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TV use could be detrimental to children’s development because it may displace enriching activities like shared reading and caregiver-child interaction or disrupt children’s interactions with the adults in their lives by distracting both parties. Some prior research has shown that demographic factors (maternal education, siblings) and maternal mental health (depression risk and parenting stress) may predict household TV, but findings are mixed. Household TV is defined here as whether or how much the TV is on in the home. In the current study, we examine the following research questions: (a) what is the prevalence of household TV (i.e., whether or how much the TV is on) in the homes of infants and toddlers in a sample of families from low-income homes? and (b) do demographic characteristics (i.e., maternal education level and presence of siblings in the home), and maternal mental health (i.e., depression risk and parenting stress) predict household TV (i.e., whether or how much the TV is on)? Mothers (N = 220) reported on their household TV, education level, siblings in the home, depression risk, and parenting stress when children were four to seven months of age and again at 15–19 months of age. Results showed a high level of household TV, especially during infancy. Furthermore, education level, but not siblings, depression risk, or parenting stress, was related to household TV during infancy and toddlerhood. These findings are discussed in relation to prior research and the potential for informing future interventions or education efforts.  相似文献   

This study aimed to measure behavioral correlates of self-regulation in elite youth soccer players. Behaviors regarded as indicative of self-regulated learning were identified by interviewing six expert youth soccer coaches. These behaviors were observed during practice of eight elite youth soccer players aged 15–17 years, and linked with self-reported self-regulated learning scores to describe behavioral correlates of self-regulation. Results indicated that self-regulated learning is reflected in taking responsibility for learning and that players’ practice environment plays a significant role. This study highlights the importance of measuring overt behavior to gain a complete impression of youth soccer players’ self-regulated learning skills.  相似文献   

In this study, I investigated patterns and predictors of service utilization for children with mood disorders. The Behavioral Model for Health Care Utilization was used as an organizing framework for identifying predictors of the number and quality of services utilized. Hierarchical regression was used in secondary data analyses of the Multi-Family Psychoeducational Psychotherapy study (MF-PEP), a randomized controlled trial of 165 children aged 8–12 with mood disorders. The children were using an average of two services, with pharmacotherapy and school services as most frequent. Children with bipolar disorders used significantly more and higher quality services than children with depressive disorders. Parent knowledge of mood disorders, area of residence, and perceived need for treatment were all related to the number of services families were utilizing. Parent knowledge of mood disorders and treatment, child’s age, and mood symptom severity were all predictors of the quality of services being utilized. Findings highlight the impact of non-need factors on service utilization and the potential to decrease disparities caused by these factors. For example, increasing efforts to educate both the general public and individual families coming in for treatment about children’s mental health may improve service utilization patterns in this population.  相似文献   

As an emerging value, materialism helps explain the consumer behavior of youth. Using a national sample of 9‐ to 14‐year‐olds, in this study we developed a Youth Materialism Scale. The findings suggest that more materialistic youth tend to shop more and save less. They are most interested in new products and most responsive to advertising and promotional efforts. Their parents view them as more expert with regard to products and they wield more purchase influence on their parents. Parents who are more materialistic tend to have children who are more materialistic. This study also reveals a modest negative relation between materialism and liking for school and school performance.  相似文献   

Mindfulness has been hypothesized to directly facilitate well-being, and to indirectly do so by enhancing self-regulated functioning. No prior research has examined these relationships in the domain of academic achievement. The current study tested relationships among mindfulness, achievement-related self-regulation (e.g., delay-of-gratification, help-seeking, and self-control) and achievement emotions among a sample of 290 undergraduate students. Results revealed that indices of mindfulness, achievement-related self-regulation, and achievement emotions were significantly inter-correlated. And, results supported the hypothesis that the prediction of achievement emotions by mindfulness was mediated by greater self-regulation over achievement. Results are considered in light of recent evidence for associations among mindfulness, self-regulation, and well-being in other domains of functioning; with respect to theoretical and practical implications; and with respect to the possible fruitfulness of research bridging self-regulation as a character strength and achievement-related functioning.  相似文献   

