcer amounts for both pigeons and rats. These results were not compatible with an exponential decay equation, which predicts slopes of 1 regardless of the reinforcer amounts. Combined with other data, these findings provide further evidence that delay discounting is well described by a hyperbolic equation for both species, but not by an exponential equation. Quantitative differences in the y‐intercepts of the indifference functions from the two species suggested that the rate at which reinforcer strength decreases with increasing delay may be four or five times slower for rats than for pigeons.  相似文献   

Three studies tested competing predictions about the role of similarity in personnel selection decisions. Previous research suggests a significant role for applicant-selector similarity in the determination of selection decisions. Applicants who are similar to selectors are evaluated, by selectors, more positively than dissimilar applicants. The current investigations found that when the object of similarity is the applicant's and selector's level of anxiety, this relationship fails to appear. Regardless of the selector's own level of anxiety, the high anxious applicant is less positively evaluated than the low anxious one. This effect appears even when the communication demands of the position are specified.  相似文献   

Obstacles related to cultural differences between Japanese management concepts and American selection practices were overcome to develop a selection system for hiring American workers in a Japanese-American joint venture assembly plant. Job analysis procedures and traditional selection system design procedures were modified to accommodate the Japanese culture and management philosophy. This paper describes the process used to develop a cross-culturally valid selection system and outlines problems presented in validating the selection system to ensure compatibility with Japanese management demands regarding productivity, team orientation, quality standards, and formal employee performance evaluations.  相似文献   

This study explores alternative selection strategies available when a firm has two valid predictors that differ in the magnitude of subgroup differences. We examine 14 different selection rules (e.g., select on a composite of the two predictors versus screen on the first and then select on the second versus screen on the first and then select on a composite of the two), and document through a Monte Carlo simulation that the various selection rules can produce markedly different consequences in terms of the level of job performance achieved and the level of minority representation achieved. The selection rules examined include the use of within-group norming, whichwas restricted by the Civil Rights Act of 1991, and the study examines how selection rules that do and do not include within-group norming fare in terms of the tradeoffs between performance and minority representation. The study shows that the preferred selection strategy will depend on the relative value the firm places on performance and on minority representation, and that the effects of different screen-then-select selection strategies vary as a result of the selection ratios at the screening and selection stages, thus precluding simple conclusions about the merits of each selection strategy.  相似文献   

Employers who defend the use of selection tests by a criterion-related validity analysis are required by the Federal Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures to conduct studies on "unfairness" when technically feasible. While application of the classical Cleary model totally satisfies the guideline definition of unfairness, difficulties arise when practitioners need to explain the mathematical procedures to attorneys, judges, and others without statistical backgrounds. These difficulties can be minimized or avoided by utilizing the simplified procedures demonstrated.  相似文献   

Two research questions pertaining to the applicant age bias effect were addressed in this study: the effect of age-related information exposure on selection decisions and the issue of between-sample generalizability with reference to the age bias effect. Manager and student selectors made selection decisions after viewing one videotape of a simulated selection interview of either an old or a young job applicant. Before viewing the interview tape, half of each subject group was given an item of age-related information and the other half was given neutral information. The results showed that, under the neutral information condition, managers preferred hiring the young applicant for the low-status job, and students favored the old candidate for the high-status position. Under the age-related information condition, managers shifted to favoring the old candidate for the low-status job, and students preferred the young applicant for both the low- and high-status positions. Age discrimination in selection decisions and the lack of external validity of student results in selection research are then discussed.  相似文献   

A particular form of test score banding, in which bands are based on the reliability of the test and in which selection within bands takes into account criteria that are likely to enhance workforce diversity, has been proposed as an alternative to the traditional top-down (rank-order) hiring systems, but it has been hotly debated among both scientists and practitioners. In a question-and-answer format, this article presents three different viewpoints (proponents, critics, and neutral observers) on the scientific, legal, and practical issues. The article also attempts to seek some consensus among experts on this controversial procedure.  相似文献   

Psychological testing for Education and Personnel selection is of great importance in the efforts by many African countries to ensure that suitable candidates are selected for education beyond the primary school level and for training for different employment. Major investigations directed to this need have been in the area of adapting tests already available in Western countries and determining the reliability and predictive validity of battery of tests so adapted and their tryout in African schools to determine their efficiency as tools for selection.  相似文献   

Selection decisions in the evaluation of applicants for managerial positions and recommended starting salaries were examined in samples of professional interviewers and students. Significant differences were noted between the two samples in the number and nature of factors used in making selection and salary decisions. Implications of the generalizability of student samples in selection and managerial decision-making research are discussed.  相似文献   

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