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辛自强  韩玉蕾 《心理学报》2014,46(6):791-806
等值分数概念的发展要以相对量概念和乘法思维为基础。实验1将小学一至三年级儿童等值分数概念的发展划分为3个阶段:整体量概念、数量化的相对量概念、正式的等值分数概念, 结果表明一年级儿童尚未获得数量化的相对量概念, 二年级儿童尚未发展起成熟的乘法思维。基于此, 依据最近发展区原理设计了干预实验。实验2的干预方法是在一年级儿童的整体量概念基础上促进其数量化的相对量概念的发展, 实验3的干预方法是通过熟悉的任务情境来促进二年级儿童对乘法关系的实际意义的理解, 从而促进其乘法思维的发展。这些干预方法达到了预期效果, 为开展等值分数的早期教学提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

探究带宽选择方法、样本量、题目数量、等值设计、数据模拟方式对项目反应理论观察分数核等值的影响。通过两种数据模拟方式,获得研究数据,并计算局部与全域评价指标。研究发现,在随机组设计中,带宽选择方法表现相似;考生样本量和题目数量影响甚微。在非等组设计中,惩罚法与Silverman经验准则表现优异;增加题目量可降低百分相对误差和随机误差;增加样本量导致百分相对误差变大,随机误差减小。数据模拟方式可影响等值评价。未来应重点关注等值系统评估。  相似文献   

核等值流程包括:预平滑、估计分数概率、连续化、等值、评估等值结果。该方法兼具线性等值与等百分位等值的优点, 各环节扩展性与包容性较强; 采用平滑与连续化处理, 可降低等值随机误差; 等值差异标准误等其所特有的概念为结果评估提供可靠的工具。连续化与带宽选择方法等因素均可影响其表现; 基于核等值的新方法为等值发展提供了新颖的视角。未来可关注核等值体系的扩充与完善、流程的更新、等值方法的结合和比较等方向。  相似文献   

大学英语四、六级考试分数等值研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
朱正才 《心理学报》2005,37(2):280-284
对现有的大学英语四、六级考试分数等值模式中存在的若干问题进行了深入的分析,并提出了新的解决方案——一个基于铆题设计和两参数IRT模型的解决方案。主要包括:(1)用两参数逻辑斯蒂模型替代原来的Rasch模型,以改进题目模型的适合性;(2)用共同题目的等值设计取代原来的共同被试等值设计,解决共同被试等值设计中,等值考生的动机水平难以控制的难题;(3)建立专用的等值用题库,并且一次性完成其中铆题的预测和参数标定工作,以解决原来等值模式中存在的误差累积问题。同时,由于铆题的保密工作难度较小,因此,等值专用题库对保证等值结果的可靠性也具有重大意义;(4)本文还对新的分数等值方案进行了真实的考试数据等值计算实验,并得到了一个令人满意的分数等值结果。  相似文献   

锚测验———非等组设计是一种非常重要的等值设计方法。研究证明 :在此设计之下作为等值媒体的锚测验采用的题型不同对等值结果会有不同影响 ;采用的等值关系估计方法不同对等值结果也有不同影响 ;题型与估计方法之间还有明显的交互作用。研究认为 ,在当前的命题与评分技术水平条件下 ,锚测验以纯客观题组成为最佳 ;在锚测验题量固定的条件下 ,等值关系估计以选用频数估计法为最佳。  相似文献   

该文受Berkson将检验方法用于估计未知参数的启发,根据三个拟合优度统计量导出三种新的求取等值系数的方法,即:平方根等值方法(Square Root criterion,SQRTcrit)、对称相对熵等值方法(Symmetric Relative Entropy criterion,SREcrit)、加权等值方法(Weighted criterion,Wcrit),即Haebara准则的加权式。虽然在被检验的两个分布列很接近时,这三个多项拟合优度检验方法是渐近等价的,然而用它们求取等值系数时,Monte-Carlo模拟结果表明这三种新等值方法的行为表现存在差异。它们之间的差异和随机误差的大小有密切关系,即与项目参数估计的精度有关;还与等值系数A的范围有关。  相似文献   

项目反应理论框架下的新等值方法——对数对比等值法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
项目反应理论有一些以除法形式给出的多级评分模型,若采用Haebara等值法、Stocking_Lord等值法或对称相对熵等值法进行测验等值,都因其对初值有较高要求而可能导致失败。针对这一类模型,我们给出了一种新的等值方法——对数对比等值法。这种方法收敛快,对迭代初值要求低,所得结果精度较高,可以为其他等值方法提供良好的初值。研究表明,对数对比等值法还改进和推广了0-1评分的两参数Logistic模型的Logit变换等值法  相似文献   