Parents' perceptions of child development are influenced by complex interactions among cultural, social, and economic factors. Insights into how parents from culturally diverse societies perceive the development of their children might explain why different cultural groups foster or value the development of different skills in their children. In this study, we explored the perceptions of child development among low income Mexican American parents. A series of ethnographic interviews were conducted with eight Mexican American families who had preschool children. Qualitative data analyses yielded three main themes that were important to these parents: family attitudes and values, changes, and adaptations. For these parents, the development of social attributes in children, that will enable them to function within their own cultural group, was as important as the development of cognitive or motor skills. Service providers, such as school and mental health personnel, should take into account cultural differences in parents' perceptions of the importance of various developmental milestones for their children when suggesting interventions typically used by parents in the dominant culture.  相似文献   

Many therapists believe clients must pay a fee in order for therapy to be effective. This study conducted a review of 1,125 client records in a southeastern university’s marriage and family therapy training clinic to determine how paying fees impacted therapy attendance and outcomes. The results indicated that the amount of fee paid did not predict therapy attendance or outcomes. These findings, consistent with previous research, suggest that fee payment has limited impact on achievement of therapeutic gains.  相似文献   

Utilizing a relational developmental systems approach to examining character strengths, this article examines the connection between adolescents’ intentional self-regulation (ISR) with youth sense of purpose, using data from a large-scale evaluation of a youth development program in Scotland. Data were triangulated from multiple sources, including youth surveys and interviews as well as teacher assessments. Surveys were collected from 783 S2 (approximately seventh grade) pupils; teacher survey data were collected for 732 of these pupils. Telephone interviews were conducted with a subset of 29 adolescents. The data were analyzed with an innovative mixed-methods technique that allows qualitative interview data to underscore consistencies and disconnects with quantitative findings from both teacher and adolescent surveys. Results demonstrate a strong connection between ISR and purpose and many consistencies across measures of purpose.  相似文献   

We use longitudinal multilevel modeling to test how exposure to community violence and cognitive and behavioral factors contribute to the development of aggressive and prosocial behaviors. Specifically, we examine predictors of self-, peer-, and teacher-reported aggressive and prosocial behavior among 266 urban, African American early adolescents. We examine lagged, within-person, between-person, and protective effects across 2 years. In general, results suggest that higher levels of violence exposure and aggressive beliefs are associated with more aggressive and less prosocial peer-reported behavior, whereas greater self-efficacy to resolve conflict peacefully is associated with less aggression across reporters and more teacher-reported prosocial behavior. Greater knowledge and violence prevention skills are associated with fewer aggressive and more prosocial teacher-reported behaviors. Results also suggest that greater self-efficacy and lower impulsivity have protective effects for youth reporting higher levels of exposure to community violence, in terms of teacher-reported aggressive behavior and peer-reported prosocial behavior. Differences among reporters and models are discussed, as well as implications for intervention.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the Behavioral Dyscontrol Scale (BDS), a measure of the executive cognitive capacity to use an intention to guide purposeful, goal-directed activity would be strongly associated with concurrent functional status after controlling for age, sex, education, severity of pain, medical comorbidity, depression, and general mental status, in a sample of 246 elderly inpatients receiving rehabilitation services following hospitalization for stroke. Functional status was assessed by rehabilitation nurses' ratings of patients on 11 ADL items and on the Barthel Index. The BDS was the strongest predictor for 11 of the 12 dependent variables. Although it correlated significantly with all outcomes, the MMSE entered only one of the regression models. Of the other covariates, only age and severity of pain made an additional contribution to the prediction of functional ability for more than 1 dependent variable. Consistent with prior results in several other samples, the ability to use intentions to guide purposeful behavior appears to be an important contributor to everyday functioning among older adults.  相似文献   

Predictors of youth religiosity were developed from eight domains: childhood training, religious schooling, cognitive ability, psychodynamic need, parenting style, role models, family life cycle, and background demographics. Data are from the National Survey of Children (NSC). Predictors were assessed when participants were 7–11 and 11–16 years of age. Religiosity was assessed when participants were 17–22 years (N = 1,046). After identifying the best predictors within a domain, an across-domain regression analysis was conducted to determine the predictors' relative contributions. The best predictors of youth religiosity were ethnicity and peers' church attendance during high school. Other predictors were, in order of decreasing magnitude: residence in the south, gender, religious schooling during childhood, maternal religiosity, church attendance during childhood, the importance mothers placed on childhood religious training, and an interaction variable identifying religious mothers who were very supportive. These analyses attest to the primacy of religious role models in the development of youth religiosity.  相似文献   

