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75 adolescent psychiatric patients were diagnosed with the perceptual projective test the Defense Mechanism Test (DMT) and also according to Kernberg's theory of personality organization (PO). The test protocols were scored in respect of 130DMT variables and analyzed by means of partial least squares (PLS) discriminant analysis. The objective was to try to separate the three types of PO, psychotic (PPO), borderline (BPO) and neurotic (NPO) by means of the DMT and also to compare the results with a similar study on adult psychiatric patients. The results showed that it is possible to separate significantly the three groups of PO. The BPO group seemed to be heterogeneous. The results were fairly similar to those obtained with adult psychiatric patients. The overall results supported the concurrent validity of Kernberg's theory of PO and for the DMT as well. The DMT seems to be a useful diagnostic method in respect of adolescent psychiatric patients.  相似文献   

Thirty-one inpatients in a psychiatric clinic were assessed with DMT and the Structural Interview. In order to assemble every relevant reaction that an individual might have to a percept-genesis, 130 DMT variables were formed. The results were first subjected to a quality control of the DMT-scores and then subjected to partial least squares in latent variables (PLS) discriminant analysis. The analysis showed that it is possible to separate patients with psychotic PO (PPO) from those with borderline PO (BPO) by means of the 130 variables. The BPO group is characterized by aggressive manifestations, sensitivity to threat, identity lability and various transformations of the Hero gestalt. The PPO group, on the other hand, is characterized by high threshold values for perception, lack of identity, denial and repression of the peripheral person at a late-phase level. There are other perceptual reactions that are important predictors of PO than the defence categories of the manual. These perceptual reactions do not correspond to the traditional psychodynamic defence mechanisms. Our conclusion is that principal component analysis (PCA) and PLS are useful methods of finding discriminating patterns of perceptual reactions to the DMT for patients with different PO.  相似文献   

Thirty patients were subjected to a Structural Interview by means of which 10 of them received the diagnosis NPO (Neurotic Personality Organization), 10 BPO (Borderline Personality Organization) and 10 PPO (Psychotic Personality Organization). About 2500 words and groups of words were extracted from the patients' utterances for analysis. The word-frequencies thus found were analyzed by a PLS discriminant analysis which yielded two significant principal components (main dimensions) explaining 57% of the variance. This analysis showed that the three groups of patients are well separated from one another and that there is a definite correlation between personality organization and linguistic variables. The main features of the BPO-patients in this study seem to be that they refer to positions outside themselves and their language is impersonal; we see this as an exemple of a vacillating identity. The NPO-group is characterized by an intense and rich language, signs of a more advanced symbolizing ability, deixis and high level defenses. The language of the PPO-patients is poor and its predominant feature is a lack of words; in our interpretation this indicates foreclosure and a lack of identity.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to study gender differences in the percept-genetic method Defense Mechanism Test (DMT) among a group of 60 adolescent subjects. Three subgroups were used: patients with psychotic disorders (Axis 1); borderline personality disorder (Axis 2) according to the DSM-IV classification system, and a non-patient group. The test protocols were scored with respect to 124 DMT variables and analyzed by means of the multivariate projection method Partial Least Squares (PLS) in latent structures. The overall results showed considerable gender differences in the whole group as well as in the subgroups. The most striking finding was that girls compared to boys were characterized by the perceptual defense identification with the opposite sex, which means that they perceived male gestalts instead of females in the stimulus picture. When both gender and diagnostic group membership were considered simultaneously, the influence of diagnostic group membership seemed to be stronger than gender even if there was an interaction between diagnoses and gender. It was concluded that gender must be considered when the DMT is used on adolescent populations.  相似文献   