罗莲 《心理学探新》2008,28(2):69-74
该文介绍了一种新的等值方法一核等值法。首先介绍了核等值法的研究过程、它的主要特点以及五个步骤(前平滑处理、估计分数概率、连续化、等值、计算等值标准误)。之后,介绍了核等值法与其他传统的观察分等值方法的差异,最后是对核等值法的评价。  相似文献   

数学等值概念获得的过渡性学习者认知发展的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王沛 《心理学报》2000,32(4):409-415
就数学等值概念获得而言,一般地,过渡性学习者在解决简单问题作业时趋向于使用一种正确策略,而当题目较难时则使用几种不同的错误策略。经过针对性的指导(或输入适当信息)后极易掌握此概念,表现为使用一种正确且充分的策略。同时,“言语一手势失匹配”可能不是过渡性学习者的必然的认知特征。  相似文献   

吴锐  丁树良  甘登文 《心理学报》2010,42(3):434-442
题组越来越多地出现在各类考试中, 采用标准的IRT模型对有题组的测验等值, 可能因忽略题组的局部相依性导致等值结果的失真。为解决此问题, 我们采用基于题组的2PTM模型及IRT特征曲线法等值, 以等值系数估计值的误差大小作为衡量标准, 以Wilcoxon符号秩检验为依据, 在几种不同情况下进行了大量的Monte Carlo模拟实验。实验结果表明, 考虑了局部相依性的题组模型2PTM绝大部分情况下都比2PLM等值的误差小且有显著性差异。另外, 用6种不同等值准则对2PTM等值并评价了不同条件下等值准则之间的优劣。  相似文献   

马利军  张积家  杜凯 《心理学报》2013,45(4):391-405
惯用语是比喻性语言的一种。语义分解性的作用是惯用语理解机制争论的焦点。通过语义启动任务, 探究了汉语动宾结构的惯用语和偏正结构的惯用语的意义理解模式, 揭示语义分解性在短的SOA (300 ms)和长的SOA (800 ms)下的作用。结果发现, 语义分解性独立地影响惯用语的意义激活:当SOA短时, 语义高分解的两类惯用语均表现出显著的字面义激活效应; 当SOA长时, 语义低分解的偏正结构的惯用语的意义激活的正确率优势明显。同时, 两类惯用语的语义分解性不同导致了语义激活启动效应的差异:当SOA短时, 语义低分解的动宾结构的惯用语存在两种意义的激活效应, 语义高分解的动宾结构的惯用语和偏正结构的惯用语存在字面义的激活效应; 当SOA长时, 语义低分解的动宾结构的惯用语存在两种意义的激活效应, 语义高分解的偏正结构的惯用语存在比喻义的激活效应。研究证实语义分解性在惯用语加工早期即发挥作用, 在加工晚期, 语义高分解的动宾结构的惯用语的多种意义同时激活削弱了两种意义的启动优势。整个研究结果支持惯用语理解的混合表征模型和层级显性意义假说。  相似文献   

Cognitive and Neural Contributions to Understanding the Conceptual System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— The conceptual system contains categorical knowledge about experience that supports the spectrum of cognitive processes. Cognitive science theories assume that categorical knowledge resides in a modular and amodal semantic memory, whereas neuroscience theories assume that categorical knowledge is grounded in the brain's modal systems for perception, action, and affect. Neuroscience has influenced theories of the conceptual system by stressing principles of neural processing in neural networks and by motivating grounded theories of cognition, which propose that simulations of experience represent knowledge. Cognitive science has influenced theories of the conceptual system by documenting conceptual phenomena and symbolic operations that must be grounded in the brain. Significant progress in understanding the conceptual system is most likely to occur if cognitive and neural approaches achieve successful integration.  相似文献   

通过设置不同问题情景引导被试利用乘法运算定律解决数学问题,探讨不同问题情景对小学四、六年级学生运用乘法运算策略的影响。结果表明:(1)被试掌握交换律的情况均好于分配律;即使没有正式学过交换律,四年级被试使用交换律的成绩与六年级被试没有显著差异。(2)六年级被试在同形问题情景中利用分配律线索的成绩好于其它的问题情景,两个年级后进生同形问题的成绩均好于其它问题情景。总体而言,相对于面积问题情景和笛卡尔积问题情景,同形问题表征方式更有利于小学生利用乘法运算策略。  相似文献   