Prior studies have suggested that living in high-risk neighborhoods is associated with youths’ maladjustment. Youths who maintained favorable outcomes, despite being exposed to such neighborhood risks, were considered resilient. Using structural equation modeling techniques, longitudinal data of 877 youths from the Denver Youth Survey were examined to identify predictors of resilience, longitudinal interrelations among predictors, and bi-directional relationships between resilience and life context factors. Resilience was longitudinally predicted by bonding to family and teachers, involvement in extracurricular activities, lower levels of parental discord, fewer adverse life events, and being less involved with delinquent peers. A positive feedback loop was found, in which resilience predicted further resilience. Early intervention to strengthen traditional bonding, decrease involvement with delinquent peers, and reduce the effects of adverse life events and parental discord may be essential in enhancing functioning of high-risk youths.  相似文献   

Although mentoring is a popular and effective means of intervention with youth, the positive effects of mentoring can be diminished by premature match closure of relationships. Program, mentor, and mentee characteristics were examined as predictors of premature match closure. Secondary data analyses were conducted on a large national database of mentoring programs consisting of match and youth risk information from 170 mentoring programs and 6468 matches from across the U.S. Premature closure was associated with mentee age at match inception and 19 individual mentee characteristics. The set of mentee characteristics were examined as part of a cumulative risk index encompassing seven conceptually combined categories including family background characteristics, school functioning problems, engagement in risky health behaviors, self‐regulation difficulties, engagement in illegal or criminal activities, and internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Both the age of mentees when matched and the cumulative risk index score significantly predicted premature closure. Results are discussed in terms of directions for future research and suggestions for enhancing mentoring program practices.  相似文献   


This study prospectively investigates associations among youth religiosity, religious denomination, and contraception use. Associations between youth religiosity and religious denomination, and type of contraceptive used and consistent contraceptive use among sexually active youth (N = 757) were analyzed using multinomial and binomial logistic regression. Identifying with a religious denomination was a predictor of dual contraceptive use relative to using no method of contraception (AOR = 2.17). There was no association between youth religiosity and type of contraceptive use or contraceptive consistency. Religious leaders and public health practitioners should collaborate to develop strategies to engage in conversations with sexually active youth about contraceptive use.


This study explored the extent to which (a) retrospective reports of childhood emotional bonds with parents and (b) current adult attachment orientations predicted the capacity for constructive thinking within a college sample. A total of 145 undergraduates completed measures of global constructive thinking, parent-child emotional bonds, and adult attachment orientations. When gender and ethnic differences in constructive thinking within this sample were controlled for, both parent-child emotional bonds and current adult attachment orientations significantly predicted constructive thinking scores. In addition, students' adult attachment orientations effectively mediated the influence of early emotional bonds on constructive thinking.  相似文献   

The present study used resilience theory to explore relationships among perceived racial discrimination, ethnic identity, gender, and economic value of education (EVE) among urban, low‐income, Latina/o youth. It was expected that racial discrimination would predict poorer perceptions of the EVE among Latina/o adolescents. Ethnic identity was hypothesized to buffer the negative effect of racial discrimination on Latina/o students’ EVE. The participants in this study were 396 urban, low‐income Latina/o high school students from a large, Midwestern city who completed surveys in both 9th‐ and 10th‐grade. Structural equation modeling was used to test the relationships among racial discrimination, ethnic identity, and EVE. Results supported a protective model of resilience. Specifically, ethnic identity served as a protective factor by buffering the negative effect of perceived racial discrimination on EVE for male participants. The present study is the first to examine ethnic identity as a buffer of racial discrimination on EVE among Latina/o high school students. Future directions and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of gender, age, race/ethnicity, length of stay, social support, and proficiency in English in the variance in depression and anxiety among international students revealed that social support was a significant predictor of depression and anxiety among international students. Age significantly contributed to the variance in anxiety, and self‐rated English proficiency uniquely contributed to the variance in both depression and anxiety. Latino/a students had significantly higher levels of depression than did Asian students.  相似文献   

Relationships with peers and adults are expected to foster social responsibility in physical activity-based positive youth development programs. Low-income youth (N = 479) were surveyed pre- and post-program.Psychometric properties of a new social responsibility scale were supported. Belonging predicted changes in social responsibility, and leader emotional support moderated the autonomy support- and belonging-social responsibility associations. Those with higher leader emotional support had a stronger positive association between autonomy support and social responsibility. Those with lower leader emotional support had a stronger positive association between belonging and social responsibility. Positive social relationships with peers and staff may facilitate social responsibility.  相似文献   

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