We investigated the validity of different subtypes of borderline personality organization (BPO) as assessed by theory-driven profiles of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Disorder (MMPI; Hathaway & McKinley, 1943 ) Dutch Short Form (DSFM; Eurelings-Bontekoe, Onnink, Williams, & Snellen, 2008 ) in a naturalistic follow-up study among 2,062 psychiatric outpatients who received 6 months of ambulatory treatment. Patients were assessed at intake (T1) and 6 months later (T2). At T2, both patients and therapists rated the level of improvement, using the Global Assessment of Improvement. Patients with the high-level BPO profile showed the largest increase in well-being and the largest decrease in severity of symptomatology, whereas severity of symptomatology and well-being of patients with psychotic BPO profiles did not change over time. Agreement between patients and therapists about improvement was good for the internalizing immature BPO and high-level BPO patients, but poor for the externalizing low-level BPO and narcissistic patients.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of non-clinical subjects (N=74) the study examines the Defence Mechanism Test (DMT) by focusing on when perceptual distortions, called ‘signs of defence’ in DMT terminology, occur (distribution in exposure duration), which part of the picture is involved (distribution in localisation), and which ‘signs’ go together (using correlation and factor analyses). The results disclosed that the occurrence of perceptual distortions (‘signs of defence’) was related to exposure duration (some ‘defences’ are more frequent at brief exposures, some others at longer exposure durations), and to localisation on the picture. The location of misperceptions to the central person (hero) or the peripheral person (pp) of the picture was the major explanatory principle for the distribution of ‘signs’ on factors. Rather than capturing psychodynamic defence mechanisms, which is the theoretical basis of the test, the analyses imply that the DMT seems to measure misperceptions which are a function of the localisation of persons on the stimulus picture and of exposure durations.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that object properties are processed faster when they follow properties from the same perceptual modality than properties from different modalities. These findings suggest that language activates sensorimotor processes, which, according to those studies, can only be explained by a modal account of cognition. The current paper shows how a statistical linguistic approach of word co-occurrences can also reliably predict the category of perceptual modality a word belongs to (auditory, olfactory-gustatory, visual-haptic), even though the statistical linguistic approach is less precise than the modal approach (auditory, gustatory, haptic, olfactory, visual). Moreover, the statistical linguistic approach is compared with the modal embodied approach in an experiment in which participants verify properties that share or shift modalities. Response times suggest that fast responses can best be explained by the linguistic account, whereas slower responses can best be explained by the embodied account. These results provide further evidence for the theory that conceptual processing is both linguistic and embodied, whereby less precise linguistic processes precede precise simulation processes.  相似文献   

Contemporary object-relation theory of personality postulates that the level of severity of personality organization parallels the nature and extent of problems in the patient’s sexual life. The study aims at exploring the relationship between dimensions of Borderline Personality Organization (BPO) (as assessed according to Otto Kernberg’s model), sexual functioning, quality of sexual life and paraphilias in a community sample of men. One-hundred and thirty-six healthy men were asked to complete a set of questionnaires including the Inventory of Personality Organization (IPO), the International Index of Erectile Function, the Sexual Quality of Life Questionnaire, and a checklist to assess the prevalence of paraphilias. High scores on IPO subscales were significantly associated with low overall satisfaction in sexual functioning, low quality of sexual life, and the presence of paraphilias. Results expand previous findings on the relationship between features of BPO and core components of sexual life and support the need for an assessment of personality functioning in subjects reporting sexual problems.  相似文献   

Illusory conjunctions are the incorrect perceptual combination of briefly presented colors and shapes. In the neon colors illusion, achromatic figures take on the color of an overlaid grid of colored lines. Both illusions are explained by a theory that assumes (a) poor location information or poor spatial resolution for some aspects of visual information and (b) that the spatial location of features is constrained by perceptual organization. Computer simulations demonstrate that the mechanisms suggested by the theory are useful in veridical perception and they are sufficient to produce illusory conjunctions. The theory suggests mechanisms that economically encode visual information in a way that filters noise and fills in missing data. Issues related to neural implementation are discussed. Four experiments illustrate the theory. Illusory conjunctions are shown to be affected by objective stimulus organization, by subjective organization, and by the linguistic structure of ambiguous Hebrew words. Neon colors are constrained by linguistic structure in the same way as illusory conjunctions.  相似文献   

Lee (1999) argued that there would be two possible confounding variables in the word length effect. This study attempted to control those two variables. A possible confounding variable in the word-length effect is the neighborhood size. A shortword usually has more neighbors than a long word.Another confounding variable is different perceptual availability between inside and outside letters in a long word. Inside letters are easier to perceive than outside letters. Controlling of these two confounding variables in the two experiments eliminated the wordlength effect.  相似文献   

语言偏向是指因交流目标所属社会范畴不同而造成的语言使用差异。目前对语言偏向的研究主要集中在语言群际偏向(LIB)、语言期望偏向(LEB)以及否定偏向(NB)。对语言偏向的理论解释主要包括动机机制和认知机制。语言偏向受到沟通者的认知与刻板印象、情绪、人格特质、群体认同、沟通目标、沟通情境等因素的影响。拓展语言偏向的心理机制、类型与应用研究、创新研究方法以及开展汉语本土化研究是语言偏向研究的未来方向。  相似文献   

The words people use in their writing and speaking can serve as markers of personality. Computerized text analysis programs based on word counts represent a methodological strategy for obtaining linguistic information objectively and rapidly from diverse text samples. Several studies are summarized that point to particles or function words (e.g., pronouns, articles, and prepositions) as central determinants of linguistic styles. Particles exhibit solid psychometric properties and are related to measures of depression, social concerns, physical health, and, to a modest degree, traditional personality indices. Possible reasons for the psychological significance of particles are offered, and the challenges facing the linguistic approach to personality are considered.  相似文献   

