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This paper was originally presented as part of a panel entitled “Feminist Philosophy After Twenty Years” at the 1993 meeting of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association (APA). It is a discussion of the conditions that needed to be—and were—present in the United States in the 1970s in order for feminist philosophy to take root and flourish.  相似文献   

In this paper, I will examine the possibility of first philosophy from a phenomenological point of view. I will do this by assessing Levinas’s criticism of Husserl’s conception of first philosophy. In Sect. 1, I will delineate Husserl’s conception of first philosophy. In Sect. 2, I will introduce Levinas’s conception of ethics as first philosophy and sketch out his criticism of Husserl’s conception of first philosophy. In Sect. 3, I will assess Levinas’s criticism of Husserl’s conception and show that from a phenomenological point of view, it is possible to develop first philosophy only in a relative sense and not in an absolute sense. The possibility of first philosophy in a relative sense implies that both Husserl’s and Levinas’s conceptions of first philosophy have some limitations and should be revised, since in a certain way, they are each conceived from an absolute point of view. In Sect. 4, I will show that the conception of first philosophy in a relative sense is a phenomenological one and sketch out some basic features of first philosophy in a relative sense.  相似文献   

Lin Ma  Jaap van Brakel 《Dao》2013,12(3):297-312
In this essay, we present a theory of intercultural philosophical dialogue and comparative philosophy, drawing on both hermeneutics and analytic philosophy. We advocate the approach of “de-essentialization” across the board. It is true that similarities and differences are always to be observed across languages and traditions, but there exist no immutable cores or essences. “De-essentialization” applies to all “levels” of concepts: everyday notions such as green and qing 青, philosophical concepts such as emotion(s) and qing 情, and philosophical categories such as forms of life and dao 道. We argue that interpretation is a holistic multi-directional process constrained by the principle of mutual attunement. It is necessary to assume that “the other” is a human being, who, in most cases, is consistent and stating that which is true or right. This is the condition of possibility for intercultural philosophical dialogue and comparative philosophy. No more necessary conditions are needed. There is no need to presuppose concepts or categories that are universal for all humans and their languages (such as emotion(s) and qing 情).  相似文献   

高凌霞 《现代哲学》2005,(4):113-122,128
根据祁尔松(Etienne Gilson)的说法,中世纪哲学,尤其是十三世纪的思想,是基督宗教哲学。本文按其在台湾发展时所袭用的名词,称之为士林哲学。士林哲学之传入中国,虽然早在利玛窦时期(1550—1610)已经开始,但真正成为学术思想之主流之一,是最近五十年来在台湾地区的发展。20世纪初士林哲学初传入台湾时,当时的思想环境,对基督宗教哲学并不十分友善,这种种情况,与中世纪的思想家,面对信仰与神学之挑战相似。当时的思想家,融合各种不同的思想派系,对柏拉图与亚理斯多德的观念,重新诠释与批判,批判与诠释是创新的基础。所以,中世纪可说是哲学的第二春,而中世纪哲学之精华,即全盛期的士林哲学。十四世纪唯名论之后,士林哲学逐步式微,于十九世纪末再兴。本文认为,士林哲学在台湾发展之过程,与其在中世纪之盛行,及十九世纪末之再兴,背景虽异但有不少相似之处,而这些相似之处,正是士林哲学之基本思想与立场。本文对台湾士林哲学之发展,从四方面探讨:(1)回到形上学之根以面对新的挑战;(2)形上学基本立场与概念之说明;(3)反思与批判;(4)未来发展之方向。本文所参考之资料,一是已发表之学术文献;其二是与学者们之正式交谈——如学术演讲、座谈会等,及非正式之谈话、访问等。  相似文献   


Qingping Liu 《亚洲哲学》2015,25(3):225-237
On the one hand, Confucianism and Christianity advocate universal love for all humans on the ultimate basis of particular love for parents or for God respectively. On the other hand, they have to sacrifice the former for the latter in cases of conflict since they give top priority merely to the latter. In order to overcome this paradox in theory and realize the ideal of universal love in practice, they should transform their particularistic frameworks into universalistic ones and assign a supreme position to their ideas of universal love for all humans, which imply in a potential way a modern, humanistic principle ‘respect the deserved rights of every human being’.  相似文献   

Individuals and communities occasionally need asking and giving forgiveness. Because the process of forgiving is not always well understood, it has become necessary to consider including forgiveness education in school pedagogy and in formal school programs such as Citizenship Education. This possibility is illustrated with examples from South Africa and The Netherlands. To date, forgiveness education has mostly taken the form of brief research interventions. It is recommended that forgiveness education, also from a Christian viewpoint, be given a more prominent place in school curriculums as well as in teacher education programs.  相似文献   

吴增定 《世界哲学》2009,(6):116-121
当代"实践哲学"的复兴是一个很重要的思想现象,而它的源头正是海德格尔早年关于希腊哲学、尤其是关于亚里士多德的一系列讲座。但是,海德格尔本人却并没有走上实践哲学的道路。相反,他在根本上否定了实践哲学的可能性。在后期,他更是否定了哲学本身的可能性。总体来看,海德格尔对哲学的看法同他对希腊哲学的解释密切相关。鉴于此,本文的主要任务是讨论海德格尔关于希腊哲学的具体看法,并希望藉此对哲学的起源、历史和当下可能性等相关问题做一些力所能及的澄清。  相似文献   

早期教父时期所面临的文化处境和思想处境是其得以建构起来的历史起点。当然,这并不意味着基督宗教哲学是早期教父运用和借鉴希腊哲学思想与观念的一个必然的或基本的结果。其基本的或必然的理论形态是神学思想或体系。哲学只是这场运动的一个副产品或可能的产物。但是,某种体系只要运用或借鉴哲学思想及其观念,那么哲学的思考方式及其问题意识必然会以某种方式进入到这一体系中,从而会催生一种特有的哲学的或准哲学的东西。这种哲学的或准哲学的东西只要以某种方式进入到历史中,随着时间的推移,它必将会形成一种相对连贯的思想体系或运动。  相似文献   

Church unity has been much discussed, particularly around the centenary of the Edinburgh Missionary Conference. Pentecostalism, as a new player in today's global Christianity, comes with its unique potential toward church unity and corporation. This study identifies three such gifts: numerical growth, spontaneous ecumenicity through worship, and missional cooperation. The study concludes with a self‐critical caution for fellow Pentecostals and the world church so that these gifts would be strengthened.  相似文献   

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