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Carol Gilligan has delineated two ethics, the ethic of rights and the ethic of care. In this article I argue that the two ethics are part of one overall system, the ethic of care functioning as a necessary base for the ethic of rights. 1 also argue that the system is seriously flawed. Because women are held accountable to both ethics and because the two ethics frequently conflict, women recurrently find themselves in a moral double bind.  相似文献   


This article reports on an inquiry into ideas used to justify the shift of medical ethos in Germany prior to and during the Nazi era, specifically the principles of care advocated by Erwin Liek and Karl Kötschau, the era's most influential medical theorists, who argued that commitments to care of individual sick persons (Fürsorge) had to give way to a preventive care that respects emerging needs of the entire society (Vorsorge). The article examines both the socio-cultural factors that shaped, and the far-reaching effects of, this manipulation of care. It argues that we should be attentive to the meaning and requirements of the care revealed in this debate, the ancient Greek idea of care as a concerned moral option.  相似文献   

慢性肾衰竭患者的人文关怀   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
慢性肾衰竭是一种长期的消耗性疾病,随着医学的进步,患者的生存时间明显延长,死亡率显著下降,但其并不能完全用以衡量医疗效果,保持良好的生理,心理及社会功能才是治疗的理想目标。这需要医务人员对患者实行有效的人文关怀,积极的心理治疗,提高患者的心理承受力和适应力,在延长患者生命的同时,改善和提高其生存质量。  相似文献   

医生面对ICU临终患者很难抉择是应该积极治疗到底还是提供舒适的保守治疗,目前相关的伦理及法律问题仍尚需完善,伦理指导是一项解决纠纷、政善沟通有效的工具,成立伦理委员会对医生进行合理的建议和指导是非常必要的。  相似文献   

医生面对ICU临终患者很难抉择是应该积极治疗到底还是提供舒适的保守治疗,目前相关的伦理及法律问题仍尚需完善,伦理指导是一项解决纠纷、改善沟通有效的工具,成立伦理委员会对医生进行合理的建议和指导是非常必要的.  相似文献   

樊浩 《哲学动态》2005,(5):21-26
在<法哲学原理>中,黑格尔揭示了关于"伦理"的两种考察方式:实体的观点;原子的观点."在考察伦理时永远只有两种观点可能:或者从实体出发,或者原子式地进行探讨,即以单个的人为基础而逐渐提高."他的看法是:"后一种观点是没有精神的,因为它只能做到集合并列,但精神不是单一东西,而是单一物和普遍物的统一."[1]实体的观点、原子的观点,都基于一个依据经验确立的至今难以动摇的理智的直觉:伦理是关系的,道德也是关系的."道德的观点是关系的观点、应然的观点或要求的观点."[2]无论伦理、道德,还是伦理世界观、道德世界观,都应当以"关系的观点"、"应然的观点",这两大人文元素为基础和前提.  相似文献   

大约100年前,中国的佛教改革家太虚和德国的社会学家马克斯·韦伯相继注意到了佛教和基督教两者与社会经济之间的亲疏关系,并对此予以了研究,但由于条件所限,研究工作均未能深入.之后近百年,东西方许多有识之士对造成佛教、佛教徒和佛教国家在适应资本主义经济生产方式方面长期落后的原因进行了探讨,这种探讨在现代社会尤其受人关注.本文通过对佛教和基督教信仰模式的对比,对形成二教经济差距的原因进行了尝试性的研究分析.  相似文献   

Distributive justice relies on metaphors about spatial distribution. Modelling cross‐temporal relations on cross‐spatial relations in this way obscures how earlier groups become the later ones. Procedural justice metaphors rely on metaphors of (contemporaneous) contract and thereby on impartial reasoning. Their dominance is already problematic in the case of contemporary relations, but is even more so in the case of relations across time, where the conditions for later parties are controlled and created by earlier ones. Future generations should not be thought of as a distinct group living at a different temporal “location,” but as who we will become. Thus, the frame of “justice” is much less appropriate for our relations to them than the frame of “care”.  相似文献   