采用移动窗口范式分别探测单字词句、双字词句和混合句子阅读知觉广度的年老化模式。单字词句是完全由单字词组成的句子,双字词句是完全由双字词组成的句子,混合句的所有词由1~4个汉字组成,这些词汇的平均词长为1.5个字。结果发现:(1)老年读者在各种词长句子上的阅读知觉广度范围均是从注视字至其右侧2个汉字;(2)青年读者在各种词长句子上的阅读知觉广度为注视点左侧1个汉字到右侧3个汉字空间。由此可见,年老化促使中文读者的阅读知觉广度变小,变得更加不对称;且句子构成词汇的词长并不调节中文阅读知觉广度的年老化。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptual language and academic achievement functions of English, Spanish, and Navajo children experiencing learning problems and referred for placement into special education classes. Those test variables which discriminated among the native English-speaking children and the children who spoke Spanish or Navajo natively were, as predicted, those tasks which involved knowledge of the linguistic rules of English. It would seem that, taken as a group, the school learning problems experienced by the native Spanish- or Navajo-speaking children were the result of their limited linguistic competence in English, the language of instruction in their classrooms.  相似文献   

Although the Defence Mechanism Test (DMT) has been in use for almost half a century, it is still unclear what it actually measures. The psychodynamic theory on which the test is based states that the threatful DMT pictures activate various defence mechanisms. To test this proposition, the original DMT pictures were redrawn by a professional artist, changing the emotional content without altering the structural properties. In this way, a neutral and a friendly variant were shaped. Sixty participants were randomly assigned to the threatful, neutral, and friendly stimulus conditions. In contrast to predictions made from psychodynamic theory, that the threatful picture would activate more ‘signs of defence’ than the others, the results disclosed that the three conditions activated the same amounts of ‘signs of defence’ and the same levels of various perceptual thresholds. Thus, rather than capturing psychodynamic defence mechanisms, our results suggest that the DMT taps perceptual or information‐processing difficulties in correct identification of brief stimulus exposures regardless of their emotional contents. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the effects of encoding manipulations on group recall and on the magnitude of collaborative inhibition. Collaborative inhibition refers to the phenomenon where by a collaborative group recalls less than do the same number of individuals who work alone and then have their nonredundant responses pooled. Participants studied categorized word lists once or three times (Experiment 1) or under conditions of full versus divided attention (Experiment 2). Study repetition both improved retrieval organization in recall and attenuated collaborative inhibition, and divided attention encoding both reduced retrieval organization in recall and eliminated collaborative inhibition. These experiments are the first to focus on encoding variables and to show that collaborative inhibition can vary as a function of encoding manipulations.  相似文献   

采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术探讨抽象道德概念的空间形象性效应, 以及语言因素和具身因素对该效应的影响机制及其加工进程。实验1检验词对空间位置对道德词对语义判断(反义程度)所产生的影响, 结果表明不符合空间形象性呈现条件(即道德-下, 不道德-上)诱发了较大的N400, 并且词对语义判断的反应时较长; 实验2检验词对语义的反义程度对道德词对空间形象性判断所产生的影响, 结果表明语义无关词对诱发了较大的N200和N700, 并且词对空间形象性判断的反应时较长。研究结果表明, 抽象道德概念的加工能够表现出空间形象性效应, 该效应由语言因素和具身因素共同塑造, 前者在概念加工过程中优先被激活并发挥持久影响, 后者仅在概念加工的中期发挥作用。  相似文献   

Speech is produced mainly in continuous streams containing several words. Listeners can use the transitional probability (TP) between adjacent and non-adjacent syllables to segment "words" from a continuous stream of artificial speech, much as they use TPs to organize a variety of perceptual continua. It is thus possible that a general-purpose statistical device exploits any speech unit to achieve segmentation of speech streams. Alternatively, language may limit what representations are open to statistical investigation according to their specific linguistic role. In this article, we focus on vowels and consonants in continuous speech. We hypothesized that vowels and consonants in words carry different kinds of information, the latter being more tied to word identification and the former to grammar. We thus predicted that in a word identification task involving continuous speech, learners would track TPs among consonants, but not among vowels. Our results show a preferential role for consonants in word identification.  相似文献   

To determine the role of ongoing processing on eye guidance in reading, two studies examined the effects of semantic context on the eyes' initial landing position in words of different levels of processing difficulty. Results from both studies clearly indicate a shift of the initial fixation location towards the end of the words for words that can be predicted from a prior semantic context. However, shifts occur only in high-frequency words and with prior fixations close to the beginning of the target word. These results suggest that ongoing perceptual and linguistic processes can affect the decision of where to send the eyes next in reading. They are explained in terms of the easiness of processing associated with the target words when located in parafoveal vision. It is concluded that two critical factors might help observing effects of linguistic variables on initial landing sites, namely, the frequency of the target word and the position where the eyes are launched from as regards to the beginning of the target word. Results also provide evidence for an early locus of semantic context effects in reading.  相似文献   

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