Voutsadakis  George 《Studia Logica》2003,74(1-2):275-311
A category theoretic generalization of the theory of algebraizable deductive systems of Blok and Pigozzi is developed. The theory of institutions of Goguen and Burstall is used to provide the underlying framework which replaces and generalizes the universal algebraic framework based on the notion of a deductive system. The notion of a term -institution is introduced first. Then the notions of quasi-equivalence, strong quasi-equivalence and deductive equivalence are defined for -institutions. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the quasi-equivalence and the deductive equivalence of two term -institutions, based on the relationship between their categories of theories. The results carry over without any complications to institutions, via their associated -institutions. The -institution associated with a deductive system and the institution of equational logic are examined in some detail and serve to illustrate the general theory.  相似文献   

知性思维的合理性问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旷三平 《现代哲学》2003,1(3):16-21,26
本文认为,知性思维尽管是一种“呆板”的、“教条”的思维范式,可它在人的认识过程中还是有一定的合理性存在的范围和根据的。它同辩证思维一样都是人的生存方式和需要的产物,都是人的创造性思维的表现,都是人的认识过程的环节。因此,不能简单地把知性思维与形而上学的思维方式划上等号。我们既要防止知性思维的不合理越界,即用它来反对、否定,甚至取代辩证思维的意义,也要防止辩证思维的不合理越界,即用它来贬低、消解,甚至取代知性思维的作用。  相似文献   


The thesis that meaning is normative has come under much scrutiny of late. However, there are aspects of the view that have received comparatively little critical attention which centre on meaning’s capacity to guide and justify linguistic action. Call such a view ‘justification normativity’ (JN). I outline Zalabardo’s (1997) account of JN and his corresponding argument against reductive-naturalistic meaning-factualism and argue that the argument presents a genuine challenge to account for the guiding role of meaning in linguistic action. I then present a proposal regarding how this challenge may be met. This proposal is then compared to recent work by Ginsborg (2011; 2012), who has outlined an alternative view of the normativity of meaning that explicitly rejects the idea that meanings guide and justify linguistic use. I outline how Ginsborg utilises this notion of normativity in order to provide a positive account of what it is to mean something by an expression which is intended to serve as a response to Kripke’s semantic sceptic. Finally, I argue that Ginsborg’s response to the sceptic is unsatisfactory, and that, insofar as it is able to preserve our intuitive view of meaning’s capacity to guide linguistic action, my proposal is to be preferred.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported a hemispheric asymmetry in processing dominant (e.g., paper) and subordinate (e.g., farmer) associations of ambiguous words (e.g., pen). The majority of these studies, however, applied randomly ordered presentation and collected right-hand responses only. Generating responses solely with the right hand and the randomly ordered presentation of association type might have affected natural hemispheric expertise. We explored the putative relationships between responding hand and experimental design manipulations in processing lexical ambiguity. Ambiguous target words were laterally presented following word pairs that could be associated to the dominant or subordinate meaning of the target word. We manipulated the responding hand and the experimental context by presenting the semantic associations in a random (Experiment 1) and a blocked ordered presentation (Experiment 2). The results of Experiment 2 supported the right hemisphere expertise hypothesis, whereas the results of Experiment 1 can be best explained by the direct access model where stimuli are processed by the hemisphere receiving them first, without relying on hemispheric expertise. We conclude that without manipulating the responding hand, there is a risk of misinterpreting direct access results as evidence for hemispheric expertise. Moreover, we suggest that a blocked ordered presentation might encourage participants to use the expert hemisphere for the blocked factor. A new theoretical framework is presented to explain the findings.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the role of holistic thinking in meaning-making and gratitude during the COVID-19 pandemic. Correlational and mediational evidence showed that participants with high holistic thinking tended to construct more meaning from the pandemic and feel grateful, compared to participants with low holistic thinking (Study 1). Experimental manipulation of holistic thinking elicited behavioral choice for books on life meaning, which predicted gratitude (Study 2). These results cannot be explained by individual differences in the perception of threat (Study 1) or distress (Studies 1–2) associated with the pandemic. They cannot be explained by demographic factors such as age or gender, or cultural constructs such as ethnicity, educational level, or religiosity (Studies 1–2). These findings push understanding forward. They strengthen interdisciplinary links, fusing positive psychology with the social cognition of thinking styles. We discuss promising directions for future research with cross-cultural implications.  相似文献   


In this article I offer a theoretical account of interpretative phenomenological analysis’s (IPA’s) position in relation to meaning-making by participant and researcher. In doing this, I draw on a range of theoretical writing on meaning. I then apply these ideas to a series of empirical studies on pain which I have been involved in. The intention, therefore, is for the article to contribute a theoretically informed and empirically grounded extension to the literature on IPA.  相似文献   

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