何建华 《现代哲学》2006,46(1):37-44
经济与伦理都以利益为共同基础与最终指向,二者都有规则的含义,都体现了人类的理性原则。但这并不否定两者之间所存在的差异和冲突。经济与伦理的冲突是由社会分工为前提的实践方式的分化所引起的,是以经济学与伦理学的分工为前提的。构建经济学的伦理维度,旨在用人类整体理性方式来反思经济活动及经济主体之间的关系,从而为市场经济秩序提供伦理辩护,奠定经济发展的价值基础。  相似文献   

当代伦理学面对一个特殊困境,即伦理学的空间在不断萎缩。当代伦理学对伦理问题的理解日渐贫乏单调而且脱离事实,而政治哲学、经济学、政治学和社会学却为伦理学问题提供了许多不可忽视的有效解释。其中一个重要原因是,现代和当代的制度、规则和价值观形成了"淘汰伦理"的机制,很大程度上削弱了伦理的效力,压缩了伦理的有效空间。伦理学如果不能回归本源去重新反思形而上的问题,就终将失去立足之地。  相似文献   

生态伦理本体的反思与重构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在目前的生态伦理学研究中,无论是主张以人为伦理本体还是强调以自然为伦理本体,都属于黑格尔所嘲笑的原子式的没有精神的思维方式.超越这种有限思维在于将这两种对立的生态伦理本体统一起来,形成一种生态人性的伦理本体.由于这种生态人性是人同自然界的本质一体化,人为中心即自然为中心,自然为中心即是人为中心,于是就消解了人类中心论与自然中心论的对立,并成为二者存在的真理.  相似文献   

基督教是一种以"爱的宗教"和"和好的福音"著称的世界伦理宗教,蕴含丰富的和谐伦理资源。基督教和谐伦理的一个根本理念和主题是重新寻获和谐统一的世界,重建"神-人-自然-世界"的和谐统一。本文主要从四个方面,即终极性的和谐、救赎性的和谐、爱的和谐和关系性的和谐探讨基督教和谐伦理的本质,指出贯穿基督教和谐伦理思想的主线是"关系性"或"相互关联性"。基督教的和谐伦理对于当代中国和谐社会的构建和和谐理论的完善具有深刻的启示。  相似文献   

伦理与道德之辨正   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伦理与道德两个概念的内涵及其相互关系在许多研究者那里是比较模糊的。本文试图从词源学的角度并结合黑格尔在《法哲学原理》中的相应观点对二者的内涵加以区别界定并对二者的关系加以厘定:道德是个体对自身完满性的价值追求,具有主体性与私人性;而伦理则是基于社会成员之间的互动交往而形成的规范体系,具有“互主体性”与公共性。道德是伦理的基础,伦理是道德的提升。笔者认为,对伦理与道德加以区分和厘定将有助于伦理冲突的化解、伦理关系的协调以及伦理秩序的维护。  相似文献   


The concept of the Protestant work ethic (PWE), originally proposed by Weber (1958), was examined in a study of 422 American college students. Although the PWE has been heavily studied, no definitive conclusions have been reached regarding its genesis and whether it is dispositional in nature or more heavily reliant on demographic variations. Mirels and Garrett's (1971) PWE Scale was used to measure the ethic. The authors hypothesized that older, graduate, and non-American students would express a greater belief in the ethic. The results indicated that it was the younger, undergraduate, and non-American students who expressed greater belief in the PWE.  相似文献   

This question on how religious beliefs shape attitudes about guns has received little attention in the literature. We use the religious concept of supernatural evil, or beliefs about Satan, Hell, Armageddon, and demons, to provide context for ideas about gun ownership and the development of attitudes toward gun policy. While this has been explored quantitatively using national survey data, we argue that an in-depth qualitative approach provides necessary nuance. As part of an ongoing ethnography in Northeastern Kansas, we conducted interviews with 55 women and 7 men who own and shoot guns. For this paper, we report on a religion module subsample that probes religiosity, spirituality, and gun ownership. Based on the rich contextual information from the interviews, we illuminate a package of beliefs that come together as an ethic, a set of moral principles guiding gun ownership for a subset of gun owners. We suggest the spirit of gun ownership is a bundle of duties that guide individual gun owners to stress the need to protect, be diligent, and defend. Moreover, belief in supernatural evil is bound up in policy attitudes that protect or expand gun rights.  相似文献   

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